NEWS SPORTS PROFILE PAGE 14 PAGE 7 PAGE 16 SUBSTITUTE THIRST GALA POWDERPUFF ALAN RESTRICTIONS ESTRADA the Carmel Sandpiper a Carmel HigH SCHool Student publiCation VOLUME XXXVII NOVEMBER 2017 www.thesandpiper.org SAFETY Concerns from bomb threat lead to new policy development BY ALEX POLETTI Although uncertainty was in the air, there was undeniable teamwork Teacher and student responses to between teachers and students. One an Oct. 19 bomb threat on campus have such example manifested in the form led to a conversation among CHS site of senior Dalton Quilty, who assumed a and district administration on whether leadership role for his fourth period AP proper measures are being taken during Government and Politics class. Quilty’s emergencies. teacher, Bill Schrier, was inundated Early that Thursday, a call came with questions and comments from oth- into the front offce from a young male er teachers and students, so he asked the voice saying, “You have a bomb on your varsity football player to keep tabs on campus,” and nothing more. After re- the rest of his class. ceiving the call, the entire campus evac- “I had to make sure everyone who uated to the football feld. Students were was supposed to be there was there and not given a reason as to why the entire that everyone remained calm and to- Carmel High population was ordered to gether,” Quilty says. “At the end of the do so, and students remained in the dark day, we’re just trying to help each other, for nearly two hours. especially in these kinds of situations. If “When the alarm frst went off, I I have to take on a little more to make was selling T-shirts by the offce,” se- sure we get by, then so be it.” nior Tara Jones says. “I could tell that While responses like Quilty’s were it was not a prank when many admin- organized, paranoia was still a common istrators started running out of the of- feeling among students. fce, rushing us to go to the feld. I had “I thought it was a major drug an idea it was some sort of threat, but I bust,” junior Maggie Ellison admits. “I didn’t know what type.” didn’t know whether to take it seriously Faculty then ushered students to or not.” photo by KYLIE YEATMAN the side of the feld opposite campus, It was not until the emergency was instructing them to abandon their back- BOMBS Students leave the football feld after nearly two hours of waiting amid the Oct. packs. CONT. ON 3 19 bomb threat, an incident that has sparked new conversations about safety. EDUCATION Student-teacher social media interactions lead to gray areas BY KYLIE YEATMAN students and teachers should al- for himself, noting the possibil- low themselves to become aris- ity of encroaching on students’ Developing relationships es. After all, in the digital age personal lives. with teachers is essential for of social media, where all in- However, would this mean students to not only enjoy their formation is only a few Google that teachers getting a window classroom experiences, but to searches away, it’s easier than into their students’ lives is too potentially create a bond with ever to form closer relationships personal of a relationship with the subject in question that will digitally, and therefore easier students? serve them down the road. After than ever for students and teach- There is not a mandated all, according to a study done by ers to have private contact. policy in regard to social me- the vice president of the Ameri- “As a teacher at Carmel dia interactions among teachers can Institutes for Research, High, I’m an obligated report- and students by the school dis- teachers are told to make their er,” Carmel High School art trict. However, CHS Principal classroom a comfortable, relax- teacher Steven Russell says. “If Rick Lopez speculates that gray ing space and to make them- I followed a student and I saw areas within the classifcation selves open for conversation something that I needed to re- of “social media” make it dif- photo by PASCALE MONTGOMERY relating to the course. However, port, it’d be mandatory for me.” fcult to set specifc protocols as the stressful atmosphere of Russell, who runs a popu- and policies, but any app that Sophomore Brian Porter, aka the classroom diminishes, a new lar Instagram account in which make it diffcult to hold students concern takes form: Should the he shares his art, has one of the or teachers accountable for beloved history teacher Brent relationship between students largest student followings of what they’ve said, most notably and teachers venture outside of all CHS teachers, but makes a Snapchat, would be inappropri- Silva, frightens students with his the classroom? point to not follow any students ate