Annotated Bibliography on Hydrology and Sedimentation United States and Canada 1955-58 Compiled by H. C. RIGGS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 1546 Prepared in cooperation with the Subcommittees on Hydrology and Sedimentation, Inter-Agency Com­ mittee on Water Resources UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1962 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director The U.S. Geological Survey Library catalog card for this publication appears after page 236. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, B.C. - Price $1.00 (paper cover) PREFACE This report supplements Bulletin No. 7 "Annotated Bibliography on Hydrology (1951-54) and Sedimentation (1950-54)" which was pub­ lished under the sponsorship of the Subcommittees on Hydrology and Sedimentation, Inter-Agency Committee on Water Resources. Earlier reports, "Annotated Bibliography on Hydrology (1941-50)" published in the Hydrologic Activities series as Bulletin No. 5, June 1952, and "Annotated Bibliography on Sedimentation" published in the Sedi­ mentation series as Bulletin No. 2, Feb. 1950, were compiled and edited under the auspices of subcommittees of the Federal Inter-Agency River Basin Committee (predecessor to the Inter-Agency Committee on Water Resources). The following agencies, participating on the Subcommittees on Hydrol­ ogy and Sedimentation, Inter-Agency Committee on Water Resources, furnished for this bibliography annotated entries for articles and reports published by their respective agencies and for selected papers written by their personnel but published elsewhere: Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Forest Service Soil Conservation Service Department of Defense Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Department of Commerce Bureau of Public Roads Coast and Geodetic Survey Weather Bureau Department of Interior Bureau of Mines Bureau of Reclamation Geological Survey Department of Health, Education and Welfare Public Health Service Federal Power Commission Tennessee Valley Authority ifl CONTENTS Page Preface._ __-_-_-_____.-___.______.-___-_______-_._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ iii Introduction. _ ________________________________________________________ 1 List of sources._______________________________________________________ 2 Bibliography__________ ________________________________________________ 13 Index-----_----___-___________________________-_-____-_________--___- 223 IV ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON HYDROLOGY AND SEDIMENTATION, UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1955-58 Compiled by H. C. RIGGS INTRODUCTION This publication contains a selected list of papers, articles, and books which were published in the period 1955 through 1958 in the United States and Canada. Every effort has been made to include all listings of significant technical value in the fields of hydrology and sedimentation. In addition to articles on those primary subjects it cites articles in the fields of the many allied sciences. The compilation is largely the result of a shelf-by-shelf search of several large libraries with the decision as to inclusion of articles resting with the compiler. The bibliography includes entries of data compilations and data re­ ports which are not part of a regular series, such as the annual surface- water reports of the Geological Survey or the monthly and annual climatological reports of the Weather Bureau. The bibliography does not include articles on construction of water-resources developments, articles describing methods of making chemical and biochemical water analyses, articles of local interest only, or articles in a semipopular style which report the findings given in other papers. Many periodicals having limited distribution and directed toward nontechnical readers were not searched. Theses and other reports having very limited circulation are not included. The cooperative reports issued by the U.S. Soil Con­ servation Service each winter for major Western river basins and titled "Water Supply Outlook" were not included as their subject matter was not pertinent. Annotations are brief and are intended only to indicate to the reader whether or not the article referred to might furnish information of the type sought. A few articles are not annotated, either because the article was not available or because the title adequately described the article. Listings are arranged alphabetically by author, followed by a combined subject and geographic location or river-basin index. Each article is indexed by primary subject, and by geographic area if applicable. Some articles are also indexed by secondary subjects. The smallest geographic areas listed in the index are States and Provinces or river basins. LIST OF SOURCES Agr. Eng. Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Jour. Agronomy Journal Ala. Acad. Sci. Jour. Alabama Academy of Science Journal Ala. Geol. Survey Alabama Geological Survey Bull. Bulletin County Rept. County Report Inf. Ser. Information Series Spec. Rept. Special Report Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. American Association for the Advancement of Science Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull. American Association of Petroleum Geolo­ gists Bulletin Am, Fisheries Soc. American Fisheries Society Am. Forestry Assoc. American Forestry Association Am. Forests American Forests Am. Geog. Soc. Dept. Explor. and Field Research American Geographical Society, Department of Exploration and Field Research Am. Geophys. Union Trans. American Geophysical Union Transactions Am. Insurance Assoc. American Insurance Association Am. Jour. Sci. American Journal of Science Am. Meteorol. Mon. American Meteorological Monographs Am. Meteorol. Soc. Bull. American Meteorological Society Bulletin Am. Meteorol. Soc. Meteorol. Mon. American Meteorological Society, Meteoro­ logical Monographs Am. Midland Naturalist American Midland Naturalist Am. Scientist American Scientist Am. Soc. Agr. Engineers American Society of Agricultural Engineers Am. Soc. Agr. Engineers Trans. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Trans­ actions Am. Soc. Civil Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers Proc. Proceedings Trans. Transactions Am. Soc. Testing Materials Tech. Pub. American Society for Testing Materials Technical Publication Am. Soc. Testing Materials Spec. Tech. Pub. American Society for Testing Ma­ terials, Special Technical Publication Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour. American Water Works Association Journal Annals Assoc. Am. Geographers Spec. Publ. Annals of the Association of American Geographers Special Publication Arctic Arctic Inst. North America Spec. Pub. Arctic Institute of North America Special Publication Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Ariz. Cattlelog Arizona Cattlelog Ariz. Land Dept. Water Resources Rept. Arizona Land Department Water Re­ sources Report Ariz. Univ. Bull. Arizona, University of, Bulletin LIST OF SOURCES O Ariz. Univ. Inst. Atmospheric Physics Arizona, University of, Institute of, Atmos­ pheric Physics Ariz. Watershed Management Div. Arizona Watershed Management Division Ariz. Watershed Program Proc. Arizona Watershed Program Proceedings Ark. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Ark. Geol. and Conserv. Comm. Water Resources Circ. Arkansas Geological and Conservation Commission Water Resources Circular Ark. Univ. Eng. Expt. Sta. Bull. Arkansas, University of, Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin Ark. Water Study Comm. Arkansas Water Study Commission Atomic Energy in Industry, Natl. Indus. Conf. Board, Inc., 5th Ann. Conf. Atomic Energy in Industry, National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., 5th Annual Conference Better Crops with Better Plant Food Calif. Acad. Sci. Proc. California Academy of Science Proceedings Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. California Agricultural Experiment Station Calif. Dept. Water Resources California Department of Water Resources Bull. Bulletin Kept. Report Calif. Disaster Office California Disaster Office Calif. Div. Resources Plan. Bull. California Division of Resources Planning Bulletin Calif. Div. Water Resources California Division of Water Resources Bull. Bulletin Water Quality Inventory Rept. Water Quality Inventory Report Calif. Inst. Technology Sedimentation Lab. Rept. California Institute of Technol­ ogy Sedimentation Laboratory Report Calif. Law Rev. California Law Review Calif. State Water Resources Board Bull. California State Water Resources Board Bulletin Calif. Univ. California, University of Comm. Research Water Resources Committee on Research in Water Resources Inst. Eng. Research Institute of Engineering Research Water Resources Center Water Resources Center Wave Research Lab. Wave Research Laboratory Calif. Water Pollution Control Board Pub. California Water Pollution Control Board Publication Calif. Water Proj. Authority Rept. California Water Project Authority Report Canada Dept. Agr. Canada Department of Agriculture; Experimental Farms Service Canadian Jour. Agr. Sci. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Science Canadian Jour. Soil Sci. Canadian Journal of Soil Science Canadian Jour. Technology Canadian Journal of Technology Chemical and Engineering News Chicago Univ. Dept. Geography Research Paper Chicago, University of, Depart­ ment of Geography Research Paper Chicago Univ. Law School Chicago, University of, Law School Civil Engineering Colo. A. and M. Coll., Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull. Colorado A. and M. College, Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin Colo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Paper Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station
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