mMsmmm&Mmsmm mm-, •rr;;!.f' JANUARY 1,189r, ; V , We viriU our trade , TOl THE CUSTOMER purohaainff the larff- MASON. MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1896. WHOLE NO. 1981. ;^;of; an-Elegant' • ' "• .. eat amount of goods at one time be/ore JANU­ VOL. XXXVIII-NO. .5^. ARY 1,1897, we will FREE, one pair of IrUh Point Laoe Curtaina, rvgutdr price 18.00, /Sec­ re«evoir and attaclmieiita oomplete. retail plriea of which ia $60. BuAia Water Itents. Itlug llie Dells. FkaSOJIAI. MEWTIOM. ond largest purchase One Bolt JWusliri, |3.00. Let lis not forget the glad riiiginir of Due Jan. l, '07. C. L. CASrEKi.iw. 2?n;"fJJiS'Tf!w°^^^^^ Theinannerof givingthSprawnJ Third largest purchase, One MaraaiUes Bed Ciirlstmas lielUsoappropirlalely inaug­ , O. It. Fieefandia'bomerorvaoatioii. 's Bazaar wiirbe explained at the People'. Store, Maaon and DanaviUe. Oommenoe tradine with u. Spread, price $2.00. , W2'' • Sec'y. urated ill Mason last year. Let every­ , Oris Lasenby la home rromAnn Arbor. One of the beautifuLand most appropriate Holid.iy Gifts is a may g^t it. We l«»d in Low Price, and EeUable Oood. alS S^^r^S.^! one wiio iiaa ciiarge of an appropriate Loiiie Mills is home for the liollduy vaoa 18 HBADQUAUTEna FOB Eat Sears' Crackers three times a bell ring it An eiitbusiasflo corres­ lion,. Good and Beautiful Book. We have many such in our store.' They day. ap pondent says: Shall ive not have this . Mra. A. I.. Chapman was in Lanaing taat are .idiipted to every size of purse, as well as to young and Lansing people continue their war­ year a concert nf bells, a larger chorus Monday. •Id. There can be no better gift than a good book. Thc Philadel­ fare against the cigarette. than last Christmas, not such funeral nert O. r ongyoar spends part of hta vaca HOLIDAY sounds, one hell tolling after another, lion In Maaon. Satin KttilahQorman Linen.78 In wide, rw. phia Ledger says: "Why not give .1 book .is .1 Christm.'is New shawls, fascinators, wrapper 35o and 50o, each stopping to take breath aa though Orla Hoyt la home lrom Jaokasn alclr with •I 00 ""^ * regular, at MAOKIMTOSHES. med, Slorm Collars, at from 8200 to tlO.OO. , good heavy mixed goods at 17^0, and a very present, at least in every case of doubt.' In It substanti.-il value can be cloth, etc., at Mills'. See ad. * fatlgueti with the eflbrt, but a lively, typhoid rever. _;Itl«an aotcnowtedgetl foot ttiat wo carry We earry a ttne of the welt known Garland A beautinit tloe er embroidered Ilaodkor. Plush Capes Fur and Bead Trimmed, Blllc servlosabie carpet at 25o per yard. ..GOODS.. ttie fliieal aud targosi ttoo or Ltnenn tn itils Machtntoshes. Mtsaea' and Ladtea* aUea at Lined, at UM. H.OO. tS.OO and fO.OO. Last Saturday the Vaiidercook Gro­ merry peal for ten or fifteen niiiiutea, Thnmaa MoLatchie la passing tbe holidays - ;!ctty. What maltei a more appropriate OlirlRU h.id at little cost, nnd if it is at all suited to thc person to whom with Saginaw rrlends. jiniii prtaout tUau a ttne Table Oloil), a Doten reasonable prices. Tliey are better tban quarlor-olT goods, and cery Co. purohased 300 rabbits. ringing in the "morning of^inornlngs" are tbe latest in style and newest in make. it is scut, the donor is sure to be lemembercd at least as long as it is Nanking or a pair or Mtce Towela? . SID QLOVES. Ladies should call at tiie People's and ringing out the "song of the An. Neil Carrier or Chicago Is visiting relatives /: we tiavQ an unbteaotied TabtD Ltnen, 58in Hoeiery and Underwear. gels," "joy to the world, the Lord Is and friends In Maaon. •1:1 ; wide, tormer prtoe 85c, now 250 per yard. We tiave a good stock orKld Gloves, whtcb tn1itri:i',!."S2f.ilfl'k"' '"""^ Handkerchlof* LOOK HERE, on every tenth gar^ being read, aud as often thereafttir .is it is noticed lying on thc tabic." Store and Inquire about the range, ' i-'i'^: , fl0.1n wtde Browu LtHCD, tbrmer price SOo, for quattty and prtoe cannot be excelted. We HANDKERCHIEFS. Genla'ali tinen Handkerohlera at lOo, 2So, Our oustomera aoM nowtedga that oar line of IV-. come! Let earili receive lier Kiiig!" Mlaa Maude Barber ot tbe Lanaing achoola, ment purchased up lo JanuaryHosiery an \si,d Uuderwea wWr is the best lor tbe which Is given as a preiuiiim to cus­ la home fur the vocal ion. ' now 85oi>or yard. handle ibe beat, and our pricea are no more We have Ihe largest and moat oompteto 350 and 600. will r^und the amount lo the purchas­ tomers. * ringing all together at 7:80 o'clock on Special Discounts . 