CLUB ADEME International EXPORT CATALOGUE 2016 - 2017 TECHNOLOGIES AND SERVICES OF FRENCH ECO-COMPANIES www.clubinternational.ademe.fr This document is published by ADEME ADEME 20, avenue du Grésillé BP 90406 | 49004 Angers Cedex 01 Photo credits: Shutterstock Graphic design: Agence L'Effet Papillon Printed by: Printed in France on eco-certified paper. Eco-certified printer Imprim’vert. Brochure no. 010073 ISBN : 979-10-297-0657-8 - November 2016 - 500 copies Mandatory deposit and copyright registration: ©ADEME Éditions, november 2016 Any representation or reproduction of the contents herein, in whole or in part, without the consent of the author(s) or their assignees or successors, is illicit under the French Intellectual Property Code (article L 122-4) and consti- tutes an infringement of copyright subject to penal sanctions. Authorised copying (article 122-5) is restricted to copies or reproductions for private use by the copier alone, excluding collective or group use, and limited to short citations and analyses integrated into works of a critical, pedagogical or informational nature, subject to compliance with the stipulations of articles L 122-10 – L 122-12 incl. of the Intellectual Property Code pertaining to reproduction by reprographic means. SUMMARY About ADEME The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) is a public agency under the joint authority of the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, and the Ministry for Higher Education and Research. The agency is active in the implementation of public policy in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. ADEME provides expertise and advisory services to businesses, local authorities and communities, government bodies and the public at large, to enable them to establish and consolidate their environmental action. As part of this work the agency helps finance projects, from research to implementation, in the areas of waste management, soil conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy, air quality and noise abatement. www.ademe.fr SUMMARY Editorial from the president The transition to a low carbon In 2016 a milestone was world opens new opportunities reached, universal Paris Agree- which are all used to promote ment on climate came into French expertise abroad. We force on 4 November, less than see it with the access to energy a year after COP21. This is a projects in Africa and the deve- remarkable achievement when lopment of low carbon areas we remember the eight years in Asia. The energy transition set by the Kyoto Accord to enter is underway and the French into force. eco-companies are at the fore- front of the fight for the climate. Obviously much more is needed for its practical implementa- The energy transition law tion, but I am quite optimistic adopted for green growth there because the real success of are now more than a year sets the Paris conference, this was Club ADEME International up the framework and condi- not the Agreement, it was also which has over a hundred tions for the spread of climate and above all the rise of civil French eco-companies will and energy initiatives in the society. Economic actors are celebrate its 20th anniversary territories. Territorial energy the spearheads of this dynamic in 2017. Since 1997, the club and climate plans expanded action, essential to achieve our based on a dialogue between with air, strengthening actions goals in the fight against global public and private stakeholders in the area of waste manage- warming. on the themes of innovation ment and circular economy ... at the international level, is a while a set of actions that help ADEME must be increasingly privileged network for the deve- to give visibility to companies agile to accompany all the lopment of innovative green and many return to experiences players to this low-carbon industries for export. that will enable them to have an society. We wish the Club edge to meet the competition of ADEME International continues international markets. to be part of this dynamic, approaching the future invest- ment program that supports more innovative SMEs. In this catalog, Club ADEME International presents an overview of technologies and services offered by the French eco-companies, which are already the tools that allow us to address environmental challenges, energy and climate that we face. Good reading! Bruno Lechevin President of ADEME PAGE 4 Technologies and services of French eco-companies SUMMARY Club ADEME International SUPPORTING THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPING INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF FRENCH OFFERS FOR EXPORT ECO-INNOVATION Networking, sharing experience, and better Founded in 1997 at the initiative of ADEME and coor-dination of public and private-sector sponsored by the French government minis- know-how are the forces that drive numerous tries for Ecology, Industry and Foreign Trade, showcase and demonstration projects each Club ADEME International brings together over year. Among these good practices, several « one hundred in-novative French eco-compa- integrated offers » for ex-port have been deve- nies active in the world sustainable develop- loped thanks to Club ADEME International. ment market. Piloted by ADEME, this network aims to Some examples: support French eco-companies, for the deve- • In the air quality sector: Aria Technologies is lopment of collaborative innovative interna- wor-king in partnership with Leosphere and tional projects. The Club promotes French Météo France International on an air quality eco-technology integrated offer at the interna- integrated offer in Southeast Asia (Indonesia tional scale. and China). Club ADEME International offers its membership, offers to its members companies • The Union de Maîtrise d’œuvre (UMO) consor- a wide range of services, in particular: tium is a group of six French eco-companies that are active in the sustainable cities market • reinforced public/private cooperation, in in Chi-na, namely: BURGEAP, METEODYN, partnership with ADEME; IRIS Conseil, TERAO, TISSEYRE & ASSOCIES, • networking opportunities with exporting and AOA. This consortium has been created compa-nies, to encourage sharing of good to develop a global and multi-disciplinary practices and initiating collective offers; approach to project mana-gement, and to find concrete solutions at all pro-ject scales, • mobilisation of its members on European from green buildings, to eco-neighbou- and in-ternational programmes and tenders, rhoods and sustainable cities. • valorisation of good practices in the Club • French companies Bérim, Altereo and Groupe ADEME International newsletter, the Export Merlin are associated in a joint venture with Catalogue, the club’s website, etc; the Archetype company (200 employees based in Vietnam), to spearhead a collective • meetings with foreign delegations, and offensive to tackle environmental markets in participa-tion in national and international Southeast Asia. events. Club ADEME International enterprises are active in the following sectors: engineering, equipment, trai-ning, commercialisation and MORE INFORMATION : distribution of products and services addres- www.clubinternational.ademe.fr sing environmental and climate issues. Among these companies are some 15 corpo-rations that are European and world leaders in their sectors of activity. The international turnover of Club members doubled, on average, between 2008 and 2012. www.clubinternational.ademe.fr PAGE 5 SUMMARY A word from the delegate general OF THE CLUB ADEME INTERNATIONAL putting Africa at the heart of build shared offers and enjoy its priorities in 2013, turning to this green growth as expected. the world of Start-Up and inno- vation through Investments Faithful to Club ADEME Interna- for the future, by mobilizing tional since its creation, I could the COP21 and the implemen- appreciate its evolution and tation of the Agreement from strengthening the role of ADEME. Paris. It is through the work Today elected until the end of done by the Club today we are 2017 to the position of General recognized as the voice of the Manager of businesses, I have French eco-SMEs internatio- great pleasure in representing nally. An asset leverage to work companies in the network, to increasingly together with inter- be Ambassador Club for export national development actors and carry the voice of French that are Business France, AFD, SMEs to stakeholders Interna- DG treasure, the MAEDI, Medef tional development. International, Vivapolis ... Club ADEME International Beyond these successes while The coming year promises to will celebrate in 2017 its 20th working for evolution and be exciting and the 20 years of anniversary. Who would have improvement of services of the the Club, will be an opportunity thought 20 years ago that this Club ADEME International was to mobilize the network and tool developed by the vision of launched by the team. It is up to the position more than ever at a few people within the ADEME your needs but also to evaluate the heart of low carbon offers enjoys such success. the action of the club in terms of Eco-French SMEs. maturities arriving in 2017. On a dozen SMEs today the club All the best! has more than 110 member The implementation of the companies the most innovative Paris Agreement, ratified on and most successful interna- November 4 will enable the tionally that you will find in this acceleration of the dynamics Olivier Decherf catalog available on the web. It of the energy and ecological is within this dynamic eco-com- Transition. Already we see Delegate General panies network that is born of appear the theme of climate of the Club ADEME the projects that will exchange in international tenders still good practices and the business underdeveloped there are only international contacts are formed, all led by two years. The price of carbon an increasingly active dedicated returned to the stage and the team. post era COP22 will give birth to new financing mechanisms ADEME has created the condi- to accelerate the financing of tions for the Club to be a place low-carbon projects, particu- of exchange between the larly in the South.
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