Volume 59 Number 18 | May 5, 2014 SPECIAL EDITION ..comcom MARPAC NEWS CFB Esquimalt, Victoria, B.C. THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES serving in AFGHANISTAN 2001 - 2014 2 • LOOKOUT May 5, 2014 Royal Proclamation for Day of Honour he Prime Minister of Canada the Afghanistan campaign and to pro- Canada dans la lutte contre le ter- and women men declares May 9, 2014, the mote the special role our families and rorisme; the rces on T alute ian Fo National Day of Honour to recognize communities play when our sons and Attendu que les familles de nos We s nad e Ca f Honour. the important work done by our Forces’ daughters are in foreign lands; And hommes et femmes servant au sein of th ay o members. whereas it is desirable to recognize des Forces armées canadiennes de Sa nal D Natio Whereas Canadians, both at home our appreciation for the sacrifice of all Majesté et les collectivités de tout le and abroad, have honourably, coura- those who serve our great nation and Canada ont toujours appuyé admi- geously and loyally served Canada by all those who have paid the ultimate rablement les sacrifices faits par ceux participating in the Afghanistan mis- price for freedom; déployés en Afghanistan; sion from 2001 to 2014; Therefore, His Excellency the Attendu qu’il est souhaitable de Whereas March 31, 2014, marks Governor General in Council, on renforcer le sentiment de reconnais- the end of the Canadian military mis- the recommendation of the Prime sance des Canadiens à l’égard de la sion in Afghanistan; Minister, orders that a proclamation contribution de ceux-ci à la campagne Whereas the strength and courage do issue declaring May 9, 2014 as a en Afghanistan et de faire connaître le demonstrated by our men and women “National Day of Honour”. rôle spécial que jouent les familles et in uniform serving on the battlefield les collectivités canadiennes lorsque and supported by personnel from ttendu que des Canadiens, tant leurs membres sont à l’étranger; other government departments have Aau pays qu’à l’étranger, ont servi Attendu qu’il est souhaitable de advanced the national interests of le Canada avec honneur, courage et témoigner notre reconnaissance pour Canada in the fight against terrorism; loyauté en participant à la mission en les sacrifices faits par tous ceux et Whereas the families of our men and Afghanistan de 2001 à 2014; celles au service de notre grande women of Her Majesty’s Canadian Attendu que le 31 mars 2014 nation et par tous ceux et celles qui Armed Forces and Canadian com- marque la fin de la mission militaire ont fait l’ultime sacrifice pour la lib- munities from coast to coast to coast canadienne en Afghanistan; erté, have admirably and consistently sup- Attendu que la force et le courage À ces causes, sur recommandation ported the sacrifices being made by dont ont fait preuve nos militaires, du premier ministre, Son Excellence those serving in Afghanistan; hommes et femmes, sur les champs le Gouverneur général en conseil Whereas it is desirable to build de bataille, soutenus par des employés ordonne que soit prise une proclama- and strengthen an appreciation in d’autres ministères, ont permis de tion désignant le 9 mai 2014 « Journée Canadians for their contribution to défendre les intérêts nationaux du d’honneur nationale ». ADMIRAL’S Rear Admiral William Truelove,MMessage essage Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, Joint Task Force Pacific he National Day of ment fier et reconnaissant Fair Winds and Following Seas THonour on May 9 de votre contribution et recognizes the service of de vos sacrifices. Vous avez Canadians in Afghanistan démontré un profession- over the past 12 years. nalisme exceptionnel, de la 770 Hillside • 250.388.7368 Across the nation, cer- bravoure, de la vaillance et emonies will be held to ✓ Lowest Payments un dévouement remarqua- ✓ Everyone Approved recognize this day. CFB ble face au danger. Je remer- Esquimalt will hold a .ca ✓ Same Day Delivery cie également vos familles ceremony at the Wall of pour leur détermination Valour, commencing at 10 et leurs sacrifices pendant BIG SCREEN a.m. and culminating in la mission en Afghanistan. Low Price! two minutes of silence at Leur amour et leur soutien 10:30 a.m. inébranlable vous ont aidé 60” TV 1080P $140/mo In total, 40,026 Canadian à remplir votre mission avec Armed Forces mem- brio. Furniture • Electronics • Computers • Home Staging bers, alongside personnel Mes pensées et mes prières from the RCMP, CIDA, sont aussi avec les familles DFAIT and Correctional de ceux