March 23, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 5147 SENATE—Tuesday, March 23, 1999 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was speak as in morning business for up to the American people that can justify called to order by the President pro 10 minutes. an act of war by NATO against Serbia. tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- Nor do I believe that the Administra- out objection, it is so ordered. tion has demonstrated what vital in- PRAYER The Senator from Minnesota is rec- terest justifies armed intervention. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John ognized. When the President originally an- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: (The remarks of Mr. GRAMS per- nounced his plan to send 4,000 Amer- Almighty God, Lord of all nations, taining to the introduction of S. 679 are ican soldiers to Kosovo as part of a You have enabled the United States to located in today’s RECORD under larger NATO force, it was premised on become the most powerful Nation on ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and the idea that the troops would be de- Earth. By Your blessings, we are rich Joint Resolutions.’’) ployed, as in Bosnia, as a peacekeeping in natural resources and human poten- f force. I had serious concerns about this tial. We have achieved military might. commitment because it was not clear Help us to know where and when to use RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME to me whether American troops would our influence or military intervention The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. be stationed in Kosovo for a month, for for the greatest good. Bless the Sen- CRAPO). Under the previous order, lead- a year, or for a decade. Nor did I be- ators with great wisdom as they con- ership time is reserved. lieve that it was in our national inter- sider their votes today on the nature est to participate in this operation be- f and extent of our Nation’s involvement cause I do not believe there is any vital in the crisis in Kosovo. You have told EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL AP- interest of the United States that is at us that if we ask for guidance, You will PROPRIATIONS ACT FOR FISCAL stake in this civil war. And I emphasize help us to know what is both wise and YEAR 1999 ‘‘civil war.’’ creative. Most of all, Lord, we ask You The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. President, the peacekeeping com- to heal the historic hatred and ethnic ate will now resume consideration of S. mitment was made several weeks ago. prejudices causing this crisis. In to- 544, which the clerk will report. In the intervening period, one thing day’s vote and in all that is said and The bill clerk read as follows: has happened. There is no peace to done in this Senate, may we accom- keep. plish the goal of using power wisely. In A bill (S. 544) making emergency supple- mental appropriations and rescissions for re- Although the rebels in Kosovo have the name of our Lord. Amen. covery from natural disasters, and foreign agreed to the terms of a peace agree- f assistance, for the fiscal year ending Sep- ment, the Yugoslavian government has RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING tember 30, 1999, and for other purposes. rejected the terms of the agreement in MAJORITY LEADER The Senate resumed consideration of part because it rejects the idea of hav- the bill. ing NATO troops police its sovereign The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Pending: territory in Kosovo. acting majority leader is recognized. Hutchison amendment No. 81, to set forth Having failed to negotiate a peace f restrictions on deployment of the United agreement, the Administration has SCHEDULE States Armed Forces in Kosovo. now changed its strategy. We are fuel- Lott amendment No. 124 (to amendment Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, this ing up our warplanes, targeting our No. 81), to prohibit the use of funds for mili- cruise missiles, and planning to launch morning the Senate will resume con- tary operations in the Federal Republic of sideration of the supplemental appro- Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) unless air strikes against the Serbs in an ef- priations bill. Under the previous Congress enacts specific authorization in law fort to force Milosevic to accept the order, the time until 12:30 p.m. will be for the conduct of those operations. peace agreement. Never mind that the equally divided between the two lead- AMENDMENT NO. 124 peace agreement he is being asked, or ers, or their designees, for debate on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time forced, to accept—could allow for the the Lott amendment regarding Kosovo. until 12:30 p.m. shall be equally divided independent future of a province within The Senate will recess from 12:30 between the two leaders or their des- his country. until 2:15 p.m. today to allow the week- ignees on the Lott amendment No. 124. Yes, Mr. President, this is an inter- ly party caucuses to meet. Upon recon- Mr. MURKOWSKI addressed the vention by the United States in a civil vening at 2:15, the Senate will proceed Chair. war where rebels in one province seek to a rollcall vote on the motion to in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- independence. And by choosing to voke cloture on the Lott amendment. ator from Alaska is recognized. bomb the Serbians, we have directly Notwithstanding the outcome of the Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, it taken the side of the Kosovo rebels. cloture vote, it is still anticipated that appears that we are on the verge of Make no mistake, our air strikes the Senate will turn to the consider- sending American warplanes to bomb against Serbian forces are strongly ation of S. Con. Res. 20, the budget res- Serbian installations in and around supported by the Kosovo rebels who olution. Kosovo in an effort to force Yugoslav have been fighting for independence. Therefore, Members should expect President Milosevic to accept the And by backing the rebels, the bomb- rollcall votes throughout Tuesday’s terms of a peace agreement that he ing will encourage the independence session, with the first vote occurring at has, so far, rejected. I stand on the movement with the prospect that the 2:15 p.m. floor of the Senate to express my borders of Kosovo and Albania ulti- I thank my colleagues and I yield the strong opposition to this policy and mately will be redrawn along ethnic floor. warn the Administration that the lines. Is that what our goal is? To Mr. GRAMS addressed the Chair. United States may be blindly heading break up a country? The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The into a war whose outcome is far from Mr. President, American airstrikes Senator from Minnesota is recognized. pre-determined. are not going to be a cakewalk by any Mr. GRAMS. Mr. President, I ask Mr. President, I believe the President means. We have already been advised unanimous consent that I be allowed to has failed to articulate a rationale to of this by our military. ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate jul 14 2003 11:41 Oct 01, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S23MR9.000 S23MR9 5148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE March 23, 1999 The terrain in this area is heavily do, and most importantly, what this nation. That nation is at war at this fortified with anti-aircraft emplace- country should not do. moment. It is a civil strife over the ments. What will happen if American The Presiding Officer and I, on a province of Kosovo, which would be airmen are shot down by surface to air weekly basis, engage ourselves in a like the State of Idaho within the missiles? What happens if our bombing telephone/radio conversation with a United States of America. We would campaign does not force Milosevic to news program in Boise, ID. I was in- not call that a world interest, if Ida- change his posture, just as our near- volved in that program yesterday hoans were fighting the rest of the daily air strikes have done nothing to morning, speaking about the atrocities United States for Idaho’s independence. Saddam Hussein. in Kosovo, when I used the expression I think the country would react vio- Are we willing to send in ground ‘‘human hatred.’’ This is not a dif- lently if Great Britain or NATO or combat troops to convince Milosevic to ference in policy. This is not even a dif- Russia, for that matter, sided with Ida- accept the terms of the peace agree- ference between Serbia and Kosovo in hoans against the United States if we ment? How many? 50,000? 100,000? territory. This is a difference spelled were attempting to break loose from 200,000? If we are unwilling to commit out by 300 years of hatred, hatred that the United States of America. ground troops to force the terms of this had boiled up out of differences of reli- Is that a reasonable parallel? Yes, I so-called peace agreement, then I be- gious beliefs, and it is a hatred that think it is, because that is the char- lieve we should not commit a single has prevailed in the region so long and acter of the political profile and the American pilot. had cost so many lives that it is almost international structure in which we are Mr. President, I am sympathetic to incalculable. Certainly in this Ameri- about to engage ourselves. Kosovo is a the people in Kosovo who have been can’s mind it is.
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