r-r .*str^’' « '.••.• . ■ •, . .... rsss^SSry^FEIBBBK'^W ivwHBS'GfeSSL.'V.'r^ji «m *. • j y i - o r , ■ l<.l . ■ N i THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN > •,'>: • ■ . ■■/. ■: ■"■■ 1. Foreeaat bptD, 8. Weather Oareaa, AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION • < Nepr. fiaven. ‘ a _ 1^ •>[':> » •^■■.■■■,__N , .■ . j'.- •'■ r -^ - '•".-y. .■< ■ p-* t o p the month - of February, 1928 i^ -' -- ■ . \ ■ • r>'« ■* - .V •* -1 Increasing cloudiness and warm- 5,108 ° ^ t » ^ b r . r y ep ‘'tonight?- Wednesday showers;/.; ; Slember ot the Aodlt Bnreaa of ; . -Clrcnlatlona pjaiCE,TH|tEE CENTS MANCliESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1928. i 4 (BilGHTEEN PAGES) VOL. XUI-, NO. 139. (Classified Advertising on Par-' 16) T . ’ V* •- > . ■ “ HUNDREDS HINCHCLIFFE STARTS Rewarding the Man Behind the Motors MELLON SAYS AUTO SHOW ALL HE REFUSED READY FOR PUSH ON HOP OVER OCEAN SLUSHBONDS <?> British Flyer Passed Over STORMWATER Secretary of the Treasury Third Exhibit of Manchester first Estimates Pat Deaths At From 100 to 300— Prop­ Mizen Head, Ireland, at SEWER PLANS Tells Senate He Returned Dealers, Opening Tomor­ erty Damage Placed at $3,500,0 0 0-F ifteen Bodies 8:40 This Morning on Sinclair Securities After row, to Be Bigger llan Already R ecovered-^arm and Ranch Lands Floodd Western Trip— Kept De­ BEFORE BOARD They Were Sent to Him. Predecessors. 14 Miles Away— Meagre Details Trickling in From parture Secret. Devastated' Region— No Reason For- Breaking of Selectmen Discuss West Washington, March 13 — Two Manchester’s biggest and best men high in the councils of the automobile show and industrial ex­ Dam Can Be Gven at This Honr— First Wild Reports London, March 13— Captain W. Republican Party— Secretary of the hibit will open at one o'clock to­ R. Hinchcliffe, who hopped off from Center St. Problem— Cost Treasury Andrew W. Mellon, and morrow afternoon at the State Cranwell Aerodrome at 8:40 o’clock Discredited By Check-Up— Relief Trains and Planes Charles L. Lawrence, of New York, .designer o( the radial motor Ex-Senator William M. Butler, the Armory on Main street. It will con­ this morning in an attempt to fly About $28,000 — Vote used on the Lindbergh, Chamberlin and other historic flights last year, Coolidge campaign Manager in 1924 tinue for the rest of the week. the Atlantic, passed over Mizen and the “ Collier Trophy’’ presented to him by President Coolidge on be­ Start From lbs Angeles. — testified under oath today before Under the personal supervision Head, County Cork, Ireland, this Bonds Increases. half of the National Aeronautic Association for having done'most to pro­ mote aviation in 1927. the Senate public lands committee of James L. Stevenson, well known afternoon flying in a westerly dir- that Will H. Hays sought to give Oakland and Pontiac dealer, this cording to reports received at the BULLETIN them some of Harry F. Sinclair’s year’s show promises to surpass sheriff’s office. A storm water sewer system that Liberty Bonds In exchan,ge for cash Find Two Bodies the two previous ones. Thirteen Los. Angeles, Calif., March will relieve a bad condition on contributions to make up the Repub­ Reports from Newtiall at five a. West Center street just west of New Sense O f Flying lican deficit in 1923. Manchester dealers will have four 13.— Ninety-eight bodies of m., said the bodies of two unlden^ Cooper and on several of the side Mellon .declared Hays sent the victims of the San Francis- tified persons had been taken from the flood waters near there. streets, south of West Center, will bonds to him in a package, $50,000 quito canyon flood have been Has Been Developed worth, but that as soon as he dis­ Eye witnesses reports received cost the Town of Manchester ap­ covered the purpose Hays had in fished^, out of, the Santa. Clara . there said the wall of-water which; proximately $28,000, the Board of mind he returned them at once, and river, 14 miles’ awajT; from the swept down the'valley was at times fifty feet high and in the broader; Selectmen was informed last night later made a i$50,000 contribution St. Francis dam which went by Town Engineer J/ Prank Bow­ Washington, March 13.