Opuntia Index #1-500

Opuntia Index #1-500

CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX TO 8-tracks see under Audio, 8-track OPUNTIA #1 TO #500 Aboriginals, alternative histories 52.1A:15-16 compiled by Dale Speirs , environmental effects 422:18-19 444:28 454:21-22 , extinction caused by 61:15 References are to issue number:pages. For example, 12.5:3-6,9 means issue #12.5, , oral legends, Fundy tides 69.3:12 pages 3 to 6 and page 9. Between issues #1 and #71.5, whole-numbered issues , petroglyphs 288:8 were sercon, x.1 issues were reviewzines, x.2 issues were indexes, x.3 issues were , pollution caused by see under Environment, pollution apazines, and x.5 issues were perzines. #71.5 was the 247th issue of OPUNTIA. , smallpox 71.3:13 436:24 , trading long-distance 314:13 462:27-28 The next issue after it was numbered #248 and thereafter OPUNTIAs are numbered , Tsuu T’ina 484:1-3 in the ordinary way. The issues from #72 to #247 inclusive do not exist. Beginning with #248, there was no longer any distinction between sercon, reviewzine, apazine, Academia see under Education or perzine, and the editorial copy was unsorted. Accidents, motor vehicles see under Motor vehicles, accidents Actors, bad behaviour 39.5:6 40.5:3 For individual authors, see under Writers. , Boris Karloff 434:8-9 491:12-15 For individual actors, see under Actors. , Bela Lugosi 289:20 409:10-12 491:13-14 For individual directors, see under Directors. , William Shatner 70.3:5 495:24-25 For individual artists, see under Artists. , Monty Woolley 377:14 For individual editors, see under Editors. , Fay Wray 345:5 SF = science fiction Addiction See under Psychology, addiction As much as reasonable, I have tried to cross-reference subjects. You can also use Advertisements, Merchant’s Gargling Oil 298:8 the Find function to locate a subject. Trivial reviews and ephemeral items are not indexed. Literary, audio, and video works are indexed by title, not by author or Aerospace see also under Space exploration screenwriter. , airships, fiction about 345:16 412:14 , aviation, crash, bush plane 67.5:9-11 Please send notice of errors or omissions to: [email protected] , Hudson River 68.3:5 , Avrocar 48.1B:15-16 , balloons, Professor Lowe 70:1-4 , fiction 329:13 , Italo Balbo 44.1A:11-12 , military, bomber, Lancaster 278:12-15 279:16 , pioneer 404:12-15 , solid state 432:25-26 Agriculture, agaves 423:22 , Blindman River 40.5:10 , crops, genetically modified 64B:11-12 71.1D:15 437:13-14 , origin of 63:15 66A:12 68.3:12 Alberta, Calgary, general 39.5:2 41.5:4,13-14 70.1F:16 293:9 303:12 387:15-16 , accidents see under Alberta, Calgary, traffic 398:16 410:13-14 412:19 , art, banners 367:3-6 373:2 402:20 427:17 432:24 475:31 492:31-32 406:20 478:13 , economics 65.3:11 65.5:1-2 69:12 , bins, garbage 330:3 397:8 415:25 70.1E:14-16 269:15 414:23 459:4 472:33 484:7-8 , farming, general 435:6-9 , Canstruction 409:7-8 439:8-10 469:1-5 , fences 489:26-28 491:40-41 , house yard 288:11 406:6 473:6 , origins 456:24 , house, yarnbombing 312:1-4 , fertilizers 70.1E:14 , installation 367:7-8 406:7-9 , food 323:12 , LRT, 3 Street SW 464:21 , livestock, cattle 67.1A:7-10,16 68.1A:12 , Centre Street 330:2 71.3:15 399:19 410:13 432:23-24 , murals 423:9-10 471:4 474:15-16 435:6-9 450:23 476:22 , chickens 293:9 496:26 , overpass pillars 306:1 319:5 406:1-2,7-9 , goats 67.1A:16 417:1 , horses 450:24 496:26-27 , parks, Tomkin, books 306:13 , organic 373:15 , Chinook Arc 309:6-7 , no-till 57.3:9 , planters 406:5 , pests see under Pest control , public, miscellaneous 445:1 458:28 , potato 398:16 423:22 436:25-26 , sculptures , primitive, pre-Columbian 69.1C:16 412:19 , Bow River, 12 Street SE bridge 444:6-7 , veterinarians 258:12-15 , Bow Tower, big head 263:14-15 AIDS See under Viruses, HIV , tree hugger 371:1 , bull rider, sandstone 289:13 Alberta, Acme 456:1-3 , cariboo, abstract 289:13 , Athabasca Tar Sands 446:23-24 , cattle, silhouettes 289:12 , badlands 290:8-10 317:1-8 320:1-9 , Udderly Art 298:6-7 328:1-9 351:1-9 , chess player, Century Gardens 412:3 , Balzac, ghost mall 427:1-4 , coyote 459:3 , Banff National Park 46.5B:9-16 48.5B:5 , Glenmore Dam, stone boat 484:7 66A:15 , horses, Beltline, 6 Street SW 474:1 , Beiseker 450:5 , City Hall Plaza 306:13 , Big Hill Springs Provincial Park 8.5:11-12 , LRT, Centre Street 330:2 , Public Library hoardings 309:4-6 407:1-3,5 426:22 491:5 , scrap iron businessman 292:9 , public buildings 406:3 , scrap iron horse 288:16 , yarnbombing 312:1-4 357:5-6 478:9 , spider beetle 407:4 488:6 490:17 491:6 492:7 , Stephen Avenue Mall 402:20 493:7 495:19 497:32 475:2 Alberta, Calgary, Assman’s Barber Shop 263:12 , Zoo 486:4 , Beltline 474:15 , shopping centres 296:1 364:1-3 373:3 , Bob Edwards 65.1:5-7 369:2 377:11 409:7-8 , boom 64.5:1-14 65.5:12-16 444:1-3 , Bow River 63.5A:4-6 286:14-16 297:11-12 , sidewalk, 3-D letters 456:8 304:1-4 388:18 414:24 437:3-5 480:4,26 , installations 489:2 481:1-5 482:1-3 492:2 497:2-4 , off-centre 500:3 , Bow River, surfing 420:11-13 441:2 , salted 498:2 , Bow Tower see under Alberta, Calgary, skyscrapers Alberta, Calgary, art, skyscrapers 426:22 , bridge, collapse 55.5:10-11 , trees 482:8 , Peace 281:14-16 , utility boxes, animals 307:1-2 310:2 , Zoo, old, removal 380:1-4 316:12 317:9-11 328:14 , new 380:5 351:18 393:16 415:24 465:20 478:11 491:4 Alberta, Calgary, Calgary Transit, general 63.5A:9-11 369:6-10 , miscellaneous 281:10-12 285:15 , bus, articulated 260:5-6 275:11 307:3 313:12 314:14 359:7 369:9 392:13 318:11 332:7-8 351:18 462:7 354:9 356:14-15 , bus, livery and ads 359:6 407:12 368:18 373:18 376:16 462:7 391:18 392:18 406:4-5 , bus, natural gas 275:11 416:22 459:4 486:8 , bus, riders 293:10 341:10 491:3 426:11 462:6 464:21 , skylines 321:5-7 , bus, routes 462:7 , Stampede 279:14-15 , bus, shuttles 369:7-8 412:12 , video, Bow Valley Square 426:22 437:18-19 , bus, signs 355:16 369:7 486:16-17 487:8-10 463:10 490:6 , bus, stops 269:12-13 369:10 , TD Square 440:3-4 409:3 , bus, stroller jams 302:2 380:10 , walls, private buildings 330:4 379:22 , flood, 2013 264:11-16 , incidents 302:1-4 327:7-8 490:1-5 392:11 396:13-15 425:23-24 , train 294:1-5 400:1-6 445:3 462:5 484:9 