3396 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 10 JUNE, 1955 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1947. 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays and 9 a.m. BEDFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL: and 12 noon on Saturdays. The Orders become operative as from the 10th County Development Plan. day of June, 1955, but if any person aggrieved by the NOTlCEjs hereby given that on the 27th day of Orders or either of them desires to question the May, 1955, the Minister of Housing and Local validity thereof or of any provision contained therein Government approved with modifications the above on the ground that it is not within the powers of the Development Plan. National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, Certified copies of the Development Plan, as 1949, or on the ground that any requirement of the approved by the Minister, have been deposited at Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been The Shire Hall, Bedford, and at the places men- complied with in relation to the approval of the tioned below:—- Orders or either of them, he may, within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice, make District and Address. application to the High Court. Bedford M.B.—Town Hall, Bedford. Dunstable M.B.—Municipal Offices, Dunstable. Dated this 10th day of June, 1955. Luton M.B.—Town Hall, Luton. B. H. EDWARDS, Clerk to the Council. Ampthill U.D.—Council Offices, 10, Bedford Street, Inglewood, Oak Hill Road, Ampthill. Sevenoaks, Kent. Biggleswade U.D.—Council Offices, Stratton House, (334) The Baulk, Biggleswade. Kempston U.D.—Council Offices, 6A, St. Mary's Street, Bedford. Leighton Buzzard U.D.—Council Offices, Leighton NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE Buzzard. COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. Sandy U.D.—Council Offices, St. Neots Road, Sandy. Ampthill R.D.—Council Offices, 12, Dunstable AMERSHAM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Street, Ampthill. Amersham Rural District (Cholesbury-cum-St. Bedford R.D.—Council Offices, 6A, St. Mary's Leonards No. 3) Diversion Order, 1955. Street, Bedford. NOTICE is hereby given that the above Order Biggleswade R.D.—Council Offices, 2, London Road, was made on the 4th day of June, 1955, and is Biggleswade. about to be submitted to the Minister of Housing Lutou R.D.—Council Offices, Bute Street, Luton. and Local Government for confirmation. The copies of the Development Plan so deposited The Order relates to land situate in the Parish of will be open for inspection free of charge by all Cholesbury-cum-St. Leonards. persons interested between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and between the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. The 'effect of the Order will be to divert the on weekdays, other than Saturdays, and between public right of way running from Gilberts Hill in the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon on Saturdays. a south easterly direction for a distance of 240 ft. The Development Plan became operative as from or thereabouts to Jenkins Lane being Field No. 93, the 9th day of June, 1955, but if any person to a line running from Gilberts Hill in a south aggrieved by the Development Plan desires to ques- easterly direction for a distance of 270 ft. or there- tion the validity thereof or of any provision con- abouts to Jenkins Lane being Field No. 92. Bucks tained therein on the ground that it is not within Ordnance Survey Sheet No. XXXIV/15. the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act. A certified copy of the Order and of the map 1947, or on the ground that any requirement of the contained in the Order has been deposited at St. Act or any Regulation made thereunder has not Leonards Post Office and will be available for inspec- been complied with in relation to the approval of tion, free of charge, between the hours of 9.30 a.m. the Development Plan, he may, within six weeks and 5.30 p.m. on all weekdays except Thursdays. from the 9th day of June, 1955, make application A certified copy of the Order and map can also be to the High Court. inspected at the Council Offices, High Street, Amersham, during normal office hours. Dated this 9th day of June, 1955. Any objection or representation with reference to GEORGE BREWIS, Clerk of the Bedfordshire the Order may be sent, in writing, to the Ministry County Council. of Housing and Local Government, Whitehall, Shire Hall, London, S.W.I, before the 22nd July, 1955. Bedford. Dated this 10th day of June, 1955. (l&D H. E. BUXTON, Clerk to the Amersham. R.D.C. Council Offices, High Street, NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE Amersham, Bucks. COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. (079) SEVENOAKS RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. The Sevenoaks Rural (Cowderi) (No. 4) Diversion Order, 1954. NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE The Sevenoaks Rural (Chiddingstone) (No. 1) COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. Diversion Order, 1955. r AMERSHAM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 26th day Amersham Rural District (Cholesbury-cum-St. of May, 1955, the Minister of Housing and Local Leonards No. 1) Extinguishment Order, 1955. Government confirmed the above Orders, with modi- fications in respect of the first-named Order. NOTICE is hereby given that the above Order The effect of the Orders will be to divert (1) In the was made on the 4th day of June, 1955, and is Parish of Cowden—part of the public right of way about to be submited to the Minister of Housing leading from Scarletts to Gilridge (being that part and Local Government for confirmation. lying across land at Crippenden Manor, Cowden) The .Order relates to land situate in the Parish from its present line across Field No. 493 Ordnance of Cholesbury-cum-St. Leonards. Survey Sheet Kent LtX-6 (Edition of 1937) to a line The effect of the Order will be to extinguish Foot- running along the Eastern and South-eastern boundary path No. 42, a public right of way running from of the field ; and (2) In the Parish of Chiddingstone— Gilberts Hill in a south easterly direction for 820 part of the public right of way leading from Hill ft. or thereabouts at the rear of properties fronting Hoath to Watstock (being that part of the bridle Jenkins Lane along the north western boundary of way lying across land at Watstock Farm, Chidding- Field No. 92. stone) from its present line across field number 1012 A certified .copy of the Order and of the map- on Ordnance Survey Sheet Kent XLDC-16 (Edition contained in the Order has been deposited at The of 1936) to a line running along the Southern' and Post Office, St. Leonards and will be open for inspec- Western boundaries of the field: tion, free of charge, between the hours of 9.30 a.m. The existing paths will be .closed as from the 4th and 5.30 p.m. on all weekdays except Thursday. A August, 1955, and the 21st July, 1955, respectively. certified copy of the Order and map can also be Certified copies of the Orders and of the Maps inspected at the Council Offices, High Street, contained in the Orders have been deposited at Ingle- Amersham, during normal office hours. wood, Oak Hill Road, Sevenoaks, and will be open Any objection or representation with reference to for inspection free of charge between the hours of the Order may be sent, in writing, to the Ministry.
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