V o l. 5 6 Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, April 19. 1916 No. 16 man who begins to wash up and wel 1 ci ins t ru ct e( | rends are disinte­ tlm corporation paid in stoel .or sold railroad, 'lie towns and plantations crawl|into iis overcoat lb minutes grating under the destructive action the stork and paid in ca-.li. I n oirh-! through which it will pass have before quirting time will never be ot heavy traffic. 'Hie Federal Govern­ e r case |f Won id constitute tie* ;ic-] abundant fen -t.s and good farming < 111 isi t ii,in of something of nnun v land, hut lack of transportation la- ment should not expend its revenues taken by thescrutf of the neck bv value. ciht ies |has caused them practically tnr maintenance, as by so doing it Opportunity and pushed up the lad­ “ And if the promotion of this rail­ to stand still—many of them actual- England, Germany and der. The'men who are drawing the would not add to tlm stock of good road is carried to the point whieh we Jy to lose* in population — while towns big salaries in this country are the loads, hut it can make conditions hall hereinafter indicate, we shall ! T» r situated have gone forward, a 111 orize t he issue of some amount! ^ !<i demand ot such a railroad is ones who broke the eight-hour law which will bring about tlm de-ired of stock in payment. evidenced by t he willingness ot these six days a week and grabbed Oppor­ results and leave the Fe.mral reve­ small towns to vote contributions. France Agree “ This proceeding does not purport, tunity by the forelock before she had nues tree for the great task oi co­ to ho a financing of tin* proposition. Something of the hopelessness of substantial local aid is sitown in the turned in at the&gate. operating in tlm building of improved The bonds asked for an* a compara­ smallness of these appropriations. roads." tively small fraction of what will ho on one thing, if on no other. They all prohibit There" are more kinds of oppor­ They need the health-giving stimu­ required actually to construct the tunity in the United States than any­ In answer to tlm charge that Fed­ lus of proper transportation facili­ nii road. They are intended only to the sale of alum baking powders. eral help would cause the states to where else on the globe, and the pay organizat ion and engineering ex­ ties. Their natural advantages are supply is increasing. When oppor­ lessen effort and rely upon the cen­ penses to date, to complete surveys, fully as good as many of the towns along the Bangor & Aroostook rail­ There must be a good reason for this. tunity is hitched up to ambition, tral source entirely, the ( ommittee to acquire right of way and terminal sites, and to make some start to­ road, and there is every reason to be­ courage, nerve and hard work—and says: lieve that, given a railroad, their wards choiring tin* right of way. In It is because alum was found to be un­ growth will be as rapid and satisfy­ the greatest of these is hard work "While the contribution on tin* ot her words, they are expected to en­ ing as was that of these towns. The — the combination will make a gen­ part of the Federal Government able the project to he put into such heal thful. Bangor Aroostook railroad has should be substantial, so that results condition that something tangible eral manager out of an errand boy. been built sine*? 1890, and it is inter­ may be shown financiers to interest Opportunity never recognizes the of some magnitude might be accom­ esting to not** the growth and valua- Royal Baking Powder is made of cream them in the construction and equip­ I tion along its line. hard-luck story, for by sad and bit­ plished, such contribution should im­ ment of the railroad. We think that considering the o f tartar, derived from grapes, a natural ter experience site has found that it pose upon the States the duty of con­ " If tin* bonds preyed for in this time, effort and expense already de­ food product, and contains no alum nor is usually associated with a violent tributing in at least as large a meas­ petition are sold, they may or may voted to tin* project, the uncertainty dislike of manuel labor. The reason ure, so that, there may be no insidious not be good, according as whether of ever receiving any recompense th** railroad is not actually built and other questionable ingredients. why there is so much neglected op­ paternalism e s t a b lis h e d , which under which the effort has been equipped. Hut in any event, when made and sustained, and the neces­ portunity kicking around is because would stifle local initiative and self- tin* proceeds are invested they will sity of stiii further work before the we have so many exhausted citizens help. ff the Federal Government hav behind them just what they are undertaking may be said to be safe- ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. who are entirely satisfied with a were to enter upon the building out­ expected to represent and what tiie iy launched—considering all of these money is intended to purchase, diet of oatmeal and plug tobacco. right of a system of national high­ and other equally obvious elements, N e w York namely, the right of way, terminal we think that Mr. Maxfield may Opportuity would come oftener if ways, the temptation would be great sites, engineering work, etc. To this justly be given capital stock of the people would greet it with the glad on the part of States and their >ub- ext nt this preliminary work will jtar value of $100,000 whenever th** hand, instead of mistaking it for a divisions to cease or curtail tln*ir own have been financed from tin* sale of success of the undertaking is as­ bonds alone. Hut. they will also book agent and kicking it off tlm work of improvement in the hope sured, when tin* pioneer work is have belimd tln-m t he benefit of the completed — this in addition to the front porch, that the Fedeia! Government would j promotion work done and to lie done payment from bonds of the note, an ultimately come and make the im­ lo w tlie Automobile Opportunity up t<> that point, just as truly as open account now held by ; ini and Federal Aid provements for (hem. Fit t h erm ore, 111 * > 11 ig 11 it had been paid for. This included in the balance sheet. cannot he withdrawn and whatever Opportunity is something which tiie imposing upon t In- state-, of the '' We hel if \ r t hat when tin* tight Business Has Grown valtl<- it pc-ssesses. will constitute an of way from Moulton to Bancroft knocks at every man’s door once, duty of making' substantial rontribu- Maintenance has been given posi­ equity, or ma rein, for these bonds. and tin* 111 ci! t a i terminals are e- but refuses so kick in tlm lower pan­ t ion will servo 11 a it 11 ll i a tiea “ Ti i *-t el. /re. ci oisit h riiig- the fa ct The remarkable growth of the au­ tive attention in the form of i-Yileral ; qtiired t i,e i a "j* ct may fairly be els. f y the domain upon t:jo ' 11 a i t h * - i - * m 1 y pn 11 m i n;i ru a >r i;. .-'aid to ba\a \ *,e assumed a tangible tom obile business is well illustrated Aid in loads to the several stalest l n I ! Treasury, as * \ feat ti na nei nv of tie n 11 - charact < t . a i "Me! i its promotion by the size of the figures on file at Win mever Opportunity finds a , which the Senate ( ’ o m m i t t: e e on j la II c and that pi ■ ni< c 11 ci w< t k on ' I; e Federal l ca ­ Will then hi lar from retnpleted. the automobile registration depart­ man who really wants to get out of a ! Host off ict's ami l’o>t Roads has nn-| ■ u!i aiitial vahe i:;i- air* ad v W ic I i t I 1 is 1- bun-, the c< mmission conditions Would We : i;| I ! if"\ e (he i<s||.' m ent of the secretary of State’s of­ long, $12-a-week rut, she walks up j braced in its .proposed legislat ion. j i i : t a a Hide, appt -viiic the entail eipia I ly - * \ ('■man nilel- i I) j* ct [ i i i I I t i i 11! S W i i j e ! I Me Mr. M a x 1 i<* 1 d" "l ffiiyoi fice at the State House. The law re­ and rings his door bell, at the same j This subject the A. A. A. National! on t la- States a id n b ■ ;; n ; , ■; i ably mu rule •l'ti: -h.ek quiring registration went into effect time offering him the implements j (tool 1 Roads Hoard has insistently] a t <■ "1' r > - t TIi" A lie rica n . \\ ■in .ra i !s an laid Id * on in 1905 and the receipts that year with which to dig his wav out.
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