B 20004 F BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS Signal For Freedom Fight Jan Palach f January 19, 1969 "Better to die in flames than to live under Russian colonial yoke!” — if the world has grasped Palach’s message his sacrifice in Prague’s Wen- ceslas Square was not in vain. Verlagspostamt: München 8 January — February 1969 Vol. XX No. 1 CONTENTS: President Thieu Addresses The WACL Conference . 7 H. E. Tran Van Huong (Vietnam) No Durable Peace Through Concessions.............................12 Dr. Phan Huy Quat (Vietnam) Vietnam Is Determined To Fight Communism .... 14 General Gao Van Vien (Vietnam) Necessity Of A Vietnam S tra te g y ........................................... 16 Yaroslav Stetsko Revolutions Versus Nuclear W a r .......................................... 23 Prof. Dr. ]. Kitaoka (Japan) The Communist And The Anti-Communist Movement In Japan ...............................................................25 Resolutions Passed By The Second WACL Conference . 29 Austin J. App, Ph. D. (USA) Washington’s Policy Towards M o s c o w ..............................32 Dr. Kyril Drenikoff (Bulgaria) Did Stalin Order The Death Of King Boris III? .... 34 On The Meaning Of The Word “Nation” .........................38 Slava Stetsko, M. A. (Ukraine) Brief Report On ABN A c tiv itie s ....................................... 40 Messages To The Saigon C o n fe re n c e ............................. 46 Publisher: Press Bureau of the Antibolshevik Bloc of Annual subscription DM 12.— in Germany, 6 Dollars Nations (A.B.N.) in U.S.A., and the equivalent of 6 Dollars in all other countries. Remittances to: Deutsche Bank, Munich, Fi­ Munich 8, Zeppelinstr. 67 liale Depositenkasse, Neuhauser Str. 6, Account, No. 300/261 35 (A. B. N.). Editorial Staff: Board of Editors. Editor-in-Chief: Mrs. Slava Stetsko, M.A. Articles signed with name or pseudonym do not necessarily reflect the Editor’s opinion, but that of Herausgeber: Presse-Büro des Antibolschewistischen the author. Manuscripts sent in unrequested cannot be Blocks der Nationen (ABN), München 8, Zeppelin­ returned in case of non-publication unless postage is straße 67/0, Telefon 44 10 69. enclosed. Schriftleitung: Redaktionskollegium. Verantwortlicher Redakteur: Frau Slawa Stetzko. It is not our practice to pay for contributions. Erscheinungsort: München. Reproduction permitted but only with indication of Druck: Buchdruckerei Erich Kirmair, München 12, source (A.B.N.-Corr.). Westendstraße 49. The Second World Anti-Communist League Conference In Saigon The Second Conference of the World ious resolutions which dealt with the anti- Anti-Communist League (WACL) and the Russian and anti-Communist struggle. 14th Conference of the Asian Peoples’Anti- Communist League (APACL) were held in Delegates from the following countries Saigon, Vietnam, on December 16-20, 1968. were present: Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, China, Co­ Participants of the Conference lumbia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Delegates from more than 50 countries Ecuador, France, Greece, Hong Kong, In­ and 20 important international and nation­ dia, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, al anti-Communist organizations attended Lebanon, Lesotho, Macao, Malawi, Malay­ the Second WACL Conference in Saigon sia, Mexico, Holland, New Zealand, Nor­ from December 16-18. They adopted var­ way, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Por- 1 tugal, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, key — by Senator Tevetoglu, Chairman of Upper Volta, USA, Vietnam, Nicaragua, the Foreign Relations Committee in the Costa Rica and others. The Anti-Bolshevik Senate; Iran — Senator Kazemi, as head of Bloc of Nations (ABN) represented the na­ the delegation; Canada — Mr. R. Thomp­ tional liberation revolutionary organiza­ son, Member of the House of Commons; tions of the nations subjugated by Russian Ceylon — Mr. Renaweera, M. P.; India — imperialism and Communism — Byelorus­ Anil Narendra, M. P. and three other dele­ sia, Ukraine, Turkestan, Georgia, the Baltic gates; 15-member Chinese delegation was states, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hun­ headed by Dr. Ku Cheng-kang; France by gary, Slovakia, Czechia, Croatia, Serbia, General Vanuxem; 6-member Japanese de­ Armenia, North Caucasus, Albania and legation was headed by Prof. Dr. J. Ki- others. ABN delegation consisted of Yaro­ taoka; 9-member Korean delegation was slav Stetsko, A. Olechnik (Byelorussian Li­ headed by Gen. Lee; Lesotho by Ambassa­ beration Front) and Slava Stetsko. dor Molapo; Malaysian — Ambassador Tan Ton Hung; 6-member Thai delegation- The European Freedom Council (EFC) Gen. P. Kulapichit; 30-member Vietnamese represented West European anti-Communist delegation was headed by former Prime national organizations. Its delegation was Minister Dr. Phan Huy Quat, and