, The Weather Serving the State Paril~ c:1 ....~ aDd hot University of Iowa t • d a ~ wtth eeaUeftd tJuIIIdenbew... II1P Ie­ ••~, " .. 1M; low, 73 Campus and to 7'. Paril, eloa4J aDd at· Mt qatte 10 ........ Wed­ Iowa City D"",,~. Elt. 1868 - AP LeaMd Wire, Wirephoto - Five C.nta Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday. July 20, 1954 Western Powers Agr'ee To Form AS.ian Treatv Indochina Cease -Fire McCart~y Ejects Man t:~::gD~~I, Expected by Deadline GENEVA (JP)-The three Western DOwers have agreed to torm a Southeut Asia Treaty Organization to seal oft that region trom (urther Communi t penetration, Western diplomatic sources said From Defense Hearing Senator Says Monday night. This Information was given as a high Western source declared * * * WASH[NGTON (.4')- Sen. Jo- WASHINGTON (A')-Sen. AI- · P bert Gore (D-Tenn.) Monday the "best advice" was that French Premier Mendes-Fral]ce, bar- n ers ostpones seph McCarthy (R-Wis.) went capitol police to remove Woj- described a proposed Atomic rl1la an unforeseen last minute fla d back to hunting Communists chowskl trom the he ring room, Energy commission power con- Monday, presiding at a brief but saying he would have a chance tract . volvlng the Tennessee ~gns Post snag, would achie~e a cease-tire " T C d Cohn Resl in Indochina by mldnjght tonight Ion 0 on emn lively hearing during which: to come back later and testily. Valley Authority as "a crooked Mot He Is under subpoena. deal." CST), the deadline he ' T t" 1. Charles Wojchowskl, who Gt a tl saoIs t es titled h e k new It tormer President Harry As Chief Counsel, ~!sp;: , MCC a rth YS ac ICS works at the Allis Chalmers Yates C. Holmes and Edward Truman had proposed such a Western Informants said Bri­ plant in Boston, was ejected after Garfield and had attended Com- contract, Gore said. "The top tain, France and the United WASHINGTON (JP) - Sen. making some references to "stool munist party meetings with would have been blown oft the 2Newspapers Say Ralph E. Flanders (R-Vt.) Mon­ States have rejected outright pigeons and informers." them. McCarthy said both men Capitol" and impeachment pro­ NEW YORK (JPj - Roy M. day postponed until July 30 his worked tor Allis Chalmers and ceedings would have been start- Communist demands that they Bttempt to force a showdown 2. Lawrence W. Parrish, an that they would appear before Cohn, storm center ot the sen­ employe of the Bethlehem Steel th b T ed. ate I permanent Investlaatlons live up plans f.or SEATO" pai1 senate vote on his resolution to e su committee uesday. But the proposal Is not Ie,s condemn the Investigative tac­ Co. at Quincy, Mass., was ex- C n>AlI TMUtJ • d I "b i f subcommittee, was reported of an Indochlnll settlement, and tics ot Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy cused as a witness because the ou .,.. PS' , ee 'scan a ous ecause I was 0 - Monday to have submitted his wlll ,0 abead with the South­ subpoena served on him was The other undercov',r man was fered by a different admlnlstra- resignation as chief counsel. (R-WIs.). east Asian defense sy~tem re­ meant (or another man with a William Teto ot Ashl>y, Mass. He tion, Gore aid in a senate Cohn. a New York lawyer, His decision not to Introduce similar name. teljtltied that throlAgh "a care- speech. co-starred with Sen. Joseph R. gardlus of whether the ~neva the censure motion Tuesday 3S fully worked out plan of the No Sim of Letup McCarthy (R-Wis.» In recent conference achieves an armi­ planned, Flanders said, stem­ 3. Two former undercover FBI" he became II shop steward "H's a crooked deal," he de- Washington hearings in which stice. med primarily fi'om a desire agents tor the FBI ticked off the for the United Electrical Work- clared. the army accused them of bring­ Bed BenIn" GranCed thai the vote "be as massive and names of nJne industrial work- ers union at the General Electric Sen. William Knowland of Ing Improper pressure in behalf bipartisan as possible." The pro­ ers, includin, Wojchowskl who plant In BOlton arid eventually Calilornia, the Republican lIoor (A I' "'.repb.'