qui ont perdu la vie. Services Canada, as Vous avez beaucoup donné well PSP staff, served in et nous vous en serons tou- Afghanistan. Many of these RAdm Bill Truelove jours reconnaissants, nous service men and women we will continue to sup- a Journée d’honneur continuons de vous soute- deployed from MARPAC/ port you. We will always nationale, le 9 mai, nir. Nous nous rappellerons JTFP, and I am immense- L remember our fallen ship- reconnaît le service des toujours de nos camarades ly proud and thankful for mates who gave their lives Canadiens en Afghanistan your contributions and de bord qui ont donné to help bring increased sta- durant les 12 dernières leur vie pour la paix, la sacrifices. You exhibited bility, peace and prosperity années. Des cérémonies exceptional professional- stabitlité et la prospérité en to Afghanistan; their sacri- auront lieu partout au Afghanistan. Leurs sacrifices ism, bravery, valour and fices will not be forgotten. Canada à l’occasion de ne seront jamais oubliés. WWee ssalutealute dedication in the face of And while we hon- cette journée spéciale. La Nous honorons ceux qui danger. our those that served in BFC Esquimalt organise une ont servi en Afghanistan, I also extend my thanks Afghanistan, we will also cérémonie qui débutera à oourur FForcesorces mais sans oublier les 250 and appreciation to your remember the 250 sail- 10 h au Mur de la vail- families for their incred- ors, soldiers, airmen and lance et qui se terminera marins, soldats et aviateurs on National Day ible commitment and women now deployed par deux minutes de silence présentement en déploi- sacrifice throughout the aboard HMCS Regina. à 10 h 30. ement à bord du NCSM of Honour. Afghanistan mission. Their Their work, as part of the 40 026 membres des Regina Leur travail au sein steadfast support and love multinational maritime Forces armées canadiennes, de la force opérationnelle to you helped you com- task force combating ter- du personnel de la GRC, maritime multinationale qui plete your mission with rorism across the Red Sea, de l’ACDI, du MAECI, du combat le terrorisme dans la excellence. Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean Service correctionnel du mer Rouge, le golfe d’Aden, My thoughts and prayers and the Gulf of Oman, Canada et des PSP ont servi l’océan Indien et le golfe also go out to the fami- is important and appreci- en Afghanistan. Plusieurs d’Oman est très important lies of our fallen; you have ated. They too serve our hommes et femmes ont été et apprécié. Eux aussi servent www.sharkmarine.com given much and we are for- nation with great pride and déployés des FMAR(P)/de notre pays avec beaucoup de ever thankful to you and distinction. la FOIP. Je suis immensé- fierté et de distinction. May 5, 2014 LOOKOUT • 3 Base ceremony honours Afghanistan mission twitter.com/Lookout_news The local National Day mission in Afghanistan. of Honour Ceremony will The parade is a tribute be held at CFB Esquimalt to honour the more than on Friday May 9 to rec- 40,000 Canadian Armed ognize those who fought Forces members who Now and those who died, and to served their country in salute those who contrib- during this extensive mis- OPEN! uted to Canada’s mission sion. in Afghanistan. Canada’s mission in Westshore's #1 Supplement Store! The event takes place Afghanistan came at a at 9:45 a.m. in front of significant cost. Over the Top Brands. Best Prices. the Wall of Valour located 12-year campaign, the universalsupplements Military Discount! below the Wardroom. Canadian Armed Forces The Lieutenant deployed the largest num- 780 Goldstream Ave -Governor of British ber of service men and universalsupplements.ca • 778-432-4787 Columbia, Judith Guichon, women overseas since the will be the Reviewing Second World War. The Officer, and two minutes end of Canada’s engage- of silence will be observed ment in Afghanistan rep- at 10:30 a.m. to salute the resents the closure of a valour of all those who significant chapter of contributed to Canada’s Canada’s military history. Parking during the ceremony Public parking will be available behind the Archie Browning Sports Centre at 1151 Esquimalt Road and shuttles will be provided on Lyall Street between the arena and the base from 9 to 9:45 Conservative Party a.m. before the ceremony, and until 11:45 a.m. of Canada after the ceremony. WHAT’S INSIDE? EOD tech recalls LS South returns mission home pg. 6 pg. 10 Vet pens poetry Nurse recalls life pg. 9 saving work Short on Down pg 11 Payment? 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