Tyldesley (The) Coal Co. Limited; ..,...==="""!

Tyldesley (The) Coal Co. Limited; ..,...==="""!

SLATER'S COA TO COL CLASSIFICATION Robinson & Co. Arcade chambers, 96 Desnsgate COAL OWNERS & MERCHANTS--contd. Robinson, Wolstenholme & Co. chief COCOANUT MATTING MAN u:E'ACTURERS. Ba.rgreaves George & Co. (Rosgen­ offices, Arcade chambers,96 Deans• Bee Mat and Matting Manujaduren. dale & Eaxendenl; head office, gate; wharves, Ordsal lane and 'Newchurch- William Roberts, Hope st. Salford ; 317 Broad st. agent, Miles Platting station Pendleton ; Elm st. Castle field; Heushaw Thomas, CASTLE QUAY WHARF,nnder L. & N. W. Railway, Longsight, & COFFEE, &c. MII.I, MA K f:US. Knot Mill viaduct, Chester rd. Hnlms at Southport, Blackpool and Hey­ Hesford Esther, Ordsal Llllle station, Salford wood Su Mt!Z Man'l.tfaetuf'eTI. High Level Coa.l & Brick Co. Limited ( CasaeZ, Roscoe J ames, Ordsa.l Lane Railway station, S • Pruuia), ()o.thedral chambers, Half st. Co.the­ Ryde John & Co. (Hoyland Silkstone dml ya.rd-Frederick Charles Louch, sec Collieries, near Barnsley), 56 COFFEE ROASTERS. JfiE_ George & Son, Canal wharf, Elm st. Water Deansgate,opposite Barton arcade st. & Liv8IJ>OOl rd -See advertisement .Binyons, Robinson & Co. 8 St. Ann's sqnare; 57 Rilton D&nie~& John, 44 Ordsa.llane, S Scowcroft J. & Co. Limited, 49 Black· Oldham st. & 75 Deausgate; office, Hanging Hilton JOBeph, Miles Platting station friars st. and Ordsal Lane station, ditch Hindley Field Coal Co. 27 King st ; collieries, SaHord; 41 Oldha.ll st. Liverpool; Bromiley & Sons (& chicory msnufactnrers), H Bicker3ka.W, near Wigan Crook st. Bolton; & 23 Chapel st. Cateaton st Rindley Green Coal Co. Marsden chambers, 105 Southport; collieries, Hindley Furness William, 39 Chester st. Hnlme MRrket st; collieries, Hindky Green, nesr Green,nea.r Wigan-Thomas South· Manchester Coffee Roasting Co. Brnha.m st. Wigan wortbL secretary and ma.na.ger ; Charter st-Ridley Annstrong, secret&ry HousEHOLD STORES AssociATION, I.-rmTEn,94, Luke <.1 ackson, agent Woodhead Godfrey & Son (&chicory mannfac• 96 & 98 Albert BqllJl.I'B Shaw John & Son; chief cffices, 21 turel'il), 28 Victoria. st Howells John, 22 Grey Mare lane, BJ:!l,dford; Lamb lane; branch office, lOO Cheet­ depot, Beswick RtR.tion ham Hill; chief depot, Miles Platt- Hulton Willio.m Ford, 7 M!Lllchester chambers, ing Railway station 46 Market et; wharves, Ordsal lnne, Salford; Silkstone & Dodworth Coal & Iron Co. Limited, COFFEE TAVERNS & COCOA ROOMS. collieries, Hu.Ucm, near Bolton-Wm. Hurst, Ardwick Railway station, Higher Ardwick­ agent Hamlet Ford, agent City Rooms, 16 Cannon st liutchinson Henry, S5 Fa.ulkner st Silkstone Coal Co. (Job.D. Ryde & City Rooms, 13 Sw!Lll st Hyde & Haughton Colliery Co. 19 George st; Co. ), 56 Deansgate, opposite Barton Coach & Horses, 82 Old ham st-Sa.mnel Philli:pa1 collieries, HytU. arcade-See adver!isement manager Jackson John, offioo & wharf, Miles Platting & Simpson John & Co. 59 Piccadilly, and Midland Duke of Cambridge Tavern, 2 Ogden st Beswick stations Railway depot, Ashton rd. Ardwick-John Duke of Edinburgh, 95 Great Ancoats st Jones Thoma.s, Midl!!.Ud New yard, Ashton ra. Quarmby, agent; chief office, Wellington Duke of Westminster, 226 & 228 Chapel st. 8 Ardwick wharf, Stockport Hen & Chickens, 48 & 50 Regent rd. Salford Ka.y Willia.m A. 4 St. Ann's square Skippers John, 8 Portland grove, Fallowfield Market Tavern, 57a Shudi-:hill-John Barker, Kelsa.ll Brothers, Midland Railway yard, Ashton Smethurst James, 52 Gran by row manager rd. Ardwick-Joseph Alfred Armitsge, agent; Smith & Gregson; centrnl office, 19 Corporation Market Tllovern, Ca.m:pflcld & C!lll&l wharf, Grey st. Openshaw-Thoma.s st; offices & de_pots, Heywood, Oldham, Roe h.