Metro, Clark County U.S. needs corporate tax How Trump is announce implementation reform. Does the GOP reshaping United State’s of new gunfire detection really deliver it? policy on Cuba PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Volume 19, Issue 38 November 22-28 , 2017 lasvegastribune.com Metro’s unresponsive action to robbery very questionable EDITED NOT By Rolando Larraz and detectives in a region are more accounts and went away with two Las Vegas Tribune familiar with them. U-Haul trucks that were at the busi- In the year 2014 Sheriff Candi- And he was truthful because ness parking lot; the police were date Joe Lombardo told the daily now financial crimes are routed to called to report the theft, which the paper’s Mike Blasky that “One of the Area Commands because the police officer called a felony. his plans is to change the way Met- unit that should handle robbery, Police Officer Freeman, badge ro investigates some crimes against theft, fraud or any other classifi- number 7329, responded to the call people, such as robberies.” Instead cation, may not be capable of han- and left without saying a word after of a centralized robbery bureau, dling those types of crimes. the victims were not able to respond for example, he wants detectives On November 3rd of this year a satisfactorily to Officer Freeman in the neighborhood substations to downtown business was financially questions. investigate those cases. Criminals divested when two employees emp- He left a piece of paper saying often operate in one area, he said, tied the business’s two small bank (See Robbery Ignored, Page 4) My Point of View Five new revelations in By Rolando Larraz It is Thanksgiving week and I am going to follow the tradition to Russian uranium case thank our Lord for all His blessings By John Solomon those documents reviewed by The throughout the year and for walking The Hill Hill: in front of us, directing our path day Evidence gathered by an FBI 1. Russia saw its purchase of after day. Also, we need to remem- undercover informant conflicts with Uranium One as part of a strat- ber to thank all those who are part several media reports as well as egy to dominate global uranium of our life in one way or another, statements by Justice officials con- markets, including making the in a good, bad or indifferent way cerning the connections between a United States more dependent on And this year I have a lot to be Russian nuclear bribery case and Moscow’s nuclear fuel. thankful for, for many reasons; the Obama administration’s ap- Documents the informant gave without a doubt I have to start with proval of the sale of uranium One the FBI clearly show that the pur- the team of the Garcia snitches, to Russia’s state-owned Rosatom chase of Uranium One was seen by who now all of a sudden have nuclear company. Russia and its American consultants additional names: Chris is named Here are five revelations from (See Uranium Scandal, Page 7) David, Thea Bean, and Cann Bean Garcia; C-Ann Garcia surprisingly now is also named Lou Ann — who Washington Post demanding taught me how to ignore and be in- different to others’ pain, sufferings and problems so no one will be able to steal from me again, or rob an investigation on Clintons me blind while they are protected By Walter W. Murray Marc Thiessen wrote in The Post. by the police to whom they snitch. (HORN NEWS) — It’s not “Russian money found its way I also have to thank the po- often that conservatives side with into the pockets of not only Trump lice department that believe that The Washington Post — but their advisers like Paul Manafort and because I speak with an accent I article Sunday titled, “Yes, the Rick Gates — who were recently should also think with an accent, Clintons should be investigated” indicted by special counsel Robert and who tell me that what the Gar- has Americans on both sides of the S. Mueller III — but also Demo- cias did to me is civil and not crim- aisle agreeing. cratic power lobbyist Tony Podesta, inal, just to protect the snitches who “Ever since Watergate, the man- Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foun- do their job way too easily so they tra of all major corruption inves- dation.” can have more free coffee time, but tigations has been to ‘follow the Of course, the dirty Russian next week I am going to be more money.’ Well, Americans of all money that made their way into clear and explicit with a special political stripes should be outraged the pockets of the Clintons via the article about the vengeance that the by the fact that both Democrats and Uranium One deal is a scandal that police administration is conducting Republicans in Washington are up The Horn News and other conser- against the Las Vegas Tribune and to their eyeballs in Kremlin cash,” (See Clinton Investigation, Page 8) me in particular; this is the week to give thanks not to fight injustices or for dealing with traitors, trash and (remember this particular line Constitution stretched to the breaking point next week) despicable snitches with By Thomas Mitchell Supreme Court to strike the circuit Judas tears. If words can mean anything any- court ruling, saying that if the ruling Yes, I understand that all “fa- one says they mean, then words are stands “then Congress has virtually vors” have a price, and if the police meaningless. That is what the 10th limitless authority, and the Tenth get favors from snitches to solve U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has Amendment is a dead letter,” as many crimes, they have to give done with the Commerce Clause of well as the concept of federalism. back; and if the City of Las Vegas the Constitution. (prairiedogamicusbrief) code enforcement personnel get The appellate court overturned If Nevada is to have any control the services of snitches to find out a federal judge who found that the over any economic activity within about any wrongdoing in their area, Commerce Clause does not give its borders, which include numer- they also have to look the other Congress the power under the Endan- ous endangered and threatened way when something is wrong on gered Species Act (ESA) to regulate species, it is vital that the high court the side of their “helpful eye” that a species that exists only within the reverse this Constitution-rendering keeps them alert and perhaps grants boundaries of one state and has no exercise in legerdemain. them a little more free time to find commercial value whatsoever — spe- The circuit court judges stretched another snitch a few blocks away cifically the Utah prairie dog. the meaning of the Commerce (I’m quoting what I was told) to Nevada has joined with Utah A Utah prairie dog peeks out of an artificial burrow after arriving at a Clause — which gives Congress make their job easier. and 21 other states to ask the U.S. remote site in the desert, some 25 miles away from Cedar City, Utah. (See Utah Prairie Dog, Page 7) But not all the thanks have to be limited to police and code enforce- ment personnel; let’s not forget the Trump declares No. Korea a state sponsor of terrorism judiciary system that has judges By Cortney O’Brien ballistic missile testing, despite re- through Asia earlier this month, the the North Korean threat, which he turning a blind eye when an attor- Townhall peated threats from the U.S. At the president declared that one of his said required “urgent action.” ney appears in court representing In a cabinet meeting Monday, United Nations General Assembly goals was to unite the world against (See North Korea, Page 6) disgraceful suspended attorney President Trump announced that in September, President Trump re- Scott Holper’s client, knowing that the U.S. is placing North Korea ferred to the North Korean dictator part of the attorney’s fee is going back on the list of state sponsors as “rocket man” and warned him to Holper; someone must keep an of terrorism. that if the U.S. is forced to defend eye on this type of conduct because The designation will place “fur- itself or its allies, they will have no when you find behavior like this, ther sanctions and penalties” on the choice but to “totally destroy North you often find a snitch involved. Kim Jong-un regime. Korea.” However, a snitch was not need- With his announcement, Trump “Rocket man is on a suicide mis- ed in the courtroom of Judge Bill reverses a 2008 decision by Pres- sion for himself and for his regime,” Jansen last week when he stopped ident George W. Bush to remove Trump said. “The United States is former Clark County District Attor- North Korea from the list. ready, willing and able, but hope- ney Roy Nelson from “appearing on Under Kim Jong-un, North Ko- fully this will not be necessary.” (See My Point of View, Page 2) rea has been more aggressive in its Following his 12-day trip Page 2 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 22-28, 2017 Metro, Clark County announce implementation of new gunfire detection and alert technology Special to the Las Vegas Tribune The filtered, triangulated informa- for this technology and all it can The Las Vegas Metropolitan tion is then sent immediately to the do to help us reduce gun violence. Police Department and Clark police department.
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