for use. Undeniably, lines blur back until after their graduation. Halloween lesson plan. when the question of how close He’s created a personal policy SOCIAL MEDIA CONT. ON 3 2 LETTERS www.thesandpiper.org NOVEMBER 2017 THE SANDPIPER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR STAFF To the Sandpiper editor: To the Sandpiper editor: Editor-in-chief: Becca Goren The Oct. 2 fre alarm brought to light some There is an obvious lack of water fountains of the issues associated with the procedures dispensing good water on the CHS campus. required for an emergency like this. First of all, There are only three that I am aware of. Layout editor: Julia Sudol the manner in which we fled out of classrooms was nothing short of disorganized. There is no I believe if the school were to install a water set-out path by which each classroom should fountain similar to the one in the gym, students Online Editor: Joyce Doherty go about getting to the feld. I understand that it would fnd it a lot easier to stay hydrated. The might seem a little silly, considering that 90 per- two water fountains near the upper bathrooms Copy Editors: Jack Cordell, Peter cent of the time it is a false alarm, but in a real and music room are not fltered, or at least the Ellison, Athena Fosler-Brazil, Ian emergency, unblocked hallways could become water doesn’t taste fltered. For a high school of a matter of life and death. 800 students, you’d think there’d be more wa- Geertsen, Scott McMahon, Alex ter fountains, but sadly, there are not. Poletti, Quinn Spooner The feld alone was chaotic at best; it was unclear where each class was supposed to line I propose that Carmel High School purchas- Staff Reporters: Sophia Buraglio, up, and with kids splitting up, it would imagin- es and installs more fltered water fountains ably make it that much more difcult to keep and water bottle fllers. I believe this would be a Priscilla Caballero, Ava Crawford, track of the students. One more thing I would good addition to our school. Taylor Desmond, Ellah Foster, Luke like to turn your attention to is that we were all Franklin, Asha Johnston, Gabe grouped in the same area vicinity. After what JULIANA CARDINALE, Carmel Martin, Archer Michaels, Pascale has just happened in Las Vegas, is it really such Montgomery, Nina Patel, Miles a good idea to have everyone in the school sit- Prekoski, Kylie Yeatman, Ryan ting in one big open area? I’m not saying that To the Sandpiper editor: Young an emergency is probable, but I defnitely think that there are some faws in this procedure that In regards to “In-class political bias leads to should be addressed. some disagreement over its appropriateness,” Faculty Adviser: Mike Palshaw political conversations involving students and JULIA KURZ, Carmel Valley teachers are an integral part of a CHS student’s education. I agree that being able to express The views expressed in The Car- one’s opinions as a teacher should be allowed mel Sandpiper are solely those of To the Sandpiper editor: and appropriated, as long as it does not have authors and are not intended to the intention of infuencing a student to change be viewed as those of the Carmel I have come to raise awareness to a prob- their beliefs, in a specifcally driving manner. Unifed School District adminis- lem of ignorance in public restrooms. Haven't Everyone has the right to be entitled to their tration, the Carmel High School you ever had that sad moment when you sit own position on a belief or idea, but incorpo- administration or the adviser. down in the restroom...and there’s no toilet pa- rating that specifc belief into a discussion for per? It is true; we have all experienced this in the sole purpose of changing another’s is not our lives. We’ve also experienced the next few something that is suitable for a classroom en- WANT TO SEND US A awkward moments of struggling to fnd a per- vironment and should not be permitted at CHS. son that has toilet paper in the stall over. LETTER? ITZEL RIOS-ELLIS, Carmel “Hey...do you have any toilet paper?” The Sandpiper staff welcomes con- This is a common problem that is eas- To the Sandpiper editor: tributions from the student body in ily fxed: “Just check before,” says our source the form of letters to the editor to sophomore Mira Meckel. Reading your article about the addition of sandpiper@carmel unifed.org. The an extra class for the AP Human Geography Carmel Sandpiper staff reserves The problem with our student body is that class, I agreed with many of the reasons used the right to edit all letters for clar- we lack common sense, and if the toilet paper to justify it.
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