1880. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1353 By Mr. MILES: The petition of merchants, manufacturers, and con­ By Mr. AMOS TOWNSEND : The petitions of the publishers of the. sumers, that chrome iron ore and bichromate of potash be allowed to Ohio Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio, and of publishers of four other papers~ enter free of duty-to the Committee of Ways and Means. for the abolition of the duty on type-to the Committee of Ways and By Mr. MITCHELL: The petition of 43 late Union soldiers and Means. others, citizens of Arnot, Charleston, and vicinity, Tioga County, · By Mr. TYLER: The petitions of Lewis B. Hubbard, publisher of Pennsylvania., for the early passage of a law providing for the pay­ the Vermont Tribune, Ludlow, and of A. Chandler, publisher of the ment of the difference between the value of greenbacks, in which sol­ Vermont Record and Farmer, Brattleborough, Vermont, of similar diers were paid for their services, and the value of gold· at the time import-to the same committee. of payment-to the Committee on Military AffaiJ:s. By Mr. V ANOE : A paper relating to the claim of A. 1\f. Gudger By Mr. MONROE: The petitions of W.W. Woodruff, publisher of for pay for property ta.ken by the United States Army during the late the Gazette, Oberlin, and of Charles M. Brown, publisher of the Trib­ war-to the Committee on War Claims. une, Sandusky, Ohio, for the abolition of the duty on type-to the By Mr. WASHBURN: ThepetitionofC. Bridgman, L.A. Evans, and Committee of Ways and Means. 200 others, citizens of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, for an appropriation Also, thepetitionofW. W. Woodruff,publisheroftheOberlin (Ohio) of $100,000 for the construction of a lock and dam at Sauk Rapids in Gazette, that materials used in making paper be placed on the free the Mississippi River-to the Committee on Commerce. list, and for a reduction of the duty on printing-paper-to the same By Mr. WRIGHT: The petition of Hugh Brady, Hugh Moony, and. committee. 265 others, citizens of Illinois, for the passage of the bill (H. R. No. By Mr. MORRISON: The petition of druggists of Illinois, for the 269) known as the Wright supplement to the homestead act-to th& removal of the stamp-tax on perfumery, cosmetics, and proprietary Committee on Public Lands. medicines-to the same committee. By Mr. THOMAS L. YOUNG: The petitions of Samuel Alexan­ Also, resolutions of the Grand Army of the Republic, department der and 48 others, and of Frank Griffith and 35 others, of Hamilton of Illinois, against the passage of the bill known as the sixty-surgeon County, Ohio, for the passage of the bill (H. R. No. 4327) to create a bill; also that there be no discrimination between ex-officers and ex­ department of manufactures, mechanics, and mines-to the Commit­ enlisted men in rate of pension ; and also that the pension laws be tee on the Judiciary. so amended as to place on the roll of permanent disability all pen­ sioners who have been on rolls as invalid pensioners for ten years­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. NEAL: The petition of B. Fromm, publisher of the Unsere IN SENATE. Zeit, Chillicothe, Ohio, for the abolition of the duty on type-to the SATURDAY, March 6, 1880. Committee of Ways and Means. By Mr. NICHOLLS: Memorial of John G. Ames, on the subject of Prayer by the Chaplain, REV. J. J. BULLOCK, D. D. furnishing State and other libraries, and literary and scientific insti­ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. tutions, with public documents-to the Committee on the Library. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION. By Mr. O'CONNOR: The petition of Harriot P. Leit.ch, widow of The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a 1-etter from the and executrix of W. G. Leitch, for pay for services rendered by her Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a letter from the Commissioner late husband as surveyor of the port of Charleston-to the Com­ of Pensions submitting a revised estimate of deficiencies for Army mittee of Claims. and Navy pensions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1880; which By Mr. O'NEILL: Memorial of merchants, manufacturers, and con­ was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be sumers of chrome iron ore and bichromate of potash, for the removal printed. of duties on those articles-to the Committee of Ways and Means. MESSAGE FROM: THE HOUSE. By Mr. OVERTON: The petition of C. S. Hornet and 12 others, citizens of Wyalusing, Pennsylvania, for the passage of a bill author­ A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. GEORGE M. izing a department of agriculture-to the Committee on Agriculture. ADAMS, its Clerk, announced that the House had passed the following Also, the