JUNE 2014 - Volume 12 Number 06 日本ヴェダンタ協会ニュースレター The Vedanta Kyokai Newsletter NEWS, UPDATES AND MISCELLANY FROM THE VEDANTA SOCIETY OF JAPAN JULY Calendar z z Thus Spake "Don't be afraid. Human birth is full of suffering and one has to endure every- thing patiently, taking the name of God. None, not even God in human form, can escape the sufferings of body and mind." - Sri Sarada Devi Sage Vyasa “No one should abandon duties because he sees defects in them. Every action, every activity, is surrounded by defects as a fire is surrounded by smoke.” Birthdays - Sri Krishna Guru Purnima Saturday, 12 July Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Birth Anniversary Swami Ramakrishnananda Concluding Celebration Held in Japan Thursday, 24 July On Sunday, May 25, 2014, the Vedanta Society of Japan officially Kyokai Events brought its exhaustive year-long calendar of events commemorating the 150th birth anniversary of Ramakrishna Math and Mission founder, • June Zushi Retreat • Swami Vivekananda, to a concise and enthusiastic close. With the con- tinued support of the Indian Embassy of Japan and in collaboration with NEW DATE Seisen University, the Closing Ceremony was held in Seisen’s spacious 2nd Sunday in July auditorium with doors opening at 15:30. Admission was free. 13 July 10:30AM • Summer Retreat • For weeks prior Swami Medhasananda, President, Vedanta Society of Japan (Nippon Vedanta Kyokai) managed the teams of volunteers in Wakayama Prefecture planning the myriad of details involved in scheduling, preparing, deliver- Mount Kōya Nannin ing and setting up of so many items, including the many speaker transla- At Kōyasan Shingon-shū tion overheads, spotlights, audio and video systems, table settings, spe- July 19~21 cial release packages, bouquets, etc., and of course, the musicians, Talk by dancers and singers perfecting their performances. Swami Medhasananda (con’t page 2) “The Practice of Karma Yoga” In this Issue: ... page 7 Address: • Thus Spake … page 1 • Swami Vivekananda 150th Birth An- 680 Koyasan, niversary Concluding Celebration Wel- • Monthly Calendar … page 1 Koya, Ito District, come Address by Swami Medhasananda Wakayama 648-0211 • Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Birth ... page 8 Contact Zushi Centre to Anniversary Concluding Celebration • Thought of the Month ... page 9 Sign Up Today! Held in Japan ... page 1 • Message from Revered Swami • News Briefs ... page 12 nnn Atmasthanandaji, President, Rama- krishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission • A Story to Remember ... page 13 The Vedanta Kyokai Newsletter - June Volume 12 Number 06 Page 1 of 13 150th Close (from page1) Promptly at 16:00 the stage curtain opened to seated speakers center stage- In the foyer a provisional bookstore offering right and -left; downstage-left a life-sized, discounted Ramakrishna-Vivekananda lit- framed, colour photo of Swami erature in both Japanese and English, an Vivekananda adorned with beautifully ar- assortment of altar photographs, audio cas- ranged bouquets stood; at upstage right settes and CDs, incense, etc., was manned the team of English- and Japanese- MCs by multilingual volunteers. A photo exhibit began their introductions as a pair of covering all the Society’s events and col- swamis and pairs of male and female laborations of the yearlong celebrations of devotees dressed in kurta and sari bowed Swamiji’s 150th Birth Anniversary was also to the audience and to Swami set up opposite the bookstore. A reception Vivekananda, who then offered Vedic desk was centrally set up to provide each Peace Prayers to commence the event. attendee with a programme, a special edi- Special bouquets were offered to all the tion of the Society’s magazine, ‘The Univer- guests by children of the Society, and spe- sal Gospel, plus a copy of ‘Arise and cial guest speaker Swami Suhitanandaji, Awake,’ a booklet compilation of Swamiji’s General Secretary, Ramakrishna Math and inspiring messages and a copy of ‘Anec- Mission, was assisted by Swami Medhas- dotes of the Life of Swami Vivekananda, ananda in offering a bouquet to the portrait both of the latter are bilingual editions. (con’t page 3) Bouquet Offering Guest Bouquets The Vedanta Kyokai Newsletter - June Volume 12 Number 06 Page 2 of 13 Swami Medhasanandaji Welcome Sister Shioya Welcome 150th Close (from page 2) Kyokai newsletter.] Sister Junko Shioya, Chairperson, Managing Board of Seisen photo of Swami Vivekananda, the cere- University, next offered a brief welcome on mony’s very special honoree. behalf of Seisen University highlighting words from Swami Vivekananda that par- At center stage-left sat special guest ticularly impressed her and her thoughts speakers, Smt. Deepa Goplan Wadhwa, on the need for religious ideas to help the Ambassador of India and Swami Suhi- peoples of Asia and the world over. tanandaji. The the table opposite was shared by guest speaker Professor Sen- A message from Swami Atmasthanandaji, gaku Mayeda, Director, Hajime Nakamura President, Ramakrishna Math and Ra- Eastern Institute and Professor Emeritus, makrishna Mission [presented in the June Tokyo University, and Swami Medhasan- issue of The Vedanta Kyokai newsletter] anda. After