TRADEMARKED BY THE SPORTING LIFE PUB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS BLATTEB VOLUME 26, NO. 19. PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 1, 1891 PRICE, TEN CENTS. TORONTO TOPICS. THE NYPANO LEAGUE. OF MICHIGAN. Manager Chapman©s Moves Endorsed A Meadrille Call For a Revival at *-A New Canadian League. This Excellent Time. Toronto, Jan. 28. Editor "Sporting Life:" Mcadville. Pa., Jan. 27. Editor "Sporting From the reports received Manager Cua.pman is Life:" With your kind permission I would like THE STATE LEAGUE CIRCUIT STILL apparently looking no time in getting his team the use of a space in your much-read columns, rounded up, and we feel sure that bis selection as a medium through which to reach some of the UNSETTLED, of players will be a wise one, governed as it former enthusiasts of the once Nypano League. will be by a. long and successful experience in At the time I speak of the League was com the base ball business. Possibly he may unearth posed of clubs located at Brie, Bradford and another ©Jennings or Hoffer, as he is notetl for Meadville, in Pennsylvania, and Olean, James A Difference of Opinion as to the Wis his success in making "finds." town and Dunkirk in New York Stale. We were all well pleased to hear that Jimmy Being an ardent admirer of the national game The Circuit Made up of Eight Good Casey has signed with us again, as that means myself, also a former member of the above named dom of Matiag the League an In that our left, garden will be played as it ought I eagi < when in existence, J would feel gratified to be, there being uo better fielder in the Eastern and pleased to see it re-organized, with New Cities Henry Powers, o! New Or League than that same James Casey. It is Castle, Pa., and Youngstown, O., thereby making ternational Affair The Matter in safe betting that James will ©hare to lift his an eight-club League, and a circuit by which leans, Succeeds Mr. Nicfclin as hat once or twice when he comes to bat in To any of the clubs could readily fill dates, whether ronto for the first time next season. at home or abroad. My reasons for writing you the Hands of a Committee, There will be a strong Canadian League in the are these: Myself and many others in Meadville President Important Moves. field next season, composed of the following have been approached as to the desirability of The Michigan State League held an all- places: Gait, Guelph, London and St.. Thomas in bringing to the front a, league such as we had the western circuit. The Gait Club has a large in 1892. Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 27. The Southern day session at Detroit, January 22, and in sum of money in its treasury, and quite a large Do nob for one moment think that Meadville Base Ball League held a meeting in this view of the applications for franchises sum subscribed which will be paid up in due time. will not put its best (infield and outfield) in as city yesterday, closed up the business for received from Fort Wayue, South Bend and The management are exerting themselves to get hustlers to perfect a re-organization. the season, and perfected plans for Elkhart, Ind., Dayton and Toledo, O., and together a winning team, and intend .to make Before you play ball financial standing is a 1896. Evansville was formally drop Hamilton and London, Ontario, has decided a strong bid for the pennant. necessity. (We have it here). Others who may ped from the circuit, and Mem to leave the question of a completion of St. Thomas is a new town in the circuit, hut become interested will confer a favor to the life phis, Little Rock arid Bir- the League open until February 5. The they are well up in the base ball business there of the game, by awakening in time to become one mingliam were granted franchises, thus complet towns already in the League are Jackson, Adrian, as that town is the home of Joe Knight, the of the Nypauo League Clubs. We would be ing the League with New Orleans, Mobile, Kalaruazoo, Port Huron and Lnnsing. T©rovidence left fielder, and of Bob Emslie, the pleased to hear by mail or rather through our Montgomery, Atlanta and Nashville. THE DELEGATES i} est umpire on the National League staff so recognized authority, the "Sporting Life," from Henry Powers, sole owner of the New Orleans to the meeting were: Jackson Leigh Lynch: Port there is no doubt but1 that St.. Thoums will be everybody interested. Club, was elected president; J. L. Mueller. of Huron S. H. Brown and