No. 772,809, PATENTED OCT, 18, 1904. w S. S. LEACH. -- SINGLE TRIGGER MECHANISM FOR DOUBLE BARREI, GUNS, APPLICATION FILED SEPT. 9, 1903. NO MODEL. - 2 SHEETS-SHEET 1. NS ar as f3. Yefázard - oAlfoppeys No. 772,809, PATENTED 00T, 18, 1904, S. S. LEACH, - s: SINGLE TRIGGER MECHANISM FOR DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, APPLICATION FILED SEPT, 9, 1903, NO MODEL. 2 SHEETS-SHEET a. Patented October 18, 1904, No. 772,809. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. SAMUEL S HERIDAN LEACH, OF EVERETT, PEN NSYLVANIA. siNGLE-TRIGGER MECHANISM FOR DOUBLE-BARREL GUNs. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 772,809, dated October 18, 1904. Application filed September 9, 1903, Serial No. 172,505. (No model.) particularly pointed out in the appended To a/(, Luhon it may conce77: claims, it being understood that various Be it known that I, SAMUEL SHERIDAN changes in the form, proportions, size, and . LEACH, a citizen of the United States, residing minor details of the structure may be made at Everett, in the county of Bedford and State without departing from the spirit or sacrific 5 of Pennsylvania, have invented a new and use ing any of the advantages of the invention. 55 ful Firearm, of which the following is a speci In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is fication. a side elevation of a firearm constructed in This invention relates to certain improve accordance with the invention. Fig. 2 is a ments in firearms, and particularly to that similar view of a portion of the firearm, IO class of firearms in which a rifle-barrel is as drawn on a larger scale and illustrating the sociated with an ordinary form of double-bar firing mechanism adjusted in position for ac rel shotgun. tuating the firing-pin of the ball-cartridge. One of the principal objects of the inven Fig. 3 is a detail perspective view illustrating tion is to provide a shotgun with a rifle-bar the three barrels and the shell-extractor com rel so arranged and disposed that the sights mon to all of such barrels. Fig. 4 is a view, will be carried by the rifle-barrel and em partly in section, illustrating the parts in the ployed in the usual manner for properly aim same position as shown in Fig. 2 and show ing the rifle as well as to permit sighting of ing also by dotted lines the position of all both barrels of the shotgun. such parts for the explosion of the ball-car A further object of the invention is to pro tridge. Fig. 5 is a view similar to Fig. 4, vide a novel form of shell-extractor common showing the firing mechanism adjusted in such to all three of the barrels, all of the shells manner as to permit the operation of the being extracted by a single movement. hammers on the shot-cartridges in the usual A still further object of the invention is to manner. Fig. 6 is a plan view of a portion provide a firing mechanism whereby the shot 75 25 gun may be handled in the usual manner of the breech-block of the firearm. Fig. 7 is without risk of firing the ball-cartridge and a detached perspective view of the adjustable to so arrange such firing mechanism that it block through which firing movement of the may be quickly adjusted to permit the firing hammer is transmitted to the firing-pin of the of the ball-cartridge when occasion requires. rifle-barrel.Similar numerals of reference are employed A still further object of the invention is to to indicate corresponding parts throughout the provide a firing mechanism in which one of several figures of the drawings. the hammers of the shotgun may be em In the drawings, 1 designates the front ex ployed as the firing means for the ball-car tension of the frame, 2 the stock, and 3 the 35 tridge, provision being made for preventing fore-stock, of an ordinary form of shotgun, accidental explosion of the shot-cartridge dur the barrels 4 being of any ordinary construc ing or after the firing of the ball-cartridge. tion. On top of and at a point between the A still further object of the invention is to two shotgun-barrels is arranged a rifle-bar provide a firing mechanism which may be in rel 5 of any desired caliber, and on said rifle stantly adjusted to operative position for the barrel are arranged sights 6, which may be firing of the ball-cartridge and as quickly ad of any ordinary construction commonly em justed to inoperative position should it be de ployed for rifles, while the barrels of the sired to use the shotgun in the ordinary shotgun are so arranged with respect to each anne. other and the sights as to permit accuracy of With these and other objects in view, as 95 45 will hereinafter more fully appear, the inven aim up to any desired distance. At the breech tion consists in the novel construction and ar end of the barrels a recess is formed for the rangement of parts hereinafter described, reception of the extractor 7, that is operated illustrated in the accompanying drawings, and in the usual manner, although the extractor 9. 