Cik fia world karting champion Continue Karting World ChampionshipCategoryKart RacingRegionInternationalInaugural season1964ConstructorsCIKFIAOfficial websitewww.cikfia.com The Karting World Championship is a karting competition organized by CIK-FIA. It has been held annually since 1964 and is the flagship karting event. The FIA (International Automobile Federation) established CIK (International Karting Commission) in 1962. The first two World Cups in 1964 and 1965 were held during one final round, there after the world's best go-kart drivers competed for the title for a long weekend, from Thursday to Saturday, including free and qualifying practice sessions, qualifying heats, before finals and finals were shared. Since 2011, the championship has been contested for five rounds, each of which takes place in a different country. Since 2014, the World Cup has returned to one event with one venue each year hosted by CIK-FIA OK and OK Junior World Championships in one weekend and another venue on another weekend of the CIK-FIA K' World Championships along with the CIK-FIA C2 Super Cup and the third and final round of the CIK-FIA Karting Academy Trophy. There is a separate CIK-FIA Endurance Championship, which is usually held every year in Le Mans, France, and there are separate continental championships such as the CIK-FIA European Championship (OK, OK Junior, CK2 and Supercarta) and the CIK-FIA Asia Pacific Championship. In 1968, CIK-FIA launched the first World Cup for juniors. Karting Race 1963 Berlin World Championship Karting Category in the 80's (from 1981 - 1989) World Championship raced with 135 cc Formula K carts. Before and after this period, 100 cm of direct drive of cards was the prevailing standard. In 2007, rule changes introduced KF1 category carts, 125 cc carts equipped with electric starters, clutch and rpm limiter, installed at 16,000 rpm to replace Formula Cards. In 2010, the edition was raced with KF2 carts, where engine power of the rpm is limited to 15,000 rpm. FIA Karting categories at world championships are now divided into three main families: direct drive cards, go-kart gearboxes and supercarta. All of these maps have a common 2-tactical engine technology. Since 2016, a new generation of Original Karts (OK) machines has switched to older KF engines. The top OK category at the World Championships is available for drivers from 14 years of age in their year of participation. The OK Junior category is designed for drivers between the ages of 12 and 14. The categories of transmissions OF THE 3K and C2 have the same specification, with the exception of the chassis and brakes that are open at the World Championships in THE C.K.P. The Superkart category is the most unusual karting discipline because it can only express itself entirely on long race tracks. With its full body and 250 cm twin-cylinder engines, developing about 100 hp (75 kW), these capable of extraordinary performances. Kart Racing is currently Karting Promotion In 2013 for the first time in its CIK-FIA history called on the promoter, WSK Promotion, to improve the organization of major international karting competitions. The Swiss RGMMC Group is currently the official promoter of the FIA European and World Karting Championships for the period 