
REEDOM'S BA LE OLU ETHREE Edited by Ronal With an Introduction by l~w IrVl6",n; n FREEDOM'S BATTLE VOLUME III THE WAR ON LAND 1939-1945 The late Ronald Lewin was a classical scholar at Queen's College, Qxford, where he obtained a Double First. During the Second World War he served as an officer in the Royal Artillery with the Eighth Army in Africa, and in north-west Europe from Normandy to Germany. From 1946 he worked for the BBC - from 1957 to 1964 as Head of the Home Service. His publications include studies of Rommel and Montgomery, as well as numerous articles on military history. RONALD LEWIN Freedom's Battle Volume III The War on Land 1939-1945 An Anthology of Personal Experience Selected and Edited by Ronald Lewin WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein and Len Deighton 'For Freedom's battle once begun, Bequeathed by bleeding Sire to Son, Though baffled oft is ever won.' Lord Byron, The Giaour VINTAGE BOOKS London Published by Vintage 2007 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 Preface and Commentary © Ronald Lewin 1969 Introduction © the Estate of the Viscount Montgomery of Alamein 1969 Introduction © Pluriform Publishing Company BV 2007 This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser First published in Great Britain in 1969 by Hutchinson Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SWI V 2SA First Pimli<.:o edition published in 1994 www.vintage-books.co.uk Addresses for companies within The Random House Group Limited can be found at: www.randomhouse.co.ukloffices.htm The Random "House Group Limited Reg. No. 954009 A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 9781845950835 The Random House Group Limited makes every effort to ensure that the papers used in its books are made from trees that have been legally sourced from well-managed and credibly certified forests. Our paper procurement policy can be found at: www.randomhouse.co.uklpaper.htm Printed in the UK by CPI Bookmarque Croydon CRO 4TD Contents Acknowledgements VB Introduction by Len Deighton Xl Introduction by the Viscount Montgomery of Alamein XVll Editor's Preface XIX 1939 I 1940 21 1941 67 1942 107 1943 151 1944 221 1945 285 Envoi 325 Glossary 327 Authors and Sources 329 Index 333 Illustrations Dunlurk the beach (Fox Photos) Returned VIa Dunlurk North Afnca a typiCal tank crew North Afnca shanng a waterhole North Afnca patrol of the Long Range Desert Group (AssoCIated Press Lttl) North Afnca slX-lOch gun, Halfaya Pass Tobruk at ease Tobruk pnsoners on hghters lo the harbour Koruma Garnson Hill Koruma Naga village The Arakan The Arakan Hill 1]01 Imphal comblOg elephant grass Burma crosslOg the Irrawaddy Burma 'the road to Mandalay' Burma mortanng Fort Duffenn, Mandalay Burma by the Shweh nver North Afnca survivors of'Srupe' North Afnca the Grants arnve Normandy typiCal bocage Normandy Shermans and Sannerville chateau Normandy advance to the River Odon Normandy Shermans near Caumont Normandy the hberators Normandy the FalatSe road Normandy Canadian 'Sextons' Amhem some SUrviVOrs Italy mud by the Rubicon Italy mopplOg up Umbernde Germany the road to the Rhme (editor's collection) Italy Pop ski's Pnvate Army m Veruce Unless otherwise lOdicated, all illustranons are reproduced by pernusslon ofthe Impenal War Museum Acknowledgements Acknowledgements are due to George Allen & Unwm Ltd for extracts from The SIege by Arthur Campbell and for 'The Mahratta Ghats' from Hal Hal Among the Trumpets by Alun leWIS, to the Austrahan War Memonal for an extract from The New GUinea OffensIVe by DaVid Dexter, to G Bell & Sons Ltd for extracts by Captam R L Banks, Lieutenant-Colonel Dobree, Bngawer W D Graham, General SlI Cameron Nicholson and Major F C M Reeves from The Royal ArtIllery CommemoratuW/ Book 193~1945, to The Bodley Head Ltd for extracts from The Naked Island (Werner Laune) by Russell Braddon, to Cums Brown Ltd for extracts from The Eleventh at War (Michael joseph) by Bngawer Dudley Clarke, for extracts from Baker Street Irregular (Methuen) by Bickham Sweet-Escott and for extracts from StIll Dlggmg (Michael joseph) by SlI Mommer Wheeler, to Jonathan Cape Ltd for extracts from Popskl's PrIvate Army by Lleutenant-Colonel VlawID1r Peruakoff and for 'Nanung of Parts' from A Map of Verona by Henry Reed, to Cassell & Co Ltd, for extracts from The SecoruJ World War by SlI Wmston S Churchill, for extracts from The Tanks by Captam SII Basll Liddell Han, for an extract from Arnhem by Ma.Jor-General R E Urquhan and for a quotatton by Max Hlckmm mJohn Laffin, DIgger, to Chatto & Wmdus Ltd for an extract from TheJungle IS Neutral by Lleutenant­ Colonel Spencer Chapman, to Collms Pubhshers for extracts from A Full Life by Lleutenant-General Su Bnan