UNDERGROUND CHRISTIANS IN MALAYSIA APRIL 2, 2016 The 2016 evangelical political -UP NEVER #TRUMP CRACKNEVER NEVER #TRUMP #TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP NEVER #TRUMP TRUMP NEVER TRUMP #TRUMP NEVER #TRUMP TRUMP NEVER #TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP NEVER #TRUMP TRUMP NEVER #TRUMP NEVER #TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP Ariel World 4.16.indd 1 2/11/16 6:50 PM APR0216 / VOLUME 31 / NUMBER 7 COVER STORY Just as I am Donald Trump is gaining traction among many self-proclaimed evangelical voters, but some stretch 34 the label ‘evangelical’ to the breaking point WHERE THEY STAND: The presidential election could have a big impact on religious liberty FEATURES DEPARTMENTS 42 Conservatives vs. 3 Joel Belz Trump Many voters see Donald 5 DISPATCHES Trump’s candidacy as a News challenge to the GOP Human Race establishment, but it is Quotables 21 Quick Takes conservative activists—and largely not establishment 18 Janie B. Cheaney Republicans in Washington— who are sounding alarms 21 CULTURE Movies & TV 46 The Son of God and Books the ‘sons of the land’ Q&A Ethnic Malays make up a Music largely unreached people group—in a nation with mega­ 32 Mindy Belz churches and missionaries. 55 NOTEBOOK 46 Some Christians are now Lifestyle undertaking the dangerous work of preaching the Technology gospel to them Science Houses of God 50 Amicus politics 61 The Texas abortion case Mailbag 50 illustrates how left­leaning 63 Andrée Seu medical associations Peterson influence the nation’s highest courts 64 Marvin Olasky ON THE COVER Illustration by Krieg Barrie g Visit our website—wng.org—for breaking news and more “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and those who dwell therein.” For your tablet —Psalm 24:1 EDITORIAL Editor in Chief Marvin Olasky Editor Timothy Lamer Senior Editor Mindy Belz National Editor Jamie Dean Managing Editor Daniel James Devine Washington Bureau Chief J.C. 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JOEL BELZ a favorite candidate, only four said they wanted Hillary Clinton and two preferred Ted Cruz. All the remaining 21 split almost evenly between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Yes, the two improbable candidates I referred to in my Jan. 22 column as “crazy uncles” were clearing the table right here in the mountains of North Carolina. Back to Walmart But if the exercise was depressing in numer- IN CANDIDATE SURVEY, ORDINARY FOLKS ical results, it was much more so with reference to the respondents’ reasons. Austin B. minced DIDN’T EXACTLY INSPIRE CONFIDENCE no words. He was for Sanders and forcefully declared, almost as if he’d I am in no sense a political expert. But been rehearsing his answer: R this year, what does that matter? Neither “It’s time for the U.S. to join is anyone else. That realization is all it took for the progressive folks in me, a few days ago, to head out again to my Europe and the rest of the favorite spot just outside the front door of my world with a grown-up civili- neighborhood Walmart. I wanted to find out zation.” Irma F. set the tone what the locals were thinking. when she asked offhandedly: If you’re new to this column, it may help you “Don’t you think it’s Hillary’s to know that every now and then I try to forget turn?” the experts and go instead to the ordinary If there was a theme of people—the folks, for instance, who shop at thoughtfulness running Walmart. If it’s the experts who have messed through the comments, things up so badly, maybe we commoners have respondents seemed to something to contribute to the process of setting worry most about honesty. things straight again. Matt R. was hedging his bets, Maybe. But maybe not. If this week’s visit to for example, when he Walmart is any indicator, we’d better keep pointed quickly to Trump but looking for our savior. If there was a observed, “If he’s telling the truth, maybe he I talked briefly with 31 shoppers. My pitch can do something. But if he’s not, well then, was simple and, I think, polite and nonthreat- theme of he’ll be just like all the others.” Jan S. said she ening: “Ma’am, may I interrupt you for less than thoughtful- preferred Sanders because “he seems most a minute? I write for a national magazine, and ness running honest,” but drew a blank when I asked for an I’d like your opinion.” And then I showed them a example or two of what she meant. simple sheet with the faces of Bernie Sanders, through the Halfway through the exercise, I was struck Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Cruz. comments, with how shallow and frivolous this exercise “If the election were held today, which of these respondents really was. That’s when Tim Paschall, Walmart’s would you vote for?” And if they were bold assistant manager for the day, came out and enough to point to one of the four, I pressed a seemed to told me I’d have to move on. Divisive activities bit further: “Can you tell me why?” worry most like mine annoyed their shoppers, he said, and I was surprised that only four of the 31 about honesty. one woman had said she wouldn’t come back if I declined my request. “That’s private informa- was allowed to “accost” people the way I was. So tion, between me and God,” said Michael F.— just to keep the record straight, bear in mind that and I agreed with him that we should be Walmart shoppers don’t carry the whole blame thankful to live in a country where that is so. “I for the collapse of our culture. Indeed, the last have a whole week before our primary, don’t I?” 16 responses came from folks at Aldi grocery said Angela M. “Don’t hurry me.” Monica G. store and Lowe’s home improvement center. confused me when she said how much she likes And if your heart is heavy over a presidential most of Trump’s ideas—“But he’s way too race that seems consumed with thin process pushy, and I just think I won’t vote.” and knows so little of substance, keep this in But here’s what made my knees knock while mind: The common folk of society may have no gathering my little (and statistically meaning- more extensive a claim on wisdom and virtue less) survey.
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