— Twen-^idly as the adaptajbility of his herv- reaches formed a river two miles with no strings attached, out near Saugus today, accord­ en. The condition is one that will ty-flve years of flying has develop' ous system will permit. Butler’s Story ^ wide. have to be remedied during the ed in the human organism the he Elnbomte Surveys ing to a report received here The St. Francis dam was located Butler, who at first declared he in San Francisquito canyon 45 coming summer, and no doubt will ginnings of a new nervous faculty Elaborate ' studies in psychiatry “ knew nothing of the bonds ex­ today by Deputy Sheriff B. H. call for a special appropriation. — a “ sense of flight’’ which will and neurology at the Army School miles north of Los Angeles and to cept what I read in the newspa­ Wright. the north of Newhall and Saugus. Badly Needed tend in time to make humans as of Ayiatlon. Aledipine at Brooks pers,” admitted, under questioning, Even the lightest rainfall gener­ much at home in tliei' air as on Field,'/ San Antonio; reveal that the Twenty - five additional Officials were unable to state the that Hays approached him in his *cause of the dam bursting. Three ally fills cellars in the West Center land. most capable fliers are those most; room in the Biltmore hotel,, in New bodies have been recovered in street area and many of the prop­ More than a mere acquired abil­ generously endowed with the in­ theories were advanced. The first York, and asked him to take over the Saugus and Newhall dis-^ was that an earthquake had caus­ erty owners have come before the ity to manipu;late mechanical de­ stinctive sense of' flight which $25,000 of the bonds in. exchange Selectmen asking that something be vices of the air, the new character­ guides birds on the wing. The air tricis, according to a eompila>/^ ed it to crumble. No earth disturb­ done to carry the water away from for a cash contribution, of tj;iat tion of reports from 300 ance was felt, however, ‘ by sur­ istic represents an organic change corps has worked out an examina­ amount. Butler said he d^lined to their homes. Since E. J. HolTs in man’s nervous system which, tion, formula for '■ detecting this deputies sent Into the flood rounding towns. The second theory ^Bluefields tract has been opened take the package of bonds which was that it might have been dyna­ through the processes of evolution, qufiiity in .applicants fdr training area. water cannot run through the .and; will thus seek to assist nature Hays laid on the table. mited. A water war between .the may produce ultimately a type in Hhys, who was called to the stand former Proctor property and down whom flying wiU involve no-'more in her .work of selecting tire sup- city of Los Angeles and ranchers in. to the stream known as Hop Brook. as soon as Butler stepped down, ad­ T «e, 4 •Mt T, J another section had resulted’ ijrevi- conscious effort oi- netrous strhip •ylvpra,..T^a i‘‘s"uryiya the fittest” Los Anggaes, Calif., March 13. 1 oufly Tn'.Idynamiting of the aque­ All the surface water that comes ®r6j^$a^^dpe more sp.eadily mitted that the testimony of both than does walking. The toll .of Tile and damage taken duct leading from Owens va ^ y. from Pine street and the whole The . same cosmic urge iddcA rutblesaljp--- in av'hrttotr when the water of San Francis­ hillside in the Cooper street ^sec;;l^rag»ed-4 he amphibiaoi other . realms of hu- The bonds, he said, went back to The third was that defecti had' de­ Sinclair and “ passed out of the quito canyon (burst through the veloped in the dam and fAtULdd ,lt "•ftlon- — finds its-------- v/ay*“ to the low spot mammal out of the mud'and. alli4^ 208-foot St.. Francis dam near Sau­ between Summer and West Center of the swamp and made a ground Gol. L( 1M. Hathaway, chief of picture.” to go out. flays said he had not told the gus early this-plorning and flooded '<CoprriKl>t, XEA'LiOndon flinea.' streets. animal of him is now operating'to James L. Stevenson No Check on Casvaltfes. Town Engineer Bowen’s plan is committee about these mysterious farm and ranch lands itt Santa Oficials said it'would take, B9T- Captain W. R, Hlnchliffe take humanity in o the air . as rap- (C<^tinned on Page B) Paula valley fourteen mTbes below, to_^ cross the Holl property through transactions on his previous ap­ or five cars each on exhibition and eral hours after daylight to ch'Ock a 'right of way held by South Man­ pearances before the committee be­ mounted today as reports trickled the number that lost their lives'in' Bction, said a Central News dis- six other concerns will ha,ve- dis­ chester Sanitary and Sewer district cause he considered them “ irre­ plays in the industrial show. in here over crippled wire facilities. the flood. patch from Dublin. and then go through to Hop Brook. BABY FACE BANDIT, TAXES ON INCOMES levant.” Mr. Stevenson,' who is general The cost of humanTife taken by The towns of Green Oaks, Fill* Captain Hinchcliffe, who was ac­ It would necessitate piping all the “ I don’ t consider they (the show manager, has left - no stones the disaster has been variously esti­ more and 'Pierce were reported to companied by a friend, Gordon Sin­ way from West Center and Cooper bonds) were relevant because they unturned in his efforts .to make mated at between 100 and 3fi0 per­ have been virtually wiped o)»t al­ clair, kept his destination a mystery streets to the brook.
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