HIGH TIDES HAMPTON HARBOR Daylight Saving Time > cherished coin Wins in the more d ir e c t FROM OVEN to Thursday Miss Hampton Bobich Aug. 16 12:15 p m. 9.1 List Past TS inners Pageant — Among these were Sally Ann LARGE ASST. OF DONUTS Friday 12:32 a.m. 10.3 and the Hon«y-Ploin-Jelly-Cinnomon & c Aug. 17 1:03 P-m. 9 5 (Continued from P"9f 0nf> Free liman, Snndie hn , Beach Of Miss N.E. Contest present Miss Hamp BIRTHDAY CAKES MADE TO ( Saturday 1:23 p.m. 10.3 Island have not. as yet. P'»c^ ive Mc- Aug. 18 1:53 p m. 9.7 title holder, Miss CHEESE - CORN & OATMEAL I A run down of the top award winners in any of the top three I.eod. No Hampton pul ha* Sunday 2:16 a.m. 10.1 winners in the five previou> ilthough Visit our Bakery Section. We hove 2:45 p.m. 9.7 spots. ever won this contest Aug. 19 Miss New England contests and Hollins- gest Assortment Ever, and ever Monday 3:10 a.m. 9.7 the forerunners dating back to top three spots. Beverly Brimiamour Judging is based on the sa c w o rth copped the Miss Sea Baked on the Fremiscs. Aug. 20 3:40 p.m. 9.5 1954 has been compiled through 4:04 a.m. 9.2 system ns that used m the Miss Nvrnph title in l-*™- Tuesday the use of the BEAC HCOMBEK Hampton Beach contest, mo - Aug. 21 4:38 p.m. 9-3 and HAMPTON UNION rec­ Expected to be on hand c 5:11 a.m. 8.6 fied from that of the Miss Unl' relinquish her crown is Sy'via 11 Lo. A vg. Wednesday ords. verse contest. Following two to Ready To Ect Aug. 22 5:40 p.m. 9.0 In 1961, 32 girls participated Gustavson. Miss Hamp 0 f 6:16 a.m. 8.L three rounds of elimination « Bench, Jonnye McLeod ot Stuffed A Gravy Thursday with Sylvia Gustavson, 19, ol Aug. 23 8. which the judges pick the girls Hampton, will also participate Winchester, Mass, winning the Hampton oracn mowwiw ____________________________________ - who won’t return in following 7 Lb. Avg. VOL. XXXV, NO. 3 title. Second place went to rounds, a point system is used m tho nroirram. Su-Su Smith, 21, Newton Uppvr Stuffed & Gravy Falls, Mass, while Louise Ann whereby each girl may accumu­ Rcody To Eat Richardson, 16, of Georgetown, late points over the final two to three rounds. Judging is Mass, took third pluce honors. 3 V ,-4 Lb. Avg. 1960 — 23 girls touk part. based not only on over all State Brunette Crowned form, but poise, personality and Ready To Eal Winners included: 1. Sandie Stuffed £ Gtovy Kay, 16. Plaistow; 2. Gayle El­ There are no talent re- len Wackell, 17. Worcester, Mass.; 3, Lorraine Bourgeois, Murray's 19, Manchester. Beach ^ 195** — 23 girls took part. COTTON CANDY CASINO MARKET New England 1. Marjorie MacLeod. Concord; Gum & Life Severs Featuring S. S. Pierce Company’s Groceries Miss In colorful ceremonies at the Casino Ballroom last 2, Joan Cole. 20, Hull, Mass.; (NEXT TO PLAYLAND) night. Miss Louise Ann Richardson of Georgetown. 3, Debbie Zabriskie, 16, New- Park In Front of Market While You Shop Ma<=« became Miss New England of 1%3. bhe w*;> buryport, Mass. George K. Murray 1958 _J The record is incom­ Ocean Blvd. near C " street chosen from a bevy of 33 beautiful contestants. plete as to the number of con­ The new Miss New England is 17 testants. 1, Doreen McNamee. foot four inches tall and we*?Js. ^ ^ 'a u d i e n c ? S 20. Brattleboro. Vermont; 2, Ellen Murphy. 17. Salem, Mass.; blue-eyed brunette, she captiwtedLJh® beaur. 3, Gail B. Westendarp, 18, Portsmouth. 1957 — 26 girls. 1, Maureen B o u j u n c Burke, 16, Methuen, Mass.; Maureen Donahy, 18, Lawrence, b i l l i a r d s Mass.; Dianne M. Wallace, 17, Hotel. Peabody, Mass. Xancv Jean Brackett, sponsored by the 1956 — Miss Sea Nymph, DudlW depai-tmemjare, ja ^ h e Art Sally Ann Freedman, 16, Pea­ body, Mass. 1956 — Miss Mermaid, Mar­ lene Decoteau, 19, Haverhill, « i * S u s u Mass. Placing in the 2nd iunnei up v ~ ored bv the 1955 — Miss August Festival. 