![United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,707,360 Brasey [45] Date of Patent: Nov](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,707,360 Brasey [45] Date of Patent: Nov. 17, 1987 [54] VASCULOPROTECI‘ING [58] Field of Search .............. .. 424/941, DIG. 15, 94; PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS 514/25, 27, 456 [75] Inventor: Pierre-Noel Brasey, Geneva, [56] References Cited Switzerland PUBLICATIONS Merck Index, 9th ed. Nos. 1240, and 9496, 1976. [73] Assignee: Seuref A.G., Vaduz, Liechtenstein Primary Examiner—J. R. Brown [21] Appl. No.: 857,152 Assistant Examiner—John W. Rollins, Jr. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Bucknam and Archer [22] Filed: Apr. 29, 1986 [57] ABSTRACT [30] Foreign Application Priority Data Pharmaceutical compositions having vasculoprotecting Apr. 30,1985 [CH] Switzerland ....................... .. 1826/85 activity, containing an ubiquinone compound together with one or more compounds of flavanoid, heparinoid, [51] Int. Cl.4 ................... .. A61K 37/48; A61K 31/70; terpenic or glycosidic structure, such as escin, troxeru A61K 31/35 tin, asiaticoside, heparin, delphinidin, tribenoside. [52] US. Cl. ................................... .. 424/941; 5l4/25; 514/27; 514/456; 424/DIG. 15 2 Claims, No Drawings 4,707,360 1 2 Now it has surprisingly been found that ubiquinone VASCULOPROTECI'ING PHARMACEUTICAL compounds, particularly Coenzyme Q10, synergistically COMPOSITIONS enhance the activity of known vasculoprotecting agents, particularly chalones, aurones, ?avones, flava The present invention relates to pharmaceutical com 5 nones, flavanols, flavanonols, flavanediols, leukoan positions containing as the active ingredient one ubiqui thocyanidines, cumarins, hesperidins,_ catechins, an none compound together with known compounds suit thocyanidines, natural or semisynthetic derivatives able for vascular therapy. thereof, or vegetal extracts containing them. Examples of said vasculoprotecting compounds are By means of the combination of the present inven those having ?avonoid, terpenic, glycosidic, heparinoid 10 tion, a marked increase in therapeutic action is obtained, structures, such as escin, rutin, troxerutin, diosmin, in comparison with the one of the single components, asiaticoside, hesperidin, tribenoside, etc. - without toxic or side-effects. The components of the compositions according to The pharmaco-toxycologic tests carried out will be the invention display a synergistic action on the regula hereinafter described, in order to illustrate the advan tion of vascular activity and permeability. 15 tages of the compositions of the present invention. Moreover, said compositions prevent trophic and Coenzyme Q10 is known to have a low toxicity, its metabolic tissular changes as well as those from anoxic DLSQ in rats and mice being respectively higher than conditions, due to impaired vascularization. 500 and 250 mg/kg by intraperitoneal administration, Among the vasculoprotecting agents, particularly and higher than 4 g/kg by subcutaneous administration. known are ?avonoids, whose effectiveness as capillary Flavonoids and heparinoids are also known to be protecting agents, antiedemics and cicatrizants in vasal little toxic, and the combination thereof with Coenzyme diseases has been widely described in literature (Bohr Q10 shows no changes in the toxicity values of the com D. F.——J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 97-243-1949; Gugler ponents. 1:1 Combination of Coenzyme Q10 and an R.—Ges. Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharm.—274-R45-l972; thocyanine, hydroxyethylrutoside or catechin,_showed Haeger K.—Zbl. Phlebol., 6-526-1967; Rozkoch K.— 25 DL50 values higher than 1 g/kg in both rats and mice, Europ. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 3-243-1971; Allen S.—Prac by oral administration. tioner, 205-221-1970). Also the chronic toxicity tests carried out in the rat Similar activities were disclosed for heparin and by oral daily administration of the above combinations heparinoids (Witte S., Thromb. Diath. Hemorrhag, in 1:1 ratio for 30 consecutive days showed no patho 2-146-1958; Jacques L. B.——Ann. NY. Acad. Sci., logic changes in the body weight and in hemathological 115-781-1969; Nicolaides A. N.—Lancet, 2-890-1972). and biochemical parameters. All the ?avonoids, at the vasal level, act to regulate On the contrary, the above combinations proved to the entry of calcium into the cells (Ludwig O.—Med. be surprisingly effective in different pharmacological Welt, 16-1181-1942) and to inhibit any increased effect tests, such as wound-healing time in experimental of lysosomial enzymes, related to pathological condi 35 wounds in the rabbit, rupture resistance of cicatrices in tions (Niches P.-—Angiologica, 8-297-1971). the mouse, antiedemic activitiy in the rat, activity on Moreover, it should be pointed out that the synthesis capillary permeability and ergotamine arteritis in the of glycosaminoglycans, which are among the main rat. components of vasal wall and control its hydropexic In all the above tests a marked synergism between action as well as ion passage, takes place mainly by 40 Coenzyme Q10 and the other vasoprotecting com activation of Golgi apparatus, whose function is condi pounds was evidenced, the obtained results being sur tioned by the availability of respiratory chain, related to prisingly more favourable than the ones obtained using Coenzyme Q10 (Balasz E.