"•■ ' ■• '7 , ■■ ■ ,; , ■' -----• ■■ - - -V. -• , ■ V MONDAY, JULY t, 1861 Average Daily Net Press Run ' The Waatber ^ iO U R TB EN ■ Ver tlM Weitk Ended Fotoeeat of V, SL Weettwr 1 lEni^tttttg % ra l5 June 8, 1881 . - c ■, Moetfy fair, eoel agahl MHlllR^’ 13,330 Low 6e to 58. Tlmndiir, DeAty Bank Assets .Mwaber of the Audit. cloudy, eUght efcaam at m thoofOt J^MmtTown No Herald Biiieeu ef dreulntlea late la day. H|gh near 88. ManchenteiZ^^ Vitlagis Charm H m flnaaes comiAktee of Tomorrow FUNERAL HOME dim oa ShM. AutUtaryv VPW, will At New High .•poMor s Idtchen loclal 't1\ursday «t T:M pjh. at tha VFW *Po*t The Manchester Evening A opo-year Incrmufo MT'8.26 per FUNERAL VOL. LXXX, NO. 233 ^ (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) :HEStER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1961 (ChMilfled AdyerttslBg on Page 26) PRICE FIVE CENTS Herald will not publish' to­ cent In ttEsetalM brought the to­ Hotna. M n. Charles Hirth will be tal aueta of tfinSBKlnga Bank of ' chatnnan. Members and friends morrow, Independence Day. Manchester to an all-time high ot SERVICE .Ma tevited. Refreshments will be Drive carefully! $41,664,732, aa of June SO. WALTER N. ■erred. I '/ ... ........ ' ..... In figures released today by LECLERC Protest Algerian Partition New Haven RR There will be no meeting of the Lynwood K. Elmore, bank presi­ Director J^Qberta Vendrlllo." Claire Des- dent. the bank’s aaaeta increased rosier, Gloria Rutsky, ^Tudy Sut- Sunset Council. Degree of Pocb- $3,179,286 alpce June 30, I960. Delays Special Im , and Ratsieia Vicorito, all of honUs, tonight. The sum m er Call Ml 9-5^69' A gsdn of 4.72 per cent In depoe- 23 Main StfeetTManchester- . Maaehq|ter. haf^ .^kt returned schedule Is one meeting the- third ite for the half year Increased the from a motor tour oT-tho country, Monday during July, Aug,, arid total depoalta by $1,689,274 to $37,- s Battle Board Meeting The flrls toured approximately SO Sept. 475,935. The projected one-year in­ . itatee, visltihg; nabi^al parks, kikL. crease In depoeits Is 0.44 per cent. Hollywood and Disneyland on the Mortgage loans amounted to RANGE Washington, J ^ 5 <JP)—- West Cosu^t. , Mudente Heard $3,086,179, or 14.8 per cent, during President Kennedy , today the past year. rUEL OIL a^ed for nn official ruling Marine Pvt. William S. Wilson, In Drilm dlecital Five-year Increases in opera­ within ^g'lkours on whether son of Mr. and Mrs. William D. tions are as follows: GASOLINE the New Haven Railroad is .1 Wilson, 30 Cole St., completed his 1. AsseU, $16,648,880, OT 60.15 ' recruit train^ June 21 at the Students of Fred Bocchino iMe- per cent. Algiers, July 6 (A^—Moslems staged a 2 4 ^ u f general eligihle for a $5.5 miDion fed­ Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Par­ sented a percussion, recital at'the 2. DeposiU, $14,766,761, or 66 eral loan to formtall bank­ ris Island, S.C. He, is scheduled to American Liegioh Rome^n Thurs­ per cent. strike a i^ battled lYench riot squads in maiiy co^nmunities ruptcy. BANTLY OIL of AlgeriaN^ay to show support for the rebel gove^ment report to Camp Lejeune,' N.C. for day evening. Music was provided 3. Mortgage loans. $17,318,464, The White House said the cOmbal^infentry trslnlng, and then or 128 per cent. I'.iMi'iN), INC. and protest g a in s t a French threat to-partition the.ehuftlj’y. by Tony O’Bright and his orches­ President instructed the Of- Sfafe News Vill receive specialised instruction Elmore said the sharp Increase ; 'I M \l\ - IR'.i;i Unofficial aources said IS per-f Gompanibn %t a aervice school or be assigned tra, and the Barnard Junior High in mortgage Investments reflects sons were killed and about 50 rice of Civil and Defense Mo­ Dance Band under the direction In part;a shift from United States to a unit of the Fleet Marine of Samuel Macaluso. TEL, MItclicll 9-4595 wounded. , bilization - tom bve quickly in Force. Government bonds during the pe­ Arabs iuid other North Africans, Israelis Fire detel^ining^ whether the fi-^ Roundup The numbers presented comaist- riod. ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 aome armed with clubs and knives, Shot Twice There will be no meeting tomor- ed of dance, dixieland, Jasz, big fought French police: and soldiers, ancially ailing line qualifies, " row of the Rotary Club of Man­ band charts, and gymnastics In who responded with rlflq fire and Space Rocket Jor a certificate of defense chester because of the Fourth of percussion. tear gas. ^ essentiality.. Quarrel End 8 July holiday. Guest speaker at the Students taking part were A1 Belekewicz Still Carmienke. Greg Gatal;'''James The action tended to be most At Secret Site , July 11 meeting will ^ Cmdr. Cllf- violent in the smaller town*. Mm - Directors of the deficit.