Index Abbas, Ferhat, 451 Allen, Marilyn, 187 Abbreviations, List of, 551-52 Allgemeine Wochenzeitung (Duessel- Abell, Maxwell, 157 dorf), 399 Aberg, Einar, 344, 356, 479 Alliance (Cleveland), 37 Abir, Mark, 448 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 79, 117, Abraham, Paul, 389 310, 326, 329, 453, 454, 455, 457, 465, Abrahams, Bernard, 483 467, 472, 474, 520 Abrahams, Israel, 481 Allied Control Council, 401, 407, 408 Abrams, Margaret, 644 Allied High Commission, 366, 367 Achdut Avodah, 496 Allouche, Felix, 469 Achdut Haavodah-Poale Zion (see United Alper, Michael, 605 Labor Zionist Party) Alpha Epsilon Phi, 564 Van Acker, Archille, 330 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 564 Action Against Anti-Semitism, 407 Alpha Omega Fraternity, 564 L'Action Ouvriere Francaise, 321 d'Alquen, Gunter, 376, 377 Adams, Theodore L., 105 Alter, Karl J., 117 Adas, Ya'akov, 499 Altmaier, Jakob, 383 Adath Israel congregation (Cincinnati), Altman, Irving, 605 109, 196 Am Oved, 510 Addams, Jane, 35 Amarillo, David, 364 Adenauer, Konrad, 366, 371, 372, 375, Amateur Athletic Union, 271 381, 382, 383, 388, 413, 427, 541 America Comes of Age, 637 Ades, Abraham, 518 American Academy for Jewish Research, Ades, Shank, 518 239, 555 Adjiman, Salvatore, 516 American Academy for Jewish Research, Adler, H. G., 389 Proceedings of, 589 Adloyada, 508 American and European Friends of ORT, Administration of Justice in Indonesia, 556 336 American Association for Jewish Educa- Adult Jewish Leadership, 589 tion, 112, 115, 207, 209, 211, 220, Agro-Joint, 78 228n, 239, 271, 558 Aguda youth, 347 American Association of English Jewish Agudas Israel World Organization, 557 Newspapers, 555 Agudat Israel, 234, 495 American Association of Medical Social Agudath Israel of America, 195, 406, 557 Workers, 34 Al Ahram, 516 American Association of Social Workers Ahrens, Hermann, 372 60 Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre, American Bar Association, 132, 629 331, 334 American Biblical Encyclopedia Society, L'Aide Israel, 328 555 Aktion Israel, 347 American Christian Palestine Committee, Aktuellt, 359 281, 282 Albert Einstein Medical School, 240 American Civil Liberties Union, 515 Albright Gallery in Buffalo, 111 American Committee for Bar-Ilan Uni- Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation, versity in Israel, 567 554 American Committee for National Sick Algeria, 450-57 Fund of Israel, 568 Alianza Libertadora Nacionalista, 522, American Committee for Relief of Yem- 528 enite Jews, 556 Alias, Henry, 332 American Committtee for Weizmann In- Allen, George, 276, 284 stitute of Science, 237, 568 655 656 INDEX American Committee of OSE, 556 American Jewish Press, 587, 588, 592 American Conference of Certified Can- American Jewish Relief Committee, 50 tors, 558 American Jewish Society for Service, 565 American Council for Judaism, 196, 553 American Jewish Tercentenary, 101-18, American Federation tor Aid to Polish 635 Jews, 564 American Jewish Tercentenary Com- American Federation of Jews from Aus- mittee, 102, 635 tria, 408 American Jewish Tercentenary Fine Arts American Federation of Jews from Cen- Gallery in Chicago, 111 tral Europe, 408, 564 American Jewish Tercentenary Sabbath, American Federation of Labor, 178, 279 116 American Financial and Development American Jewish Times—Outlook, 592 Corporation for Israel, 232, 288 American Jewish World, 588 American Flag Committee, 182 American Jewish Year Book, 113, 589, American Friends of Israel, 288 651 American Friends of the Alliance Israel- American Judaism, 589 ite Universelle, 556 American Labor ORT, 556 American Friends of the Hebrew Uni- American Legion, 182n versity in Jerusalem, 236, 237n, 568 American Medical Center at Denver, 565 American Friends Service Committee, American Medical Center at Denver, Na- 179 tional Council of Auxiliaries, 565 American Fund for Israel Institutions, American Memorial to Six Million Jews 228n, 237, 510, 568 of Europe, 555 American Fund for Israel Institutions American Nationalist, 183 (Canada), 572 American Nationalist Coalition, 184, 185 American Hebrew, 589 American Organization for Rehabilita- American Immigration Conference, 179, tion Through Training (ORT), 235 631 American ORT Federation, 556 American Institute of Public Opinion, American Physicians Fellowship Com- 188, 305 mittee of the Israel Medical Associa- American-Israel Economic Horizons, 589 tion, 568 American Israeli Lighthouse, 568 American Red Mogen David for Israel, American Israelite, 592 82, 237n, 568 American Jewish Archives, 115, 239, 592 American Security and Freedom, 629 American Jewish Committee, 102, 114, American States Rights Association, 183 115, 152, 179, 188, 238, 280, 283, 310, American Technion Society, 236, 237n. 322, 329, 382, 407, 408, 409, 454, 459, 568 465, 472, 553, 651; annual report, American Trade Union Council for 