Issue no: 919 • FEBRUARY 10 - 13, 2017 • PUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY PRICE: GEL 2.50 In this week’s issue... Russian Diplomat Says Georgians Should Not Expect Visa Requirements to be Lifted NEWS PAGE 2 Towards a New Security Strategy for Georgia POLITICS PAGE 5 Nicolai on Georgia, Europe & Visa Liberalization POLITICS PAGE 7 FOCUS Swiss Ambassador: ON EUROPE'S The Swiss Should DECISION Be Inspired by the Concerns at home and a Georgian Flexibility mixed reaction awayPAGE 4,5&7 & Adaptability SOCIETY PAGE 9 Modern Slavery? Fresco Employees Torch this Place: Svaneti SOCIETY PAGE 11 Claim Working Conditions Violated Presentation of BY NINO GUGUNISHVILI Book: Unknown Sergo Kobuladze mployees of the Fresco super- market chain this week used CULTURE PAGE 12 social media to expose their belief that their rights are being severely violated. TBC Gallery to Showcase EIn a post published on Facebook, the Fresco workers say the treatment of Restored Pirosmani Paintings Fresco towards its employees can be considered “inhuman” and an example CULTURE PAGE 13 of “modern slavery”. The post then goes on to state that although the Georgian labor code sets the legal working week as a maximum of 48 hours, the Fresco employees say they work for 60 hours and are not paid for the overtime, with a minimum salary of just 400 GEL. The list of employee complaints moves on to talk of the prohibition of cell- phone use, even during breaks, “cutting them off from the outside world with no possibility to communicate with their family members for 12 hours a day”. Continued on page 3 GEORGIA TODAY 2 NEWS FEBRUARY 10 - 13, 2017 Discount Week Launches Russian Diplomat Says in Kakheti Hotels Georgians Should Not Expect Visa Requirements to be Lifted BY THEA MORRISON t his meeting with the Geor- gian Prime Minister's Spe- cial Representative for Discount Week Cover. Source: GNTA Relations with Russia, Zurab Abashidze, on Tues- Discounts of 25% or more will be avail- Aday in Prague (Czech Republic), Russian BY NINO GUGUNISHVILI able in Kakheti hotels from February Deputy Foreign Minister, Grigory Kara- 13- 27 for both local visitors and tourists. sin, stated that Georgians should not The project aims at boosting the pop- expect a lifting of visa requirements from Zurab Abashidze and Grigory he first ever discount ularity of one of Georgia’s regions, through Russia. karasin. Source: vestikavkaza.ru week is to launch in attracting tourists during the off-season "We are not against a visa-free regime, Kakheti region, Georgia, period. but we do not have diplomatic relations… ties between Georgia and Russia has munication, certain humanitarian and as part of a promotionof Kakheti is one of the world’s oldest We fi rst need to calmly discuss all meas- nothing to do with lifting visa restric- customs monitoring problems were also tourist destinations and winemaking regions with a tradition of ures concerning the security of the two tions,” he added, pointing to the fact that discussed during the three-hour meet- Tservices. The initiative is being run wine production dating back to 6000 countries in the framework of the respec- in March 2012, Georgia unilaterally waived ing. by the Georgian National Tourism BC, which has earned it a place on UNE- tive agencies," Karasin said. visas for Russian nationals. Despite some contradictory statements, Administration. SCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Russian news agency Tass says that the “We abolished the visa regime for Rus- both diplomats agreed that the meeting diplomat welcomed the decision of the sian citizens even without diplomatic format helps to normalize relations European Parliament to lift visa require- ties with Russia,” Abashidze said. between Georgia and Russia and ments for Georgia once a suspension At the meeting, Russia’s Karasin also Abashidze noted that the regular dia- RENT YOUR DREAM mechanism goes into force. raised the issue of Georgian Vice-Colo- logue with Russia had helped Georgia “He voiced hope that this will help to nel Giorgi Tsertsvadze, accused of mur- to achieve progress with the EU with APARTMENT IN TSKNETI solve the issue on ‘unblocking’ the citi- der and wanted by Interpol on Russia’s regards visa liberalization. zens of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, two request. “Georgia’s European partners support Very cosy one bedroom 75 sq.m apartment in Tbilisi area with spectacular view breakaway republics recognized by Rus- "Gia Tsertsvadze’s case concerns a the Georgia-Russia dialogue and recog- over the mountains. sia as independent states in August 2008,” criminal offense committed on the ter- nize its importance in maintaining sta- Located in Tskneti, a prestigious, quiet, green and safe neighborhood 15 minutes drive from the city center. The bright and sunny apartment is newly furnished and the article reads. ritory of Russia in 2003. We have the bility in the region,” he said. comes with a fully equipped kitchen and bathroom. Moreover, Tass reports that Abashidze documentation. We do not send