The Anselmeter July 26, 2020 St. Anselm A single mother who has a child with special needs works two jobs and sacrifices much of her own pleasures in order to be available for her son. Being the best mother possible is important to her and brings her joy. We are willing to make great and often heroic sacrifices for those people and things that matter most to us. Unless there is something of obvious importance to us in our immediate path, we can easily approach life in a more haphazard and chaotic way. We jump from one thing to another, responding to whatever it is that is com- peting for our attention at that moment. When everything is important, nothing is important. If we do not wear the right pair of glasses, we can get all too easily caught up in the superficial stuff and neglect paying attention to the things that really matter. The kingdom of God is like the pearl of great price that is worth selling everything for so that it can be ob- tained. Based on where I invest my time and energy each day, I really wonder whether I am serving God’s kingdom or my own. Have you ever considered tracking how you spend your time? You may be surprised! We allow our agendas to set the clock of our lives. We forget that joy and a true sense of purpose are not going to be found in following that timepiece. Joy is the expression of the happiness that is discovered when living in the kingdom of God. When our agenda matches God, not only do we leap for joy but God leaps with delight as well. Our wellbeing is what matters most to God. Can you imagine God delighting in you? It is easy to deaden our senses to the whole reality of God and the joy that living the Gospel can bring. The demands of secular life and the agendas competing for our attention can quickly do that. We can get tired and spiritually apathetic. But if we can see our way through all of the conflicting voices and hear the voice of God, we can rediscover our zeal and pas- sion and redirect our efforts. When we begin to see as God sees, we can rise each day and notice what really needs our attention and em- brace it with exuberance. Be careful, though. It may not be what we originally had on our list. Responding to it, however, will be worth putting everything else aside. PARISH THEME "In order to promote individual and parish growth, St. Anselm parish is a welcoming Catholic community committed to serving Christ through: the celebration of the sacraments (especially the Eucharist), outreach initiatives to individuals, life long education resulting in the transfer of the truths and practice of our faith to our youth." NEW MASS SCHEDULE W/INTENTIONS THIS WEEK Monday, July 27 Rosary is recited at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, 8:30 a.m. +Leonard Omichinski by his wife, Dorothy Wednesday and Friday at the picnic tables weather permitting. Bring a chair as we are Wednesday, July 29 doing social distancing. 8:30 a.m. +Living and Deceased member of Diane Reed and Hanlin Family by her family Friday, July 31 8:30 a.m. +Alvin Grinzinger by Betty Wendlowsky WEEKEND MASS TIMES Saturday, August 1 Saturday Mass 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. +Barbara Dombrowski from her friends Sunday Mass 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Sunday, August 2 10:00 a.m. Mass of Special Intention for Ronald Wm Fischer by Kathleen and Richard Bahlow 12:00 p.m. +John Stasie by his son, John SPIRITUAL COMMUNION Banns I My Jesus, I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacra- Sarah Marzec and Robert Watt ment. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You 1 800 799 7233 for help for domestic abuse have already come, I embrace You and unite myself en- tirely to You; never permit me to be separated from You. WEEKEND MINISTRY SCHEDULE AUGUST 1 & 2 4:30 PM SAT. 12:00 NOON 10:00 AM SUN. VIGIL SUN LECTORS S. Mizzi L. Gutierrez D. Jennings LAY G. Schira G. Schira G. Schira MINISTERS S. Bielawski D. Reeves P. Bargardi T. McIlhiny R. Roose M. DeMarco S. Qussar R. Forystek E. Jannusch UPCOMING EVENTS USHERS R. Grijalva D. Gillis S. Marcon P. Karas M. Walkuski Aug 2 Fr. Perfetto’s Birthday Aug 24 Finance Meeting 7:30 p.m. P. Kelly Sep 13 Ice Cream Social Jun 4/5/6 Parish Festival OF MANY THINGS DIRECTORY Although we observe this weekend as the Seventeenth Sunday of the Year, the Church celebrates two major feast days this weekN St. James the Great and Ste Anne, the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. James is called “great” because he began to follow Jesus prior to the other Apostle, called James the Lesser. In all humility I have taken James the Greater as my patron