R!.f H4l 129 12020D1..30.09.2020 Collector's Office, Kakinada. From To Sri D.Muratidhar Reddy LA.S. The District Revenue Officer, Collector & District Magistrate, West Godavari District, Eluru East Godavari, Kakinada. All Assistant Electoral Registration Officers ( East & West Godavari Districts) All Designated Officers ( East & West Godavari Districts) The District Educational Officer, Kakinada i Eluru. All Colleges in East & West Godavari Districts ( through Tahsildars concemed ) SiL. Sub: Electoral Rolls - East-west codavari 'l eachers constituency - Schedule for de- novo preparation of Electoral Roll with relbrence to 0l . I I .2020 - Issue of Public Notioe on 01.10.2020 - Issue of rvide publicity - Reg. Ref: l. Lr.No. 37/LC/LET/FUNIC/ERD/ER/2020 Dt.22.09.2020 of ECI, New Delhi' 2. Memo No. 821/EIecs.BlA2l2O20-4Dt.23.09.2020 of CEO, A.P., Velagapudi' &*&*& In the reference 2nd cited, CEO, A.P., Velagapudi has communicated the following ECI scl.redule for de-novo preparation of Electoral Rolls for East-West Godavari Teachers C0nstituenc Sl.No Activities Period/Date (ThursdaY) I Issue olpublic notice under rule 3l(3) ofthe Registration 01.10.2020 ol Electors Rules, 1960 ) Last date of recei ofa lications in Form- l 9 06.11.2020 (Friday) 01 .12.2020 (Tuesday) -) Draft Publication of Electoral Rolls I Period for filing of claims and objections 01. | 2.2020 (Tuesday) to 3l .12.2020 (Thursday) 5 Final Publication of Electotal Rolls I 8.01 .2021 (Monday) I enclose herewith "Public notice under rule 3l(3) of the Registration of Electors Rules 1960,, for publication in offices of AERos & Designated olfices and I request to take ncccssary action on the lollowing. r. Send the public notice to all High schools, Colleges as mentioned in G.O.Ms.No.537 Dt. 28.09.2006 and G.O.Ms.No.644 Dt. 9.1 I .2006 tbr publication. b. Give wide publicity about schedule. c. All AEROs are requested to conduct meeting with representatives of recognized political parties. d. All AEROs are also requested to conduct meeting with all college principals & Teachers Unions in their j urisdiction. Yoqrs faithftlly, Errcl: AA E6rf ollector. \. .6 liasr Codavari. Kakinada. hY Fe" 1$fl Copy to the District Informatics Officer, Kakinada/ Efriiu with a request to place the public nolice in eastgodavari & westgodavari websites. i @\|ERNMENT OF Ar'tDHM PRADES}I AESTRACT EIECnONS -Formation of Legislative Corincil - Andhra Pradeh State - Teache6' Constituencies - Educauonal Institutions not lower in standard than that of a secondary sch@l :-[ffiffi-ImdEfrm Z(r(b) of the Repreentation of the People Act, l#- Issjed. GENERAL ADMTNISTRAION (EL-ECS.F) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.537. Dated: 286 Septemberr 2006 Read the folkrlrp:- 1. This Gorremment Letbr No.2090/ElecsF/200G25, dL 14.8.2006 2. From the Seoetary Election Cornmission of India, Letter No.15/2006/(Gen.)