20 girls, Colleen Whitley, 21, ° »IP i " Haverhill, Mass.; Miss Sea Nymph, 20 girls, Sandra Sad- ^iphim r m ite. E w w d owsky, 18, Kittery, Maine; Miss. Mermaid, 29 girls, Carol Normandy, lfi, Lowell, Mass. 1954 — Miss Personality, Pat Kilbane, 19, Dorchester, Mass.; Enriand state.. « reeistcreil only 3> Miss Glamor Girl, Catherine three wins. Ox thei -1 _ *•. Harnpton’s own Martha Keegan, 17, Medford, Mass.; able to mdte the fi : ' the Hampton Beach con- Miss Sunshine, Marion Jean Kennedy, 20, West Swanzey, N. of illness. H.; Miss Sea Nymph, Beverly ' Judge, included $***%$%&*£%■ Brindamour, 18, Hampton Beach. FERNCROFT RECREATION CENTER oE ,ke Providence. Rhod^Mam ^ H>rtfaxU Con- "A " STREET Coughlin, adveitising h Martin. Springfield news- I hird Stolen Car Is TEL. 6-3410 HAMPTON BEACH necticut Courant, Danwl ^ area. Sallv Ann Freed, paper ad representati Beach Miss Massachusetts, Recovered By Police OPEN YEAR ROUND man, former Miss Hamp tant in the Miss L ni- w A third stolen car, taken Miss Boat 0 Rama a"o ^ and John O’Malley, travel from North Beach this week, verse pageant fr«» J gSoston Herald. Tellers were was recovered Monday after­ t S r Z v S and Wilson pennett, local public account- noon at 5:10 p.m. by Officer BICYCLING BOW LING BILLIARDS Donald Hanson. The car, taken from 269 an,; North Shore boulevard at 12:45 200 Bikes a.m. on August 5 was found With In the Penthouse the Chamber of Comme” i; In Excellent Condition ‘ a introduced by executive abandoned on Sea view avenue Automatic Pinsetters Well Ventilated “ Witliam B « * ™ » off North Shore road by the 20" - 24" - 26" Hampton police officer. The ignition switch had been pulled Good Lanes Fluorescent out but the car was otherwise Tandems Good Pins undamaged. Lighted 3-Speeds Courteous Patricia BtouiUard and Hampstead was formerly part 7 ^ / friendly Service of Amesbury, Mass, and Haver­ Regulars 7 Brunswick hill. __ ^ M /f M “ V. Air Cooled Pocket Tables Equipped with Lights at Night Wall to Wall Carpeting Strollers & Trikes for Tots evi'srjsrjs ' Bowl to Stay'Slim" Open Weekdays & Sundays BOWLING K v £ yNew England received . M,!L h and silver robe from WEEKDAYS b illia r d s 9:30 A M. TO MIDNIGHT her . - .-he contest, BICYCfES several finalists . ^ 8:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT * 3"d heMiss Gusta"on. She qUeC"'re4ented a trophy by Mr. BOWLING was pre.cn Casino and SUNDAYS BILLIARDS 1:00 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT John DineL » by Mr. BICYCLES 8:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT When In Exeter, Why Not Try Ch8S NEW ENGLAND - 14 G Street EXETER BOWLING LANES (Continue*Ml ^ onnet Paaz °Sixteeni Hampton Beach 10 Columbus Ave. Tel. PR 8-8948 r , by Colt - Dave Saulnier - WellWall Carpeting _ Ample Ftee Partin. ' H. photos 24 HOUR SERVICE OPEN LANES EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT ■for yourcom fbrt' 7 DAY5 A WEEK “BOWLING’S GREAT M The BEACHCOMBER K Pag# 2 BUSSES'TO ALL-’U.S. : Eleotricfty that merely .tin­ POINTS. DIR£CT gles one person may kill an­ At registered *pbormat'sts/.we tfr'd dedicated ’o tbe other. Treat electricity respect- Hearing Held On SERVICE TO CANADA service of the community . to the prompt filling 3ullyr especially if hands, feet, T.V. RENTALS of each medicol prescription entrusted te us. four floor or clothing are wet. Jackie’s Travel Agency need is our command, BY DAY OR WEEK Hampton Beach, N .H ., VVA 6 -2 3 9 3 Sight-Seeing Service 'P o IU z a a At Hampton Beach ALL NEW SETS THY A decision on the application sifcJe sight-seeing service along ■ of LeRoy Leonard for authority the New Hampshire coastline Hudon's Restaurant ■” •• ** ‘ « will depend upon the outcome Located In The •* to operate a sight-seeing com­ of a hearing held by the N. H. ROSS GARAGE K- High Street On The Boardwalk mon carrier route between Parking Lot Public Utilities Commission ut BOBBIE’S Ocean Blvd. Hampton Beach Hampton Beach and New Castle •<— V Hampton Center _ Excellent Food is expected in the very near Hampton Beach Monday after­ AUTO REPAIRS future. The future of the pos- noon. KIMBALL REAL ESTATE The hearing, running into a Storage and Pood Service i 4 Arthur Bickford lengthy three hours, covered all 11 phases of the project as pro­ Hampton Beach Tel. WA 6-3338 FROM ALL OYER posed by Mr. Leonard. Approx­ 12 “ I” Street imately 25 persons were in at­ T d SHELLS THE WORLD" tendance to listen to the testi­ Tel. WA 6-2359 k-vi FABRICS mony offered by the many wit­ THE MARILYN • * • • • nesses. Dining Room SPECIMENS - NOVELTIES - JEWELRY The type of sight-seeing serv­ 17 & 27 "I” ST., Hampton Beach Real Treasures at Prices ice as proposed by Mr. Leonard Arthur J. Labonte, Mgr. DO-IT-YOURSELF SUPPLIES was strongly supported by many Tel. WA 6-2456 That Will Surprise You! beach businessmen as well as BREAKFAST 8:30-11 A.M. .. $1 WINNERS OF THE JUNIOR DIVISION of the Monday evening town officials. Only three per­ DINNER 5:00-7 P.M. $2 talent show included Marilyn Murphy. 10.
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