University of Minnesota CAP AND GOWN DAY I CONVOCATION f I Northrop Memorial Auditorium Thursday, May 10, 1934, Eleven-Thirty O'Clock PROGRAM PRESIDENT LoTus DELTA CoFFMAN, Presiding I PROCESSIONAL-"Marche Pontificale" Gounod UNIVERSITY oF MINNESOTA CoNcERT BAND GERALD R. PRESCOTT, Conductor II PRESENTATION OF THE CLASS OF 1934 wALTER G. HARGESHEIMER President of the All-University Senior Class III RESPONSE PRESIDENT LoTus DELTA CoFFMAN, Ph.D., LL.D. IV ANNOUNCEMENT OF ELECTIONS TO HONOR SOCIETIES PRESIDENT LoTus DELTA CoFFMAN V HYMN-"Hail, Minnesota!" Minnesota, hail to thee ! Like the stream that bends to sea, Hail to thee, our College dear! Like the pine that seeks the blue, Thy light shall ever be Minnesota, still for thee A beacon bright and clear ; Thy sons are strong and true. Thy sons and daughters true From thy woods and waters fair, Will proclaim thee near and far ; From thy prairies waving far, They will guard thy fame At thy call they throng, And adore thy name ; With their shout and song, Thou shalt be their Northern Star. Hailing thee their Northern Star. VI RECESSIONAL-Triumphal March from "Aida" Verdi UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CoNCERT BAND FRANCES GILMAN, Harpist I The audience will remain until those in academic costume have left the ball.] SMOKING As a courtesy to those attending functions, and out of respect for the character of the building, be it resolved by tbe Board of Regents that there be printed in the programs of all functions held in the Cyrus Northrop Memorial Auditorium a request that smoking be confined to the lounge rooms which have been provided for the purpose. HONOR SOCIETIES Phi Beta Kappa, Lambda Alpha Psi, Tau Beta Pi, Tau Sigma Delta, Eta Kappa Nu, Pi Tau Sigma, Chi Epsilon, Gamma Sigma Delta, Omicron Nu, Order of the Coif, Alpha Omega Alpha, Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Rho Chi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Iota Sigma Pi, Pi Lambda Theta, Beta Gamma Sigma, Delta Phi Lambda, Delta Sigma Psi, Sigma Epsilon Sigma. HONORS AND PRIZES The Shevlin Fellowships f Four fellowships established by the late Honorable Thomas H. Shevlin Science, Literature, and the Arts f CLIFFORD JosEPH MALONEY Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics RoBERT STUART RicH'ARDSON Medicine RAYMOND WESLEY CuNNINGHAM Chemistry HENRY c. YUTZY f The Caleb Dorr Graduate Research Fellowships Founded by bequest of the late Caleb Dorr. Their purpose is the encourage­ ment of research in any field of agriculture. The holders devote entire time to graduate work. r ANITA GRACE SALLONS REGINALD WILSON SALT ! The Albert Howard Scholarship Awarded to a graduate of the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts RAYMOND PEPINSKY The Clara Ueland Fellowship Awarded to a recent woman graduate of any acceptable college or university for graduate study of problems of government and citizenship AGNES IRENE MORKRID 3 Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association Graduate Fellowships Two fellowships offered annually to graduates of the College of Pharmacy. The purpose is to foster advanced work and research in the scientific and practical fields of pharmacy and related arts EDWARD BRECHT KARL GoLDNER Coffman Foundation Scholarship Offered to a graduate of the College of Education in encouragement of grad­ uate work in education ALVIN B. PETERSON The Johnson Foundation Scholarships Donated by the trustees of the Edward M. and Effie R. Johnson Foundation. Open preferably to juniors and seniors in any college of the university, who have been in residence at least one year. The purpose is to encourage scholarship and thoroughness of training in students who appear capable of unusual service or leadership JoHN H. CARLSON JosEPH DAOUST GERTRUDE EsTERos MILMA D. PETRELL BERNARD PHIU.IPS LuciLLE SPELLMAN JANE L. vAN BRAAK Delta Sigma Psi Scholarship Awarded by Delta Sigma Psi, honorary society, for the advancement of Norwegian culture and literature THORELLA FJOSLIEN The William Jennings Bryan Prize Awarded annually to the writer of the best essay upon a topic in political science ELMER W. FosTER The Alpha Zeta Scholarship Awarded by the active chapter o~ Alpha Zeta. to that male .student who has attained the highest average scholastic record whtle a student 1~ the freshman class in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economtcs JAMES A. BussEY 4 The Caleb Dorr Scholarships and Medals Donated by the late Caleb Dorr of Minneapolis. Awarded to students in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics on the basis of scholastic record Senior medals ENocH B. NoRUM BETTY RAMSDELL Junior scholarships RALPH E. CoMsTocK ELEANOR A. CHALGREN Sophomore scholarships f DONALD L. DAILEY LUCILLE SPELLMAN The Samuel B. Green Scholarship Donated by Mrs. Samuel B. Green and awarded to the senior in Forestry having the highest scholastic record KARL F. ZIEGLER The Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association Scholarship Awarded to that student who is a citizen of the United States, who has