Karasin and Abashidze agreed to hold Comfortable and stylish living-room, cozy bedroom with closet and king-sized said Georgia is ready to welcome Rus- unfounded requests to Interpol,” he said. another meeting in two months. bed. 20 sq.m terrace overlooking the mountains. Relax while enjoying the view and sia’s steps aimed at easing visa restric- Abashidze argued that the case does The fi rst Abashidze-Karasin meeting unwind with a glass of wine on the balcony as you watch the sun set. tions or even waiving visas. not fi t the format of the meeting, though took place in Geneva on December 14, Parking & WiFi available. "If Russia takes further steps to ease he himself raised the case of Georgian 2012. If you are looking for the perfect place to live, this is the apartment for you! visa restrictions or even waive visas for Giorgi Giunashvili, who was sentenced Since 2013, the meetings are being held Only long-term residents should apply. Georgian citizens, we will welcome it, by a so-called Tskhinvali court to 20 in Prague. The meetings constitute a Ideally suited for a couple or single. but we understand that it’s for the Rus- year’s imprisonment for alleged military direct dialogue between the two coun- For more information contact: + 995 595279997 sian authorities to decide," Abashidze activities against South Ossetian soldiers. tries’ offi cials following the 2008 Russian- said. “However, the absence of diplomatic Trade-economic issues, transport com- Georgian war. WWelcomeelcome ttoo IIndianndian PPunjabiunjabi RestaurantRestaurant SSanjhaanjha CChulhahulha 1 Mobile +995 596 56 13 13 Phone +995-322-95-96-14 Skype: SANJHA CHULHA Facebook: sanjha chulha indian restaurant mail: [email protected] Website: Sanjhachulha.ge Agmashenebeli Avenue 130, Tbilisi 0112 Georgia Delivery service areare availableavailable GEORGIA TODAY FEBRUARY 10 - 13, 2017 NEWS 3 Modern Slavery? Fresco Employees Georgia and France Claim Working Conditions Violated Expand Cooperation Continued from page 1 employees say they were made to work the product prices correctly, etc.,” Mar- 12 hours a day without a break, and iam Apridonidze, Marketing and PR Some salaries are said to have been instead of being paid the expected 40 representative from Fresco, told news reduced by 50 percent and in other cases GEL overtime, they claim were paid just service Tabula, pointing out it is not by more than the previously agreed 20 18 GEL. stated at the time of applying the penalty percent, with no clear answer given as The fi nes and penalties – from 10 to exactly which rule the employee broke. to why, though the employees suspect 100 GEL - placed on the employees are “Employees are aware which penalties they may be fi nes and penalties. How- “unfair,” they say, for example, an are issued and for what, and know that ever, no offi cial documentation has been employee who hangs his coat on a hook these amounts will be taken off their provided to justify the salary cuts by instead of in the cupboard will be issued salaries.” Fresco management. a penalty of 20 GEL. When one of the Apridonidze outright denied that Fresco The employees also allege that any- Fresco branch employees decided to employees are forced to work overtime products returned by customers are then leave in November, they were told their hours, claiming that overtime only hap- cut in value from their salaries. CV would be “black-listed”. pens when mutually agreed beforehand. Bar codes show different prices when Fresco management are denying all She went on to refute all other accusa- scanned, the employees claim in their the accusations. “Compared to our com- tions against the company. Facebook post, misleading the custom- petitors, Fresco employees have benefi - Ministry of Labor, Health and Social ers. cial working conditions with high sala- Maintenance said it would investigate During the New Year period, the ries, promotion possibilities and free the case and inspect the working condi- Georgian Foreign Minister meets with representatives of the meals,” they stated. tions in the supermarket chain. Ministry Georgian Diaspora in France “Fines and penalties are applied as representatives planned to meet both disciplinary sanctions on the employees employees and managers and look over Central African Republic and Mali. BY THEA MORRISON for violating rules- not coming to work the agreements. If labor law violations The sides also spoke about Georgia’s on time, not serving the customers in a were found, it said the case would then participation at the Bordeaux-based good and timely manner, not displaying be sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Wine Civilization Museum and agreed At the time of going to press, it was he French Minister of to work closely to mark the 25th anni- announced by Imedi news that Health Foreign Affairs and Inter- versary of diplomatic relations between Minister Sergeenko is claiming no vio- national Development, the two countries, with Janelidze invit- lations were found at Fresco.
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