2018-2020 (with the exception of Supercarta and Endurance). They are trying to increase the audience for go-kart competitions around the world by attracting new partners and working closely with ASNs (National Federations), such are the priorities of the RGMMC Group. They also develop communication and media coverage by providing live video viewing during events and collaborating with Motorsport.tv to broadcast around the world. World Champions (Supreme Category) Year Chassis Driver Engine Tire Location Class 1964 Guido Sala Tekno Parilla Parilla TBA Rome Kart 100 cc 1965 Guido Sala Techno BM TBA Rome Kart 100 cc 1966 Suzanne Raganelli Tecno Parilla TBA Copenhagen Kart 100 cc 1967 Edgardo Rossi Bireilla TBA 3 place Vevey Dusseldorf and Circuit Monaco Kart 100 cc 1968 Thomas Nilsson Robardi BM TBA 3rd series Rye House Kart 100 cc 1969 Francois Goldstein Robardi Parilla TBA 3rd place Vevey series, Hoddesdon and Villacoublay Kart 100 cc 1970 Francois Goldstein Robardi Parilla G Tiverval-Grignon Kart 100 cc 1971 Francois Goldstein Typhoon Parilla G Turin Kart 100 cc 1972 Francois Goldstein Typhoonilla G Kalmar Kart 100 cc 1973 Terry Fullerton Bee Komet G Nivelles-Baulers Kart 100 cc 1974 Riccardo Patrese Brell Comet G Autododo do Estoril Kart 100 cc 1975 Francois Goldstein BM G Paul Rickard Kart 100 cc 1976 Felice Rovelli BM BM 4Stars Hagen Kart 100 cc 1977 Felice Rovelli BM B Parma Kart 100 cc 1978 Lake Speed Birel Parilla B Le Man Kart 100 cc 1979 Peter Koene Dap Dap Dap Dap D Aut'dromo do Estoril Kart 100 cc 1980 Peter De Bruyne Swiss Hutless Parilla B Nivelles-Baulers Kart 100 cc 1981 Mike Wilson Birel Comet D Parma Formula K (FK) 135 cc 1982 Mike Wilson Birel Comet D Kalmar Formula K (FK) 135 cc 1983 Mike Wilson K (FK) 135 cc 1984 Jorn Haase Kalimet Komet D Liedolsheim Formula K (FK) 135 cc 1985 Mike Wilson Birel Comet D Parma Formula K (FK) 135 cc 1986 Augusto Ribas Birel Comet D Jacksonville Formula K (FK) 135 cc 19861987 Jampiero Simoni PCR PCR B Jesolo Formula K (FK) FK) 135 cc 1988 Mike Wilson CRG Komet D Laval Formula K (FK) 135 cc 1989 Mike Wilson CRG Komet D Walesa Formula K (FK) 135 cc 1990 Jan Magnussen CRG Rotax B Jesolo Formula K (FK) 100 cc 1991 Jarno Trulli Allkart Parilla D Le Man Formula K (FK) 100 cc 1992 Danilo Rossi CRG Rotax D UGento Formula K (FK) 100 cc 1993 Nicola Gianniberti Haase Rotax D Laval Formula A (FSA) 100 cc 1994 Alessandro Manetti CRG Rotax (FSA) 100 cc 1995 Макс Орсини Швейцарский Hutless Italsistem B Валенса Формула Super A (FSA) 100 cc 1996 Джонни Mislijevic Тони Kart Vortex B Lonato Формула Super A (FSA) 100 cc 1997 Данило Росси CRG CRG D Salbris Формула Супер A (FSA) 100 cc 1998 Давиде For' Тони Карт Вортекс B Угенто Формула Супер A (FSA) 100 cc 1999 Данило Росси CRG CRG D Маримбур Формула Супер A (FSA) 100 cc 2000 Давиде Для Тони Kart Vortex B Брага Формула Супер A (FSA) 100 cc 2001 Vitantonio Liuzzi CRG Maxter B 5-место серии Монреаль, Сальбрис, Сарно, Маримбург и Керпен »Формула Супер A (FSA) 100 cc 2002 Гидо ван дер Гарде CRG Maxter B 5-место серии Маримбург, Алахерме, Брага, Сальбрис и Ла Конка 6 Формула Супер А (FSA) 100 см 2003 Уэйд Каннингем CRG Макстер B Сарно Формула А (FA) 100 cc 2004 Давиде Форе Тони Kart Vortex B Ла Конка Формула A (FA) 100 cc 2005 Оливер Оукс Гиллард