MY ADVANCE CARE PLANNING GUIDE For North Carolina TALK! et’s and L r values l us you hcare. Tel ur healt bout yo beliefs a on onversati ave the c . time to h ur family Take n and yo r physicia with you honest. open and Always be our t about y no doub Leave nces. d prefere values an Keep your documents up do date and available. We want to know To complete an Advance Care Plan: your wishes Go to www.sentara.com/advancedirectives Call Sentara Albemarle Medical Center (252) 384-4125 or the Sentara Center for so we can Healthcare Ethics at (757) 252-9550 or honor them. 1-800-Sentara (736-8272) Ask your physician or healthcare provider Table of Contents Have the TALK – Protect your rights to control healthcare decisions ..................1 Important Conversations .......................................................2 Terms You May Need to Know ..............................................3 What Powers am I Giving to my Healthcare Agent? ...............6 Questions and Answers .........................................................7 Have the TALK! Protect Your Right to Control Your Healthcare Decisions Healthcare is vitally important to everyone. Wherever you are, whatever the situation, you want to be sure you receive excellent medical treatment. But even more importantly, you want your medical choices to be understood and honored. The law guarantees your right to If you plan now, in advance, you can make make those decision about your medical sure your wishes are known, and that you care, even when you are too sick or get the kind of care you want and relieve injured to make your wishes known. your family of having to make difficult These “rights” give you control over your and stressful choices. You decide, in choices at a critical advance, in writing, time in your life. You what your healthcare can choose to accept choices are if you cannot speak for or refuse any medical “Having Mom’s Advance yourself, and you can treatment that is offered Care Plan made things so specifically direct the by your physicians. Your kind of medical treat- physicians will assist much easier at a difficult time. ment you do or do not you by informing you of Now I am doing the same for want if, e.g. you become the risks of the medical terminally ill, or have a permanent and severe interventions, the my own family.” brain injury with no hope benefits you might of improvement or expect and possible recovery. You can let alternatives. But, how your family, friends, can you be sure that your choices will be doctors, and healthcare providers know honored if you are unable to speak for your treatment wishes through your yourself? Advance Care Plan. 1 Important Conversations about Your Healthcare Choices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³YDOXHVKLVWRU\´DQGKDYHDFOHDU XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI \RXU KHDOWK )RU H[DPSOH \RX FRXOG GLVFXVV \RXU YDOXHV DQG ZLVKHV ZLWK ORYHGRQHVRUDGYLVRUVRUZULWHGRZQ\RXUUHVSRQVHVWRTXHVWLRQVVXFKDV s :KDW GR , NQRZ DQG IHHO DERXW P\ s +RZGRP\SHUVRQDOUHODWLRQVKLSVDIIHFW KHDOWKVLWXDWLRQWRGD\" PHGLFDOGHFLVLRQPDNLQJ" s :KDW FRPSOLFDWLRQV PLJKW , s :KDW UROH GR , ZLVK P\ SK\VLFLDQV DQG H[SHULHQFH IURP P\ FXUUHQW KHDOWK RWKHUV WR SOD\ LQ PHGLFDO GHFLVLRQ FRQGLWLRQ" PDNLQJ" s ,VLWLPSRUWDQWIRUPHWREHLQGHSHQ s :KDW NLQG RI OLYLQJ HQYLURQPHQW LV GHQWDQGVHOIVXIILFLHQWLQP\OLIH" LPSRUWDQWWRPH" s :KDWDUHP\WKRXJKWVDERXWLOOQHVV s :KDWUROHGRUHOLJLRXVVSLULWXDOHWKQLFRU GLVDELOLW\G\LQJDQGGHDWK" FXOWXUDOEHOLHIVSOD\LQP\OLIH" s +RZGR,IHHODERXWGRQDWLQJP\RU s :KDW DUH P\ WKRXJKWV DERXW OLIH LQ JDQV" JHQHUDO WKDW LV P\ KRSHV DQG IHDUV HQMR\PHQWVDQGVRUURZV" t +RZGR,IHHODERXWJLYLQJP\ERG\ DVDQDQDWRPLFDOJLIWIRUUHVHDUFK" $GYDQFH&DUH3ODQs (North Carolina - Advance Directive for a "Natural Death" and Health Care Power of Attorney) are available from any staff member orthey can also be downloaded at 2 www.sentara.com/advancedirectives ~ 6(17$5$ Terms You May Need to Know The following terms are referred to in this booklet. We hope this list will help you understand some of the terms and what they may mean for you as you make healthcare choices for your future. Advance Care Planning: Facility A process of decision-making done in advance of Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR): an illness or injury to plan with your family, In a hospital or other healthcare facility, DNR is a physicians, or spiritual leader what choices you physician’s order to withhold CPR from you in the would make if you became unable to communicate event of cardiac or respiratory arrest. An those choices for yourself. Sometimes the TALK Advance Care Plan does not automatically is done with a trained Advance Care Planning become a DNR order. This must be discussed Facilitator. with, and implemented by your physician. Advance Care Plan: Portable An Advance Care Plan is a term that includes Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR): A written Advance Directive for a Natural Death as well as physician’s order to withhold CPR in the event of a Health Care Power of Attorney. While the cardiac or respiratory arrest that can travel with the content may be the same or similar, the main patient. This document must be on the State difference is an Advance Care Plan puts more approved DNR form, or MOST form (Medical Order emphasis on TALKing with family, physicians and for Scope of Treatment), to be honored by spiritual advisors about your wishes. Emergency Medical Services. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Healthcare Agent: CPR involves chest compressions, medications, An adult appointed by you to make healthcare electric shock, and a breathing tube connected to decisions for you. This person speaks for you only a mechanical ventilator. The risks and benefits of when you can no longer speak for yourself. If you this treatment should be discussed with your have made your wishes known through a Advance physician with any change in your health or when Care Plan or have personally discussed your wishes you have a serious or life-limiting illness. with your healthcare agent, he or she is bound by Declarant/Principal law to make decisions in accordance with your A declarant is another word for the individual wishes. If they do not know your wishes, they will signing the Advance Directive for a Natural Death. make decisions they believe are in your best A principal is another word for the individual interest and that you would have made for yourself. appointing healthcare agent(s) pursuant to a Healthcare Power of Attorney. Because the This agent may also be identified as a Medical declarant and principal are the same person, often Power of Attorney or Healthcare Proxy depending these terms are used interchangeably. on the source of the document. 3 Life-Prolonging Procedure: MOST (Medical Order for Scope of Treatment): Any medical procedure, treatment or A written physician’s order which includes orders to intervention which: (i) uses mechanical or provide or to withhold CPR in the event of cardiac or other artificial means to support and prolong respiratory arrest, but also may include orders for other treatment options. Like the DNR, your life if you have no reasonable Portable this form travels with the patient. expectation of recovery from a terminal condition; and (ii) when applied to you in a Surrogate Decision-Maker: Individual(s) terminal condition, would serve only to designated by law to make healthcare decisions prolong the dying process. The term on your behalf, when you are unable to make includes artificially administered hydration decisions for yourself, if you have not named a and nutrition. Life-prolonging procedures do Healthcare Agent or Medical Power of Attorney. not include giving you medication or In order of priority, pursuant to N.C. Code performing any medical procedure §90-322 those persons are: necessary to provide you with comfort care 1. or to alleviate your pain. A guardian of the patient's person, or a general guardian with powers over the Living Will: patient's person, appointed by a court, provided that, if the patient has a health Often thought of as medical instructions care agent appointed pursuant to a valid only for end of life, a Living Will can actually health care power of attorney, the health capture health care preferences or your care agent shall have the right to exercise beliefs and values for any healthcare crisis. the authority to the extent granted in the health care power of attorney. This 'plan' is now incorporated in Advance Care Plans and is part of the larger process. 2. A health care agent appointed pursuant to a The terms Living Will, Advance Directive valid health care power of attorney and Advance Care Plan are often used in 3. Attorney-in-Fact appointed by patient. the same way. 4. The patient’s legal spouse. Organ and Tissue Donation: Donation 5. Majority of reasonably available parents and of your organs (such as heart, lungs, liver or adult children of the patient. kidneys) or other parts of the body (such as eyes, skin and bone) after death. 6. Majority of reasonably available adult brothers/sisters of the patient. 7. Persistent Vegetative State: An individual who has an established An incurable and irreversible condition, relationship with the patient, who is acting in caused by injury, disease or illness, that good faith on behalf of the patient, and who causes a loss of consciousness with no can reliably convey the patient's wishes. behavioral evidence of self-awareness or awareness of your surroundings and from Terminal Condition: which, to a reasonable degree of medical An advanced, irreversible condition caused by injury or probability, there can be no recovery.
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