W. H. Phillips; Adrian right in it. There is now in vogue and held under consid Mobile, vice president; Solon Jacobs, of Bir R. P. Taylor, L. W. Hoch. J. W. Stevenson; London and Guelph are old hands at the busi eration a franchise for a street railway of the mingham; Dr. White, of Nashville, and M. L. Lansiug R. N. Parshall, J. M. Naisdorf; Kala- ness, and can be depended on to put strong teams trolley kind for this city, wbich less a few tech Bickert, of Atlanta, members of the Board of mazoo was represented by proxy. President in the field. There is some talk of four Michigan nical points, reserved by the Select and Common Control, and Aaron Frank, of Little Rock: Bar Mumbv was in the chair, and J. H. Rose acted cities going In with the Canadians and making Councils, have been granted, and in a very ry G, Holt, of Montgomery, and Henry Powers, as secretary. an Intel-national League of it. The parties in few months a street railway will be in operation. custodians of the sinking fund. The minutes were read and approved, and Mr. terested are considering the matter, and it will This will add numbers, as base hall admirers, It was decided that no club could play a, cham Mumby, who held the offices of president, sec probably be settled within the next two weeks. also to the gate receipts. pionship game without having put up the full retary and treasurer, submitted his annual fi Congalton, of last year©s Toronto and Flint, Ix)ok at our suburban vicinity, its citizens, com guarantee, or having paid up all of the dues nancial report, together with the books. Messrs. Mich., teams, will play next season with Peters prising many who have been unable, when living to the League. The guarantee amounts to $500, Brown and Taylor were appointed an Auditing burg, Va., Congalton is a rising young player a short distance away to reach the grounds with and is to be up March 1. It was announced that Commit tee, and on their report that the ac who will make bis mark in the base ball world. out traveling a whole day. Trains not being the salary limit would be $1000 per month, and He is a good fielder and batter, and when occa numerous on some of tie branches Cochranton that this would be positively adhered to by all counts were co.-.-cct, the statement was adopted. and other good towns do not come, but the trol NiivV DIRECTORS. sion demands can go into the box and pitch a of the clubs. The spring meeting of the League, very creditable game. He is a left hand pitcher. ley will overcome this delay and more rapid will be held in Mobile on March 15. All of the This about finished the business of the old Managers of minor league teams requiring the transit, HOME PLATE . members predicted a. good. «eason of ball. Board, and the clubs proceeded to elect a new services of a bang-up first baseman, should not Boi©rd. A motion prevailed electing the old of ovelook Dan O©Connor, the clever first baseman ST. JOSEPH JOTTINGS. ficers, who are: President. W. H. M tun by. of of the Maple Leafs, of Guelph. O©Connor is the A SCHEDULE SCHEME Corunna: directors. O. G. Hungert©ord, of Kala- best first baseman in Canada to-day. He is an The Western Association Umpire mazoo; W. W. Todd, of Jackson; It. N. Parshall, active, sure tielder. up to every point in the To Meet the Arbitrary Rules of the of Lansing; R L. Taylor, ot Adrian, and George game and bats about .380. and he would be a Staff Now Complete. H. Brown, of Port Huron. valuable acquisition to any team. DOLAN. St. Joe, Jan. 28. Editor "Sporting Life:" Railroads. A committee consisting of Mumby, Brown and Work will sooa be commenced on the ball Washington, D. C., Jan. 29. Byrne, Brush ajad Taylor was appointed to revise the existing con PEACEFUL PEORIA. park. The grand stand and bleachers will stitution. It is understood that in the revision be enlarged and more than likely the grounds Vonderborsit, a special committee on railroads, the committee will define the salary limit, de The Squabbles in the Club Satisfac will be made larger, as there is fully 60 feet met President, N. B. Young, of the League, here clare whether or not the league shall adopt to spare on the west, 20 on the east and 60 on last Saturday and made arrangements whereby the guarantee and percentage system, and also torily Adjusted. on the. north. If the grounds were enlarged and clubs on their sectional trips will follow each settle upon the remuneration to be doled out Peoria, 111.
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