/]S.II, dt.7-]2006 ORDER: The folloriving notificatbn will be published in the Andhra Pradesh State Gazette NOTIFICATION In o(ercie of the pourca confened by section 27 (3) (b) of he Reprcsentation of the People Act, 1950 (Central A(t XUU of 1950), the Gcrvemor of Andhra Pradeh hereby specifies, with the @nq.jnence of the Election Commiss,ion of IMia that for the grrpoee of elediqs to the Legislative Council of the State of Andhm Pradesh in the Teachers @nstihrcncies, tIrc educauonal instihrtions within the State whidt are mentioned in the Sdtedule belour are not lower in standard than that of a secondary sdrml:- *,IEDULE t. All Arts, Science, Commer@, Professional and Techr.ologkal Crllegps affiliated to all Universities in tfp Andhra Pradesh established under the Acts of the Central or State Gor/emment (Fr(.NA|SA& ISB., IU'L NIFT etc.) and all University Colleges maintalned by the abwe Uni\Ersities. 2. All C*vemment lrstihrftons / lnstitntiorr recognized by the Govemrnent of Andhra i'radesh, and faling urder ttte bllowlrp categprles: a. Hlgh Schools b. Specjitl Sdrols (rlearirp impalred, lvlenblly retarded, Visually impaired, Orthopaedical[ Handlcapped, Reformatory Schools and Oriental Sctrools) c Pandit Tnlning Oolbges 35 d. Colleges of PhYsical Education e, Junior Colleges f. Oriental Colleges o. Sansknt College [. eOranc"a Sanskit Sdroob l.'ii,#Jintutlto of Education ard Training i. int"ott"O Educational Schools i,. Musi & Dance colleges l. vocat'lonal Junior Colleges m. Orienbl High Sdtools n. Arabk High Sctpols o. Arabic Colleges o. Jawahar Navod4a Mdpla o. fenatiP MdYalaYas ,.ResidentialHighschoolsrunbyAPRES/ArrWREls/APSWREIS. i"'educauon; and C'T'Es (Colleges s. I.As.E.(InstihJtes of AdvancJ's't'Oy of Teadrer Eduation) L Ceramk lrdihrtes u. Mining Instiiltes v. C-entral Crdfts In$ih'tEs w.@lleges of Education of Andhra Pradesh All High Sctrools reognil"q. by-T"-^P*mment 3. schools' inder ttre coae of niuUuom for Anglelndian @VERNOR OF AI{DHRA PRADESH) (BY ORDER AND INTHE NAME OFTHE V.BHASIGR, CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER & pnt iEcnrranv ro GovERNMENT To Purdrase' A'P'' Hyderabad for d Printing, Stationery & Stores The Commissioner P'dott sttt" Gazette Extraordinary ano oublication in the ne><t i:3;;iA;;ti' oiut" euzene soon after its publication' i#'HiftUL Delhi rn" d*"i".v, ilection commission of India' Neav Ofricers aii corf oistrict Eledion il"'ilffi".t".t'a ffi;i,- u'c.tt. a-ouria etealon ofrtcer' Hvderabad' Erection fficea) llimruA',*:"m;:': fl*"jf;" ) ttn'ouon District Coo, to nf DepartmenB of Secretariat' cobv to an Heads of Departments' 36 GOVTRNI{ENT OT ANDHRA PRADESI] Alftlli\(J EtEcnoNs -Fonnation of Leglslatlve councll - adhra Prad6h state - Teachers' constituerrcies - Educatlonal Instituuoos llot lowg. ln stardard Ulan drat of a secondary school - Notifration lssued in G.O.l"ts. tlo. 537, GerEral Admlnlstsatlon (EhctiolE.F) DepartmenL dated 28.9 2006 under section 27(3xtr) of tlElaFesentatlon of the PeopleAct,1950-Arnendme1t: ------ GENrnAllournrsruuoN(ELECs.F)DEPARTMENT c.O.Ms.No.644 Dated: 9th Nov€mbsr, 2006. Read the folbv{ing:- 1. This Governrnent Letter No.2090/Elecs.F/2006-25, dt.r'4.8.2006. 2. From tl]e Secretary, Elecuon Cqnmlssion ot Indla, Letts No 16/2006/(Gen ),S lI, dt.7.9.2006 publlshe{ ln A"P' 3. G.O.Ms.No. 537, General Admlnbtntlon (Elecs O Dept., dt 28 9'2006, Gazette extraordinary lssue No. 14, dt.28.9'2006. 