1925 <00NGRESSIONAL RECORD-ROUSE 3563 CONFIRMATIONS a1JPI'oprlations for the Departments of State and Justice and .lilxecutive nominations confirmed by the Senate Februar'l/' 1! · for the judiciary and for the Departments of Commerce and · (legislative day of Pebf'ttaru S), 1925 ; Labor for the fiscal year endiilg .Tune 30, 1926, with Senate 1 amendments thereto, disagree ta all of the Senate amendments POSTM.ABTEBS l and ask for a eonferenee. 1 ALABAMA The SPEAKER. Is there objection? John W. Owen, Red Level. There was no objection. Rupert M. Bearden, West Blocton. ; The SPEAKER appointed the following conferees : ~Ir. CALIFORNIA I SHREVE, :Mr. AcKERMAN, an.d Mi'. OLIVER of Alabama: Eugene L. Ely, Kentfield. MESSAGE FROM THE BF..N ATE CONNECTICUT A mess-age from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its Chief Clerk, S. Irving Frink, Brooklyn. announced that the Senate had passed bills of the following MAINE 1 titles, in which the concurrence of the House of Representa­ Nettie A. True, New Gloucester. tives was requested: S. 4024. An act to authorize the coinage of 5o-cent pieces in OHIO commeinDration· of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the admis­ Cephas S. Littlck, Dresden. sion of the State of California into the Union; and George W. Overmyer, Lindsey. S. 4120, An act to promote- the production of sulphur upon M. Virgil Smith, Proctorville. the public domain. OKLAHOMA l The message also announced that the Senate insisted upon Oscar F. Fowler,. Redrock. j ltS amendments to the bill (H. R. 5726) to amend the act a! ; Cong:ress of March 3, 1921, entitled. "An act to amend sec- OREGON tion 3 of the act of Congress of June 28, 1906, entitled 'An. Theresa Scott, Jordan Valley. act of Congress for the division of the lands and funds of WASHINGTON the Osage Indians of Oklahoma, and fer other purposes,' ,,. Ruth Randall, Prescott. disagreed to by. the House of Representatives, had agreed to the conference asked by the House. on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon and had appointed Mr. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HARRELD, Mr. McNARY, and Mr. OwEN as the conferees· on the- . part of the Senate. THURSDAY, February 12, 1925 The message also announced that the Senate had passed witn: Tbe House met at 12 o'clock noon: amendments the bill (H. R. 11753) making appropriations for: The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera. Montgomery, D. D., offered the Departments of State and Justice and for the judiciru:y the following prayer: and for the Departments· of Commerce and Labor for the fisca{l year ending Jun.. 30, 1926, an.d for other purposes, in whic'h Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord, according to Thy loving. kind­ the concurrence of the House of Representative:s was requeste<L ness and our necessities. Impress us that usefulness and happi­ ness are made secure only when eternal truth are held in SENATE BILLS REIJ'ERRED reverence and everl'asting laws obeyed. Speak to us as in the Under clause 2, Rule XXIV, Senate bills. of the following days of old, as in humility and yet in eagerness we wait for . titles were taken from the Speaker's table and referred to their Thy blessing. Send us fOrth f-or a· day of· service that shall · appropriate committees indicated below: · Bring good to our country and reflect credit upon us as 'lts S. 4024. An act to authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in chosen servants. Amen. 1 commemoration. of seventy-fifth anniversary of the· admission The .Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and of the . State of California. into the Union ; to tlie Committee on approved. Coinage, Weights, and Measures. S. 4120. An act to promote the production of sulphur upon. CHINA TRADE ACT 1922 the public domain; to the Committee on the Public Lands. Mr. SNELL, from· the Committee on· Rules, submitted a privi­ leged report (H. Res. 382.) for the consideration of H. R. 7190, LEGISLATIVE .A:PFROERIA'.DION BILL to amend the China trade act of 1922, which was referred Mr. DICKINSON of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I move that tha .o. the House Calenda~ House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House VISE FEES· on the state of the Union for the further consideration ot Mr. SNELL, from the Committee on Rules, also submitted a the bill (H. R. 12101) making appropriations tor the legislative. privileged report (H. Res. 436) providing for the consideration branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending June· 30~- of H. R. 11957, to authorize the President in certain cases to , 1926, and for other purposes, and pending. that motion I ask modify vis~ fees, which was referred to the House Calendar. the gentleman from Colorado [Mr. TAYLOR] whether he