­ Prince of Wales, 56 Swa.n st Ka.y, agent; & at Stockport & Hyde dale, & Miles Platting station, Ma.nchester­ Roya.l Oak, Deansgate, corner of Quay st Kinder John, William terrace, RochW!J.e xd. See advertisement Harpnrhey Smith John & Co. (S1lkstone and • Kirk James Co. (Cilll.l, coke & {'.snnel merchsnts), general coal merchants & colliery 8 York st proprietors), 80 Higher Ardwick; COFFEE, TEA. AND DINING ROOMS. Knowles Andrew & Sons, Limited; ... depot, Ardwick Railway station See Dining Room&. Manchester office, 26 King st; Sykes C. K 22 Market-place collieries, Pendleton, Pendlebury, Tyldesley (The) Coal Co. Limited; Agecroft and Clifton ; wharves, central office, 74: Bridge st; canal ..,...============="""!=- Crescent wha.rf&Gaythorn wharf& wharf.: Elm st. Liverpool rd; rail­ George Street wharf, Salford; way aepot, Ordsa.l Lane station­ COE'J<'IN FUR..'IIiiiT ORE MAN Ul<'ACTURERS. Ca.ledon et. Ancoats; Elizabeth st. David Johnson, sole agent Baker Christopher & Sons (Birming· Oldham road; Grant st. Oldham Valentine & Co. 74 Corpomtion st ham-& shroud makers), Stafford road,Miles Platting; & Hyde Road Valentine Brothers & Wrigley; chief chambers, U Brown st-John P. wba.J..:!, Bank et. West Gorton (near depots and offices, Miles Platting Raine, representative the .nyde road Toll Bar)--John and l't'Iossley lngall & Parsons (Birmingkam), 98a Corpomtion Huison,secretary; Edwa.rd Horley, Vernon The Right Hon. Lord (Poynton and st-Joshna Hsmpson, agent agent Worth), Summer place, Higher Ardwick­ T.an<lllilhire & Yorkshira Coal Co. 51 King st- Ellis Warburton, agent JoBeph A. Cook & Co Walmsley James Clifford, 92 Mill st. Lever Ellis & Co. {& csnnel & coke), 6 Piccadilly Bradford, & Beswick and Clayton COLOUR & PAINT MANUFACTURERS Litherland John, Hnlrne Hall rd. Hulme Bridge stations AND DEALI<:RS. M'Niel, Muller & Co. Vaughan chambers, 39 Wharton Hall Colliery Co. New Market st.. .t Railway station, Higher Ardwick Cannon chambers 55 Market st; (See also .A.nilin~ Dye Manufacturers, tic. Oil Ma.rple Fire Cla.y & Coa.l Co. Limited, 21 Ken­ collieries, Little Hulton, near Bol­ Merchants d; also OH d; ColcurmtJn.) nedy ><t-George Payne, secrellltiy ton; wharf, Ordsal lane, Salford­ Midl&n<l Coal Co. 105 Piccadilly, & 118a Oxford Alcock Brothers, 50 & 52 Clarendon st. C on M Richa.rd Collinson. agent Ashcroft Samuel & Co. S Rosamond st. West, a; Bt. Chorlton on Medlock; wharves, Midland Wheeler Samuel & Son; depots: Railway, Ancoats & Ardwick, & MB.nchester, Rosa.mond st. East, Cporlton on Medlock Miles Platting station and coa..L Astbury & (& varnish Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co.'s Goods whart: 4 Meadow st. Ancoats w. s. w. eo. Depot, Ardwick station and stze), 48 King st Whitelow J. L. & A. 2.'39 Oldfield rd. Salford Atkinson C. F. (and agent for the "silicate" Mitchell Goorgo, 19 Edward st. & Miloo Pl!l.tting Wi~an Coal a.nd Iron Company, station Limited; works, Hind.ley, Leigh, paints, petrifying liquid for damp