THE JOURNAL OF “ I THE MUSIC ACADEMY MADRAS A QUARTERLY DEVOTEE TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF MUSIC O ^_________ Vol. XXXIV 1963 Parts I-IV m i i x x x x firarf^r m** 11 “ I dwell not in Vaikuntha, nor in the hearts of Yogins nor in the Sun; where my Bhaktas sing, there be I, Narada! ” EDITED BY V. RAGHAVAN, M.A., PH.D. to '-ififb H>d$ sio sjoiwoilduit 1 9 6 3 n 1 ' q vt f^ ' **w v l* ?! 3d hfnofi? aJofToeuftBiffT 11A PUBLISHED BY THE MUSIC ACADEMY, MADRAS 115-E, MOWBRAY’S ROAD, MADRAS-14. Annual Subscription—Inland Rs. 4. Foreign 8 sh. Post paid. s I | ADVERTISEMENT CHARGES # * g £ # | COVER PAGES : Full Page Half Page | J BaCk (outside) Rs. 25 $ Front (inside) „ 20 Rs. 11 ^ BaCk (Do.) „ 20 „ 11 | $ v ® INSIDE PAGES : if if ^ 1st page (after Cover) „ 18 ,, 10 *- J $ Other pages (eaCh) ,,15 „ 9 $ j| PreferenCe will be given to advertisers of musiCal jj •a instruments and books and other artistiC wares. | s SpeCial positions and speCial rates on application. ^ 5 - $ ©>«< ^ x x >*<>♦< >♦<>♦<>•< >©■<>♦<>#<>«<>©< >*<>♦<© NOTICE All correspondence should be addressed to Dr. V. Raghavan, Editor, Journal of the Music Academy, Madras-14. Articles on subjects of music and dance are accepted for publication on the understanding that they are contributed solely to the Journal of the Music Academy. All manuscripts should be legibly written or preferably type­ written (double spaced—on one side of the paper only) and should be signed by the writer (giving his address in full). The Editor of the Journal is not responsible for the views expressed by individual contributors. All books, advertisements, moneys and cheques due to and intended for the Journal should be sent to Dr. V. Raghavan, Editor. The XXXVIth Madras Music Conference, 1962 Official Report,, 1— 69 Folk Music of Tamilnad By Smt. Shyamala 70— 82 Traditional Indian Musical Aesthetics By Dr. Prem Lata Sharma u jl —H i v\Z, 8 3 - 98 Some Aspects of Tradition By Vidwan V. V. Satagopan, B. A. 99—109 The Scope of Theoretical Studies in Music By Prof. R. Srinivasan 110—117 The Historical Evolution of the Philosophical Concept in'Indian Music By Swami Prajnanananda, Calcutta 118—120 Light Classical Karnatic Music By Vidvan N. Rajagopalan, B.A. 121—123 ‘Her Infinite Variety* By Dr. V. Raghavan 124—131 I 150th Birthday Celebrations of Sri Svati Tirunal at the Music Academy, Madras, 132—134 Varnas, Svarajatis etc. of Svati Tirunal By Sangita Bhushana S. Ramanathan 135—138 Some Less Known Facts Relating to Maharaja Svati Tirunal By Sri S. Venkitasubramoni lyar 139—150 Sri Svati Tirunal and His Literary Eminence By Dr. V. Raghavan tf. 151-155 CONTBNTS Two Kritis of Dikshitar with Notation E dited by Veenai Sundaram Iyer Two Rare Song* of Gopalakrisbna Bharati Edited by S. Ramanathan 167—169 Two Rare Song^in Sankarabharana and Mandari Edited by Sri T. Visvanathan 170^—175 Three Rare PieCes E diteddy Vidvan Sri Chennakesaviah o f Mysore ... 177— 197 B o o k R e v ie w s .. 198—207 XI VteixsV sjfe'lnf m rfrnft flfOtt rT bSJFI .at'® zfo aW'ICMR■ • , %. X V r ; w y: 8*1 itS # - • • w f c f y f o t gjute&X taeJ »cq0& l # B i n i T nsv|\ Jt VCi ’f.‘& «al‘i I b<u» Urnnif ii2 ?? ■, . ..... r.wru*. n. _ < . j. THE XXXVIth MADRAS MUSIC CONFERENCE 1 9 6 2 The Opening of the ACademy’s New Auditorium The thirtysixth annual conference of the Madras Music Academy was held in the Academy’s own new auditorium, 115-E, Mowbray’s Road, Royapettah, Madras-14, from 21st December 1962 to 5th January 1963. On the day previous viz., 20th December 1962, the new Auditorium of the Academy was declared open to the public. Opening of the Building The ceremony of the opening of the new Auditorium of the Music Academy was performed by H. H. Maharajah Sri Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Bahadur, Governor of Mysore and Chairman, Central Sangeet Natak Akademi, on the 20th December 1962. On his arrival at the premises of the Academy, he was received by the Office-bearers of the Academy including the Hon’ble Sri T. T. Krishnamachari. Dr. V. Raghavan, Secretary, introduced His Highness to the members of the Governing Body and the Vidwans and members of the Experts’ Committee and the Kalanidhis of the Academy who were present. After a group photo with the Maharajah and the members of the Governing Body and the Experts’ Committee, the Maharajah unveiled the marble tablet at the entranee and after cutting the tape, entered the new building along with the members of the governing body and the musicians. The Maharajah then went upon the Stage. The function was attended by a large and distinguished gathering. The proceedings began with prayer by Smt. D. K. Pattammal who sang the composition of the Maharajah. Messages wishing success for the function were read by Dr. V. Raghavan, Secretary. 