DRAFT Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Dollar General Retail Store Lead Agency: City of Yreka 701 Fourth Street Yreka, CA 96097 April 2018 DRAFT Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Dollar General Retail Store April 2018 Lead Agency: City of Yreka 701 Fourth Street Yreka, CA 96097 Prepared by: 55 Hanover Lane Chico, CA 95973 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Dollar General Retail Store DRAFT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION DOLLAR GENERAL PROJECT Lead Agency: City of Yreka Project Proponent: Cross Development Project Location: The Project is located on the north side of Montague Road / State Route 3 (SR 3) between N. Main Street and Deer Creek Way in the City of Yreka (see Figure 1. Project Vicinity). Interstate 5 (I-5) is 0.2 mile to the east. The site is bounded by existing commercial uses to the south, east and west, and the City’s corporate yard to the north (see Figure 2. Project Location). The site is located in Section 23 of Township 45 North, Range 07 West of the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. The approximate center of the site is located at latitude 41º44’25” N and longitude 122º37”54” W. Project Description: The Project consists of the development of a 9,100-square foot Dollar General store. The proposed Project is located on 0.925 acres of a 3.43-acre parcel (APN 053-591-380) within the City’s CT (Commercial Tourist) zoning district. Mitigation Measures Incorporated into the Project to Avoid Significant Effects: Air Quality AQ-1: The following dust control measures shall be incorporated into the project to reduce short- term emissions resulting from construction. Depending on weather and site conditions, measures shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Use regular watering to control dust generation as described below. 2. When transporting soil and other dust-generating materials by truck during construction activities, cover materials and/or maintain 2 feet of freeboard. 3. Wash or wet-sweep paved streets adjacent to construction sites as necessary to remove accumulated dust. 4. During earth-moving operations, conduct watering as necessary to prevent visible emissions from extending beyond active areas. 5. Water all unpaved roads used for any vehicular traffic at least once per every two hours of active operations and restrict vehicle speed on unpaved roads to 15 miles per hour (mph), or as appropriate to reduce dust. Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration 1 April 2018 (2018-017) Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Dollar General Retail Store 6. Pave, maintain a wet surface, or apply dust suppressants on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas. 7. Suspend land clearing, grading, earth-moving, or excavation activities when winds exceed 20 miles per hour. 8. Cover inactive storage piles of topsoil or landscape materials. 9. Post a publicly visible sign with the number and person to contact regarding dust complaints. This person shall have the authority and responsibility to respond and take corrective action within 24 hours. 10. No temporary asphalt or concrete batch plants will be allowed to operate onsite. 11. Construction staging areas should be located at a distance that would reduce odors and dust emissions from existing schools and residential areas. Timing/Implementation: During construction activities Monitoring/Enforcement: Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control District; City of Yreka Building Department AQ-2: The following dust control measures shall be incorporated into the project to reduce the airborne entrainment of asbestos resulting from construction. Depending on weather and site conditions, measures shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Unpaved areas subject to vehicle traffic must be stabilized by being kept adequately wetted, treated with a chemical dust suppressant, or covered with material that contains less than 0.25 percent asbestos. 2. The speed of any vehicles and equipment traveling across unpaved areas must be no more than fifteen (15) miles per hour unless the road surface and surrounding area is sufficiently stabilized to prevent vehicles and equipment traveling more than 15 miles per hour from emitting dust that is visible crossing the project boundaries. 3. Storage piles and disturbed areas not subject to vehicular traffic must be stabilized by being kept adequately wetted, treated with a chemical dust suppressant, or covered with material that contains less than 0.25 percent asbestos. 4. Activities must be conducted so that no track-out from any road construction project is visible on any paved roadway open to the public. 5. Equipment must be washed down before moving from the property onto a paved public road. Timing/Implementation: During construction activities Monitoring/Enforcement: Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control District; City of Yreka Building Department Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration 2 April 2018 (2018-017) Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Dollar General Retail Store Cultural Resources CUL-1: If, during the course of project construction and/or operations, cultural resources (i.e., prehistoric sites, historic features, isolated artifacts, and features such as concentrations of shell or glass) are discovered, work shall be halted immediately within 50 feet of the discovery, the City of Yreka Planning Department shall be immediately notified, and a professional archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards in prehistoric or historical archaeology shall be retained to determine the significance of the discovery. The City shall consider mitigation recommendations presented by a professional archaeologist and implement a measure or measures that the City deems feasible and appropriate. Such measures may include avoidance, preservation in place, excavation, documentation, curation, data recovery, or other appropriate measures. Timing/Implementation: During ground-disturbing construction activities Monitoring/Enforcement: City of Yreka Building Department CUL-2: If subsurface deposits believed to be of paleontological significance are discovered during construction, all work must halt within a 50-foot radius of the discovery. An on-site paleontological monitor, meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for paleontology, shall be retained by the project applicant and shall be afforded a reasonable amount of time to evaluate the significance of the find. Work cannot continue at the discovery site until the paleontologist conducts sufficient research and data collection to make a determination that the resource is either (1) not a paleontological resource or (2) not potentially significant. If a potentially eligible resource is encountered, the paleontologist, lead agency, and project applicant shall arrange for either (1) total avoidance of the resource, if possible, or (2) test excavations to evaluate eligibility and, if eligible, total data recovery as mitigation. The determination shall be formally documented in writing and submitted to the City, as verification that the provisions in CEQA for managing unanticipated discoveries have been met. Timing/Implementation: During ground-disturbing construction activities Monitoring/Enforcement: City of Yreka Building Department CUL-3: If, during the course of project implementation, human remains are discovered, all work shall be halted immediately within 50 feet of the discovery, the City of Yreka Building Department shall be immediately notified, and the County Coroner must be notified, according to Section 5097.98 of the California Public Resources Code and Section 7050.5 of the California Health and Safety Code. If the remains are determined to be Native American, the coroner will notify the Native American Heritage Commission, and the procedures outlined in California Code of Regulations Section 15064.5(d) and (e) shall be followed. Timing/Implementation: During ground-disturbing construction activities Monitoring/Enforcement: City of Yreka Building Department Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration 3 April 2018 (2018-017) Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Dollar General Retail Store THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration 4 April 2018 (2018-017) Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Dollar General Retail Store CONTENTS Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration – Yreka Dollar General Project ............................................................................ 1 Mitigation Measures Incorporated into the Project to Avoid Significant Effects ....................................................... 2 SECTION 1.0 Background ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 Lead Agency .................................................................................................................................... 1-2 1.4 Purpose and Document Organization .................................................................................. 1-2 1.5 Project Location ............................................................................................................................
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