Selected Bibliography

Selected Bibliography

SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Primary Sources : 1. Confidential Documents, Reports etc .. West lkngal State Archin's. Calcutta. 2. Confidential Records and Reports. lntclligencL· Reports. l.N ./\. Papers etc .. National 1-~, Archives of~New Delhi. 3. Forward Bloc Editorials and other Netaji Papers. Netaji Research Bureau, Calcutta. 4.Proceedings of Calcutta Corporation; Manuscripts. fortnightly Reports, Calcutta Corporation, W.B. B. Secondary Sources : 1.0. Journals and Bulletins (relevant numbers) Journals (i) Oracle. (ii) Azad Hind. (iii)Asian Affairs. (iv)Modcrn Rcvic\v. 137 (v)Quarterly Review of Historical Studies. ( vi)Paci fie Affairs. Bulletins (i)Bulletins of Netaji Research Bureau. C ·alcutt~l (ii)Bulletins of the Dept. of Enlightenments and ( ulture. Indian Independence League, Singapore. 2.0. Speeches, Writings and Letters by Subhas Chandra Bose. Subhas Chandra Bose. An Indian Pilgrim. Asia Publishing I louse. Bombay, 1965. Correspondence. I 92./-32. Nctaji Research Htll\.'CltL ( ·alcutt;L 1%7. Crossroads. Neu~ji Research l3ure<~u. t ai ,ttlu. : ~~~<; --Fundamental Questions oft he lndwn Rcm/111 :ou. ~~etaii Research Bureau. Calcutta, 1970. Impression in Life, Hero Puhlicatinn.". l :thl'l 1<)7:' ---The Indian Struggle, 1920-42, Asia Publishin~ !louse. Bombay. 1964. The Mission ofLife, Thacker Spink and< \1. l td. ( ·alcutta. 19.'i3. Through Congress Eyes, Kitabistan, Allahal:ad. l 1J38. 138 Amar Lahiri, Said S'uhhas Bose. Book House. ( '<~icutta. 1947. Arun (ed.), Testament ofSuhhas Bose (Being a complete and authentic record ofNetaji's Broadcast speeches, Press statements <..'k durin~ the 'car l 94=:-45), Raj kama! Publications, Delhi, 1946. Blood Bath (Collection of Speeches by Nctaji Sublws Chandra Bose. Published by Indian Independence League, Burma, 19441 . .layasr~..·c i>mkashan. Calcutta. 1996. Durlabh Singh (ed.), Netaji S/Jeaks to the ;\'at ion. l .alwrc. I ()4(). G.C. Jain (ed.). On Lo Delhi (Speeches and \\ nti ·~ {)[ \c·tai: Subhas Chandra Bose), Saraswati Pustak Mandir. Delhi. 19-l(• Ganpat Rai (ed.), Famous ,)/leechn and l.e!len ur ,.,·uhhu.' ( /wndro Ho.1·i'. !.ion Press, Lahore, 1946. J.S.Bright (ed.) Important .Speech and Writings ojS( ·Hose. The Indian Printing Works, Lahore. 1946. -Selected Speeches of5,'uhhas Chandra Hose. Pllhlications J)i,·ision. Govt. of India, 1962. Narayan Menon (ed.), On with the Fig)ll (Speeches oi' Subhas Chandra Bose), Indian Independence League, Singapore. l 944. Sisir K, Bose (ed.), Netaji C'o/lected rVorks. l of I. Nctaji Research Bureau Calcutta, 1980. --Netaji Collected iflorks, Vol. 2. Netaji Res~:arch Bur~:au. Calcutta. I <Jl-: I. --Netaji Co/lected Works, Vol. 3, Netaj i Research Bureau, Calcutta, 1981. --Netaji Col/ecled Works, Vol. .f.. Netaji Research Bureau. Calcutta. l9X2. ---Netaji Collected Works, Vo/.5. Nctaji Res~:arch f~ureau. Caleutta. l9X5 .. 139 Sisir K.Bose and Sugata Bose (ed. ). .\ctuii ( nlhl :d !(,Jrks I d. o. Netaji Research Bureau, Calcutta. 1987 --Nelaji Collected Works. I 'o/. 8 .. Oxford l niVL'r'>l\) Press. l klhi. 1994. --Netaji Co!fecled Works. Vol. 9 .. Oxford Universit) Press. Delhi, 1995. Netaji Co!lec!ed Works, Vol. 10 .. Oxford l inivcrsity Press. Delhi. 1998. Netaji Collected Works. Vol. I/ .. NL·taj i Research l3ureau. Calcutla and Permanent Black, Delhi; 2002. 3. Books on Subhas Chandra Bose. Ahluwalia, B.K., Netaji and Gandhi. Harman Publishers. New Delhi. 