HEALTH & MEDICINE TThhehee IN TODAY’S EDITION! 2012 75 Tuesday, January 31, 2012 cents CCYOUR [email protected] • www.courier-herald.comiiee Drawerrr B, Court Square HHeraldH Station, Dublin, Georgiaee 31040 • 272-5522rraa Volume 98, No.ll 25, Pub.dd No 161860 INSIDE Colleens Fire Ruled Accidental By Investigators /Page 7a LCBOE Approves New Maps By PAYTON TOWNS III “Once that runs in the local in the county, the demographics • The YOU Docs: Five The Laurens County Board of paper, he will introduce the Leg- in the county and to comply with surprising ways to Education approved new district islation to the House,” Nelson the civil rights voting act. maps to keep the system in com- said. “Then it will be voted on in Board members Sam Beall avoid diabetes type 2 pliance. the House and then over to the (District 1), Rev. Ellis Carswell The board approved proposal Senate. When they both approve (District 2), Udell Senn (District • Birthdays No. 5 during Monday’s called it, the governor will sign it into 3), Marcus Clements (District 4) Page 2a meeting. According to Laurens law. We also have to notify the and Dr. William Rowe (District 5) County BOE attorney Jim Nel- Justice Department and the At- have been looking at the reappor- son, the board will be running a torney General’s Office and they tionment maps since November. newspaper publication notice will have to approve it before it is As it was, the school board had Photo by Payton Towns III that Matt Hatchett, state repre- actually finalized.” 32,233 people in its district that Hatcher shows the new district maps ap- sentative of District 143, will in- The need for the new map was troduce local legislation soon. because of the population shifts proved by the board Monday. See MAPS page 7a • Scott Thompson: Pieces of Our Past • Charlie Harper: Remembering Georgia Politics • Our Take: Scott Thompson Jr. Friends Page 4a Patsy Reflect On Thomas And Her Efforts By PAYTON TOWNS III An angels collection sits on “She met people the shelves behind Dr. Patsy Hill Thomas’ desk at the Com- wherever they munity Mental Health Center of Middle Georgia. were. And she al- Her co-workers and friends pointed these out and com- ways treated mented on them. There was a brief silence before someone them the same, said what they were probably all thinking. no matter where “She was an angel,” said Dr. they were from. Thomas Rumble, a medical and clinical director at the center. … To me, that’s a Wreck Stalls Traffic At 441/117 Thomas died unexpectedly last week while on a cruise with testament of how family and friends. Thomas • Dear Abby: Emailed was the long-term Executive she lived her life.” photo of ailing mom is Traffic was blocked on US 441 just past Ga. 117 after an 18-wheeler Director of the Community Ser- reason to restrict carrying lumber overturned around 4:22 a.m. this morning. Christopher vice Board of Middle Georgia visitors Kirby, of Helena, told officials he overcorrected the truck, losing con- and oversaw behavioral health services for 10 counties includ- — Denise Forbes • Your local weather trol and flipping it before it caught fire. He was transported to the hos- ing Bleckley, Dodge, Johnson, forecast pital with minor injuries before returning to the scene. Georgia State Laurens, Montgomery, Pulaski, Telfair, Treutlen, Wheeler, and from a secretary to someone Patrol, Laurens County Sheriff’s Office, Laurens County Fire Depart- with authority. Her co-workers • Police Beat Wilcox. ment and EMS responded to the scene and Adams Air Cushion Re- Her funeral service was held believed that helped her be con- at 11 a.m. today at Jefferson cerned with everybody. • Community Calendar/ covery cleaned the scene. (Photo by Malisa Sanders) “She had appreciation for Almanac Street Baptist Church with burial following at Rock the little people because she Page 5a Springs Baptist Church. came up through the ranks,” Thomas graduated from Rumble said. “She tried not to Dublin High School in 1961 and step on them even though she began her career as a secretary had gotten into a position of au- LCBOE Holds Second Forum In at the Laurens County Health thority and power. She always Department while going to kept an eye out for them.” school part-time at Middle In 1976, Thomas was hired Georgia College, Georgia Col- as the Administrative Services lege and eventually to the Uni- Manager at the Community Got an Search For New Superintendent versity of Georgia where she Mental Health Center of Mid- earned her Doctorate in Educa- dle Georgia and was eventually promoted to the position of Ex- Opinion? By PAYTON TOWNS III ter Jerry Hatcher announced