IN X LIVE d-M OVI E 1h February, 2020 To, The Secretary The Manager BSELimited National Stock Exchange of India Limited P JTowers, Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot No C/1, Dalal Street, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 400 001 Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051 Scrip Code: 532706 Scrip Code: INOXLEISUR Dear Sir / Madam, Sub: Disclosure of Material Event / Information under Regulation 30 of SEBl (Listing Obligations and Disclosw·e Reguircments) Regulations, 2015 - Earnings Pl'esentation. Pursuant to Regulations 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, a copy of the Earnings Presentation that we propose to make during the Conference Call for analyst and investors scheduled to be held on Friday, 1h February, 2020 at 4.00 p.m. is enclosed and the said Earnings Presentation has also been uploaded on the Company's Website at httvs://www.inoxmovies.com/Corporate.aspx?Section=3 We request you to kindly take the same on record. Thanking you. Yours faithfully, For INOX Leisure Limited ,f✓ - Parthasarathylyengar Company Secretary INOX LEISURE LTD. 5th Floor, Viraj Towers, Next to Andheri Flyover, Western Express Highway, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 093, India. Tel (91 22) 4062 6900 • Fax: (91 22) 4062 6999 • E: [email protected] • www.inoxmovies.com Registered Office: ABS Towers, Old Padra Road, Vadodara 390 007 • Tel (91 265) 6198111 • Fax (91 265) 2310312 • GIN: L92199GJ1999PLC044045 1 DISCLAIMER This presentation and the following discussion may contain “forward looking statements” by Inox Leisure Limited (“ILL” or “the Company”) that are not historical in nature. These forward looking statements, which may include statements relating to future state of affairs, results of operations, financial condition, business prospects, SUMMARY plans and objectives, are based on the current beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates, and projections of the management of ILL about the business, industry and Financial Results markets in which ILL operates. These statements are not guarantees of future performance, and are subject to known Property Openings and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, some of which are beyond ILL’s and Pipeline control and difficult to predict, that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those in the forward looking statements. Content Pipeline Such statements are not, and should not be construed, as a representation as to future performance or achievements of ILL. In particular, such statements should not Shareholding be regarded as a projection of future performance of ILL. It should be noted that the actual performance or achievements of ILL may vary significantly from such Structure and statements. Balance Sheet Items Due to rounding-off, figures presented throughout this document may not add up precisely to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the rounded- Annexure off figures. 2 <FIRST rflGHEST NATIONAL CINEMA CHAIN "EBITDA TO CAPITAL IN THE INDUSTRY TO BE INVESTED RATIO" IN THE INDUSTRY NET DEBT FREE <FROMISES DELIVERED! 