petition of C. S. Hornet and 12 others, citizens of Penn­ bill and joint resolution; in which it requested the concurrence of the sylvania, that Congress enact such laws as will alleViate the oppres­ Senate: sions imposed upon the people by the transportation monopolies that A bill (H. R. No. 3351) for the relief of Rev. Paul E. Gillen; and now control the interstate commerce of the country-to the Commit­ A joint resolution (H. R. No.168) authorizing the Secretary of War­ tee on Commerce. to loan certain tents, flags, &c., to the triennial committee of Knights­ Also, the petition of the same parties, that the patent laws be so Templar at Chicago. amended as to make the manufacturer or vendor of patented articles The message also :mnounced that the Honse had concurred in the­ alone responsible for infringement-to the Committee on Patents. amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. No. 3968) for the relief By :Mr. PHILIPS: Ten petitions of publishers of Missouri, for the of certain actual settlers on the Kansas trust and diminished-reserve abolition of the duty on type-t o tbeCommitee of Ways and Means. lands, in the Stn.te of Kansas. By l\Ir. DAVID P. RICHARDSON: -The petition of Oliver Hazzard PETITIONS A.ND ME..'10RIA.LS. and others, of Allegany County, New York, soldiers of the United States Mr. JOHNSTON presented a resolution of the State Agricultural Army, engaged in the late war, for the early passage of a law provid­ Society of Virginia, in favor of a bill creating a department of agri­ ing for the payment of the difference between the value of green­ culture with a. secretary at its head as a Cabinet officer; which was backs, in which they were paid for their services, and the value of referred to the Committee on Agriculture. gold at the time of paymen~to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. THURMAN presented the petition of B. A. Thomas and numer­ By Mr. JOHN S. RICHARDSON: The petition of Darr & Osteen, ous citizens of Rushville, Ohio, remonstrating against the passage of publishersoftheTrueSouthron,Sumter,SouthCarolina, thatmaterials the bill (S. No. 496) providing for the examination and adjudication used in making paper be placed on the free list, and.for a reduction of pension claims; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions .. of the duty on printing-paper, and for the abolition of the duty on Mr. BALDWIN presented the petition of Welstead & Murch, of type-to the Committee of Ways and Means. North Branch, Michigan, praying for the repeal of the law taxing me­ By Mr. ROTHWELL: The petition of G. S. Dann, publisher of the dicinal preparations, perfumery, and cosmetics; which was referred: Star, and of F. A. Dinsmore, publisher of the Grundy County Times, to the Committee on }1.nance. Trenton, Missouri, of similar import-to the same committee. He also presented the petition of the publishers of the Detroit By Mr. SCALES: The petition of E. M. Holt & Son and others, and Graphic, praying for the abolition of the tariff duty upon printing­ of I. H. & W. E. Holt & Co. and others, that prohibitory duties on type; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. chrome iron ore and bichromate of pot ash be removed-to the same Mr. EDMUNDS. I present the memorial of sundry citizens of Cale­ committee. donia County, Vermont, remonstrating against monopolies, &c., one­ Also, the petitions of M. J. Stewart, of Danbury, and of Bradshaw of the usual memorials on that subject. I move its reference to the· & Hackney, of Ashboroagh, North Carolina, for the abolition of the Committee on Commerce. duty on type-to the same committee. The motion was agreed to. By Mr. JAMES W. SINGLETON: The petitions of R. R. Claridge Mr. EDMUNDS. I present also another memorial, from the same and of Clement & Cloff, publishers, of similar import-to the same citizens, I believe, or chiefly so, of Caledonia County, Vermont, com­ committee. plaining of the present abuse of the patent laws, and desiring relief· By Mr. STEELE: The petition of citizens of North Carolina, for a in the respect.a that have been so often mentioned. I move its refer­ post-route from Lumberton to Cotton Valley, North Carolina-to the ence to the Committee on Patents. Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. The motion was agreed to. Also, the petition of W. F. Sandford, publisher of the Pee Dee Mr. PENDLETON presented the memorial of nineteen shoe manu­ (North Caro~ina) Bee, that materials used in making paper be placed facturers of Cincinnati, Ohio, remonstrating against the extension of· on the free list, and for a reduction of the duty on printing-paper­ the patent of the McKay Sewing-Machine Association; which was to the Committee of Ways and Means.
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