—Arthritis-Arthrose Verlag the single components. Haan Huber, Bern Wien, 46-1971; Crane F. L.——“Bi The tests were carried out combining Coenzyme Q10 omedical and Clinical Aspects of Coenzyme Q”, Folk with O-(B-hydroxyethylrutoside), escin (a saponin from ers K. Ed., Vol. 1, Elsevier Amsterdam, 1977, p, 3; Esculus hippocastanum), tribenoside (ethyl 3,5,6-tri-O Lenaz G.—Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., 10-481-1984). benzyl-S-glycofuronoside), delphinidin (anthocyani A de?ciency in oxygen diffusion and utilization, as din), and total extract of Centella asiatica (asiaticoside). well as tissular hypoxic conditions, have been also indi The tests on wound healing activity of the composi cated as causes of vascular diseases and atherosclerosis 50 tions of the invention were carried out on cutaneous (Robertson A. L.——Progr. Biochem. Pharmacol., Vol. wounds in the rat orally treated with prednisolone, 4, p. 305, Karger, Basel, 1968; Zempleny T.—Symposia according to the procedure of J. J. Morton (Morton J. Angiologica Santoriana—-4 Int. Symp., Fribourg-Nyon J. P., Malone M. H.—Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn., l972--Angiologica, 9-429-1972). 196-117-1972). Coenzyme Q10 is known to control the transport of 55 The cicatrization of the cutis of the back of the rat mytochondrial electrons, and consequently to play a previously scari?ed was delayed by oral treatment with role in oxygen utilization and tissue metabolism, since 0.25 mg/kg of prednisolone. tissular and cellular energetic processes are related to The test composition was applied on the wound, after hydrogenion transport (Morton R. A.—Nature, appropriate suspension at different concentrations. 182-1764-1958; Gale P. H.—Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 60 The area of the wound on the third day of treatment 93-211-1961). was measured: the results reported in the following In fact, Coenzyme Q10 avoids the damages caused by Table I evidence a marked synergistic action of the cellular lypoperoxydation, intracellular calcium in compositions of the invention. crease and lysosomial enzyme release, which markedly affect normal cellular and tissular vasal functioning 65 TABLE 1 (Lehedev A. V.—J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol, 14 (Suppl. 3) Dose % 99-1982; Littarru G. P.—Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Compound mg/cm2 cutis Reduction 10491-1984). A 100 22 4,707,360 3 4 of pharmaceutical technique, using pharmaceutically TABLE l-continued acceptable carriers or diluents. Dose % Non-limiting examples of suitable compositions of the Compound mg/cm2 cutis Reduction invention are reported hereinbelow. B l0 l5 5 C 50 11 TABLETS D 25 18 E 25 ll Coenzyme Q10 10 mg+escin 20 mg A + B 100 + 10 65 Coenzyme Q10 50 mg+escin 20 mg A + C 100 + 50 40 Coenzyme Q10 10 mg+hydroxyethylrutoside 300 mg A + D 100 + Z5 56 10 Coenzyme Q10 50 mg+hydroxyethylrutoside 500 mg A + E 100 + 25 63 Coenzyme Q10 10 mg+asiaticoside 10 mg A = Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 50 mg+asiaticoside 10 mg B = Delphinidin C = Escin Coenzyme Q10 l0 mg+tribenoside 400 mg D = Tribenoside Coenzyme Q10 50 mg+tribenoside 500 mg E = Asiaticoside. 15 Coenzyme Q10 10 mg+delphinidin 100 mg Coenzyme Q10 50 mg+delphinidin 200 mg. Oral administration of the compositions of the inven tion also surprisingly increased the rupture resistance of SUGAR-COATED PILLS scars induced in the mouse by incision of cutis of the Coenzyme Q10 10 mg+escin 20 mg back. The treatment was continued during 3 consecu . 20 Coenzyme Q10 50 mg+hydroxyethylrutoside 500 mg . tlve days after surgical suturation of the wound, after Coenzyme Q10 10 mg+tribenoside 500 mg this period the cutis portion containing the scar was Coenzyme Q10 50 mg+tribenoside 500 mg removed, one end thereof was ?xed to a support and the other one was subjected to continuous traction (110 CAPSULES g/minute). The rupture strength results are reported in 25 Coenzyme Q10 10 mg+escin 20 mg Table 2 hereinbelow. Coenzyme Q10 10 mg+tribenoside 400 mg TABLE 2 Coenzyme Q10 50 mg+tribenoside 500 mg Dose % Rupture CREAMS mg/kg resistance Compound (per 05) (in grams) 30 Coenzyme Q10 1% +escin 1% A 25 19 Coenzyme Q10 l%+hydroxyethylrutoside 2% B 100 21 Coenzyme Q10 l%+asiaticoside 1% C 25 16 Coenzyme Q10 l%+tribenoside 1% D 50 15 Coenzyme Q10 l%+delphinidin 1%. E 25 13 A + B 25 + 100 75 35 OINTMENTS A + C 25 + 25 82 A + D 25 + 50 so Coenzyme Q10 l%+escin 1% A + E 25 + 25 95 Coenzyme Q10 1% +sodium heparin 10,000 IU/100 g of A, B, C, D, E = vide Table l. ointment 40 Coenzyme Q10 l%+natural heparinoid 70,000 IU/ g The capillary resistance tests were carried out ac Coenzyme Q10 1% +sulfate glucuronylglycosamino cording to the procedure of Charlier R. (Charlier R., glicane(heparinoid) 200 mg, equal to 400 UHC. Hosslet A., Color M.——Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem, 71-1-1963), by oral treatment for 3 consecutive days of SUPPOSITORIES rats, previously feeded for 2 weeks with a diet lacking in 45 Coenzyme Q10 50 mg+escin 50 mg vitamin P.
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