-rid- In Slaying of "fOPd A', tioomis of the Manchester Patulak. James Armstrong,'" Mi­ On Critical List FORFADRICS sive security forces kept the lid qn Moab, Utah, July 6 (JP)—^A — unit o# " ^ U.S; Power Squadron. chael Benevento, Frank Gburski, deh New Haven Railroad swarthy handit flagged down James Mott, Robert TopUff. l>trt Senior Scduts Sail for Europe disturbances in the big coastal Jerusalem, July S (4^—Israel Fairfield Man The m ^ in g will be a r 6:30 p.m. orah Miller, Mrs. John Mortimer,^ Karen Churila, Seth Gartslde, No change is reported In the cities. fired Us first successful-rocket in­ called off a special board a car pf tourists from Rock­ at Uig Manchester Country Club. - Alban. Richard Hansen,. Gerald Nineteen Senior Girl Scouts of Troop 1 with two . leaders were condition of William .Belekewicz, PILCRIM Cambria, and Richard Bocchino, accompanied to New York City Saturday afternoon by almost Gall Gralf. Jane MaUett, Carol Rldyard, Dolores Yofk, Diane But Moslepng attacked police to space today, the government an­ bieeting today in New York ville, Conn., on a desert road Swanson, Bonnie Moore, Frianoes Harrison, .^m Louisa Jeffries, 17, of Coventry, who was critically with bare hands and stones in Al­ Fairfield, July 5 (jip)—-An Gerald 'Cambria participated in 100 parents and friends in three chartered busM. Ilie scout nounced. City ami'd reports that presi- last night, shot, robbed and group sailed at midnight aboard the “Hanseatic” for a two-month Linda Johnson, and MIm Emily Smith. Karen AQtchell arrived injured last Tuesday In an auto­ giers Itself. The ancient Casbah argument between two elder­ a drum- duel with his instructor, too late, for the photograph but on time for the trip. The scouts mobile accident in North Stoning MILLS Seethed with unrest. It was ringed The rocket, a meteorological d e n t i a 1' intervention was left for dead two people gnd Fred Bocchino. toiir of Europe. Bidding “Farewell, Manchester: Hello, Europe” ly men resulted in the death FOR RENT are (kneeling) Roberta Johns, Virginia King, Gloria Trukas, and will spend next IHiesday, July 11, In Manchester, England. (Her­ ton. by barhe.d wire, and troops stood type, was fired from a secret, In­ being sought to save the road fled with a teen-age girl. ald irtiqtb by Oflara). A ’^spokesman at Westerly Hos­ guard. ’ stallation on the Mediterranean. from bankruptcy. pf one of them today. But Charles BooUUroyd, 65, 'lur- 8 and 18 mm. Movie Projectors Frances Nylin. Standing are Marilyn Kaefer, Jackie Cook, Deb- pital, westerly, R. I., where Bele- OPEN TONIOHT Frank Szabo. 70, died in *■■ —sound or silent, also 35 ihm. Mo.slems were enraged at the The government .said the firing No date was set for a new meet­ vived. He was reported In seri­ kevvlcz was rushed after the car Idea that they might be relegated was a ‘‘complete succe.ss.” ing, nor was any reason given for Bridgeport hospital ofv shotgun ous , condition with two bullet slide projectors. Richards Observe High School, fie is married to the In which he was riding hit a tele­ CHENEY HAlX /I wounds. Andrew Somogyi, also former Nsuicy Marie Hanley of HARTFORD RD. / I to the arid Interior of this North The complete government com­ the postponement. wounds in the face. ' Parking Ban phone pole-and tree and overturn­ African territory while the million munique announced: , 1 70, was reported in good condi­ Mrs. Jeanette Sullivan, 40, was WELDON DRUG CO. 25th Anniversary Manchester. 'They have two chil­ ed onto a stone wall, said the Latest development in the road’s tion. ' 901 Main S t Tel. Ml S-SS21 See You at Mt. Nebo dren. European settlers topk over all the “At 4:41 a.m. today a succes.s- struggle for survival was a re­ kUlled, youth -still remains on the critical rich and fertile coast. ful attempt was made to send a ported appeal to President Ken­ Police said the men argued last BOothroyd told s doctor-that the Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Richard, Set for Area list. , • Administrative headquarters In meteorological rocket into space nedy for an immediate $5.5 nril- night in the back yard of a 2-fam- gunman forced Mrs. SulliAtan’s 110 Washington St., ^ celebrated The drivei; of Oie car, George P. Algiers,issued a communique early from the Mediterranean shore. ‘The llon loan to stave off bankruptcy. llj’ house at 2022 Kings Highway, daughter, Denise, 14, into his ait. For Fireworks ShoV^ Crash Survivor Turcotte, 19, and another passen­ In. the afternoon claiming that the rocket \ras planned, built and fired in which they made their home.
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