1983. --B.K., Netaji and Gandhi, Indian Academic Publishers, New Delhi. 1982. Ayer. S.A., Unto Him a Witness, Thacker and Co., Bombay, 1951. --The Story ofthe INA, National Book Trust, India. New Delhi. 1972. Bhargava, Motilal, Netaji ,)'uhhas Chandra Bose in South-Ea.\'! Asia and India's Liberation War, Vishwavidya. Nev, Delhi. l9:0C. Bhargava Motilal, Indian National Army. Tokvo ( wll'fs. 1\eliancc Publishing House, New Delhi. 1986. --~and Americk Singh Gill. Indian Nutionu/ .lrt/1\ ~---~ Secret Service. Reliance Publishing House, New Delhi, 1988. 140 Battacharya, S.N .. Suhhas Chahdru Bose in Se/f~exile . !lis Finest Hour. Metropolitan Books, New Delhi, 1975. Bose, Asoke Nath. My Uncle Netaji. Esem Publications. Calcutta 1977. Bose. Sisir K., Werth. Alexander. Aver. S .. \ !L'd.i. 1 /$eucuu .lci'IJss Asia. Orient Longman. New Delhi. 1973 . .. ~ .. The Great Escape. Nctaji Research Burc:.tu. ( ·alcutta. The Flaming S\vonl Forever Un\hcutlied . i ( OIICJ\C Hill,\!. I u;>li.\ uf ,\o'etoii S'uhhas Chandra Bose. Liberty Publishers.\. akutta. 1'~/-\(> Bose, Mihir. The Lost Hero. Quarter Books. l om!on. 19S=' Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Suhhas Chandru /3me 111UI ,\fiddle ('lass Radicalism, Oxford University Press, Delhi. 1990. Chatterji. Major General A. C.. india's Struggh fur Freedom. Chackravartty, Chatterjee and Co. Ltd., Calcutta. IY47. Chatterjee, Subhas Chabndra, Suhhas C'Jumdro /iul(' .\fu11. Mission and Means, Minerva, Calcutta, 1989. Chaudhuri, Kali Prasanna, Nelaji and India. Author. Shillong. 1956. Chattopadhya, Gautam, Suhhas Chandra Bose A Biography, National Council of Educational Research and Training. New Delhi. !997. Corr. Gerard H., The War ofthe S/Jringing Tigers. ( )sprcy publishing Ltd .. London. 1975. Das. S.A and Subbaiah. K. ('halo /)c/hi !\\ ith a Forward by John A Thivy ) Author. Kualalampur, 1946. Das, Harihara. Subhas ( 'handru Bose .'lnd tile ind/(/11 ,\utionu/ .\lovemen!, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 1983. 141 Dasgupta, Hemendranath, Subhas Chandra, Jyoti Prokasalaya. Calcutta. 1946. Desai, Bhulabhai, J, INA Defence. INA Defence Committee. Delhi. 1945. Fay, Peter Ward, The Forgotten Army. Indios .lnned Srmr:,gle /or Independence. 1942- I 945. Rupa & Co., Calcutta. 1994 Ghosh. Am ita. lVetaji A Realist and !I I isionun. V1 ia) :-\i:t cc Lnterpriscs. Varanasi, 1986. Ghosh, J.N., Netaji Subhas Chandra. Orient Bth\k C(l .. Calcutta. Jl)46. Ghosh, K.K. The Indian National Army .\'econd hont of the Indian Independence Movement, Meenakshi Prakashan, Meerut. 1969. Giani, K.S .. Indian Independence Movement in F:a.11 ,L\io. Singh Brothers. Lahore, 1947. Gordon, Leonard A.. Brothers /l,gainst the Rni .•/ Uiograehy o/ Sara! and Subhas Chandra Bose, Rupa & Co .. 1997. Goel, Sita Ram, Netc~ji and the CPl. Society lor /Jejcncl! of J./·cedolil in Asia. Calcutta, 1955. Grover. Vcrinder (ed.), Subhas ( 'handra Bose. Deer and Deep Publications. New Delhi, 1991. Guha, Samar, The Mahatma and the Netaji Two Men of Destin;y· ollndia, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd .. Nevv Delhi. 191\6 !Iauner. Milan. India in ./xis Stratcg1 (,,,_,).·.;·· .. >,;•· ,.,,({ /n' "' \.·llr'll!l!ist in the S'econd World War. Klett-Cotta. Stuttgart. I 'It~ l Hayashida. Tatsuo. lv'etaii .<-:uhhas ( 'hundru lin.' c . \ t lic'll Puhl ishcrs. Bomhay. 1970. 