ST. ANSELM PARISH 17650 W. Outer Dr. Saint. However James the Great was the first Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 Apostle to be martyred, put to death by King Phone: (313) 5654808 Herod. Parish website: www.saintanselmparish.org St. Anne has been declared the “Principal Patroness of the www.facebook.com/StAnselmParish Archdiocese of Detroit.” We pray to her for the protection of Catholics Pastor of this Archdiocese. There are four churches in our Archdiocese Msgr. James A. Moloney P.A. dedicated to St. Anne, ( Detroit, Warren, Monroe and Ortonville.) [email protected] Weekend Associate Many faithful will visit the Shrine of SainteAnnedeBeaupre, East Fr. Richard Perfetto of Quebec City this weekend praying to the Mother of Mary asking for healing, relief from suffering, pain and illness. We will pray to Sainte Parish Administrative Assistant Kim Cwiek …………………..5654808 Anne this weekend that she will intercede to God for the end of the [email protected] suffering and deaths that have been caused by the pandemic and the Editor of “Anselmeter” covis19 virus that has stuck so many people down throughout the [email protected] world. Worship Minister Genny Schira … ….………...2749264 I am grateful to St. Anne because I personally received a great Director of Faith Formation Maryann Walkuski ……..….. 5610512 healing through her intercession when I was a teenager. Music Minister Patrick Hogan/Grace Spilka 5654808 Again,I want to thank our parishioners who are still supporting our Youth Minister parish. The bills still come in but so little money at this time. God bless Marcia Santostasi ……..……2773844 you. Athletic Director Benn Baker………...………..7202509 Christian Service Remember, I pray for you at each of my Masses that I offer when D. Karen Andrews ……..……5803037 allowed. Handmaids of the Altar Msgr. Moloney Beth Jouppi…………………..8461764 Men's Retreat Director Bob Salter ….....……………..2770903 K of C Round Table Rep RECONCILIATION MASS SCHEDULE Matt Roberge……..………….2771898 Maintenance Saturday: Saturday: Gary Nosis ………………….5102822 TBD at a later date 4:30 pm Sunday: Parish Council 10:00 am and 12:00 pm Presidents BAPTISMS Robert Salter ………………….2770903 For information call Bryan Cragg …………….…….5162100 WEEKDAY Council Members rectory. Steve Bielawski …………........5611044 Monday, Wednesday and Barth Bucciarelli ……………. 2773707 Friday Susan Hicks ……………..…....5625345 WEDDINGS 8:30 a.m. Helen Jennings ………….……2777788 Peggy Kelly …………………...8068440 Please call ahead, Ronald Laing**………….……..5382536 at least six months for HOLY DAYS Mark Walkuski Jr. …………….5300066 weddings. *Vicariate Council Reps **Choir Director 8:30 am & 5:30 pm YOUTH GROUP FAITH FORMATION By Marcia Santostasi By Maryann Walkuski High School Students we need you. If you are Seeking The Aid Of Summer SaintsNPart III a 912th grade student and are interested in If you get to zoom into the wild blue yonder, call upon patrons of the airways. In joining the Youth Group, you are always wel- the copilot’s seat is our Blessed Mother, of course. Under the title of Our Lady of come to attend any upcoming meeting. The Loreto, she is the official patroness of aviators and fliers. mission of the St. Anselm Youth Group is to DivineMysteries.inforecounts devotion to Mary by airborne travelers began 17 do service for our parish and community, and years after Wilbur and Orville Wright’s flight at Kitty Hawk. In 1920, Pope Benedict needed service hours for high school can be XV recognized Mary’s special care as he proclaimed her to be patroness and protec- earned. This is a great opportunity for our par- tress of airmen and air travelers under the title of Our Lady of Loreto. The choice arose ish high school students to stay involved and from the traditional, centuriesold belief that angels flew the Holy House of Loreto N participate in our Church, truly live their faith the place of the Annunciation, the Incarnation and home of the Holy Family in Naza- and lend a helping hand to others. Also re- reth N to its present location. member, while attendance isn’t mandatory, it Mary’s patronage and this miraculous move is commemorated the world over in a is encouraged. You will meet new friends and medal depicting Our Lady of Loreto on one side and an airplane on the other. Charles get reacquainted with old ones. It’s never too Lindbergh even carried this medal on his transAtlantic flight. late, simply join us for the first time or we By tradition a strong member of the celestial crew is St. Joseph of Cupertino, due welcome you back anytime at an upcoming to his penchant for levitating.
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