. of army Pvt. G. David Schine, However. Mendes-France and posal, he said "t'epresents an ex­ they said are Communists or had "hit the jackpCot" by havIng hlm- leader, said alter a meeting of STEPS UP RACE AGAINST CLOCK-Franee', Premier Pierre tormer subcommittee aide. British ForeilD Secretfry An­ pression of conscience of the been members of the party in the sell named IS an International GOP congressional leaders at Mendea-France I, all mlles at tbe Hotel du Rhone, U.S. dele,a­ The Chicago Tribune and the thony Eden were reported to senate," past. I field organlz~ tor the union. the White House that he hoped Lion beadquarter. In Geneva, Switzerland, Monday. The French New York Dally Mirror quoted have bowed to Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov's de­ Lists Three Reasons Has 133 Names He said that In General Elec- the voting could start Monday, ollioial ,upped up his race acainet !he clock for an IndochJneae Cohn as saying he had tender­ mands that the three Indochi­ In a statement, Flander link­ McCarthy repeated at the trlc plants the Reds found they but there was no immediate sIan armistice amid rlsln, hope8 that peace Is In allht. ed his resignation. Cohn could not be reached for comment on nese states--.Laos, Cam90dla and ed lhe postponement to three hearing that he has the names ot could get "any information" they of any letup in the oratory. what is left of Viet Nam-be left factors: 133 persons who are apparently wanted from persons they had Knowland declared the r e 'the reports, His family here said he was out of town. out 01 SEATO. I. A request by Democratic Communists and who work in placed In strategic jobs In the would be no compromise on the defense plants. He said he used plants bill and predicted an adminls- Marie Dionne Leaves Tribune Qu.otu Cohn But officials said this "neu­ Sen. John L. McClellan, who is The Tribune in a dispatch traliza Uon" ot the three stu tell campaigning in Arkansas lor re­ the word "apparently" because Teto named Walno Nisula, tration victory. some of them may be FBI agents. Walno Suokko, Joseph Mattson, Power for TVA from Washington quoted Cohn would not prevent SEA TO from election, that conSideration be as saying: guaranteel~ their fron lers. delayed · until he can be present. It was the first time in four Mrs. Helen Judelon Maikinen Gore's hours-long discourse, Convent, May Return "I teel that my helpfuiness to Molotov and Chou En-Lal, Flanders said McClellan had months that McCarthy has pre- and Eine Lahti a& havlni been centered on President Eisenhow­ CALLANDER, Onto (JP) - - - ----------.,.-­ the subcommittee has been suggested July 30 in a weekend sided at a public ses.~lon of his Communists in the past and er's contract with a private util­ Red Chinese Premle~-lorelgn. Poor health, loss of appetite and was to come home. brought to the vanishing point. minister, were . said 10 have conference with him here. The senate investigations subcommlt- whom he now believp~ to hI! ity known as the Dixon-Yates extreme homesickness were the "I inlend to stay home for In any future Investigation In agreed that some French mlll­ Arkansas primary will be held tee. He yielded the chair to Sen. employed at the General Electric group. lor 600.000 kilowatts o( reasons Marie Dionne, one of which I appeared as chief coun­ July 27. Karl Mundt (R-S.D.) during the plant in Fltchbura, Ma,q. ,power to be dellvered to TVA at the rest ot the summer, anyway. tar,)' personnel could remaln 1n Canada's famed quintuplets, left sel, all the slanders voiced the three states to advi e on McCarthy-Army hearings, In 1\ No. Employed Memphis. the Quebec convent she entered After I have regained my health, 2. To give otber senators "an I will decide whether or not against me would be repeated thell' defense. Whether 1.h om­ opportunity to examine tho!'­ which he was Involved as a prln- In Fitchburg, a Gl!: spokesman TVA would use this power to only last tall, she said Monday. to minimize the evidence pres­ 'paL raid none of the live Teto named serve customers In the Memphis to return to the sisters." munlsts would demapd In return oughly the signiticance of the cI Marie, home again with her ented." Monday's leadoff witness was are engaged In detense work.. He area and would continue to de- tour sisters, told hf'r story to Marie Considered Delleate the keeping ot Chil'lese Commu­ proposal and to make the neces­ In Washington, McCarthy said, nist personnel in Ho cbi Minh's Siry IIrrangements to be pres­ James W. Glatis, who testified he was unable to say whether any llver a similar amount of power newsmen. Leaving the convent of Her father said he had re­ "I have received no resignation. northern pert of Viet Nam wall worked his way inlo the inner of them had tOl!merly worked on to the atomic plant at Paducah, the Sisters of the Blessed Sacra- ent." ceived a letter trom the mother If one was sent, 1 hope it gets not yet known. Won" Del&y L~latlon circles of the Communist appar- classified work. Ky. ment was not a final break.
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