
4852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE March 18, 1999 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Thursday, March 18, 1999 The House met at noon. S. 257. An act entitled ‘‘The Cochran- a danger we will forget about our citi- Father Martin G. Heinz, Director of Inouye National Missile Defense Act of 1999’’. zens who are missing in action. There Vocations, Diocese of Rockford, Rock- S. 643. An act to authorize the Airport Im- is one such American citizen missing in ford, Illinois, offered the following provement Program for 2 months, and for other purposes. action in the Middle East for the last prayer: 17 years. Almighty Father, Creator of all The message also announced that pursuant to Public Law 83–420, as amended by Public A large group of my colleagues across things, we admire the work of Your Law 99–371, the Chair, on behalf of the Vice the political spectrum join me in intro- hands and Your power in the world. We President, reappoints the Senator from Ari- ducing this resolution calling on the beg Your blessings as we raise our zona (Mr. MCCAIN) to the Board of Trustees Department of State to locate and se- minds and hearts to You at the begin- of Gallaudet University. cure the return of this American cit- ning of this congressional day. We ask f izen, Zachary Baumel. We are asking Your guidance on all that we shall do ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER the State Department to contact all and say over the resolutions passed and governments concerned, and we are the conversations that bring us to our The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- asking the Department of State to decisions. In all this, may we give tain five 1-minutes on each side. take into account the actions of all honor and glory to You. You who pro- f governments with respect to this issue tect our land, You who protect our peo- TRIBUTE TO RICHARD CARDWELL in extending economic and other aids ple. Through this country’s laws may to countries in the region. (Mr. GANSKE asked and was given its citizens grow in character and de- I ask all of my colleagues to cospon- permission to address the House for 1 velop with dignity. May we grow in fi- sor this legislation to bring this lost minute and to revise and extend his re- delity to Your wisdom so that this American, missing in action, back to marks.) country may grow in the knowledge of his family. Mr. GANSKE. Mr. Speaker, Richard Your love. Inspire our work in such a Cardwell from Des Moines, Iowa, is a f way that we never lose sight of our ul- hero. Richard, a retired plumber, is a timate goal, the people of this country, VOTE ‘‘YES’’ ON H.R. 4 wiry, muscular man from a lifetime of strengthened through You, because of (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given tugging on stubborn pipes. In his work the laws we pass. We ask this through permission to address the House for 1 he has been bitten many times by ani- Christ our Lord. Amen. minute and to revise and extend his re- mals but he did not hesitate when he marks.) f saw a dog mauling a man on the Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, three THE JOURNAL ground. There was blood everywhere when out of four Americans, 75 percent, be- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- lieve the United States already pos- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Richard jumped out of his car. The man on the ground was protecting his sesses the ability to defend itself from ceedings and announces to the House a missile attack. I think it is only fair his approval thereof. neck from the vicious jaws of the dog and was losing a lot of blood from bites to inform them that we cannot. Here in Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- America we may have little or no nal stands approved. on his arms and head. Richard grabbed a stick and started hitting the warning of a ballistic missile attack f Rottweiler. that is launched just offshore by some PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Afterwards, Robert Jones, the victim terrorist or rogue nation. Speaking of rogue nations, North The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman of the dog’s attack, said this about his Korea, Iraq and Iran have all improved from California (Mr. LANTOS) come for- scary experience: ‘‘That dog was just and accelerated their ballistic missile ward and lead the House in the Pledge putting the finishing touches on me programs to threaten the U.S. and its of Allegiance. when Richard Cardwell came along. If allies. China already has numerous Mr. LANTOS led the Pledge of Alle- it hadn’t been for him, I’d have been a long-range missiles aimed at U.S. cit- giance as follows: goner.’’ Richard is a brave guy. He risked his ies, all using stolen U.S. technology. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the There is no doubt that the threat is United States of America, and to the Repub- own life for another’s. That huge dog lic for which it stands, one nation under God, could have gone for his throat. And real. What is in doubt is whether Con- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. while saving a life may be the first for gress has the commitment to deploy a national missile defense system to en- f Richard, it is not the first time he has come to the rescue. In fact, he once gage and counter this threat. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE made a house call on a Christmas day Our path is clear, we must be com- A message from the Senate by Mr. to save my frozen house. mitted and we must do our duty to de- Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- Mr. Speaker, we need more good fend America. I urge my colleagues to nounced that the Senate had passed neighbors like Richard Cardwell. support this effort. Vote ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 4, and let us provide the safety for our with an amendment in which the con- f currence of the House is requested, a Nation, for our communities, for our bill of the House of the following title: INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION homes, for our families and giving H.R. 99. An act to amend title 49, United TO LOCATE AND SECURE RE- America the capability to defend our- States Code, to extend Federal Aviation Ad- TURN OF ZACHARY BAUMEL selves from a ballistic missile attack. ministration programs through September (Mr. LANTOS asked and was given f 30, 1999, and for other purposes. permission to address the House for 1 The message also announced that the minute and to revise and extend his re- MILOSEVIC SHOULD BE AR- Senate had passed bills of the following marks.) RESTED, NOT NEGOTIATED WITH titles, in which the concurrence of the Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, events (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was House is requested: are moving so fast that there is always given permission to address the House b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate jul 14 2003 09:16 Oct 01, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\H18MR9.000 H18MR9 March 18, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 4853 for 1 minute and to revise and extend circles about how people tend to start Act soon, we may hear about more stories of his remarks.) out in life as a liberal, and end up con- young people who died unnecessarily because Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, the servative having lived for a while. It is we did not act. killing in Kosovo goes on. Ethnic Alba- called being mugged by reality. I would like to thank Ms. Diane Brown for nians continue to be slaughtered in Well, it appears America has finally calling my office to share her story. I know cold blood. Despite all of this, Congress been mugged by reality on the issue of that this experience has been painful for her continues to believe that a deal can be missile defense. Just last summer the family, but I am grateful that she felt com- made with this madman Milosevic. Clinton administration insisted over pelled to speak out against GHB. I wish her Beam me up, Mr. Speaker. Uncle Sam and over again that a national missile family the best as they try to work through this should not be leading efforts to nego- defense system was not needed. We situation. tiate with Milosevic. Uncle Sam should were assured that rogue nations were I ask my colleagues to support my bill so be leading efforts to arrest Milosevic many years away from developing a that we can assure Ms. Brown and her family for genocide and for war crimes. ballistic missile threat that could that we do not want this drug to hurt another Let me tell this to my colleagues. A reach our shores. Woops! person. I want to send a message to those CIA report said 10 years ago that if In a stunning turnaround, the White who would argue that this drug is safe, that it Kosovo is not granted independence, House has suddenly adopted the Repub- is not and that it can be deadly. there will be death all over, including lican view that the United States is in- Mr.
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