was there to listen. tion. “Patsy Thomas was one of ecutive Director where she re- Less than 20 people at- that he was stepping down at “We will take notes and mained until her death. Tell It! tended the second forum the end of the current school take them with us when we the most brightest and strongest ladies that I’ve ever Thomas served on various where people from the com- year. The board voted in De- go to select a superinten- boards, committees and com- munity had an opportunity cember to allow the Georgia dent,” he said. had the privilege of knowing,” said. munity projects during her ca- to tell the Laurens County School Board Association to Sampson talked about the Dr. J. Roy Rowland served reer, but the Community Men- Board of Education what conduct the search for the GSBA process which has as an assistant to Thomas and tal Health Center was her main qualities and characteristics next superintendent. Bill helped in more than 200 watched her work first hand. focus. they’d like to see in its next Sampson, a GSBA search searches since 1996. He said “I’ve watched her over time She was one of the founding superintendent. leader and former educator, the forum’s main purpose deal with all of the problems members of the Drug and Alco- The second forum was led the meeting Monday was to get comments and here in a very efficient and ef- hol Prevention Advocates, and held Monday night in the li- night. thoughts to the board. fective way. She had many per- of the Suicide Prevention Coali- brary at West Laurens High Board chairman Marcus “We want to get informa- sonal problems with the loss of tion. Just last March, she re- Call School. The board is looking Clements greeted the audi- tion from you about the qual- her husband and problems go- ceived the St. Patrick’s 2011 for a new superintendent af- ence and said that the board ing on here, but she dealt with Woman of the Year award for 272-0375 See FORUM page 7a them and never missed a beat. Dublin/Laurens County. I had seen her sometimes when “She has a long laundry list Page 5a she looked like she was really of accolades,” said Denise down and having difficulty Forbes, Deputy Director under dealing with it, but she always Thomas who is now serving as came through.” interim director at the center. Plans In Play For New Baseball, Thomas worked her way up See THOMAS page 7a Softball Fields At Dublin High By SCOTT conjunction with SportsTurf clubs that may be affected by THOMPSON Jr. Company Inc. after hearing the proposed construction of The Dublin City Board of proposals from that group the new fields. Education accepted a recom- and Complete Sitework Ser- "I want to get everybody's Index mendation Monday from su- vices LLC out of Dublin at opinions and suggestions," he perintendent Dr. Chuck Led- Monday night's called meet- said. "I want to hear every- better to move forward with ing. body's Plan B should their Obituaries . 2a proposed plans for new base- "From all that I've seen, team have to be inconve- Editorial . 4a ball and softball fields on the they have a very good track nienced. Then I will come to Weather. 5a campus of Dublin High record," Ledbetter said. the board and present them Sports . 1b,2b School. Ledbetter said he plans to with one or more options Classifieds . 3b The board made the unan- meet Friday with the leader- about how to move forward." Fun Page . 4b imous decision to go with the ship of Parrish Construction The proposed new facility Photo by Justin Patton bid from Parrish Construc- as well as all coaches and by Parrish Construction tion Group out of Perry in leaders of the teams and Thomas was honored by the St. Patrick’s Festival at See MEETING page 7a last year’s Awards Banquet. Tuesday, January 31, 2012/Dublin, Ga/Page 2a The Courier Herald Milledgeville and Eugene Follett of Lilburn; several Obituaries Owens of Lakeland, Fla.; 10 nieces and nephews and the grandchildren and three Thompson family he included great-grandchildren also sur- as family because they wel- Mary Linda Hall vive. comed him in their family WRIGHTSVILLE - Funeral Funeral services for Mr. with open arms from the be- arrangements for Mrs. Mary Louie “Doot” Owens will be ginning of his marriage to Linda Hall, age 67, are incom- held at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Janu- Phyllis. plete at this time but will be ary 31, 2012 at the Oak Dale Visitation will be Tuesday, announced later by Stanley Baptist Church with Reverend January 31, 2012, at Joiner- Funeral Home and Cremato- W.L. Currie and Reverend Anderson Funeral Home in ry/Wrightsville Chapel.
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