walls, &c.), NEw NoRTH STAFFORDBR11l.E CoAL &ll!.oN Co. 51 Dllllt...:ic st. Shudehill and Wigan; wharvesi Gloucester Baxendale & eo. (also grafnlng and Lm ITED, Csrlton buildings, 17 Cooper st­ st. Oxford st. Castlefi.e d, & Ordsal . J liOOb Willi a.ms, !!ellrnto.ry fine colours & all painters' requi• Lane station, Salford; offices, Sun sites), Miller Street Lead Works Osbaldeaton. Doyle & Co. (and coke & chambers, 15 Market et. and 75 Cl8nnel), 50!1 Stockport road; b=ch Bayer Fredh. & Co. (Elberfeld), 22 Booth st. Oxford st. St. Peter's-John Taylor, Mosley st-Bryce & Rumpff, agents office11, London & North-Westem Railway agent Good!! station, Longsight; wharf, New Ba.nk Bean James, Brighton st. Red bank Wild Richard, 290 Oldham rd. Newton Heath Birch W. Singleton & Sons, Limited, 15 Upton st. Longsight Winders J ames, Labnrnuro Cottage, Mary st. Payton & Hooley, Besvi.ck station st. London rd Harpurhey Brooks & Power, 114 & 116 Long MiTigate Peudlebnry JIUilllR, 48 Granby row Winfield Richard, 51 Corporation et Percival & <Jo. York st. Lower Bl'Otlghron Broughton Paint & Colour Co. Wood's buildings, Winterbottom Brothers & Co. Limited, Welling­ S!Llldon st. Salford Pilling J&mes (a.gsnt), 1 Bsek China lsne1 D&le ton st. Ashton rd. Opensho.w, lilld Royle st. st. Piccadilly Bryce & Rumpff (!Llliline & a.liza.rine), Crown Newton-Hilton Nield, secretary buildings, 22 Booth st Potter & Co. Railway yo.rd, 1Iope st. Sa.l:ford Wolstenholrne Ja.mes & Co. Arcade chambers, 96 Poynton & Worth Collieries; office, Higher Ca.mpion John, 2 Upper Brook st.&77Rushalme Deansga.te, & at Southporl & Blackpool rd. Chorlton on Medlock Ard wick-Elli8 W arblll'ton, agent Woods William & Son (& ca.nnel), 9 George st. Poynton William, 22a Canlll st. Great Aneoa.ts Dearden Ja.mes, Sussex st. Salford & Scot L!Llle colliery, near Wigan Farquhftrson & Co. 221 Stretford rd. Hnlmo street Wrigley Emor G. (Silkstone & South Yorkshire Pritchard John, 65 Jenkinaon st. C nn M, & 46 Foster B. & Co. 19 Cllllsl st. Ancoa.ta ooa.l merchant & colliery proprietor) ; depot, Goadsby & Co. 2, 4 & 6 Albert place, Albed Ordsall&ne, Balford Ardwick Railway station, Higher Ardwick; & Provia c. W. & Co. (and gas coal. bridge ; works, Vickers st. Miles Platting Manor wharf, Pollard st. Ancoa.ts Abrn.ham Griffiths John (crayon), 27 Clowes st. ChApel st.S cannel &: coke contractors to gas Morgan, agent works. &c.), 2 Gore st. Picca.dilly Hill William W. Bronghton Bridge Paint Works, Ransome Andrew (real Old Silk· Sandon st. Sa.lford stone). 22 Piccadilly, and Silkstone Hilton James & Co. (original makers of liquid varnish paints in all coal depot, Ard. wick Railway sta· COBORG MANUFACTURERS. tion. Higher Ardwick coloursl.z_rendleton Lead, Pa.int & Resdy Semael. W.Midltwd N6W ya.rd, Ashton Bee Stuff, tie. Manujactuf'et'l. Colour works, John et. Broad st. N..Ardwiek • Pendleton Richmond :M&rgaret, -r....,e&shin! & Yorkshire Hobdey Hsnry & Sons (paint merc.hsnts), 258 Railway depot, Milllll Platting Oxford st. Chorlton on Medlock Rigg Jamlll! (ooke), 97 Bridge st Holland William S. Corn and Paint Riley John, lAUJcashire & Ymkshire -Rili.lway COCOA MANUFACTURERS. Mills, 5-l Sackville st. Portla,nd st­ depot, Millll! Platting Bee Clhot:oZatl aM Cloeoa Man1ifaehwen. Bee ad111Ttilrem~nt Holt Edmnnd, 273 Dea.nllgate 58 1-n .

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