4, Fmm A.P. Teachers' FederaBon, Hyderabad letter No. 760/06, dt.1 10 2006' 5. From tlle E,c.I. Letter No,16/2006(Gen.!S-Il, Dated 3,11 2006. ORDER: Tlre tullowing noufication shall be Frblblled ln dle Ardh6 Pradesh state Gazette:- . NOTIFICATION (D) In exercisc oF the powers confered lry secuon 27 (3) of the.Re[esePl9"Tl] with the corrurrcnce Tor peoole Act. 1950 (Centrai Act xult bf 1950), the @vemor of Andhra Prad6h mrro'nltp dmendrnent ln u|e schedule to the ,n?'i"r.iiiJ,,'t""r',i'''jii ;il"dr;; #6;'Gi;ti* DeoarunenL, dated 28i" tssued tn G.o.!ts.No. iz'ii"Jir iii"imiitralin teras.Et nourratbn p'u&ii?'az*te rxudoruin-i fsilu lto tq' datdd 28u' september, 2006 published fn tnu r,,oi',t- Septeflrber, 2006. AMENDMENT ltems shall be lnserted In the said Sclrcdule, after ltem (w) ln para (2)' the tblto!'lng nan)ely:- x. Polvteclnlks. y. lndustrEl Trainlrq Institutes/Ceoues (ms) OF ANDI]RA PRADESH) (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OFTHE GOVERNOR V,BIIASKAI{, CI ItEF ELEUTORAL OI'FICER & E.O. PI{1, STCRETARY TO GOVIRNMEN i It ji'"ilJ; rur:rm::!ll1g,,'igiJg.Hg"?.::1ffi,"# #:';'333"ru*-fl'I[ # after its Dublkauo . nl" sJr"fari,'rparorl commlsslorl of India, Net{ Delhl All Lbllectors'& Diskkt Election Offkers "5n1ff[X11,,,u,.. uection officers) ill tlle : ^;"kul'r:xi*iu6*iF:h[:""All lleverrtre Divisiotral Offkers CoDV t(t All DeparhE$B uf Se@tarlal ' ::l;i ;;'ii ;;;i;; *partrnents, //Forward :: By order// /&gr+il, SECNOft OFFICER Collector's Offi ce,Kakinada Ref H41 1 29 12020 Dt. 30.09.2020 ANNEX UIIE - B PREPARATION OF ELECTORAL ROLLS OF EAST-WEST GODAVARI TEACHERS' LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Notice under rule 3l(3) of the Resistration of Electors Rules, 1960 1960 each of the Electoral I . In pursuance of rule 3 I (3) of the Registration of Electors Rules, calls upon Registration officers whose particulars apperu in the First Schedule below hereby mentioned in the every person entitled to be registered in the electoral roll ofthe constituency (Friday) at said Schedule to send to or deliver at his Offrce, on or before 6th November, 2020 1960 the latest, an application in Form - 19 appended to the Registration ol Electors Rules, andreproducedinthesecondSchedulebelow.lbrinclusionofhis/hername. / 2. The applications may also be sent to the Assistant Electoral Registration officers Designated Officers whose particulars are shown in the FIRST SCHEDULE' As the electorol rotts for the Teachers' Constituencies are required to be prepared afresh every time belore an eleclion, dl persons whose names are included in lhe existing electoral rolls for these consliluencies should also submil fresh applications in lhe prescribed form. resident in 3. Qualifications::- Every person who is a citizen of India, and is ordinarily the constituency and has, wifhin the six years immediately before 1" November, 2020, beerr engaged for a total period of at least three years in teaching in any of the educational institutions, within the State specitied to be not lower in standard than that of a Secondary School is eligibte to be included in the electoral roll. The list of Educational Institutions so specified is available with the officers mentioned in the First Schedule' 4.EveryapplicationinFormlgbyapersonseekingenrolmentinTeachers' constituency shalt be accompanied by a certificate from the Head of the Educational Institution certifying the engagemenl olthe person concerned as a teacher for a total period of 'lhe three years within the last preceding six years.
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