:.- ........-.._ .. -···- ......•· .•·. -~ .... • SITUATION INFORMA TlON REPOR 'I' • ... The vanguard of thousands of y~ung activiets who are expected to converge upon San Diego (or protest demonstrations at this summer's • Republican ConventiC)n has begun drifting into the city's already crowded "hippie.land" along tth! ocean froat. "- Reportedly, there is open hosdlity towards the new arrivals from the citizens of San Diego. including the cop1munity of street people who reside there permanently. They fear the activists will not conduct peaceful demonstrations, thereby creating problems for them. Prop­ erty owners have been organizing protest rallies and collecting peti­ tions urging the city council to overrule efforts by the city manager's office to set up "crash pads" in pub.fic recreation areas with sleeping accommodations and sanitary facilities for the hippie visitors. Assist­ - ant City Manager JohJt Lockwood announced that· a dollar -a-night "crash pad" would be opened this month and continue to OP.erate through the convention at the Santa Clara Point'Recreation Center in Mission Bay. This center is three miles north of the San Diego Sports Arena where the republicans will convene. The Mission B~ach town council, respondin.g to protests from local civic groups, urged the San Diego city council to override Mr. Lockwood's decision. Other neighboring seashore communit"ies !ear the Santa Clara Point Project might lead to the a·ctivists setting up campsites in recreational ar£'as all along San Diego County's 70 miles of beaches. The San Qiego city council has not yet taken action on the petitions signed by 800 are.a citizens. · · t· Y, I··· If If,;;, /~- Lonnie Powell, housing chairman for the Cdmmunity-- Congress, (a group•whi~h has in the past displayed greater intE'rest in social re­ form than in politics),· recently introduced the idea of the recreation area "crash pads" to Lockwood. /-'•') 7 .' '/" ·L". :.·., The S:Ln Die~o Park and Rt~crcation Board anrl lhc Mission Hrnch Prr.cisr. Plan nnrt lrnplr.mr.ntntinn nonrrl, :'1 cit.y-sponsnrrorl im­ p~vcmcnt group, have goMc on record .against Lhc hostel. Opponents have urged that the youths be lqdged at the Marine Corps Depot or ~he .-' ·r- (., ~!' .. ,::..?; , -~ ........ ••:" c: ~ : ... ·'- .. .• _?.. .. -E.,_ ~._~ ....... ~~ :. ~ ·· ..... ·~·.;.~~-- ...· ....... ; .. ~.:-;,;... , .... ~-· .-=, ... ·~·,.:l'\ ...... , . ~. ·-.~ ......... ~ . ,,.i_ -'"'·.:,. .. • ..,.,.,·:!'flii1"', ••. ,.' :~····'$~-.c, ... , ..... .,.,_~~ti-~· ... ••\..;_., -...~.. - .. .1...,·~·•.' UL ••..,...-..;~~ t•~f'1f•,•..e: •-•t't... !....,•J'~ •'.1,;.~' ·•• ,•···-~~·· '"• ...... ••• ..._, ;~-;:-· ...~~~ .... ~--··· ............._;_ ..~.r- .. •=-: .... ..... ,.,.4··,··.'-'--' .· .. ~-.-·..... .;. ..... ,,. ·..;.•J'. ...... _..... , .. -:· ... • .• 1 ...... ·••• I I ~~~~~~~~~'~'"~"~""="·'~... ~•~··~•~10~>-•M~h~W•-••-•••-to~NW~"'~"~"•~•••~•M--~·~--·~•~•=•·~==~·-=-=r=r=m==... ~n~.=-=========·····~·--~----===-~~---------------- ......l.... ll __---',~11__,_......,., lJJ.i!lli..,.;·Jl..ll!. .l: .. J JLI 1:1 Jl IJ I ii:U~I!Um]JWJ=II~II"'""IIl~..:..l..;::.ill...._ll_._l""". ...__..u..lllw.:.li,i..-' _,__ _L_ __[ • UP IU!MJII!IIfll Ulllfi\llftll._ -- .........__ _ .· ! ' Naval Training Station• near the Spnrts Arena or on Fiesta Island in Mission B-ay. The Fiesta Island (440 acres) suggestion is already being attacked o.n all sides •. Would-be protesters call ti)e area a "Suicide Swamp11 where police could isolat~ them conveniently' !ron;!-. the conven- tion, as there is only a single access road. '· · l .. U. ,· •·-::..--~· • Go· ••••• . ......... (".... , .. ,,;_, ' .' An underground newspaper, the Door 1 reported that the San Diego • police ~ave requested that all hotel and n1otcl martoori.gers in the area • notify them if ai'iy groups which are no't atriliated .with .the Republican. Party book reservations. Reportedly, the police department has pro- vided -.hotel managers with information about radical groups prnmin~nt in Chic:Jlgo at the 1968" Democratic Convention and in some cases have • asked th~ managers to hold the reservation requests until the groups' creden"tiala can be checked out. 1 't.( r.·~~ .·( ":t•· /,"'"',.. :~ :\,.. The San Diego Con\•e ntion Coalition. consisting of 2.0 groups o£ activists including students, professors, antiwar and women's libe ra­ tion organizations, and representatives o£ the legal and medical profes­ sions, recently announced that "Jerry Rubin and the other. leaders o£ the Youth International Party will accept the SDCC's leadership in or­ ganizing convention demonstrations that will be massive .• legal, non­ violent and dignified •." 'Ihe Vietnam Veterans Against the War, an - oqzanization that is becoming increasingly more radical. has promised that San Diego will be witness to massive bro~l~based demonstrations •. against the war during the GOP Convention. ·· · · ..r '.l: .. ( ., , .... j"~ • # ',. ,~.: .