Horrocks, for extracts from MemOIrs by FIeld-Marshal Lord Montgomery and for extracts from Dmner of Herbs and GOing to the Wars by John Verney, to Constable & Co Ltd for extracts from Take These Mm by CynlJoly, to Rene Cutfonh for an extract quoted 10 The Llstmer, to Bngadler j Dumford-Slater for an extract from Commando (Wllham KImber Ltd ), to Faber & Faber Ltd for an extract from ErItrea 1941 by A J Barker, for 'One Trumpet Lost' from Talking Bronco by Roy Campbell, for an extract from DunkIrk by A D Dlvme, for 'Anstocrats' from Collected Poems by Keith Douglas, for an extract from Alamem to Zem Zem by Keith Douglas and for 'Sentnes' from Spnngboard by· LoUIS MacNe1ce, to John Farquharson Ltd for an extract from The Desert and the Jungle (Wllham KImber) by Lleutenant-General SII Geoffrey Evans, to Bngawer Sir Bernard Fergusson for an extract from Beyond the Ch,ndwln (Collms), to Gale & Polden Ltd for vm ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS extracts from From the Beaches to the Baltic by Major Noel Bell, for an extract from The Path ofthe 50th by Major Ewart W Clay, for extracts from The Fifth Inmskdllng Dragoon Guards by MaJor-General Roger Evans and for extracts from The R!fte Bngade In the Second World War 1931)-1945 by Major Robin Hasnngs, to Granada Pubhshmg Ltd for an extract from MaIled FISt by John Foley, to The Green Howards for a quotanon from CaptaIn K A Nash In The Story of the Green Howards 1931)-1945, publIshed by the Regtment, to A Gwynne-Brown for an extract from 'F S P , (Chano & Wlndus), to HamIsh Harrulton Ltd for'St Aubin D' Aublgne' from The Day's Alarm by Paul Dehn, to George G Harrap & Co Ltd for an extract from Report My SIgnals by Anthony Brett-James, to Rupert Hart-DaVIs for extracts from A Very QUIet War by Ralph Arnold, to A M Heath & Co Ltd for an extract from The Mdltary OrchId (The Bodley Head) by Jocelyn Brooke, for an extract, 'The Kill', from The Monastery (The Bodl.:y Head) by Fred MaJdalany and for an extract from The Fortress A DIary of Anzlo and After (Collms) by Raleigh Trevelyan, to Wllham Hememann Ltd for an extract from Alameln by Bngadler C E Lucas Phllhps, to David Higham AssoCIates Ltd for an extract from The Desert Generals (Wllham Kimber) by Corelli Barnett, for an extract from The Battle of Arnhem (Batsford) by Chnstopher Hibbert and for extracts from Defeat Into VICtory (Cassell) by Field-Marshall Lord Shm, to Hodder & Stoughton for extracts from Return vIa Dunkirk by 'Gun Buster' and an extract from Grey and Scarlet Letters from the War Areas by Army SISters on ActIVe ServICe by Ada C Harnson, to Hutdunson Pubhshmg Group for extracts from FIghting Mad Oarrolds) by MIchael Calvert and an extract from Armoured Crusader (Hutchinson) by Major K Macksey, to the Instltunon of Royal Engineers for an extract from Volume 8 ofHIstory ofthe Corps ofRoyal Engineers by Major-General R P Pakenham-Walsh, to Wllham Kimber & Co Ltd for an extract by Fusilier D Needham quoted 10 Salerno by Hugh Pond and an extract from Flame Thrower by Andrew Wllson, to E P S LeWin for extracts from The Happy Hunted (Cassell) by Bngadler G Chfon, to Jack Lmdsay for 'Squadding' from Second Front (Dakers), to Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Maron Lindsay for extracts from So Few Got Through (Collms), to Dr Jan Van Loewen Ltd for an extract from Pebbles From My Skull (Hutchmson) by Stuart Hood, to Longmansi Green & Co Ltd for an extract from 'The Monastery' from Cassino, PortraIt of a Battle by Fred MaJdalany, to George Macbeth for 'Remembenng the War' quoted In The LIstener, to MacLaren & Sons Ltd for an extract from Jemadar Dewan Sing quoted In Fourth Ind,an DIVISIon by Lieutenant-Colonel G R Stevens, to Macmillan & Co Ltd for an extract by ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IX Lieutenant A Weu quoted m Imphal by Geoffrey Evans and Anthony Brett-James, to The Macnullan Company of Canada Ltd for extracts from Gauntlet to Overlord by Ross Munro, to Methuen & Co Ltd for an extract from Vanguard to V,ctOry by Skene Catlmg and for 'Midrught May 7th 1945' from A Stone m the Mltlst and Poems by Patnc Dlckmson, to Fredenck Muller Ltd for an extract from The Smgapore Story by Kenneth Atnwill and extracts from Brazen Chanots by Robert Cnsp, to Oxford UOlVer51ty Press Ltd for extracts from Infantry Bngadler by Bngadler Sir Howard Klppenberger, to A D Peters & Co for extracts from The Fuel ofthe Fire by Douglas Grant (Cresset), for an extract from Through the Dark NIght (Victor Gollancz) by J H Hodson, for an extract from Overture to Overlord (Hodder & Stoughton) by Sir Fredenck Morgan, for an extract from Orde Wmgate (Collins) by Chnstopher
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