others. headed by Yaroslav Stetsko. From among its members the delegates from Italy, Swe­ Topics Covered by the Conference den, France and other countries were pre­ sent. The National Captive Nations Com­ The Second Conference of the WACL mittee (NCNC) was represented by Prof. was opened by Vietnamese President Lev Dobriansky and Prof. W. Chopiwskyi Nguyen Van Thieu. Before the opening from Arizona. Inter-American Confede­ ceremony the delegates laid a wreath at the ration for the Defense of the Continent memorial to the victims of Communism. (IACCD) was represented by Admiral Car­ Numerous messages were received from los Penna Botto. The International Con­ presidents of China, Philippines, Korea, ference for Political Warfare of the USSR prime ministers of Greece and Thailand, as was represented by Madame Suzanne Labin. well as greetings from various national and Among other organizations present were: international organizations. Anti-Communist League of the Americas, The diplomatic corps, presidents of both Asian Lay-Christian Association, Christian houses of the Vietnamese Parliament, chief Anti-Communist Crusade, Free Pacific As­ of the general staff, chief justice of the Su­ sociation, International Committee for In­ preme Court, numerous members of the formation and Social Action (Alfred Gie- House and Senate and of course TV, len, Germany), Assembly of Captive Euro­ radio and the press were present. After pean Nations (Mr. Germenji, Albania), the report of the outgoing chairman of Committee to Fight Red Chinese Aggres­ the WACL, Dr. Ku Cheng-kang, the sion, Mexican Anti-Communist Federation newly elected chairman of the WACL, of the Occident, Reinforcing Evangelist and Dr. Phan Huy Quat addressed the con­ Aiding Pastors (REAP, Japan), Vietnam ference, followed by reports of spokes­ Veterans’ Legion and many other combat­ men for various complexes. Mrs. Slava ant anti-Communist political and ideologi­ Stetsko reported on the activities of ABN. cal organizations. Individual countries and Mr. Yaroslav Stetsko delivered a political organizations were represented by outstand­ statement from ABN, and Dr. Alfredo Fer- ing public figures: former presidents (Costa lisi (Italy) submitted a report on behalf of Rica), prime ministers, foreign ministers, the European Freedom Council. Dr. Lev senators (Australia), representatives, high Dobriansky reported on the activities of the military officers, party leaders . .. For ex­ National Captive Nations Committee. ample, Spain was represented by a delegate Topics of primary concern for the Second from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Tur­ WACL Conference were: “World situation 2 ill the light of the Communist threat”, World Freedom Day; 10. on the importance “WACL’s attitude to the Paris peace talks”, of the national liberation struggle of the “How to counteract the so-called people’s subjugated peoples; 11. on the immediate wars”, “The position of developing coun­ necessity to adopt adequate counter mea­ tries under pressure and threat of Com­ sures towards unusually strengthened dan­ munist exploitation”, “Youth problems”. ger from Communism; 12. Joint Commini- Resolutions were drafted by four commit­ que, which emphasized national indepen­ tees: Cultural and Youth, Economic, Poli­ dence noting the role of the subjugated peo­ tical, Military and Paramilitary. A separate ples in the struggle against Russia and men­ committee was set up to draft the Joint tioning Hungary, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Communique of the Second WACL Con­ Bulgaria, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, the ference. From the 30 resolutions which were Baltic states and others by name. adopted the following deserve special men­ From the speeches which were delivered tion: 1. on the Paris peace talks; 2. on the at the conference the following deserve necessity to support the revolutionary libe- particular attention: WACL Chairman, Dr. Phan Huy Quat (left), and Col. Do Dang Cong, Secretary General of the Vietnam Chapter, behind the Presidium table. ration struggle of the peoples subjugated The address by the President of the Re­ by Russian imperialism and Communism, public of Vietnam — Gen. Nguyen Van and the dissolution of the Russian empire; Thieu on the world political aspects of Viet­ 3. events in CSSR; 4. condemnation of nam’s liberation struggle, the elements of Communist aggression and brutality in possible victory, the false policy of Western Vietnam; 5. against the policy of so-called super-powers, the importance of Vietnam’s peaceful coexistence, and for the policy of reunification in freedom to the stabilization liberation; 6. on 'demands that the US go­ of relations and the perspective of the final vernment respect the free will of the Viet­ victory over Communism and imperialism. namese
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