68.1a wtde Cnbleaobed Gernian' Damnik. than other dea era aak for an Inferior arllote. Itoe of Hsndkerobteis, not only In this city, money to be found in tbe county. that Christmas morning, Friday, Dec, Mii.ier Fred Irwl n ii the gueal of bla brotii­ reKiitar price UOo. aate price S7MC. yvhy not. buy the beat, tt coata you no mnrer but the anost ever shown In thls county rrom altk*12J4o^osSi' "aea •«><> er. This means thai every tenth cloak er, Sidney Krwin orchurloito. TO COMMITTEES AND TEACUBK3. , 78.10 wldo Oorumn Damaak, targe aetoctton 2Ho u> 81,75 each. You wilt be hard to ptease customer will get their Cloak FREE rrrsRoWNE^siiiaOOTO^ Really it's a bountiful Christmas or palloriia, nevur aotd ror loaa tban 7So, tbe Ir weeanUsuttyou In this tine. OF CHARGE. tinie. Even pessiiiilsts wlll get some- Fred and Bert Lyon or Lansing are tho .. cnrtsimiwi auto prtce, 45o por yard. We Have a I.adles' Usndfcerctiler, all linen, Fascinators, Feather Boas, thing more than holes In their stock- Tbe Peoples' Store have a Handker­ guests of Muson friends this weelc. 68.1n wtde Btcaahed German Damaak, regn- UMBRELLAS. Ihe tiest value for tiie price ever oUerod at 5c. CLOAKS. rOK YWO. ralENDi chief Saie. See ad. : lar price 700, aate price 600, A. liSdles' Plain Uandkerchler, ombroldor- Shawls, Drapes, Stamped Goods,. ings. And we shall be glad of it. W. A. Bowe and rsmlly are spending For an appropriate preaent for a frtond, ed corners, regular price lOo. at Sceach. Ftne Beavers, Keraeya, Plain and Rough t aald "I will fence me mv Knriten or rones Ohrlslinos wilh friends lu Jackaon. ' Tll.lD wide BleucIied German Damaak, rcgu- Goods, at from is.SO lo /izloO.giSdrihat can't From the prying or llie vulgar street; Monday last a Cbristinus- window : lar price 6S0. sale price 600, vvhal la more aervtcetbte or dcatrabte for a A beautiful Hue or colored borders, tiem- CARPETS. Laces, Embroideries, Mittens, aynt Can't Have It. Mrs. O. Erwln and daughter Irene are vis­ Great Bargains , 7}i:ln wide nioaobed German Linen, regular a lady or gent than a Ftne Sttk Umbretia? atllclied, at So. n;iS2''*J''«"».?'' •»'»"»<« •Peolalsaleat the None .hall know iliat niy iieart euclnaes was being arranged in Rayniond's yVo have them lu many atylos and prices, and A very fine line of embroidered, tieinstllch- price we ofler them ror. yVe have the heavy an wool Ingratn, new Sliirts, Chenille Table Spreads, A dream ol Aruadv, puanlon-aweet!" Tii«> Lansing coiiiinon council last iting reiailvea and friends in Cuna.la. •1.00 per yard, aatin anlab,7fio. a large variety to aelect from. „Kif,P*'i,'".."°4«Jl' Goods, Astniohan, Chin­ slytes and patterns li aeteul from, at 50o per Xmas Cheer iiardware store and by accident a IN EVERY DEl'ABT^EMT. ed, open lace work coruera at lOo. l',ic, Ijc, 2So, chilla, Bead and Braid Trimmed, Fur Trim­ So in oeir-love iny lira seemed comely. Monday discussed the question bfmov- Mr. and Mra. A. H. Sleator or Charlotte are yard. A tighter grade of att woot at 43c. A Rugs, Etc., Etc. Chinese lantern took flre. Prompt ing (he county seat to lLansing. Prob- to apend Olirlatmua al D. P. yvhiunore'a. Till there came to the iron gate, one day, action on the part of hystaiiders saved A poor blind beicgar groping dumbly— ably they begin to want the county Fred T. Selden orCblcsKO wns ttie gueat ol Beginning Saturd.-iy, Dec. 19, .ind 'X'iie rragrant rouca tbcmaelvea belrayt serious loss. tax payers to help them out on their hlH mother, Mra. A. W. Parkhurat, over Sun­ day. continuing until after the Holi­ I would deny him—atay—a vision! Tlie Su nday school con veil Hon that new city hall, which Lansing papers TiKiriia enc.rowning a pallid Face, . was to have been held In Mason next say the hnilder wlll not yet turn over Mr. and Mra. Felix Dantela and son are In A Full Line days we will sell Bed Willi dro|>a from each aliarp Inclalon, Poutiae aud otlier iilaces auendtng tho hult- DANsviLLE. HENDERSON MURRAY, mason/mich. And eyes divine in their dying grace. Tuesday evening has been postponed to the city because he stiii lacks $30,- daya. 000 of having bis pay for the building. OF 2So BOOKa-Flvo ror One Dottur.' The vlaioii paraod. 1 read its meaning— tiii soiiie day in the near future. So Mr. and Mra. .T. It. Beech attended ttie fun­ My Lord Chrlatatood In lliobeKgur'a guise! much holiday work and the special Probate Judge.elect Porter appeared eral Ol Phillip Couley al Eaton Itaplda taat THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUV Swirl my handa in ilielr eager glKHiiing iiieetiiigs at the Baptist ciiiircii next before the council and asked them to week yvedaeiiday.
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