Black WHITE f iVE MOVES By KOHTZ {, KOCKHKORN IN T HIS ISSUE· GAME STUDIES - - - - - - _. _. LAJOS STEINER THEORETICAL SURVEY - - - - - - - - - HANS KMOCH T HRIllS OF CHESS HISTORY - - - - - - - - mVING CHERNEV HISTORICAL SIDELIGHTS OF AMER ICAN CHAMPIONS - - - - - I. KASHOAN PROBLEM REV IEW - - - - - - - - - - - - OTTO WURZBURG NOV.-DEC., 1933 - - - MONTHLY 25 cts. - - ANNUALLY $2.50 The following issues of THE CHESS REVIEW will l:ontain "Younger Russian Masters" by Fr",d Rein!..!d - +- "A Chess Directory" The secrdary of each cltlb is invited to send us for free listing. the name of their club. address. when organized, present officers and the number of memlwfs. - +- "Erich Eliskases" A biog!"-1phkill sketch, with specimen Hames, of this hrilliant younH A\lstriiln Master. by Fred RPinf"ld - +- "MOl'phy and A lekhinc" b)' irIJinq CI.... nlt·v " Rubinstein's F, play" by Fred Rcinfl'ld THE CHESS REVIEW Husillc;s;s OlIin:: Pllulicillion O[filT: 61)·10 ROOSEVELT AV)·:NUE 203 EAST 12TH STREET WOODSIDE. N. y, NEW YORK, N, Y. , Phone: G R;llllcrcy 7 -Or, 17 NEWS EVENTS - Flohr Wins greater heights in finishing Y2 point a head Hastings Tournament of Dr. Alekhine and Lilienthal. who were tied for second place. Although Flohr For the second consecutive year, Salo and Dr. Alekhine completed their schedule Flohl', young Czechoslovakian master, of games without the loss of a single game won first honors at the Annual Christmas outright. Flohr's margin of victory was Congress held under the auspices of the determined by his total of 5 wins and 4 Hastings and St. LeonBrds Chess Club, draws as compared with 4 wins and 5 in England. draws by Dr. AJekhine. The standing: Only one year ago, Flohr won this W L 0 T ota ls event by finishing ahead of V. Pire of Flohr ·. , . , 5 0 4 7 2 Jugoslavia. Lajos Steiner of Hungary and A lekhine .... 4 0 5 6).1 2J1 Mir Sultan Khan of In dia. World's Lilienthal ....... 5 1 3 6).1 2).1 A lexander ...... 3 2 4 5 4 Champion D r. Alekhine was on tour in Eliskases . ...... 2 1 6 5 4 the Orient at the time and could not parti­ Thomas . .. .... 2 2 5 i).1 iJ1 cipate. , Menchik .. ..... 2 5 2 3 6 Tylor .. .... .. 2 5 2 3 6 This year, however. with Dr. Alekhine Michell . ..... 1 6 2 2 7 in the lineup. Flohr was extended to Barry .. ........ 1 6 2 2 7 -+- Manhattan Chess Club Championship The termination of the Championship Altho all three finished the tournament tournament of the Manhattan Chess Club, with the loss of but one game, first pnze shows R. Willman with a high score of was awarded to R. Willman on a per­ 8-1. closely followed by A. W. Dake centage basis for his additional game with and A. S. Denker with scores of 7-,1 J. Gancher, who subsequently withdrew. each, The score: 2 3 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 W L 0 Tot<l] I R. Willma n ... .. .. ...... ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 7 o 2 8-1 2 A. W. Dak(' .. .......... J1 ).111·1 1 -1- 1 6 0 2 7_ [ 3 A.S. Denku . ... ... J1).1 1[ 1 1 _ I _ 1 6 0 2 7- 1 " O. Tennel . .. .. .... .. ...... 0 0 0 I! 1 _ 1 4 3 0 i - J 5 D. MacMurray ........ .. 0 0 0 0 1 0 _ 1 _ I 3 5 0 3-5 I-I _ _ 6 J. Ri chm,ln .. .. .. ......... 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 2-5 7E. Schwa rtz . ....... ... 00 0 01 0 I 0 - - 2 6 0 2- 6 8 B. Siff .... .... .... .. .. ... 0 - - - o [ 2 0 1_2 9 J. R. Nl" wm <l n . .. .... .. ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ - [ 6 0 1- 6 ____ 0_ 10 J. G<lncher o _ o 2 o 0-2 11 I. Karman ... .... .. .. ...... - 0 0 -0- ---- o 3 o 0-3 _ Due to withdrawal of some of the contestants from the tournament, these games were cancel1ed. NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1933 THE CHESS REVIEW 3 TO THE SUBSCRIBERS, With this issue. I wish to announce my retirement from the Editorial Staff of The Chess Review. After a year at the helm, during which my associates and I did our best, we hope with success. to create a newer. wider interest in chess; and after a number of vicissitudes and a regrettable unevenness of publication. due in large measure to general difficult conditions. I believ\': now that our troubles have been overcome and that the magazine will have clearer sailing henceforth. Under these circumstances r believe I can do more for the game by resuming my active playing career. which pre­ cludes giving the necessary time and care to the Editorship of a magazine. I could. indeed. leave my name as Editor, and allow the others to carryon the work. but