NATIONAL SHOW ISSUE rCA SEPTEMBER 1955 35 1VIORGAN HORSE PICTORIAL REVIEW 1 I I I.' rh ri r) r• J'.1 1 L L' LEI 11 .1.11 PRESENTS ILLAWANA MARIE 07734 HYLEE'S LADY JUSTIN 07502 LURGAN 08166 HYLEE'S PAN AMERICAN 11151 HYLEE'S LADY MAUDEEN 08955 TORCHFIRE 11184 Visitors .11ways W elcom e MR. & MRS. ROBERT BEHLING FLOYD APPLING owners Cambria, Wis. Mgr. & Tr. P 0 3 8 - Q4africi &taint-246w Stalliafrt 1955 National Morgan Horse Show Bred and raised at Broadwall Farm. Parade's dam, Mansphyllis, one of the great Morgan mares of our day, won the Produce of Dam Class four years in succession and was never defeated in this class. Quality breeds on. Parade's colts speak for themselves. Happy will be the person who owns one. Viddo)IS 7q4ze 411,(Awtd Welcome Mr. and Airs. J. Cecil Ferguson Broadwall Farm Greene, R. I. Table of Contents fettets to SPECIAL FEATURES 1955 National 7 My Good Friend Henry 12 Worming The Colt 14 the Eitots Remarks By The Show Manager 15 Taft Heads Michigan Horse Show Association 15 Annual Meeting of Morgan Club 15 Pictorial Section 19.30 Michigan Show Results 31 Show Results Very Fine Article 33 My Dear Mr. Hills: REGULAR FEATURES Congratulations on the very fine article you contributed to The Morgan Letters to the Editor 4 The Editor's Comments 5 Horse Program. I read. it with a great Jelly's Journal 14 deal of interest and am sure it will be New England News 16 of great service to a great many. New England Association News 17 Designating Justin Morgan as a mu- Maine Morgan News 17 The President's Corner 17 tation, by the Editor on Page 5, was an Justin Morgan Horse Association 18 eminently sound move. No one ever Chicago News 31 will be able to establish his breeding, Northwest Morgan News 32 but his prepotency, through many suc- New York State News 32 Horse Tails ceeding generations, proves conclu- 33 sively that he was a real mutation, and I am glad to see the Editor stamp him Officers of the Morgan Horse Club as such. President FREDERICK 0. DAVIS I still ride, at 75, and am in the sad- Windsor, Vermont dle 3 or 4 times a week, riding our Vice-President GERALD F. TAFT through the Forest Preserve, near my Northville, Michigan home. These Forest Preserves, now over 40,000 acres, with more than 200 Treasurer WHITNEY STONE 90 Broad St., New York 4, N. miles of well improved riding trails, Y. on public domain, are a wonderful Secretary FRANK B. HILLS asset to riders in this area. Many cities 90 Broad St., New Ycrk 4, N. Y. are being hard hit for riding trails, on account of subdivsion growth. The Morgan Horse Magazine With sincere regards I am, Yours truly, XV September, 1955 No. I Wayne Dinsmore A Monthly Executive Secretary of the The Official Publication of Horse and Mule Association THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporated of America, Inc., of Chicago, 90 Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y. Illinois. Publication Office Leominster, Mass. Publisher • Otho F. Etsey Complete File for The Morgan Horse Club Inc. Dear Sir: Editor Sumner Kean We have discovered that we never CONTRIBUTING EDITORS did receive the December issue of the C. Fred Austin Carol Ramsey Mabel Owen Morgan Horse; and we HAVE to have Helen Brunk Greenwalt Em Pedler Beverlee Stahl it. We have every issue since 1949, Janet Dakin Virginia Lau Mrs. Frank Linnell and all I have heard from my beloved Gladys Koehne Margaret Gardiner husband is "You MUST write today, The editor and staff of The Morgan Horse Magazine and the Morgan without fail, for our December issue!" Horse Club, Inc., are not responsible for opinions and statements expressed in signed articles or paid advertisements. These opinions are Possibly it was lost in the Christmas not necessarily the opinions of the editor and staff of this journal. rush in the mail, but we never re- SUBSCRIPTION RATES ceived our copy. We will gladly pay One Year $3.50 Two Years 56.50 Three Years S9.00 for it if you will send a bill because The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly except January we do not want to be without even by THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, INC., 90 Broad St., New York, New one issue. We look forward to each York. Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominster, Mass. Entered as second one so very, very much! class matter at post office, Leominster, Mass. Closing date for copy and Thanks for sending the December advertising 10th of month preceding date of publication. issue. Copyright 1955 by The Morgan Horse Magazine. Sincerely, Mrs. Mary Ann Dudley His neigh is like the bidding of a monarch, Muncie, Indiana and his countenance enforces homage.. (Continued on Next Page) - - Kio9 Stem 1 OUR COVER The Editor's Comments In 1949 we covered our first National Morgan Show at the Davis place, Wind-Crest, in Windsor, Vt. We were pro- perly impressed at the number and beauty of the entries. We met hundreds of persons—persons new to our horse show ken who radiated friendliness and enthusiasm for the breed as well as their own charges. On our cover this month we feature this beautiful setting for the 1955 This year's national was the same kind of a show. True, National Morgan Horse Show. Here approximately 250 top Morgans from it was twice as big, drew nearly twice the number of entries. throughout the United States were Once again we met the stalwarts of the Morgan fraternity. cared for with ease and elegance, with It was pleasant indeed to see Davises, Fergusons, Orcutts, ample stabling. The Show ring is in Greenwalts, Elas, Tompkins, 'rafts, Bryant, Owen, Hills the foreground of the one-half mile — old names in the business. There were many other track. Note beautiful Connecticut river in background and ample park- new names added since 1949, names of horses, men and women. ing facilities for spectators and exhi- But, maybe because old ties are strongest, it was most heart- bitors. warming to say hello to Ben Don, Orcland Leader, Parade, Riviera, Sadwin and Damsel, to name but a few. The only blank spot on the program was the absence of Letters (Continued from Preceding Page) representatives of the 20,000-odd Morgans which inhabit these United States, kept by geography from attending. But, while Article an Training Wanted we failed to see the Brauns, Evanses, Littles, Waters, Roberts, Dear Sir: Jeppesens, Andersons, Weares, Wurtzes, Thorns, Ruthvens, Enclosed is a check for a one year renewal of the Morgan Magazine. Duggans, Mashers or Pedlers, it seemed they were there in Your magazine is really wonderful, spirit. the stories, pictures, and feature articles are all so interesting and informative. Reviewing, in retrospect, those names makes this editorial I have now become an avid Morgan read like a farewell. If so we have achieved our purpose for fan. There are no Morgans in this vicinity that I know of, but everytime that is what it is. A change in publishing policy ends our we go riding or to shows 1 keep a six-year term as editor of this magazine as well as author- sharp watch. The more you read a- ship of the column, Once Upon A Horse. bout them the better they become! I am hoping to get a horse soon and it A host's curse is laid on the man who, having announ- will be a Morgan of course. It will be ced his decision to leave, dawdles in his departure. Not very interesting and fun to have one as there are no Morgans near here caring to risk it we will end this difficult editorial here and I hope to interest the horse lovers with a Good Luck to friends everywhere and to the Mor- around here in them. Could you have gan horses they own. more articles on the training and ri- ding of Morgans as both a pleasure SUMNER KEAN and show horse? also do some drawing and painting of horses and practice especially on drawing Morgans. Keep up the wonderful work and I an't wait for the next issue. Sincerely, Ruth Barngrove 63 Pollard Road Mt. Lakes, N. J. SEPTEMBER 1955 5 . WIND-CREST DONA LEE Miss Patricia Kelley, daughter of Mrs. Antoinette S. Kelley, of Buttonwood Farm in Chester, Vermont, is shown up on their sensational mare "Wind-Crest Dona Lee" who literally walked away with the championships at this year's National, taking the coveted "Grand Champion Saddle Horse" award and also repeating her win of last year by winning the "Grand Champion Harness Horse" trophy. She was also Champion at the National Show in Harrisburg last year and is undefeated this season. Truly a remarkable record and a credit to her young rider who has shown her in many of the saddle classes. Buttonwood Farm Chester, Vermont 1955 NATIONAL More classes and more horses with wide distribution of trophies are distinguishing features of this year's Extravaganza. By SUMNER KEAN Three names stand out this year as the 250 entries at this year's biggest was a triumph for "Dick" Nelson, the result of the 1955 National Morgan and best National. Attendance was horseman at the university for the past Horse Show. Krantz, Davis and Orc- at an all-time high, the weather was 20 years who was in charge of the land breeding programs paid off in perfect, cool breezes tempering the fitting and training. In this he was championships.
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