1NDIA'S <FIRST 600 3TIER CINEMA LOYALTY SCREENS PROGRAMME MILESTONE LAUNCHED! CROSSED LEISURE LIM ITED 3 TOTAL EBITDA REVENUE Rs. crs Rs.518crs 108 HIGHE 1 25% YoY 19% YoY ~ THE INDUSTRY FOR PAT FOOTFALLS Q3FY20 1.69crs Rs.51crs 11% YoY 40% YoY LEISURE LIMITED 4 Excludes impact of Ind AS 116 TOTAL REVENUE Rs. crs Rs.1538crs 308 39% YoY 26% YoY HIGHE 1 ~ THE INDUSTRY FOR PAT FOOTFALLS 9MFY20 5.32crs Rs.144crs 19% YoY 68% YoY LEISURE LIMITED 5 Excludes impact of Ind AS 116 New Properties Opened in Q3FY20 and QTD Gorakhpur Orion (12th Dec 2019) Indore Century 21 (Existing) (27th Dec 2019) 4 Screens 748 Seats 4 Screens 378 Seats Lucknow Crown (30th Dec 2019) Pune Elpro (16th Jan 2020) 6 Screens 1190 Seats 5 Screens 1139 Seats 6 Properties Opened FY20 Property Openings Opened Property Screens Seats Lucknow Garden Galleria Mall 12-Apr-19 1 - 4 803 Vadodara Taksh NH8 3-May-19 1 5 976 Bangalore Garuda Yelahanka 28-Jun-19 1 4 756 Hyderabad GSM Mall 29-Jun-19 1 8 1,691 Q1FY20 Openings 4 21 4,226 Lucknow Umrao Mall 18-Aug-19 1 3 653 Jalandhar Reliance 6-Sep-19 1 3 862 Q2FY20 Openings 2 6 1,515 H1FY20 Openings 6 27 5,741 Gorakhpur Orion 12-Dec-19 1 4 748 Indore Century 21 Mall (Existing) 27-Dec-19 - 4 378 Lucknow Crown Mall 30-Dec-19 1 6 1,190 Q3FY20 Openings 2 14 2,316 9MFY20 Openings 8 41 8,057 Pune Elpro 16-Jan-20 1 5 1,139 YTD FY20 Openings 9 46 9,196 7 IN t=:X KEY INITIATIVES ( INOX'J •- . ,1/"frdret/ [,.,/iDl's ➔ fa,slWf' 4 MILLION 3 TIER LOYALTY CINEMA LOYALTY PROGRAM PROGRAM AJAY DEVGN WITH INDX DEEPIKA PADUKONE BECOMES AN VARUN DHAWAN SHOOTS AN BADMINTON STAR P.V. SINDHU APPLAUDS REWARDS BLACK TIER CARD INOX REWARDS BLACK TIER MEMBER INOX REWARDS VIDEO EFFORTS TO PROMOTE INOX REWARDS 8 ~~MARKETING INITIATIVES AJAY DEVGN MEETS SCHOOL CHILDREN VARUN DHAWAN DANCES WITH FANS AT INOX MEGAPLEX, MALAD, MUMBAI AT INOX IN DORE AND PROMOTES INOX REWARDS INNOVATIVE LAUNCH : TAPSEE PANNU AND INOX REWARD MEMBERS ENJOY HOLLYWOOD AJAY DEVGN UNVEILS ASPECIAL GOURMET BHUMI PEDNEKAR ARRIVE AT INOX MEGAPLEX FILM "BOMBSHELL" AT INOX INSIGNIA MENU AT INOX INSIGNIA 9 ALTERNATE CONTENT SCREENING OF PREMIERE BADMINTON LEAGUE SPORTS PLAYERS METALLICA CONCERT HELD IN 8 CITIES ACROSS INDIA MEET STUDENTS AT INDX CHENNAI WINNER OF THE INOX GETAWAY COMBO, SREE HARSHA THOTA MONKS EXPERIENCE A MOVIE AT INOX BRAND INOX GOING PLACES WINS AN ALL EXPENSES PAID TRIP TO DUBAI & FERRARI WORLD IN NEHRU PLACE, NEW DELHI WITH PREMIERE BADMINTON LEAGUE 10 Ind AS 116 Impact on Profit & Loss Q3FY20 Ind AS 9MFY20 Q3FY20 Ind AS 116 9MFY20 Particulars Without Q3FY19 YoY% 116 Without 9MFY19 YoY% Reported Impact Reported Ind AS 116 Impact Ind AS 116 Total Revenues 518 518 436 19% 1,538 1,538 1,223 26% Total Expenses* 344 65 409 350 17% 1,039 192 1,231 1,002 23% EBITDA 174 -65 108 87 25% 499 -192 308 221 39% EBITDA Margin(%) ----------34% 21% 20% 1% 32% 20% 18% 2% [-]Depreciation 65 -38 27 25 11% 190 -110 80 71 13% EBIT ----------109 -28 81 62 31% 309 -81 228 151 51% [-]Interest 55 -53 2 6 -66% 160 -153 7 20 -64% PBT ----------54 25 79 56 41% 149 71 220 131 68% [-] Tax expense 19 9 28 19 43% 52 25 77 46 69% PAT ----------35 16 51 36 40% 97 46 144 85 68% PAT Margin(%) ----------7% 10% 8% 2% 6% 9% 7% 2% Basic EPS (Rs.) ----------------3.56 1.64 5.20 3.90 33% 9.89 4.72 14.61-- 9.23 58% *Ind AS 116 - Rent Impact All figures in INR Crs., unless otherwise specified. Due to rounding-off, figures presented in the above table may not add up precisely to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the rounded-off figures. 