ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde Jahr/Year: 1998 Band/Volume: 8 Autor(en)/Author(s): Villarreal M. Osvaldo, Esteve-Raventos Fernando Artikel/Article: Mycena conicoalba, a new corticolous species from Spain. 15-34 ©Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Österr.Z. Pilzk. 8 (1999) 15 Mycena conicoalba, a new corticolous species from Spain M. VlLLARREAL F. ESTEVE-RAVENTÖS Dpto. de Biologia Vegetal (Botanica) Univ. de Alcalä E-28871 Alcalä de Henares, Madrid, Spain Received March 22, 1999 Key words: Agaricales, Tricholomataceae, Mycena, Mycena conicoalba. - Systemarics, taxonomy. Mycoflora of Spain. Abstract: Mycena conicoalba is proposed as a new species belonging to sect. Supinae, growing on bark of Quercus ilex subsp. ballota, in evergreen, Mediterranean forest. It differs from similar species especially by its caulo- and cheilocystidia as well as its characteristic habitat. Zusammenfassung: Mycena conicoalba, die auf der Rinde von Quercus ilex subsp. ballota im im- mergrünen mediterranen Wald wächst, wird als neue Art der Sektion Supinae vorgeschlagen. Sie un- terscheidet sich von ähnlichen Arten besonders durch ihre Kaulo- und Cheilozystiden sowie durch ihr charakteristisches Habitat. Small, corticolous species of Mycena are quite common growing on bark of living Quercus spp after heavy rainfall This new species reminded of Mycena alba (BRES. apud SACC.) KÜHNER when collected, owing to its white basidiomata; however, micro- scopic features revealed that it belongs to a different section. The conical pileus seems to be characteristic in the new species, as well as its completely pruinose basidiomata Mycena conicoalba VILLARREAL& ESTEVE-RAV., spec nova. Fig 1 Diagnosis latina: Basidiomata parva, solitaria vel sparsa. Pileus usque ad 3 mm latus, conicus, interdum papilla minutus, sulcatus, leviter striatus, omne pruinosus, albus. Lamellae c. 10 sti- pitem attingentes, adscendentes, late adnatae, dente decurrentes, albae, margine con- vexo, concolore Stipes 7-10 x 0,2-0,4 mm, cylindraceus, aequalis vel subincrassatus ad basim, fragilis, dense albo-puberulus, albidus, basi fibrillis instructus Caro tenuis, alba, odore saporeque indistinctis. Sporae 9-10.08-11 x (8-)8,28-9J57-10,50 urn, globosae vel subglobosae, laeves, amyloideae Basidia 28-34 x 10-13 (im, clavata, 4-sporigera, fibulata, sterigmatibus usque ad 9 urn longis. Cheilocystidia 19-30(-37) x 6,5-15 urn, clavata vel subirregu- laria, surculis cylindraceis l,5-3(-6) x 1-1,5 um obtecta Pleurocystidia absentia. Trama lamellarum iodi ope brunneovinescens Hyphae pileipellis 1,5-3 urn latae, surculis us- que ad c. 25 x 1-2 urn, cylindraceis, simplicibus vel ramosis. Hyphae stipis corticalis ©Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 16 M. VILLARREAL & F. ESTEVE-RAVENTÖS: Mycena comcoalba 2-3,5 um latae, diverticulatae Caulocystidia 28-50 x 6,5-12 urn, claviformia vel sub- claviformia, diverticulatae, descendentia ad basim. Arboricola, ad corticem Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (DESF.) SAMP. Etymology: referring to the shape and colour of the pileus. Molot> pus: Spain: Toledo, La Iglesuela, UTM 30TUK525575, 17. 12 1996, leg. F. ESTEVE-RAVENTÖS, C. SANCHEZ, J. N. CAMPOAMOR & M VILLARREAL, AH 22242. Characters: Basidiomata single to scattered. Pileus up to 3 mm in diam., conical, with small apical papilla, sulcate, slightly translucent-striate, dry, pruinose to white-puberulous, com- pletely white except the yellowish papilla, margin plicate and concolorous Lamellae (L: 7-10; 1: 0-1), well developed, ascending, adnate, frequently with decurrent tooth, white, edge convex and concolorous Stipe 7-10 x 0.2-0.4 mm, cylindrical, subbulbose at the base, fragile, pruinose all over, densely pubescent or strigose by white fibrils at the point of attachment, without basal disc. Flesh very thin, white. Odour and taste in- distinctive. Spores 9-10.08-11 x (8-)8 28-9^57-10.50 urn; Q = l-L05-l.il (n = 23), globose to subglobose, smooth, amyloid Basidia 28-34 x 10-13 urn, clavate, to broadly clavate, 4-spored, with clamp connections (clamp connections usually inconspicuous), with sterigmata up to 9 urn long. Cheilocystidia 19-3O(-37) x 6.5-15 urn, clavate, sometimes eventually constricted, densely covered with simple to branched excrescences, 1.5-3 (-6) x 1-1.5 urn Lamellar edge homogeneous Pleurocystidia absent Hymenophoral trama regular, made up of cylindrical hyphae 4-17 urn, not gelatinized, strongly dextri- noid Hyphae of the pileipellis 1.5-3 um wide, covered with simple to furcate or branched excrescences up to 25 x 1-2 urn which tend to form dense coralloid masses. Hypoderm made up of interwoven hyphae up to 35 urn wide Hyphae