resided in Minnesota for the last five years and who has earned the highest average rating at the completion of the first two years in the College of Pharmacy t I REGINALD BECKWITH t The Forensic Medal Awarded to members of the senior class who have participated in intercol­ r legiate debate and have a s'Cholastic average of B GENEVIEVE ARNOLD ( CHARLES EvANS The American Institute of Architects Medal Awarded to the senior in each of the leading architectural colleges of the United States who has the highest scholastic standing throughout his course ! ]OHN c. CARNEY t , Scarab Medal A warded to the student winning first place in a designated design competition f in the regular work of the junior year in the course in architecture I HoLGER N. MoRTENSON 5 Southern Minnesota Medical Association Medal A warded to the senior medical student who has shown the highest degree of excellence during his junior and senior years in the clinical fields of medicine and surgery CHARLEs E. McLENNAN The Lehn and Fink Medal Awarded to that student in the College of Pharmacy who graduates with the highest general average rating EnwARD KADELA The Conference Medal Awarded by the Intercollegiate Conference Athletic Association to the man, graduating in the senior class of each Conference university, who through a course of four scholastic years' residence in the same university, has the highest degree of achievement in his athletic, as well as in his scholastic work MARSHALL WELLS The Wulling Club Key Awarded to that student in the College of Pharmacy who graduates with the second highest general average in the regular four-year course EsTHER ]AHN The John S. Pillsbury Prizes Awarded to the winners of the first three places in the Pillsbury Oratorical Contest First place DoN RIVERS Second place SHIRLEY PRATT Third place GENEVIEVE ARNOLD The Frank H. Peavey Prizes Awarded to the members of the team winning the annual freshman-sophomore debate vVYMj\N }:ACOBSON GoRDON PEHRSON KENNETH N. PETERSON 6 Sigma Delta Chi Scholarship Awards Awards made by national chapter to highest ten per cent of graduates in Journalism }AMES P. EMERSON SIDNEY GoLDISH ALBERT HORLINGS PHILIP POTTER The Chi Omega Prize Awarded to the senior woman student who has excelled in social work in the Department of Sociology FERN FISK The Helen Dwan Prize Awarded for outstanding progress and attainment in music JoAN KouPIS Northwestern Section, American Society of Civil Engineers Prizes Prizes awarded to upperclass students in the course in Civil Engineering on the basis of competition or scholarship, or both First prize MILES S. KERSTEN Second prize ]OHN F. RIPKIN Minnesota Chapter, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Prizes Awarded to three members of the University of Minnesota student chapter of the society for the best original papers in mechanical engineering First prize KAY S. yUE Second prize L. FRANKLIN VoBEYDA , Third prize t GLADYS A. w ALLENE I Tau Beta Pi Prize Awarded to a freshman in the College of Engineering and Architecture the t School of Chemistry, or the School of Mines and Metallurgy on the basis of 'high , scholarship and merit ORVILLE A. BECKLUND 7 Eta Kappa Nu Prize Awarded to the sophomore in electrical engineering who has maintained the highest scholastic standing during his first five quarters in residence RussELL L. NIELSEN The Pi Tau Sigma Prize A warded to the sophomore in mechanical engineering who obtained the high­ est scholastic grades during his freshman year MILO M. BoLSTAD Chi Epsilon Prize in Civil Engineering Offered by Chi Epsilon to the sophomore in civil engineering who has made the highest scholastic record in five quarters of residence RICHARD D. SPRINGER Gargoyle Club Prizes in Architecture Awarded for a special design competition in the School of Architecture First pri::e GEORGE L. THOMPSON Second prize NoRMAN K. FuGELSON Phi Lambda Upsilon Prize Offered by Phi Lambda Upsilon to that male sophomore registered in the School of Chemistry or specializing in agricultural biochemistry, who has the highest scholastic standing at the beginning of the spring quarter EDWARD T. MARSHALL Alpha Chi Sigma Prize Awarded by the Twin City Alumni Association of Alpha Chi Sigma to that male sophomore in the School of Chemistry who has the highest scholastic average at the end of the winter quarter FRANK B. WEST Chemistry Faculty Prize Awarded to that senior who while registered in the School of Chemistry has attained the highest scholastic average in the work of the sophomore and junior years and the first two quarters of the senior year WILLIAM E. LuNDQUIST 8 Rollin E. Cutts Prize in Surgery Awarded to that member of the senior class of the Medical School who pre­ sents the best thesis showing original work upon a surgical subject MoE GoLDSTEIN Southern Minnesota Medical Association Prize Awarded to the senior medical student who has shown a very high degree of r excellence during his junior and senior years in the clinical fields of medicine and surgery MEREDITH C.
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