2 THE JOURNAL OF THE MADRAS MUSIC ACADEMY [VOL. > XXIV H. H. Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham sent a telegram conveying his blessings to the function. Dr. C. P. Ramaswami Ayyar, who inaugurated the Music Academy as an organisation in 1928 conveyed his best wishes for the success of this function. Sri Rajaji said in his message : “ I send my best wishes for the increased activities when the new auditorium will be declared open by one of the most worthy of the princes of our land who continue to be princes, by their nobility and worth although they have relinquished all their power.” Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Former President of India, said in the course of his message : “ Music is known to cast its spell not only on humans but even on animals and the medical science is also taking advantage of its beneficial influence We also know the wondrous properties of war-songs and bhajans. It is no wonder that it can soften the heart of the tyrant no less than make the timid perform heroic deeds ” • Dr. Zakir Hussain, Vice-President of India, sent his best wishes. Dr. A. Lakshmanaswamy Mudaliar, Vice-Chancellor of the Madras University said, “The Music Academy, Madras has made remarkable progress since its inception several years ago, thanks to the interest taken by the President, Rao Bahadur K. V. Krishnaswami Iyer and the office bearers. I am glad that His Highness Maharaja Sri Jayachamarajendra Wadiyar Bahadur, is declaring open to the public the new Auditorium of the Madras Music Academy. I am given to understand that the Auditorium is one of the finest for musical performance.” Dr. C. D. Deshmukh, Former Finance Minister and President, India International Centre, Delhi said : “ I have watched with admiration the growth of the Music Academy and the sustained work that has led to the completion of its new Auditorium. In its new home, the muse of music will surely be enshrined with Pts. i-iv] the xxxvith MADRAS music conference 3 glory. I extend my hearty felicitations to the Academy and my best wishes for the success of its admirable work.” The British High Commissioner in India, Sir Paul Gore Booth, in his message said, “I am very happy to send you my congratulation and good wishes on the occasion of the opening of the new Auditorium and the inauguration of your 36th Annual Conference. I am sure that your extremely well-designed building will greatly increase the pleasure and appreciation of the Acade­ my’s audience and will represent an important addition to the cultural amenities of the City.” 4 The High Commissioner for Canada in India extended his best wishes to the Academy on this important occasion. His Excellency the Ambassador of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, New Delhi said in his message: "It is a well- known fact that Madras has always succesfully endeavoured to preserve Karnatak music in its pure classical form. It is therefore in the fitness of things that the Madras Music Academy should now hold its concerts in a representative Auditorium with good acoustics where the public can enjoy music at its best.” Messages on the occasion of the opening of the new premises of the Academy were also received form the eminent American Composer, Dr. Henry Cowell, Author of the Madras Symphony, dedicated to this Academy, Society for Ethnomusicology, United States ; Jack Bornoff, Secretary, International Music Council, Unesco and Music Library, Jerusalem. Sri M. Patanjali Sastri, Former Chief Justice of India, wished the function all success. Mr. Artur Isenberg of the Ford Foundation, Delhi extended to the Music Academy heartfelt good wishes of himself and his wife on the auspicious occasion of the formal inauguration of the new auditorium by His Highness Maharaja of Mysore. He said that he and his wife considered themselves deeply indebted to the Madras Music Academy for some of the most rewarding cultural experien­ ces in India. 4 THE JOURNAL OF THE MADRAS MUSIC ACADEMY [VOL. XXXIV Her Highness the Junior Mahafani of Travancore, H. H. the Maharaja of Travancore and His Highness Maharaja of Cochin sent their best wishes for the success of the opening function. The following Governors of States sent messages wishing the opening function all success: Their Excellencies Sri Pataskar, Madhya Pradesh ; Dr. Sampurnanand, Rajasthan ; Sri Biswanath Das, U .P .; Sri Anantasayanam Iyengar, Bihar ; Sri V. V. Giri, Kerala ; Sri Medhi Nawaz Jung, G ujarat; Mr.*vVishnu Sahay, Assam and Sri Bishnuram Medhi, Madras. The Hon’ble Mr. Jagjivan Ram, Minister for Transport and Communications, Delhi, sent his best wishes for the great success of those connected with the work of the Academy.
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