625-40 Labor Israel, 280n American Jewish Committee, New York American Zionist, 589 Chapter, 205 American Zionist Committee for Public American Jewish Congress, 115, 161,228n, Affairs, 278, 280, 280n, 284, 568 238, 280n, 389, 553 American Zionist Council, 280n, 288, 568 American Jewish Congress, Women's Di- American Zionist Council, Youth Depart- vision, 275, 553 ment, 289, 568 American Jewish Historical Society, 102, Americans for Democratic Action, 279 110, 112, 115, 239, 555 Americans for Progressive Israel, 568 American Jewish History Week, 115 al-Amin, Sidi Mohammed, 459 American Jewish Home, 589 ben Ammar, Tahas, 459, 463 American Jewish Institute, 555 Ampal-American Israel Corporation, 568 American Jewish Joint Distribution Anderl Spiele, 407 Committee, 50, 51, 78, 79, 80, 81, 231, Anderson, Marian, 509 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 255, 311, 324, Andover House, 35 325, 334, 344, 346, 350, 353, 356, 358, Angel, Aharon, 517 364, 384, 386, 394, 403, 406, 454, 460, Anglican Church, 478 465, 466, 467, 468, 472, 473, 475, 485, Anglo-Egyptian pact on Suez, 512, 517 519, 531, 533, 543, 556 Anglo-Jewish Association (AJA), 310, American Jewish Journal, 587 315, 454, 465 American Jewish Outlook, 592 AJA Quarterly, 316 American Jewish Physicians' Committee, Animal Welfare League, 486 568 Anisfeld, M., 335 INDEX 657 Die Anklage, 376, 382 Association of Jewish Community Rela- Anshe Chesed, 9 lations Workers, 553 Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Association of Jewish Ministers (Sidney, 115,238, 243, 553, 628, 630 Australia), 117 Anti-Jewish agitation, 180-87 Association of Jewish Schools in Canada, Anti-Semitic Activity in the United 572 States, 630 Association of Jewish Students in Ger- Anti-Semitism Continues in Soviet Satel- many, 386 lites, 630 Association of Superintendents of In- Aonde Famos, 530 surance of the Provinces of Canada, Appeals Court (The Hague), 338 304 Aptekar, Herbert H., article by, 252-62 Association of Yugoslav Jews in the Arab Information Center, 185, 283 United States, 564 Arab League, 185, 277, 284, 315, 512, 513, Association pour la Reconstruction des 520 Institutions et Oeuvres Israelites en Arab Refugees Congress, 500 France-A.R.LF., 557 ben Arafa, Sidi Mohammed Moulay, 318, Atlanta Daily World, 171 470 Attal, Armand, 454 Arbeiter Ring (Brussels), 334 Auerbach, Elias, 346 Area Film Company, 371 Auerbach, Philipp, 370 Arcand, Adrian, 304 Auerbach, Walter, 370 Arciuk, Eugene, 383 Aufbau-Reconstruction, 589 Arcturus, 390 Australia, 483-90 Arden House Round Table of National Australian Jewish Herald, 490 Organizations on the Public Schools, Australian Jewish News, 490 631 Austria, 401-10 Ardery, William B., 175 Austrian Victims' Welfare Law, 409 Argentina, 521-26 Avidar, Yosef, 431, 432 Arndt, Adolf, 396 Avigdor, Dov, 539 Aron, Raymond, 319 Avisar, Samuele, 354 Aronovitz, Abe, 172 Azar, Shmuel, 515, 516 Aronson, J. Hugo, 166 Azarya, Zvi, 388 Artisans du Film Associes, 322 Arzt, Max, 649 BHE Refugee Party, 374, 379 Asbach, Hans Adolf, 372 Bacal, Israel, 447 Asch, Sholom, 398 Bachad Organization of North America, Ashkenasy, Maurice J., 485 568 Ashkenazi, Meier, 605 Bachad (Switzerland), 347 Aspects de la France, 318, 321, 322 Bachour, Rafiq, 432 Aspects of the Jewish Community Center, Baeck, Leo, 398 274 Baer, Leonhard, 117 Aspetti e Problemi dell' Ebraismo, 354 Baker, Bertram L., 154 al Assali, Zabri, 512 el Bakouri, Sheik Ahmed Hassan, 432 Asser Levy Place, 110 Balch, Ernest, 74 Associated Hebrew Charities, 48 Baldwin, Roger, 515 Associated Jewish Charities of Baltimore, Bamberger, Bernard J., 649 60 Banco Mercantil de Mexico, 536 Association for Improvement of the Con- Bandung conference, 499, 513 dition of the Poor, 29 Banet, B., 510 Association for States' Rights and Segre- Bank Leumi le-Israel (Bank of Israel), gation, 183-84 346, 504 Association for Torah-True Judaism, 386 Banker, Abraham, 436 Association of Former Deportees to Bantu Education Act, 478 Auschwitz, 321 Baptista, Sister Maria, 399 Association of Hebrew Charities, 48 Barak, Moshe, 495 Association of Jewish Chaplains, 115, 192, Bardeche, Maurice, 322 558 von Bargen, Werner, 373 Association of Jewish Communities Bari fair, 353 (Hesse), 383 Baron, Salo W., 108, 118 Association of Jewish Communities in Baron de Hirsch Fund, 24, 35, 45, 566 Bavaria, 387, 400 Bart, Philip, 134 658 INDEX Bart v. U.S., 134n Beta Sigma Rho, 564 Bartov, Hanokh, 509 Betar (Uruguay), 533 Basser, Adolf, 490 Betar-Brit Trumpeldor of America, 569 Bat Galim, 284, 500 Beth Jacob School (Montreal), 306 Baudouin, King of Belgium, 330 Beth Sholom Congregation (Elkins Park, Baum, Gustav, 400 Md.), 191 Baumgartner, Josef, 371 Bezalel Museum, 508 Bavly, Itzhak, 482 Bibliography, American Jewish, 594-604 Baxt, Roland, 261n Biedermann, Walter, 379 Bazile, Leon
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