11 Q3 & 9M FY20 Results Highlights Q3FY20 YoY Comparison Total Revenue EBITDA PAT 600 EBITDA EBITDA Margin PAT PAT Margin 500 60 120 20% 21% 25% 18% 400 40% 16% 19% 25% 50 100 20% 14% 300 40 80 10% 12% 15% 10% 518 30 60 200 8% 8% 436 10% 108 20 40 87 36 6% 100 51 4% 5% 10 t 20 2% - - 0% - 0% Q3FY19 Q3FY20 Q3FY19 Q3FY20 Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY20 YoY Comparison Total Revenue EBITDA PAT 1,800 EBITDA EBITDA Margin PAT PAT Margin 1,600 1,400 9% 160 350 10% 1,200 20% 25% 26% 18% 39% 140 7% 9% 300 68% 1,000 8% 20% 120 250 7% 800 100 6% 200 15% 1,538 80 5% 600 150 1,223 308 10% 60 144 4% 400 3% 100 221 40 5% 85 2% 200 t 50 20 1% - - - 0% 0% 9MFY19 9MFY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 EBITDA and PAT excludes Ind AS 116 impact 12 All figures in INR Crs., unless otherwise specified, Total Revenue and EBITDA includes Other non-operating Income Q3 & 9M FY20 – Revenue Break Up Analysis Q3 FY20 YoY Comparison 9MFY20 YoY Comparison 1,600 1538 550 518 104 42 1,400 436 144 450 58 1223 31 1,200 86 56 35% 134 22% 403 350 t 130 1,000 t 106 312 800 250 3% t 8% t 600 150 887 22% 288 400 29% 243 t 691 t 200 50 t 19% t 28% - (50) Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 %Share Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 ■ Net Box Office 55.7% 55.7% 56.5% 57.6% ■ Net Food & Beverage ----24.4% 25.0% 25.6% 26.2% ■ Advertisement 12.8% 11.1% 10.9% 9.4% ■ Other Revenues 7.2% 8.1% 7.0% 6.8% 13 All figures in INR Crs., unless otherwise specified Q3 & 9M FY20 Results Analysis – Key Operational Metrics Overall Footfalls & Occupancy% Comparable Properties Footfalls & Occupancy% Footfalls (Lacs) Occ% Footfalls (Lacs) Occ% 700 33% 700 33% 600 - - 27% 27% 27% 29% 600 28% 27% 27% 28% 28% 500 27% • 500 • • 23% • 23% 400 400 18% 18% 300 532 300 11% 19% 13% 4% 13% 200 446 200 403 421 8% 8% 100 153 t 169 t 100 145 145 - 3% - 3% t Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 Q3FY19--Q3FY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 Footfalls with Management properties: Q3FY20: 178 lacs, Q3FY19: 160 lacs & 9MFY20: 559 lacs, 9MFY19: 470 lacs Overall Average Ticket Price (ATP) [INR] Comparable Properties Average Ticket Price (ATP) [INR] 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 206 204 200 199 100 206 204 201 199 -1.0% -0.5% -0.9% 50 50 - - Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 14 Note: All above charts exclude management properties Q3 & 9M FY20 Results Analysis – Key Operational Metrics Gross Spend Per Head (SPH) [INR] Comparable Gross Spend Per Head (SPH) [INR] Food & Beverages – Contribution (%) 100.0% 100 90.0% 90 100 80.0% 90 80 80 70.0% 70 70 60.0% 60 60 50.0% 50 8% 50 10% 7% 40.0% 40 81 80 40 74 74 82 80 30.0% 30 74 75 30 20 20.0% 20 10 t 10.0% 10 t t t 73.4% 75.3% 74.1% 75.2% - - 0.0% Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 Advertisement Revenue [INR Crs.] Other Revenue [INR Crs.] 150 120 130 100 110 90 80 70 3% 134 144 60 35% 22% 104 50 40 86 30 58 56 t t 20 t 42 t 31 10 - (10) Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY19 9MFY20 Q3FY19 Q3FY20 9MFY19
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