462:1-5 , LRT, Downtown 497:1 , citizens of, famous, Ted Cruz 267:8-9 , Northwest Leg 445:1 , condominium fire 51.5A:14-16 , West Leg 258:8-11 371:2-6 , cost of living 40.5:4 62.5B:3,8 438:1-2 63.3:15-16 63.5A:7-9 , pandemic response 470:8-9 , trains 3.5:4 10.5B:13 67.5:12-14 Alberta, Calgary, downtown 70.5B:1-7 71.5:16 256:15-16 , general 11.5:7 41.5:11-14 54.5:7-8 284:4-6 357:10-12 359:6 255:5 365:5 407:12-14 426:8-10 , 7 Avenue South 377:10 435:15 , Bow Tower 70.5A:12 , Stampede 264:1-5 , Brookfield Place 325:11-12 431:7 459:2 , stations, 3 Street SW 464:21 , Calgary Tower 312:5-6 417:4-5 , Anderson 416:21 462:8-10 , City Hall buildings 381:1-2 , City Hall 284:4 431:8 , East Village 497:1 , Olympic 256:15-16 , Plus 15 277:8-10 367:7-8 405:12 , Sunnyside 445:1 , skyscrapers 369:4 402:19 405:12 , Tuscany 283:18 436:26 , University 369:6 , Stephen Avenue 349:5-6 366:4-8 402:20 , streetcars, crash 298:1-2 406:20 423:24 424:19-20 451:23 , tickets, special election 394:14-15 475:2 487:17 , Suncor Tower 431:9 Alberta, Calgary , cemeteries 69.5:13-14 355:1-7 , TD Square 276:8-13 349:7 412:4 , Chinatown 69.5:10-12 299:1-7 431:5-6 479:3-4 335:14 360:8 465:1-5 , Telus Tower 431:23 495:7-8 , Elbow River, ice pattern 299:12 Alberta, Calgary, Christmas, decorations, general 362:1-2 400:16-19 , Glenmore Reservoir 483:1 499:2 , Confederation Golf Course 329:1-6 , junction with Bow River 420:7 , downtown 293:1-5, 10 329:7-8 , Mission 352:1-3 360:1-6 362:2 400:16-19 , Stanley Park 496:1-2 431:5-9,14 463:1-8 , Weaselhead 484:2-6 489:12 , elections 51.5A:11 64.5:2-3 , residential, Altadore 361:2-3 , Emergency Preparedness meeting canceled 51.5A:13 431:1-4 456:7 463:6 , explosion, house 48.5A:10 Alberta, Calgary, events, Arab Festival 453:2 464:1-6 , Beakerhead 322:1-16 353:1-18 391:1-11 , New Year, Lunar 299:1-7 333:2-4 334:2-9 424:1-6 455:6-8 335:1-5 365:1-4 405:1-3 , Canada Day 39.5:6-7 313:1-6 345:9-12 435:1-5 465:2-5 417:6-11 447:1-8 478:6-7 , Olympics see under Olympics, Calgary , Canada 150 379:7-10 380:8 381:1,3-4 , protests 430:1-3 382:1-13 384:16 385:16 387:16 , Remembrance Day see under Military 389:16 , sports, general 16.5:11-12 54.5:9-12 , Carifest 321:1-4 453:1,5-6 , boat races 283:15-16 , Chinook Blast see under Alberta, Calgary, events, , curling 368:3 369:2-3 light festivals, Chinook Blast , Grey Cup 68.5A:1-13 291:20 292:1-6 , Christmas see also Alberta, Calgary, Christmas 430:4-6 461:1-8 362:1-2 , Olympics see under Olympics, Calgary , Culture Day 323:1-4 , Stanley Cup 307:12-15 308:12-13 , Fiestaval 348:13 450:6-7 , street festivals , fires, Erlton 51.5A:14-16 , Chinatown (not New Year’s) 453:7 , floods see under Hydrology, floods , Fantasy Faire 420:8-10 , Freedom of the City 339:8-10 , Inglewood 349:9-11 453:3-4 , Franco Festival 453:8 , Lilac Festival 343:1-6 380:6-7 , G-8 Summit, 2002 51.5B:4-6 52.5:3,5 415:10-12 444:8-11 , Glow Festival see under Alberta, Calgary, events, , Marda Gras 319:6-8 light festivals, Glow Festival , Gorbachev visit 11.5:5 13.5:5-6 Alberta, Calgary, Fire Dept.

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