142 Jhaveri. Y.K. and Batlivala, S.S. (cd.), .Jm /lind lhe /)/orr o(u Rehel Daughter (?llndia with the Rani of' Jhansi Regiment, Janmahhu~)mi Prakashan Mandir. Bombay, 1945. Jhaveri, V .K. (ed.), f'reedom 's Bailie, Editor. Bombay. ILJ4 7. Jog, N.G., In Freedom's Quest : A Biography of ,tv'eruji S'uhhas ( 'hundra Bose. Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1969. Kar, Jasobanta, The lv'evv Horizon Netaii 's C 'oncepl o/ re(lism. K.P.Bagchi and Co., Calcutta 1978. Subhas Chandra Bose : The ,Han and His Mind. ~lincrva. Calcutta. 1988. · Subhas Chandra Bose as a lvfunic.:ipal Admimsrrotor, article published in the book 'Political Miscellany' K.P. Bagchi, Calcutta. J9g6. · British Imperialism through Netaji 's lens : i\rlicles published in the Quarterly Review of Historical Studies, Calcutta. Vol. XXX No. 2/Yol.XXX Nos.3/4/ Voi.XXXI No.I/Voi. XXXI Nos. 2&3. l qq(U)l Did Subhas Bose have a polilical l'hilnsu1;in '! ;\rticlc published m the Viswabharati Quarterly. Netaji number l ()<)7 Kar, Jasobanta, J'vfilitant Nationalism and .\uhhw ( 'fwmlru Hose 1\rtick Published in the book Subhas Chandra Bose in histoncal perspl:ctive published by the Institute of Historical Studies. Calcutta. 1999 Netaii. the I.N.A. and War Crime. National Nctaji Seminar. North Bengal University, 1998. Khan. Shahnawaz. A~r .vlemories o/ /,\.1 unrl ;,, \, :u.r!. Rajbn1;d Publications. Delhi, 1946 . .. 143 Khosla, G.D., Last Days of Ndaji. l'homs~'ll Pr,~sstlmila)Ltd. Publication Division, Dclhi.1974. Kiani, Maj.Gcn .. Mohammad Zaman, India s Frenlon1 >:u·u~,"'.IL' ami the Cireat INA. Reliance Publishing House, New Delhi. !994. KurtL Kitty, Subhas C'handra Bose As 1 kne11 Jfim. hrma K.L. :V1ukhopadhyay, Calcutta. 1966. Lcbra. Joyce C. Jun~le Alliance . .!Uf!l/1.' <IIlli r/,· 11 /iliii!/ \u!/(11/(// if'lll\'. \sia Pacific Press. Singapore. 1971. M~jumdar, S.K. Evolution of Netaji !'he IFurmn f'ropher of India (Nctaji Oration, 1967), Netaji Research Bureau, ( ·alcutta. !9(J() Maikap, Satish Chandra : Netaji Suhhas ( 'handra 8ose and Indian War of' Independence, Punancha Publication, Calcutta, 1998. Malhotra, Uttam Chand, When Bose was Ziauddin. Raikamal Publications, Delhi, 1946. Markandeya, Subodh, Subhas Chandra Bose. Arnold Publishers. Bangalore. 1990. Menon, Narayan, Two Years with .Netaji. ]rd cdn .. :Vlangalmlayam. Trichur. 1958. Mookcrjcc, Dr. Girija K .. Suhhas ( 'lwndru h'o1( l'uhlic:ttillns Di\ isions. ( lovt. of India, 1975. Mukerjee, Hiren, Bow of Burning Gold .· A Study of Suhhas Chandra Bose, People's Publishing House, New Delhi, 1977. 144 Mookerjcc. Nand a. NL'Iaii Through ( lt'IIIIUII i' 11 · 1977. Suhhas Chandra Bose . The /3ritish J>res\ /uielli,\!.t'l!ce und Parliament . .layasree Prakashan, Calcutta, 1981. --- Vivekananda 's ln.fluence on Suhhas. 2nd edn .. Jayasrce Prakashan. Calcutta 1987. Muller, Edmund and Bhattachatjee, A .. S'uhlws ( 'hundru /Jose and Indian Freedom Struggle. Ashish Publishing House. 198) Mulkar, M.G., INA Soldier's DiW}'. Oriental /\gene:. Calcutta. 194 7. Nag Choudhury, Nemai, Subhas C'handrn and ,\'ocialisnz. Book Land. Calcutta. 1965. Nair, Kusum. The Story of the INA. Padma PublicatiPns. Bombay. 1946. Netaji Institute for Asian Studies, Calcutta. Suhhas Chandra Bose - Facets of a Great Patriot, Published in 1996. Oshawa. J.CJ .. Two Great Indians in .lufJWI Ru.·h f1ciwn Huw u/](1 ,\'ubhus Chandra Bose. Kusa publications. ( ·alcutta. Jll.'i.; Palta, K.R., My Adventures H'ith the 1.,\ .

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