USOO5950587A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,950,587 Sattler et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 14, 1999 54 CONTINUOUSLY WARIABLE RUNNER 2682431-A1 4/1993 France. LENGTH MANIFOLD 3825000 A1 2/1989 Germany .......................... 123/184.55 60-224923 11/1985 Japan .................... ... 123/184.55 75 Inventors: Eric R. Sattler, Trenton; Joel S. 2239899 7/1991 United Kingdom ...... ... 123/184.55 Myers, Southgate; Michael J. Haspel, Westland, all of Mich. Primary Examiner Erick R. Solis 73 Assignee: BASF Corporation, Mount Olive, N.J. ASSistant Examiner Brian Hairston Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ryan W. Massey; James J. Drake 22 Filed: Jul. 22, 1998 A continuously variable runner length manifold is provided (51) Int. Cl. ................................................ FO2B 27/06 for an internal combustion engine. The continuously vari 52 U.S. Cl. .................. 123/184.55; 123/18453 able runner length manifold includes a housing having an 58 Field of Search ........................... 123/184.55, 18453 inlet port and a plurality of outlet ports defined by a plurality of Stacked manifold Sections. A plurality of runner members 56) References Cited are rotatably mounted within the housing. The runner mem bers include wall portions which combine with the housing U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS to define a plurality of runners in communication with a 4,619,226 10/1986 Ueda et al. ........................ 123s2 MB plenum and a respective one of the outlet ports. The runners 4,699,630 10/1987 Lee et al. ............................... 48/1801 have a length which is continuously variable upon rotation of the runner members relative to the housing. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 237755 A2 9/1987 European Pat. Off.. 12 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets 28 34 4-O 22 2ON 36 U.S. Patent Sep. 14, 1999 Sheet 2 of 8 5,950,587 U.S. Patent 5,950,587 U.S. Patent Sep. 14, 1999 Sheet 7 of 8 5,950,587 U.S. Patent Sep. 14, 1999 Sheet 8 of 8 5,950,587 5,950,587 1 2 CONTINUOUSLY WARIABLE RUNNER tinuously variable runner length manifold which is LENGTH MANIFOLD lightweight, has Smaller packaging requirements, and which is easy to manufacture. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides a continuously variable runner length manifold for an internal combustion engine Field of the Invention including a housing defined by a plurality of plastic housing The present invention relates to an air intake manifold for Sections Stacked together and having an inlet port and a use with an internal combustion engine, and more plurality of outlet ports. A plurality of runner members are particularly, to a continuously variable runner length mani rotatably mounted within the housing. The runner members fold which incorporates the functions of a plenum, attach include a wall portion which combine with the housing to ment flange, and continuously variable length runners into a define a plurality of runners in communication with a plastic box formed from Separate molded Sections. plenum and a corresponding outlet port. The runners have a length which is continuously variable upon rotation of the BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY OF THE runner members relative to the housing. INVENTION 15 Further areas of applicability of the present invention will The air intake manifold of a multi-cylinder engine is a become apparent from the detailed description provided branched pipe arrangement which connects the valve ports hereinafter. It should be understood however that the of each cylinder with the air inlet. In a carbureted engine, it detailed description and Specific examples, while indicating would be connected between the valve ports and the carbu preferred embodiments of the invention, are intended for retor which would be downstream of the air inlet. The purposes of illustration only, Since various changes and manifold can have considerable effect on engine perfor modifications within the Spirit and Scope of the invention mance. The intermittent or pulsating nature of the airflow will become apparent to those skilled in the art from this through the manifold into each cylinder may develop reso detailed description. nances (similar to the vibrations in organ pipes) in the 25 airflow at certain Speeds. These may increase the Volumetric BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS efficiency and thus, the power at certain engine Speeds, but The present invention will become more fully understood may reduce Such efficiency at other speeds, depending on from the detailed description and the accompanying manifold dimensions and shape. Typically, each manifold drawings, wherein: passageway is ideally tuned to a length calculated to maxi FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a continuously variable mize or minimize a chosen criteria, Such as Sound or runner length manifold according to the principles of the efficiency. Engines using intake manifolds of a fixed runner present invention; length exhibit power losses at certain speeds due to the FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a