~ ' ·' ~~ . T~e San Diego Convention Coalition, as previously reported, held a Western Regional Conference onMarch 17. The 340 delegates attending the conference were young adult caucasians in th~ir late teens or early twenties. Reportedly, delegates were in attendance from CaH!ornia, Oregon,. Washington, and at leas~ eight other states west of the Mississippi River as well as from the District of Colur:nbia. 'Ihe conference was disorganized and little was accomplished other than the announcement o£ two additional. regional conferences prior to the R~pubhcan Convention. On March 2.5 Lhe San Fr.ancisco Bay Area Conference was held at Berkeley, California (no reports in as yet) and an interim regional conference is scheduled for San Diejlc on May 13. The..d('lcgates at San~a Bar_~ara ad<?f?~d the fin.~l. draft as · follows:. t•~l ,-A s'/,1.· Vt.l/rJ.r).~"')· 1. Parti•cipants in.,SDCC cannot initiate violcnC'c; howr.vr.r, nonviolent civil disobedience is acceptable and it will be · i-ni] /A':t{: $"'/tH1· z ,'Jt~ Ul r.t' '"7 ;,t • I I C00018202 ... ._.. ..... .. permissible to defend oneself !ror:n attacks· by police. • ... Representatives of the legal workshop arc preparing • !or legal assistance with regard to mass a~rests during the demonstrations. They also further anriouJ:lced their intention to file suit to obtain a restraining order pro­ hibiting. fur~her U.s. imperialism. Thill reportedly is !or the purpose of propaganda and publicity . '. ... .. ... · 2. During the demonstra~~on no participan'f will be allowed .. to endorse anyone as a presidential candidate. • ~ . •3: Call for immediate entl to U.S. aggression in Vietnam and support the seven-point peace proposal put forth at the Paris peace ta~ks by th'cii"'Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam. • · · . 4. Oppose President Nixon's policies of hnpr.rialism and re • pression. ·(Reportedly, the Third World Constituency strongly .opposed using t}l~. word imperialism as they felt members of the black community would not under­ stand the meaning .. ) - 5. Oppose all interference in the internal affairs of other countries. ' 6. No interference with leadership of groups participating 'in SDCC alliance .£rom other groups in the alliance. 7. Concentrate on fighting racism in white communities. :r~ ~ T .. · A '• t :; . ~; t' .-: ~'; r ,I I IY l ? .,.';) The United Farm Workers of California (UF-WOC) who spon­ sored· a peaceful demonstration on March 19 at the Los Angeles Con­ vention Center ·has announced that they will send 25, 000 !a.rm work·ers to the GOP. Convention to demonstrate.,-- against .the par.ty... ~ '. .Y, . , .) A 1 ~., ~; :) As was expected a leadership challenge to demonstration organ­ b~ers at San Diego has now been introduced .. Unconfirmed castcoast r<'pttrts rcflr:ct that a coalition to dominale convention demonstrations has been assembled following a recent meeting at New York or~an- izr.d by Tom Ha~den, .Rennie Davis and Daniel Ellsburg. Althou~h it. • is· highly doubt!ul, reportS6 re(lect that these three seasoned radical leaders have b.rought together the feudin~ forces of ~e Socialist Workers ........ ... tr .I.( . ........,..c •• ,. 'P ,.) /f '..;,~. -2' ·-···.• - . "' ·/~· )tp, .c: ' 3 ; ........ - ~ ------------------··· .......... Til _Lil Ill ' 11!111: llll;lj LJU!Illilllllll lll!lllllllllllll~lllLIUUllillJIIIIIIIIII.II ::Ill. I :11111111 II C00018202 ' .. .. \ . • I . Party co,nt'rolled National Peace Action Coalition, the Communist Party USA influenced Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice and the New . ~arty of baby do~tor ~enjamin Spl?ck. Reportedly, it will be this group that will determine the direction of anticonvention adivitie.s. Although the unconfirmed report specifies th~t the San Diego Convention Coali· tion _will "go alorig" with the leader~,hip of Hayden_. Davis. a:nd Ellsburg, it is not believed tha.t"it will do so •.Organizing to date reflects a dis- · tinct westcoast homegrow.n fl;rvor to: plans at San r>iego and it is believed that convention coalition leaders wil:l nofaccept outside domination ex- . cept by force. lt is believed likeiy ~hat the intr.oduction of nationally. known and principally eastcoast radicals will bring a new dimen~rion to ·~'.li:;~....... San Diego in August.~ Opened 'la.tiHties among radic~ls could ignite a ~..... "! complicating factionalwar at San D~eg~_.~ ..f...J,· ;_f'. ~~- ••. _ • ?·· ..: 1/ I .t•~' • •" . ' . 'f' /.: L /,•,.! CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHE~ULED ACTIVITIES ' I . Asterisked items are. either, reported for the first time, or con­ tain additions or changes to previously reported activities. , :•··
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