772,809 instead of extending only between the two barrels of the shotgun is constructed with an the gun, the upper portion of said lug being upwardly-extending portion 8 in order to ex recessed to form a shoulder 31, which may at tract the ball-cartridge. The breech-block 9 times engage with the shoulder 21 of the bar 18. is provided with suitable guiding-openings Under normal conditions when carrying the for the passage of firing-pins 10 for the shot gun with the parts adjusted for firing both of cartridges and with an auxiliary opening for the shot-cartridges the parts will be in a po the passage of a firing-pin 11 for the ball-car sition illustrated in Fig. 5, with the bar 18 at tridge, this latter opening being arranged at its lowest position, and when in this position O an angle to the line of the barrel, so that the the bar 18 will be so depressed that when the head of the firing-pin will be adjacent to one hammer 14 is actuated its lug 30 will pass 75 or other of the hammers of the shotgun, the over the top of the shoulder 21 and to one side pin being shown in the present instance at a of the upper finger-piece 22 of said bar. The point near the firing-pin of the right-hand spring 27 will tend to hold the bar in this de barrel. pressed position, and the small compression The hammer for the left-hand barrel of the spring 19 serves to hold the rear face of said shotgun may be of the ordinary construction bar in engagement with the catch 17. and operated in the usual manner by means When the sportsman desires to fire a ball of a trigger 13; but the hammer 14 of the cartridge, a forward movement is imparted right-hand barrel is of such construction as to the trigger-like finger-piece 26 and the to operate on either the firing-pin of the shot bar 18 is raised from the lever 24 until the cartridge or the firing-pin of the ball-car shoulder 20 on said bar is caught and held by tridge. This hammer is operated by a trig the catch 17, as indicated in Figs. 2 and 5, and ger 15 in the usual manner. the parts are maintained in this position by 25 Projecting from one side of the breech the pressure of the spring 19. Should the block is a lug 16, so shaped as to form a catch trigger 15 be pulled and the hammer 14 9o 17 for engagement with an adjustable bar 18. forced forward while the parts are in this po The bar 18 is of a construction best shown in sition, the lug 30 of the hammer would come Fig. 7 and is engaged by a small compres into engagement with the bar 18 at a -point sion-Spring 19, seated in a recessin the breech slightly below the shoulder 21 and said bar block and normally serving to press the bar would be forced to the positions shown in 95 rearwardly and hold the rear face of the same dotted lines, Fig. 4, the movement being in engagement with the catch 17. transmitted to the firing-pin 11 and the ball The rear face of the bar 18 is cut away to cartridge exploded. The point of contact be 35 form a pair of shoulders 20 and 21, and at its tween the lug 30 and the bar 18 is such that upper end is a finger-piece 22, by which the the lug will engage immediately below the Od" operator can manipulate the bar when it is shoulder 21 of the bar, and thus prevent down desired to return the same to its lowered po ward movement of said bar during and after sition. The lower end of the bar 18 is guided the firing operation, and this feature of the in a recess formed in the breech-block, and invention is considered important for the rea in said lower end is formed an opening 23 for son that during the firing movement the shoul I o5 the reception of the front end of a lever 24, der 21 is released from the catch 17 and would that is pivoted at 25 in the trigger-plate, and be depressed under the stress of spring 27 has a lower trigger-shaped finger 26, arranged should it not be caught by the shoulder 31 or 45 near the front end of the trigger-guard and some similar auxiliary catch for accomplish following in general the contour thereof, so ing a similar purpose.
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