UPPER ROOM, American Martyrs' Library, 770 17th St., Manhattan Beach, CA - Jan 2020 BOOKS: TITLE AUTHOR LABEL "… And You Are Christ's": The Charism of Virginity and the Celibate Life Dubay, S.M., Thomas 248 DUB 1001 Reasons Why It's Great to be Catholic Haddad, Robert M. 239 HAD 101 Most Powerful Proverbs in the Bible Lang, J. Stephen 223 LAN 101 Questions and Answers on Saints Evans, George P. 235 EVA 12 Keys to Spiritual Vitality, The: Powerful Lessons on Living Agelessly Johnson, Richard P. 248 JOH 150 Most Important Bible Verses, The Nelson, Thomas 220 NEL 150 Opening and Closing Prayers Koch, Carl 264 KOC 201 Inspirational Stories of the Eucharist Proctor, OSC, Sister Patricia 204 PRO 21 Undeniable Secrets of Marriage, The: Taking Your Relationship to the NextHunt, Level Allen R. 248 HUN 23 Minutes in Hell: One Man's Story About what He Saw, Heard, and Felt in that Wiese,Place of Bill Torment 236 WIE 30 Days to Your Dreams: The How-to Guide for Making them Happen Cloud, Henry 158 CLO 33 Days to Merciful Love: Retreat Companion Gaitley, Michael E., MIC 269 GAI 33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian ConsecrationGaitley, Michael E., MIC 269 GAI 33 Days to Morning Glory: Retreat Companion Gaitley/Younger, Ed.D., Carol R.269 GAI 5-Minute Miracles: Praying for People with Simplicity and Power Schubert, Linda 248 SCH 5500 Questions and Answers on the Holy Bible Zondervan Publishing House 220 ZON 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy Flynn, Vinny 269 FLY 90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life Piper, Don 231 PIP Abandon Yourselves Totally to Me Vlašić, Tomislav 232 VLA Abandonment to Divine Providence Caussade, Jean-Pierre de 248 CAU Abba's Heart: Finding Our Way Back to the Father's Delight Lozano, Neal 231 LOZ Abolition of Man, The Lewis, C. S. 370 LEW About Loving O'Neill, David P. 241 O'NE Abundant Treasures: Meditations on the Many Gifts of the Spirit Svoboda, Melannie 234 SVO Acedia & Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer's Life Norris, Kathleen 92 NOR Activation of Energy Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 128 TEI Active Participation at Mass: What It Is and How to Attain It Buono, Anthony M. 264 BUO Addresses and Homilies Given in Brazil John Paul II, Pope 262 JOH Addresses and Homilies Given in West Germany John Paul II, Pope 262 JOH Addresses and Homilies on Eucumenism, 1978-1980 John Paul II, Pope 262 JOH Advancing through Adversity Stanley, Charles F. 242 STA Advent with Our Lady of Fatima O'Boyle, Donna Marie Cooper 242 O'BO After Vatican II: Trajectories and Hermeneutics Heft, James; O'Malley, John W.282 HEF Afterlife Kelsey, Morton T. 236 KEL Against an Infinite Horizon: The Finger of God in Our Everyday Lives Rolheiser, Ronald 248 ROL Age of "One Fold and One Shepherd" Is Coming: Analysis of World EventsFoglein, Based on Stephen Biblical and A. Christian Prophecies236 FOG All I Need: Meditations on the Master Morrison Suggs, Mary 242 MOR All the Days of Lent: Scripture, Thoughts, and Things to Do during Days of Lent Recker, Colane 242 REC All the People and Places of the Bible Packer, J. I. (James Innell) 220 PAC All Things Considered Chesterton, G. K. 824 CHE All Things New: The Story of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in the L.A. ProvinceWilliams, Mary, CSJ 271 WIL All You Really Need to Know about Prayer, You Can Learn from the Poor Perrotta, Louise 277 PER Alone with God Leclercq, Jean 248 LEC Alone with the Alone: An Eight-Day Retreat Maloney, S.J., George A. 248 MAL Alternative Futures for Worship: 1: General introduction Lee, Bernard J., Ed. 265 LEE Alternative Futures for Worship: 2: Baptism and Confirmation Lee, Bernard J., Ed. 265 LEE Alternative Futures for Worship: 3: The Eucharist Lee, Bernard J., Ed. 265 LEE Alternative Futures for Worship: 4: Reconciliation Lee, Bernard J., Ed. 265 LEE Alternative Futures for Worship: 5: Christian Marriage Lee, Bernard J., Ed. 265 LEE Alternative Futures for Worship: 6: Leadership Ministry in Community Lee, Bernard J., Ed. 265 LEE Alternative Futures for Worship: 7: Anointing of the Sick Lee, Bernard J., Ed. 265 LEE Am I Living a Spiritual Life?: Questions and Answers for Those Who Pray Muto, Susan Annette; Van Kaam,248 Adrian MUT L. Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith Norris, Kathleen 230 NOR Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation Kozol, Jonathan 362 KOZ Page 1 UPPER ROOM, American Martyrs' Library, 770 17th St., Manhattan Beach, CA - Jan 2020 BOOKS: TITLE AUTHOR LABEL Amazing Nearness: Meditations on the Eucharist Dajczer, Tadeusz 234 DAJ Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory, The: Interview with Maria Simma Emmanuel of Medjugorje, Sister236 EMM Amen: Prayers and Blessings from Around the World Slesin, Suzanne 242 SLE AMERICA, The National Catholic Weekly … … American Catholic Almanac, The: Daily Reader of Patriots, Saints, Rogues, andBurch, Ordinary Brian; People Stimpson, who Changed Emily the282 United BUR States American Catholic Dilemma O'Dea, Thomas F. 282 O'DE American Catholic: Saints and Sinners Who Built America's Most Powerful ChurchMorris, Charles 282 MOR American Knight, An: The Life of Colonel John W. Ripley, USMC Fulkerson, Norman J 92 RIP American Martyrs Catholic Church 75th Anniversary American Martyrs Church REF AMC American Martyrs Church: Joy in the Service of God; 1930-1980 American Martyrs Church REF AMC American Martyrs Spirituality Center Blessing, January 22, 2012 Law, Sharon REF LAW American Martyrs: From 1542 Nevins, Albert J. 92 MAR Ancestral Grace: Meeting God in Our Human Story O'Murchu, Diarmuid 233 O'MU Ancient Religions Ferm, Vergilius 290 FER And I Know He Watches Me: God's Comfort for Those Who Hurt Clough, Sandy Lynam 92 CLO And Smoking Flax Shall He Not Quench: Reflections on New Testament ThemesFay, Thomas A. 225 FAY And They Felt No Shame: Christians Reclaiming Their Sexuality Ohanneson, Joan 241 OHA Angel in My House, An Palmer, Tobias 235 PAL Angel Letters Burnham, Sophy 235 BUR Angel Power Connell, Janice T. 235 CON Angel to Watch over Me, An: True Stories of Children's Encounters with AngelsAnderson, Joan Wester 235 AND Angels We Have Heard on High: A Book of Seasonal Blessings Anderson, Joan Wester 242 AND Angels' Little Instruction Book, The: Learning from God's Heavenly MessengersFreeman, Eileen Elias 235 FRE Anglicans and the Roman Catholic Church: Reflections on Recent Cavanaugh, Stephen E. 280 CAV Answering Atheism: How to Make the Case for God with Logic and Charity Horn, Trent 261 HOR Answering the New Atheism: Dismantling Dawkins' Case against God Hahn, Scott 212 HAH Antioch and Rome: New Testament Cradles of Catholic Christianity Brown, Raymond E.; Meier, John274 P. BRO Apostle Paul, The: The Testimony of Joy Amongst Suffering Gioia, Francesco 92 PAU Apostolate of Holy Motherhood, The Miravalle, Mark I. 232 MIR Appearance of Man, The Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 573 TEI Apples of Gold Petty, Jo 248 PET Arguing Religion Barron, Robert 239 BAR Arise Michael, Chester P. 233 MIC Arise, Jerusalem Hiesberger, Jean Marie 249 HIE Armageddon Hickey, Marilyn 236 HIC Art of Christian Listening, The Hart, Thomas N. 253 HAR Art of Living, The Von Hildebrand, Dietrich and Alice241 VonH Art of Loving God, The: Learning to Love and Follow Jesus in Daily Life Hampsch, John H. 248 HAM Art of Prayer, The: An Orthodox Anthology Chariton of Valamo, Igumen 264 CHA Artist's Way, The: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity Cameron, Julia 153 CAM As Bread That Is Broken Van Breemen, S.J., Peter G. 248 Van As Was His Custom: Prayers and Readings for Each Day of the Year Hollings, Michael 242 HOL Ascend: The Catholic Faith for a New Generation Stoltz, Eric 230 STO Ascent of Mount Carmel: A Masterpiece in the Literature of Mysticism John of the Cross, Saint 248 JOH Assisi: History, Art, Spirituality Magro, Pasquale 914 MAG At a Journal Workshop: Basic Text and Guide for Using the Intensive Journal ProcessProgoff, Ira 158 PRO At Home in the Cosmos Toolan, David 231 TOO At Prayer with the Saints Chiffolo, Anthony F. 242 CHI At the Name of Jesus: The Way, The Truth, The Life McGrath, Michael O'Neill 242 McG Athanasius: The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus Gregg, Robert C. 92 ATH Atlas of the Bible, HarperCollins Pritchard, James B. 220 PRI Augustine Reader, An Augustine of Hippo, Saint 230 AUG Autobiography of a Hunted Priest, The Gerard, John 92 GER Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux, The: The Story of a Soul Thérèse de Lisieux, Saint 92 THÉ Page 2 UPPER ROOM, American Martyrs' Library, 770 17th St., Manhattan Beach, CA - Jan 2020 BOOKS: TITLE AUTHOR LABEL Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila, The Teresa of Avila, St. 92 TER Baby's First Nativity (Child's Book) Singer, Muff; Stevenson, Peter 232 SIN Background to the Bible: An Introduction to Scripture Study Murphy, Richard T.A. 220 MUR Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle against World Poverty Yunus, Muhammad 332 YUN Banner Book Wolfe, Betty 246 WOL Banners for Beginners: A Step-By-Step Approach Atwood, Cory 746 ATW Banners with Pizazz Guelzow, Diane 746 GUE Banquet of the Word: Bible Study Based on Sunday Readings Welbers, Rev., Thomas 220 WEL Barabbas Lagerkvist, Pär 839 LAG Basic Catechetical Perspectives Coudreau, François 238 COU Basic Principles of Monastic Spirituality Merton, Thomas 248 MER Basilica of Saint Mark, The: And the Gold Altarpiece Da Villa Urbani, Maria 726 DaV Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, A visit to the Patriarchal Riccitelli, Patrizia; Limardi, Giammarco263 RIC Basilica: The Splendor and the Scandal: Building St.
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