will HOBOKEN SHORE LINE consent to an extension of time for general debate for 1 hour, 30 minutes of which time shall be controlled by myself Mr. SNEICL; from the Committee on Rules, also submitted a and 30 minutes by him. privileged report (H. Res. 437) providing for the consideration Mr. TAYLOR of Colorado. That will be agreeable to me~ of S. 2287, to· permit the Secretary of War to dispose of and the , Mr. DICKINSON of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous Port of New York Authority to acquire the Hoboken Shore Line; ' consent that the time for general debate be extended for one Nhich was referred to the House Calendar. hour, one-half to be controlled by myself and one-half by the :MIGRATORY BIRDS gentleman from Col9rado [Mr. TAYLOR]. Mr. SNELL, from the Committee on Rules, also submitted The SPEAKER. Is there objection? a privileged report (H. Res. 438) providing for the considera­ There was. no objection. tion of H. R. 745, for the establishment of migratory bird The SPEAKER. The question is on· the motion. of the 'l'efnges, to furnish in perpetuity homes for migratory birds, the gentleman from Iowa that the House resolve itself into the establishment of public-shooting grounds, to preserve the Ameri­ Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for can system of free shooting, the provision of funds for estab- , the further· consideration of. the legislative appropriation bill. 11Shing such areas, and the fUrnishing of adequate protection The question was taken; and on a division (demanded by for migratory birds, and for other purposes, which was referred Mr. BA.l"\'K.HEAD) there were--ayes 72, noes 0. to the House Calendar. Mr. BANKHEAD. Mr_ Speaker, I object to the vote- on the: CHILD LABOR ground that there is no quorum present, and I make the point . of order that there is no quorum present. 'Jihe SPEAKER laid before the House a c~~umcation fr,?m The SPEAKER. Evidently there is no quorum. The Door- the se~e~ary of state ~f the State of Lomsiana, annou:n.cmg. keeper will close the doors, the Sergeant at Arms will bring the reJection by the l~~la~re of ~at Sta~ of the proposed l in absent Members, and the Clerk will· call the roll. The amendment. to: the Const1tutwn relating to chilli labor. question• is· on the motion of the gentleman. from Iowa· that DEP.ARTM.ENT O:F STATE APPROPRIATION BILL the House resolve itself intO· the Committee of the Whole 1\It. SHREVE. Mr. Speaker, I aslt unanimous consent to House on the state of th.e Union for the further consideration. take from the Speaker's table the bill (H. R: 11753·) making 1 of the legislative appropriation· bill. 3564 OONGRESSION AL RECOR.D-HOUSE FEBRUARY 12_ The question was taken ; and there were-yeas 315, nays 0, Treadway Vestal Winslow Wurzbach Tucker Wason Wour Yates not Yoting 116, as follows : Vare Wertz Wood Zihlman [Roll No. 65.] YEAS-315 So the motion was agreed to. .Abernethy Fairchild wrsen, Ga. Sabath The Clerk announced the following pairs: Ackerman Faust Leach Salmon General pairs : Aldrich Favrot Leatherwood Sanders, N. Y. Mr. Anthony with Mr. Lee of Georgia. Allen Fenn Leavitt Sanders, Tex. Mr. Treadway with Mr. Clark of Florida. Allgood Fisher L ehlbach Sandlin Mr. Wood with Mr. Quayle. Almon Fleetwood Lilly Schafer Mr. Swoope with Mr. Dominick. Anderson Foster Linthicum Scott Mr. Kiess with 1\fr. Rouse. AndL·ew Frear Longworth Sears, Fla. Mr. Vare with Mr. Croll. Arnold l!'ree Lo.wrey Seger Mr. Wurzbach with Mr. Smithwick. Aswell Freeman Lozier Shreve Mr. Brumm with Mr. Fulmer. Ayres French Luce SimiiWns Mr. Zihlman with Mr. O'Connell of New York. Bacharach Frothingham Lyon Sinclair Mr. Taber with Mr. McClintic. Bacon Fulbright McDuffie Sinnott Mr. Britten with Mr. mack of New York. Bankhead I•'uller McFadden Sites Mr. Magee of Pennsylvania with Mr. O'Brien. Barbour Gallivan McKenzie Smith Mr. Yates with Mr. Clancy. Barkley Gambrill McLaughlin, 1\llch.Snell Mr. Winslow with Mr. Reed of Arkansas. Beck Garber McLaughlin, Nebr.Speaks Mr. Tincher with Mr. Tucker. B eedy Gardner, Ind. McLeod Spearing. Mr. Brand of Ohio with Mr. Shallenberger. Beers Garner, Tex. McReynolds Spro.ul, lll. Mr. Wason with l\Ir. Carew. Begg Garrett, Tenn. McSwain Sproul, Kans. Mr. Burdick with Mr. Rogers of New Hampshire. Bell Garrett, Tex. McSweeney Stalker Mr. 1\Iorg-an with ~Ir. Lindsay. Bixler Gasque MacGregor Steagall Mr. Tinkham with Mr. Buckley. Black, Tex. Geran Madden Stedman Mr. Phillips with Mr. McKeown. Bland Gibson Magee, N.Y. Stengle Mr. Fairfield with Mr. O'Connor of New York. Blanton Gifford Major, Ill. Stevenson Mr. Graham with Mr. Crosser. Boies Goldsborough Major, Mo. Strong, Kans. Mr. Purnell with Mr. Rherwood. Bowlin' Greenwood Manlove Strong, Pa. Box Uri est Mansfield Summer·s, Wash.
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