Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 59 STORRS, CONNECTICUT TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1964 Branches, Student Senate Forzano Makes Debut Plan To Unite In Council The formation of a University plans consisted of a Consolidated Coordinating Council, consisting of Student Government, or one stu- Before State's Writers the Presidents of the student govern- dent government located at Storrs ments of the university branches and with branch representation; Feder- By LEIGH MONTVILLE With these words Rick Forzano, lege player and introduced himself ihe main campus, was tentatively ated, class co-ordinated or area co- "When I was a kid I didn't want the new UConn football coach to Connecticut sports writers assem- agreed upon Saturday at a confer- ordinated, with separate govern- to be a fireman, I wanted to be a named Saturday, shrugged off the bled at a press conference in the ence called by the Branch Study ments at the branches and Storrs, football coach." fact that he had never been a col- Statler Hilton yesterday afternoon Committee of the Storrs Student and separate government for the in Hartford. Senate. whole university. Field Questions The new Husky coach proved The new council, which authori- A dual system of government was ties say may prove to be one of the also considered which consists of himself an ab elmaster of the press most powerful student groups of the the present student government with conference as he fielded questions University, was agreed upon as the the addition of branch representa- and threw back answers on evtry- branch-campus student relations in tives at Storrs. The fifth system dis- thing from Roger Staubauch and first step in solving the problem of cussed was the Independent system, JoJe Bellino to UConn football phi- an effort to coordinate the student where the present government or- osophy. body of the University as whole. ganizations would remain, with the Forzano first said that he felt addition of various coordinating The UCC was agreed upon after honored to be the UConn choice three hours of negotiating, in which committees. and that the two things that im- five other plans were considered. The President Homer D. Babbidge, pressed him about the campus and present at the meeting, emphasized brought him to Storrs. The decid- the importance of deciding what the ing factor he said, were the fac- relationship should be between the ilities themselves and the people Dean May branches and the main campus. of the university, notably President He said that "The problem of the Homer Babbidge and Athletic Di- relationship of the whole and its rector J. O. Christian. Announces parts is one that has been of con- He classified himself as a "gam- cern to thinkers for a long time. bler type coach." and said that he . The decision you reach on how would like to bring an offense sim- Retirement the branches will be tied in with the ilar to that employed by his for- University as a whole is one which mer boss Wajne Hardin. "But not Dr. Elizabetr Eckhardt May. will have a great effect on the ad- dean of the University of Connecti- vancement on the University stu- like the one in the Texas game." cut's School of Home Economics dent society." he quickly added. for the past 11 years, today an- President Victor Schachter, repre- Suit To Personnel nounced that she plans to retire senting the Storrs student govern- However he said that he will from the UConn in September. ment at the meeting, described the HE MAY LOOK SMALL, but Forzane left) told newsmen yesterday suit his offense to the personnel that he had big ideas. "We're going to hit." was the promise he made. The UConn dean, who is one of new council as "one which could he has. If he has a quarterback have tremendous power and im- Charlie Durpo. Navy tackle (center), came to the news conference also. that throws a "side arm slider" he the nation's authorities on work Athletic Director J. O. Christian is on the right. (Campus Photo—Carlson) simplification for handicapped portance in the future. said the Huskies would revert to mothers, said she expects to con- The UCC is only the base for a Woody Hayes type, three yards tinue as a consultant in education a University Student Government at a time, offense. for women and rehabilitation for which will unquestionably be the When asked concerning the deli- hamemakers after she leaves the most important student organization Anglo-Irish Novelist cate field of recruiting Forzano said University. She will live at Brad- in the not too distant future." that he aims primarily at the Con- dock Heights. Md. According to committee chair- necticut football player. But once Since coming to Ihe UConn in man. Jack Carlson, the next step in Speaks In HUB Thursday again going o Woody Hayes for an 1952 from Hood College, Fred- the formation of the council will be example, he cited the Ohio State the discussion of the proposal at Elizabeth Bowen, many times discussion and coffee are also mentor's policy of trying for the erick, Md., Dean May has helped published Anglo-Irish novelist and planned at 3:00 p.m. in the U. N. introduce a number of innovations the various representative student Ohio student first, but of course short story writer, will be presented Room. in home economics programs. She councils. The committee plans to (Continued to Page 8, Col. 3) meet again on February 15, to or- in lecture on January 9, 1964, at A native of Ireland. Miss Bowen and her staff developed a pioneer received her education in England curriculum which offers UConn ganize the mechanics of the coun- 8:00 p.m. in the Student Union Ball- cil. room by the Board of Governors. A where she has spent the major por- students an opportunity to combine tion of her life. She began her lit- Faculty Awards general education with professional erary career as a short story writer, training in one of five home econ- and has been very successful in this Voting Begins omics fields. Petition Seeks To Block field. While at Hood College, Dean She shows a certain cosmopolitan- February 10th May served as academic dean and ism in choosing the setting for her NSA Appropriation works. She is fond of portraying Voting for this year's distinguish- sensitive young people, especially ed faculty awards will be held By SUE CRONIN Charles Sullivan, speaking for girls who are bruised by their en- February 10th through February A petition opposing the manner the petition, said that a campus- vironment and by their less tender 15th. The Student Senate faculty wide election would be best. How- associates. Awards Committee has announced of selection of the Student Gov- eveY. an alternative would be to In all of Elizabeth Bowen's writ- that students can deposit their votes ernment's National Student Associ- elect senators and the president of at the library or the Student Union. the Student Government on plat- ing, time, memory, and place are ation representative and requesting drawn through relationships in Ballots will also be available from that no more funds be appropriated forms of national and international class council representatives. interest to students. which the past and the present are for the NSA until a democratic seen through changing lenses and There will be two $150 awards Vic Schachter. president of the election is held, has been started the acts of childhood assume the and ten honorary certificates given. ASG, is opposed to a campus- ambiguitie of later years. Her theme All 12 winners will be honored at by Charles Sullivan, a member of wide election for the representa- is invariably the upper middle class a banquet and presented framed the ISO party and the Young Con- tive at this time. He feels that since which she knows best. notices of their selection. the NSA is still new. it has not yet servatives. One hundred seven stu- Miss Bowen spent her war years Sophomores Too dents, most of them from North a solid enough base for such an in London, working for the Ministry Campus, have signed the petition. election. He feels that at this time For the first time sophomore* of Information and the Air-Raid De- will be allowed to participate in The petition is as follows: the ASG president is better quali- partment. The war provided the fied the select the representative. the voting as well as juniors and "We, the undersigned, stand op- background for her short stories. seniors. posed lo any appropriation of stu- Schachter said that maybe in a "Ivy Gripped the Steps" and "The few years a campus-wide election Heat of the Day". The\ both con- In order to vote, a student will dent funds by the Student Senate answer several questions on a form. for NSA until such time as this would be possible, but that the idea cern reactions of the civilian under of having the Student Government siege and bombing. These questions will include why University's representatives to the the student thinks he eacher is annual convention are elected dem- president and the Student Senators Dean May As Phyllis Bently has remarked. outstanding. ocratically by the entire student elected on platforms of greater scope would be more feasible. He "Her short stories and novels are body." limited in range. but in regard Basis Of Selection dean of the faculty. Before join- feels that student government is ing the Hood faculty, she held The National Student Associ- to human emotion they are both The awards will be given on the naturally headed in a direction of basis of the most votes received but state and county appointments on ation is a group of representatives greater concern in national and in- deep and wide; there is a poignancy, the Home Economics Extension and intensity in her presentation of a committee member noted that the from student governments through- ternational problems staff of West Virginia University.
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