runner having a manifold tuning. For a given length, there will be a Standing continuously variable runner length according to the prin preSSure wave established inside the runner. If timed per 35 fectly with the engine operation, this Standing wave will act ciples of the present invention; as a Supercharger putting a densified air charge into the FIG. 3 is a perspective view of a rear end manifold section cylinder. The optimum tuning is dependent on engine Speed. having an adjustable runner member for defining the runner Therefore, a fixed length runner will only be optimally tuned length according to the principles of the present invention; for a certain engine Speed. In order to overcome this, a 40 FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the rear end manifold continuously variable runner length is needed. With a Section shown in FIG. 3; continuously-variable runner length System, the intake FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a front end manifold manifold would be able to be set at the best runner length for Section of the continuously variable runner length manifold the engine depending upon the engine Speed, road Speed, assembly according to the principles of the present inven fuel economy, engine load, etc. This will improve engine 45 tion; performance at all operating conditions. The design is Such FIG. 6 is a perspective view of an interior manifold that it will be easy and cheap to manufacture. Section of the continuously variable runner length manifold Conventional manifolds can usually be broken into three assembly according to the principles of the present inven distinct parts, the plenum, the runners (fluid conduits or tion; pipes), and an attachment portion having an engine 50 FIG. 7 is a perspective view of the rear of an interior attaching Surface. Manifolds are typically made from Steel, manifold Section of the continuously variable runner length aluminum or plastic. Making manifolds from plastic mate manifold assembly according to the principles of the present rial reduces the weight of the manifold. The assembly of the invention; lighter plastic manifold is also leSS complex and more FIG. 8 is a perspective view of an interior manifold piece ergonomical than Steel or aluminum manifolds. The use of 55 plastics provides the ability to add intricate features to the having an opposite orientation of the interior manifold piece manifold. Furthermore, plastic manifolds can be produced shown in FIG. 6; with reduced costs. For conventional plastic manifolds, there FIG. 9 is an exploded perspective view of a continuously are two processes currently accepted as production methods. variable runner length manifold assembly in a disassembled The fusible core proceSS and the multi-shell, welded process. 60 condition according to a Second embodiment of the present The fusible core process is capital intensive, and difficult to invention; keep in operation. The multi-shell welded manifold proceSS FIG. 10 is a perspective view of a back side of an interior produces relatively large parts which can waste significant manifold Section according to the Second embodiment of the underhood room. With ever-decreasing available underhood present invention; packaging room, the problem of fitting a manifold to an 65 FIG. 11 is a perspective view of the interior manifold engine becomes a greater challenge. Accordingly, it is Section with an insert according to the Second embodiment desirable in the art of engine manifolds to provide a con of the present invention; 5,950,587 3 4 FIG. 12 is a perspective view of a portion of the continu addition, a corresponding circular groove portion 31 is ously variable runner length manifold assembly shown in an formed on the first surface of plates 22 of manifold sections assembled condition according to the Second embodiment of 12b-12e. A cylindrical runner member 40 is rotatably dis the present invention; posed between circular grooves 30 and 31 of adjacent manifold sections 12a-12e. The cylindrical runner members FIG. 13 is a perspective view of a continuously variable 40 include a radial opening 42 which communicate between runner length manifold assembly according to a third the central plenum 14 and the corresponding runnerS 16 embodiment of the present invention; defined by the cylindrical runner members 40 and the FIG. 14 is a cross-sectional view taken through a runner assembled manifold sections 12a-12e. of a continuously variable runner length manifold assembly The cylindrical runner members 40 are provided with illustrating the different runner lengths which can be internal gear teeth 44 which are integrated into their struc achieved by rotation of the internal runner member accord ture and are engaged by shafts 46 and 48 which are provided ing to the third embodiment of the present invention; with mating geared portions 50 which mate with every other FIG. 15 is an exploded perspective view of the compo runner member 40. The first shaft 46 rotates the runner nents of the continuously variable runner length manifold 15 members 40 providing air to one side of the engine block assembly as shown in FIG.
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