9ieLOOKOUT HERE IS A VERY PLEASANT WAY to make a contribution to our funds while actually spending money for your own needs. The Institute has been invited The Lookout to share in the proceeds of Lewis & Conger's annual " Name-Your-Own-Charity VOL. XLIV February, 1953 NO. 2 Sale, " which lasts throughout the month of March. When you make purchases at their store, located at Sixth Avenue and 45th Street, please mention the Seamen's Church Institute of New York and we will receive from the store / ' 1 0"10 of the total amount you spent for your own needs. Please tell your .",; t,;. friends about it. ," -d 'O r --- !l-~ - <I " ,. / '" .. .. ;/1 )j # .. .fr ' ~ .- " 'i~ t~ ':", ...... - At ~ '-.. 1llllim! !. int' Ph M(} VOl. XLIV FEBRUARY. 1953 Th e Andrea Dorio decked out for her debut, Copyright 1953 by the Seamen's Church Instit.ute of /\' ew rork Debut of the Andrea Doria $ 1.00 per year Wc per copy Published Monthly Gifts of $5.00 per year and over include a year's subscription ROrDLY bearing the distinction of automatic depth ounding meler and an a transatl antic first: an "emerald­ electronic eye \ hich gives her a \' i!'i ibilily CLARENCE G. MlCHALlS THOMAS ROBERTS P President Secretary and Treasurer liled sw imming pool" for each passenge r of 40 miles under any co ndilions. Her REV. RAYMOND S. HALL, D.O. TOM BAAB cia s- a splendid blow Ior democracy­ two groups of turbi nes and twi n 18-lon Director Editor the S .5. Andrea Doria of the Ita li an Li ne propell ers cul a 50,000 h.p. brin y swath . Entered ttJ Jtcond dan maller, Jill>, 8, 1925 at New York, N. Y., ~nd" arriyed here in all her luxuriou maiden­ The A ndrea Doria's 30,000 ton repre· the acl 0/ March 3, 1879 ly spl endor. sent a ubstantial stride forward in Italy's A ddreJJ all commlinicationJ to efforts to rebuil d her merchant Reet. She is the most beauteo us Ita li an to Boa ting a speed potential of over 25 SEAME N'S CH U RCH I NSTITUTE OF NEW YORK grace our hores in twenty year !> and. kn ots, the liner, which in minialure at­ 25 South Street, New York 4, N. Y. holding court in lew York f OT a week. tracted so much awed atten ti on at the Telephone BOwli ng Green 9·2710 bedazzled visitors wi th her wonders. SCI booth at th e Mo torboat Show, will They gazed at paintings, peeked in to be a Tew York· Mediterranean express. taterooms and clambered over pre-fab· The Andrea. Doria. combines her me· ricated bridges. Ol d Andrea Doria him­ chanical effi ciency with overwhelmi nO' elf, th e great Genoe e Admiral, could THE COVER : According to veteran ice patrol men of the U. S. Coast Guard, not have been more im pre sed. elegance. Even New Yorkers were im· " The only sure sign of an iceberg is to see it!" The Coast Guard' annually, pressed wi th her private promenade deck. through its International Ice Patrol, conducts an iceberg census . The figure Worthy of the atomic age, she utilizes reserved for dogs. Canine, howe\'er, do usually exceeds 40,000. a co mplete meteorological tation, an not have a wi mming pool. The file removed from the drawer be­ men's Ch urch In ,,;t ilute upon hi , an'intl que~lioning o( Ih o::;e inlerested in locat­ low can be call ed that of Earl ?lIabbott. in l\ew York. \"X 'hen he does ~o_ T\ Ir ~ . in g the seaman. l\Irs. \Ve"sel and her ,.; laFf It is taken to the office of l\Ir-. Shirley We!'sel \I·ill. wilh skill and oelicac)'. help ran o[t en not onl y di ,;co \'er \'aluable clue" Wessel, head o[ th e :Yl i5s in g Seame n' ~ him to sun'ey hi s si luation wilh an eye to hi s po ,.;s ibl e w h e r eabo ul ~. but can al"o They Wait Bureau al Ihe Institute. On her desk i" a 10 pulling hi s mother at ease and gelling freq uen lly eslabli "h th e moti\'e ullde rly­ nell' leIt er in th e Mabboll ca -e. himseJ[ off th e hook. A fell' l e rror ~ \I ill in g the man'" di;;appearanc~. Thi" i" im­ for Clues i\Iahbotl is a yo un g fellow \Iho prob­ shrink to th eir proper ",ize and certain portanl 10 kn Oll" . if the Bureau is