Парилла B Брага Формула А (FA) 100 cc 2006 Давиде Форе Тони Kart Vortex B Ангервилл Формула А (FA) 100 cc 2007 Марко АрдигоF1 125 cc 2009 Арно Козлински (Arnaud Kozlinski) CRG Maxter B Macau Super KF (SKF) 125 cc 2010 Nyck de Vries серия Ваккерсдорф, Квера, Генк, Сарно и Судзука КФ 1 125 cc 2012 Флавио Кампонески Тони Kart Vortex B 2-место серии Suzuka и Макао KF1 125 cc 2013 Том Джойнер »11» Занарди IAME Vega 2- место серии Брэндон и Бахрейн KF 125 cc 2014 Ландо Норрис FA Kart Vortex D Эссе KF 125 cc 2015 Кароль Басг Космич Вортекс Вега Ла Конка KF 125 cc 2016 Педро Хилтбранд Агилар CRG Парилла Вега Сахир OK 125 cc 2017 Дэнни Кейрле Занарди Парилла ЛеКонт Брэндон OK 125 cc 2018 Лоренцо Travisanutto Kart Республика Парилла B Кристианстад OK 125 cc 2019 Лоренцо Travisanutto Kart Республика Парилла ЛеКонт Алахерме OK 125 cc 2020 Портимао OK 125 cc KF1 Kart гонки в 2008 Gear Kart Чемпион мира Чемпион Мира Шасси Двигатель Шины Местоположение Класса 1983 Джанни Маццола Бирел Бален D TBA Формула C (FC) 125 cc 1984 Габриэле Тарквини Кале Бален D TBA Формула C (FC) 125 cc 1985 Пьермарио Кантони Кале Бален D TBA Формула Формула C (FC) 125 cc 1986 Фабрицио Джованарди Тони Карт Pavesi B TBA Формула C (FC) 125 cc 1987 Алессандро Пиччини DAP Pavesi Vega TBA Формула C (FC) 125 cc 1988 Питер Райделл Все Kart Pavesi D Kecskem't Формула C (FC) 1 25 cc 1989 Джанлука Джорджи Кали D Оломоук Формула C (FC) 125 cc 1990 Алессандро Пиччини Бирель Pavesi B Лаваль Формула C (FC) 125 cc 1991 Алессандро Пиччини Бирел Pavesi D Парма Формула C (FC) 125 cc 1992 Данило Росси Кале Pavesi D Угенто Формула C (FC) 125 cc 1993 Алессандро Пиччини Кале Pavesi D Валь Вибрата Формула C (FC) 125 cc 1994 Ярно Трулли Тони Kart Pavesi D Bydgoszcz Формула C ( FC) 125 cc 1995 Джанлука Beggio Biesse ТМ Вега Вибрата C (FC) 125 cc 1996 Gianluca Bejo Bisse TM B Salbris Formula C (FC) 125cc 1997 Gianluca Bejo Birel HM B Udento Formula C (FC) 125 cc 1998 Gianluca Bejo Birel TM B Charlotte, NC Formula C (FC) 125 cc 1999 Francesco Laudato Birel TM D Circuit Carol Paris Formula C (FC) 125 cc 2000 Gianluca Bejo BirelTM B Marimburg Formula C (FC) 125cc 2001 Not held 2002 Not held 2003 Roberts Birel TM in Caregol Super MCC 125 cc 2004 Ennio Gandolfi Birel TM Vega Marimbourg Super ICC 125 cc 2005 Francesco Laudato BirelTM Vega Sarno Super ICC 125 cc 2006 Davide For Tony Vortex Vega Marimburg Super ICC 125 cc 2007 Jonathan Tonon CRG Maxter D Sarno K 1 125 cc 2008 Jonathan Tonon CRG Maxter D Varennes K 1 125 cm 2009 Jonathan Tonon CRG Maxter D Sarno K '1 125 cc 2010 Bas Lammers IntrepidTM D Braga K'1 125 cc 2011' Jonathan Tonon CRG Macster D Genk CK 125 cc 2012 Bass Lammers Prague Parilla B Sarno CZ 125 cm 2013 Max Verstappen CRGTM B Varennes CK 125 cm Marco Ardigo Tony Kart Vortex B Sarno CZ 125 cc 2015 Jorrit Pex CRGTM B Le Mans to 125 cc 2016 Paolo de Conto CRG TM Vega Christianstad 125 cc 2017 Paolo de Conto CRGTM Vega Wackersdorf CZ 125 cc 2018 Patrick Hayek Cosmich Vortex LeCont Genk KP 125 cc 2019 Marijn Kremers BirelTM B Lonato K' 125 cc 2020 Jeremy Iglesias Formula KTM Vega Lonato CK 125 cc (i) indicates the years of world championships were held as World Cup Note: World Championship status from 1983 to 2000, and from 2012.
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