of the cortical layer of the stipe 2-3.5 um wide, covered with more or less scattered cylindrical excres- cences 1-3 x 0.9-1.2 urn. Caulocystidia 28-50 x 6.5-12 urn, clavate to narrowly clavate, sometimes irregularly shaped, densely diverticulate, usually thick-walled Habitat: on bark of living Quercus ilex subsp ballota (DESF.) SAMP. Collection examined: see holotypus. Observations: Following the key to sect. Supinae KONR. & MAUBL. (MAAS GEESTERANUS 1984), Mycena comcoalba comes close to M. supina (FR.) KUMM, which can be distinguished by the different shape and colour of pileus and stipe, but above all, by the hyphae of the pileipellis, which do not form coralloid masses, another clear difference is the presence of caulocystidia all over the stipe in the new species. Recently discovered in Norway, Mycena juniperina ARONSEN (ARONSEN 1996), an- other member of this section, differs from M. conicoalba in the brown or yellowish pileus, beige to pale brown stipe, cheilocystidia covered with long and furcate excres- cences and its peculiar habitat, living on bark of Juniperus communis L. Mycena cu- pressina ANTONJN & MAAS G. (ANTONJN & MAAS GEESTERANUS 1998) differs from M. conicoalba in the smooth hyphae of the stipitipellis and its habitat on bark of Cu- pressus sempervirens L. and Arbutus unedo L. In Asia, Mycena umeae 1MAI is, ac- ©Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at österr. Z. Pilzk. 8 (1999) Fig. 1. Mycena cnnicoalha, holotype. A Pileus. section of pileus and detail of basal patch of the stipe. B Spores. (' Hyphae of the pileipellis. /) Basidium. /: Hyphae of the stipitipellis. F Caulocystidia G Cheilocystidia. H Hyphae of the basal patch of the stipe. Bar: 15 um. ©Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at It M. VILLARREAL & F. ESTEVE-RAVENTÖS: Mycena conicoalba cording to MAAS GEESTERANUS( 1991) a possible member of sect. Supinae, with white pifeus, but the very small spores (4x3 um) and growth on dead twigs clearly suggest that it is a different species In South America, Mycena yalensis SINGER, described growing on living bark of Alnus jorullensis H. B. K. (SINGER 1973), shares the white colours and the completely pruinose basidiomata, but differs in its campanulate pileus, smaller spores (6-7 x 5.5-6 urn) and short diverticulae of the pileipellis (-1 urn). After revision of the holotypus, DESJARDIN (1995) included this taxon in sect. Sacchahferae KÜHNER ex SINGER. M. conicoalba was fruiting at the same time and location as M. alba, M. meliigena (BERK. & COOKE apud COOKE) SACC. and Phaeomarasmius rimulincola (RABENH.) P D ORTON. References ANTONiN, V., MAAS GEESTERANUS, M. R., 1998: Mycena cupressina, a new species of section Supi- nae from Italy. - Persoonia 16: 545-547 ARONSEN, A., 1996: Mycena juniperina, a new member of section Supinae from Norway. - Persoonia 16: 257-259. DESJARDIN, D. E., 1995: A preliminary accounting of the worldwide members of Mycena sect. Sac- chanferae. - Biblioth Mycol. 159: 1-89 MAAS GEESTERANUS, R. A., 1984: Conspectus of the Mycenas of the Northern Hemisphere - 2. Sec- tions Viscipelles, Amiclae, and Supinae. - Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch.. ser. C, 87: 131- 147. — 1991: Studies in Mycenas. Addictions and corrections, Part 2. - Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch.. ser. C. 94: 545-571 SINGER, R , 1973: Diagnoses fungorum novorum Agaricalium III. - Beih. Sydowia 7: 1-106. ©Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Österr. Z. Pilzk. 8(1999) 19 Lepiota and Cystolepiota (Agaricales) in Arctic-alpine habitats URSULA PEINTNER Institut für Mikrobiologie Leopold Fianzens University Innsbruck Technikerstrasse 25 A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria EGON HORAK Herbarium, Geobotanical Institute ETH-Zürich Zollikerstrasse 107 CH-8008 Zurich, Switzerland Received 19. 4. 1999 Key words: Arctic-alpine Agaricales, Hasidiomycola, Lepioia, Cystolepiota. - Ecology, key. Abstract: A search of the pertinent literature and collections made by the authors were brought to- gether. As a result eight taxa of Lepioia and two taxa of Cystolepiota, respectively, are found to occur in Arctic and alpine habitats world-wide. Detailed descriptions and illustrations of specific microscopi- cal characters are provided for Lepiota alba, L. clypeolarioides, L. cortinarius var. dryadicola, L.Jävrei, L. aff. pilodes, and Cystolepiota sistrata. Besides taxonomical and ecological remarks, a key to Arctic and alpine species of Lepiota and Cystolepiota is provided. Zusammenfassung: Basierend auf Aufsammlungen der Autoren und Daten aus der Literatur werden die bisher weltweit aus
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