to ap­ ablv decided on a Thur~dav that he co nsi derations will come more sha rpl y proach hi III effecI i\'el y when co nl act is wo~ ld go to sea, for it \I as on'a \Vedne,;­ into focus. In all probability Earl will es lah l i~hed. This co nt act is often made day thnt he thorou o- hly em harrassed him­ make a trip home be [ore he ship:; oul by lell er and it is imperntive Jor th e ,;e lf in a bil o( horseplay th aI cau:;ed a again - if he ooe!' ship out again . Rureau to demonstrate Ihat it ha,; "Ollle­ platform baggage truck to gel :;mashed IllustratiYe of th e work of the Bureau. th .ing to oiTer in Ih e \1 ay of under::; tand­ by a freight Irain at th e railroad station Earl's case is not quite like any other. inf! and good sense thal will help Ih e 1\ the quiet file room of the In~titut e"::; in hi :; home town. lL even made the ~Ir s . Wessel finds each to be a separale ,eaman settle hi s problem. Once a miln 1:\li~sing Seamen's Bureau, sleel cahi­ paper:; in Akron. it \1 a:; so terrible. Earl problem. They may seem si mila r, as fin­ is assured th at he i:,n't go in g to he -' rail­ nets, stiff and tall , press thou sand~ and sneaked out of town and hi :; worried buI gerprint;:; 00. yel each is a diITerent bleno roaded around" by Ihi" Bureau th aI ha;.; thou~:tnds of human drama:; again~t one humilialed parents remarked 10 neigh­ of Ihe many forces and in/1uence" Ih at :; lI(ldenl y butleo into hi , life. he usuall y another in manila folders. These are th e bors that he had gone to spend the sum­ Ilork Lo shape human destinie . welcome,; th e opporlunily to lalk O\'er ~ea r{"li records kept 011 mi~si ng seamen. mer with an uncle in Memphi,; - a~ he Hardly eyer are th ese case,; the result hi , problem with someone \1 ho ~eel11S 10 Here in the dark of this long windowless had aC lu all y planned lo do. of simple mischance: a man does nol kno\\" something al out it. room they wait for clue ', a nd the silence become separated from hi s famil y and From thi s point on il 's a 001 nhill pull. seems to carry an expectant, sympath eti c In two weeks the parents got a lelle r mailed from ;\ew York sayin g that he fri ends in Ih e same accidental. rarele;;s fo r ~ilualions ha\"e a way of sounding hum. was go in g LO ship out to sea and nol 10 Ila\' in \Ihich he loses Irack of his [ou n­ diITerenl when yo u lalk aloud aboul them Suddenly a key rallies loud and brillie worry. The fath er's altitude was --LeI tai;1 pen or hi s pocket ("omb. l' "uall y Ih e 10 another person . You begin 10 hrar in the lo ck and th e door open" with a \'our:<e lf a~ oth er:, hea r yo u. ane! rO ll L1 SU­ hi III go. Maybe he-Il grow up. ?lIaybe ~ea m a n ha" first lost hi s deiiire 10 keep bun;t of li ght. A string is pulled and a they'll make a man of him." But the in louch wi Ih hi s people_ ei the r hecauoc ;111y modify yo ur position some\lhat. li ght bulb jumps crazily to life. A finger­ mother was wo rried. Although Earl could of unpleasant memori es or because ill Suddeilly openin gs begin to appear. open­ tip slides across the drawer labek e\ er pass for tw enty-one or twenty-two, he Ih e rush of present experi ences he seellls ill gs Ihal just weren't th ere before_ open­ more slowl y. IL sLop S abruptly at th e was only seventeen aft er all. She kne\1 10 find ready ::, uh ,.. litule!; for th o;;e he h <1 .; in g~ Ihat oIten lead th e \I ay ou t of a "'J> " and linge rs do\\ n the ti er to the he was doing what he was doing because le fl behind . ' stal emate. fir4 drawer of ··_vrs.'· With fateful cer­ of shame_ and she fell it would be beller Since it is not running a simple lo"t Howe \·er. not all of these session::' co n­ tainly th e drawer is pulled open. for him in Ihe long run to come home and found department. the Bureau mu :< t elude wilh Ihe seaman resumin g hi s li e" LYman in the drawer abo\'e had not and face hi s little embarrassment thall lemper the .
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