this would scarcely be fair to Mr. Horowitz and the other members of the staff. who in undertaking the responsibility. are entitled to full credit for the further course of The Chess Review. I wish them every success and long life to the magazine. (Signed) I KASHDAN. -+- Illinois Association Parker. Edison CC: G. H. Hanson, to Elect Directors Chess and Bridge Club. The Nominating Committee appointed Outside Cook County. by the President of The Illinois State N. J. L. Pontenstein. Sprig field. Ill. CC; Montgomery Major. Wilmette. Ill. C C. Chess Association. submits the following na mes of Illinois Chess Players. who are Directors for Two Year Term eligible for election as Members of the Inside Cook County, Board of Directors of the Illinois As- Charles Elison, Irving "Y". CC; W. J. ... sociation. Rolfe, Nordic c.c. The result of the election for Directors Outside Cook County. of the Illinois Assciation will be an ~ A. J. Wolke. Decatur c.c.; Glenn H. nounced at the Annual Meeting of the Reiner. Waukegan. Ill.' c.c. State Association to be held on Sunday. Directors for One Year Term 3 P. M .. January 28th. 1934. at the Irving Park Y.M.CA. Building. in Chicago. Ill. Inside Cook COllnty. Ivar E. Nordstrom, Swedish c.c.; Kirk Directors for Three Year Term Holland. Chess & Checker Club. Inside Cook County. Outside Cook County. Charles H. Leech. Oak Park CC. Sam­ Curtis A. Garner, Springfield, Ill .. c.c.; • uel Factor, Roosevelt CC; W. W. Paul Lieber, Bloomington. Ill., c.c. i TH E CHESS REVIEW N OVEMBER-D ECEMBER, 1933 Botwinnik Ties Flohr Mercantile Library Wins Phila. Team Title The fi nal results of the Floh r ~ Botwi n ­ -nik match have finally reached us and T h,e League Championship T ourna­ show a score of two w ins for each and ment of the Philadelphia Team T ourna­ eight drawn games. ment Association, once again resulted in The Arst half of this match of 12 games, a spectacular victory for the Mercantile was played in Moscow, where Flohr won Library. two of the six games. The remaining four The victors concluded a schedule of 46 games were drawn. games with the remarkable score of 44-2. Immediately a ft er, however. the match South Jersey turned in a score of 32}';! - . was continued in Leningrad. where the 6Y2 , followed by North City, 28,!t2-6!;2: last six games of the ma tch resulted in two Masters, 29!;2 -9,!t2; Ridley Pa rk. 24 Y2 - victo ries fo r Botwinnik and four d rawn II}';!; West Phila. 20_17; Northeast. games. 15Yz-27!;2: W orkers. 14.Y2-24.Y2; Penn. In the Game Section of this issue , we 11-20; Camdem. 11.K-28.Y2: Solebury. have annotated several games of this 10-20; Temple. 8- 26; Frankford, 6.Y2 - match, 33.K and D elmont. 6-33. • • • • • • U. S. to Defend World Steckel Wins Again Title in Poland. 1935 W . H . Steckel, Central Pennsylvania champion and editor of the Chess Column Reports issued from the headquarters of the Allentown Morning Call, won fi rst o f the International Chess Federation at place in a special invitation tournament the H ag ue. Holland, announce that the among ten of the strongest players in the next International Team Tournament will Lehigh Valley district. He finished with be held in W arsaw. Poland. in 1935. a score of 16!;2 -1.K, • • • Roy Rockel. well known analyst and Detroit Chess . & Checker member of the Castle Club. turned in a Club Elects Olficers score of 13-5 to win second place. T he standing of the leaders follows: At the a nnual meeting of the Detroit · Stecke l .. .. ,"', . .... .. 16!1 1!1 Chess & C hecker Clb b the following weee Rockel ...... .. ... .. .. 13 5 elected to o Uke: Koch . .. ...... \0 8 L. deBearn. President. Goer!ich . ..... 8!1 Bucks . .. .. .. 8),1 C. W a lton. 1st. Vice-President. Nl'ster . ...... 9 C. Rulhey. 2nd. Vice-PreSident. • • • M. Spivak. Jrd. Vice-President. Arnold S. Denker Wins J. Blac k. 4th Vice-President. Bronx County Championship R. Oma ns . 5th Vice-PreSident. A. H ouse. T reasurer. The fir st tournament for the Chess G . Livingstone, Secretary. C hampionship o f Bronx County was won A . W eiss. Assistant Secreta ry. by Arnold S. Denker, one of the outstand­ R. C riffen. Li brarian. ing luminaries of the younger generation. The name .of the organization was At the close of this tournament which was changed from the Auto City Chess & held at the Empire City Chess Club, only Checker Club to the Detroit Chess & one point separated the first four co nt e s t ~ • Checker Club.
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