the special guests were intro- was read by Swami Subhakarananda, who duced, MCs Kathy Matsui of Seisen Uni- had accompanied Swami Suhitanandaji versity (English) and Ms. Satsuki Yokota from Ramakrishna Math and Mission (Japanese) invited Swami Medhasananda headquarters in Belur, India. Vedanta So- to give the Welcome Address. ciety Secretary, Mr. Kenichi Mitamura, then read the message received by the Society Swami’s Address highlighted the many from Japanese Prime Minister Shintaro events and achievements of the year-long Abe wishing the success of the Society’s calendar of events held across the Japa- commemorative functions in Japan at the nese archipelago, including collaborations 150th launch in June 2013 [See the June with the recently established Ramakrishna 2013 issue of The Vedanta Kyokai]. Vedanta Society of the Philippines and the newly formed Vedanta Society of South Next Swami Suhitanandaji was called up- Korea. [This speech is presented in its en- on to release a special book entitled, tirety in the June issue of The Vedanta (con’t page 4) Suhitanandaji Release Ambassdor Release The Vedanta Kyokai Newsletter - June Volume 12 Number 06 Page 3 of 13 Medhasanandaji Release Prof. Maeda Release 150th Close (from page 3) Christian’s church and kneel before the crucifix; I shall enter the Buddhist temple, ‘Ancedotes in the Life of Swami where I shall take refuge in the Buddha Vivekananda’ translated into Japanese. and in his Law. I shall go into the forest Ambassor Wadhwa then released a spe- and sit down in meditation with the Hindu, cial issue of the Society’s bi-monthly who is trying to see the Light that enlight- magazine, The Universal Gospel. Profes- ens the heart of everyone.” Ambassador sor Mayeda then released the Japanese Wadhwa also noted that Swamiji had en- language booklet, Okakura Tenshin and visaged close links between Japan and Swami Vivekananda and Swami Medhas- India based on the “common cultural val- ananda released a new Japanese edition ues and beliefs” before her concluding of Karma Yoga. Three speeches and sev- salutations. eral tributes were then offered. Dr. Sengaku Mayeda was then introduced. The first speaker was Her Excellency Smt. Professor Mayeda has an extensive aca- Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa, Ambassdor of demic curriculum vitae. After graduation India, who greeted the audience and all from Tokyo University and a Ph.D from distinguished guests and shared two main Pennsylvania University he became a pro- thoughts on the Celebration. Firstly, she fessor of Indian Philosophy at Tokyo Uni- wondered if “the celebrations of the life of versity until retirement in 1991. He cur- one of the greatest savants of modern rently serves as President of Nakamura times can ever really conclude,” and was Hajime Eastern Institute in Tokyo. His talk pleased that Swami Medhasananda had was on time spent in India with his young agreed with her on this point. She went on family and the interesting, meetings, trav- to note Swamiji’s accomplishments in up- els and research on Sri Shankara that led lifting his nation, while at the same time to introspection on Swami Vivekananda. expounding “incontrovertible beliefs ap- The professor concluded his remarks by pealing to the highest sensibilities of all quoting the iconic speech Swamiji gave on mankind.” These included absolute “re- September 11, 1893 at the first World Par- spect for the religions of others.” This led liament of Religions in Chicago addressing to her second point, saying she was struck the audience; “Sisters and Brothers of by the multi-religious nature of the gather- America ...” [Professor Mayeda’s complete ing and cited Swamiji’s role in fostering, remarks will be presented in the August “tolerance and mutual understanding in the Issue of ‘The Vedanta Kyokai’ newsletter.] world.” She then quoted Swamiji again, “I accept all religions that were in the past, Next Revered Swami Suhitanandaji was and worship with them all; I worship God invited to address the assembly. After of- with every one of them, in whatever form fering greetings to the many dignitaries in they worship Him. I shall go to the mosque attendance, he offered his profound thanks of the Mohammedan; I shall enter the (con’t page 5) The Vedanta Kyokai Newsletter - June Volume 12 Number 06 Page 4 of 13 Swami Suhitanandaji Ambassador Wadhwa 150th Close (from page 4) “stands as testimony to the monumental contributions this great icon made to the to the Japanese devotees for taking such world.” great and loving care of ‘our’ brother monk Swami Medhasanda. [The full text of Next Swami Sadyojaatah of the ‘Art of Liv- Swami Suhitananadaji’s prepared com- ing’ Foundation began by chanting a vedic ments will be presented in the July issue of peace prayer. He then stated that life is a ‘The Vedanta Kyokai.’] He then told of a complex gift to us and offered some ex- brief hospital stay wherein he got the book amples saying that Swami Vivekananda’s entitled ‘Ideals of the East: The Spirit of teachings are most valuable for the youth Japanese Art’ written by Kakuzo Okakura of the world as they offer eternal solutions.
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