THE SCOPE Issue 1 A Larbert High Publication - October 2016 56% THE percentage of Americans with an unfavourable view of Clinton. 69 THE age Clinton will be if she is elected President. 4 THE number of years Clinton was Secretary of State We Need to Talk About Hillary Dylan Ferguson explores why, in this most after a terrorist attack. The State Depart- insane of presidential elections, so many The British media is so focused ment, which at the time was led by Mrs Americans remain put of by the Demo- on Trump, it has barely covered any of Clinton, refused requests for additional se- cratic nominee. Clinton’s scandals which, if involving him, curity at the compound. Clinton has been would cause an outrage here. But they accused of spinning the event and white- IS Hillary Clinton really the best presiden- have been covered in the States and they washing details to cover her own back, tial candidate for 2016 election? have caused outrage there. For example, enraging many. she is involved in a huge email scandal This is a question that is thrown that has involved the FBI. This was when There has also been the issue of around a lot at the moment due to the up- she mishandled classifed information on a the Clinton Foundation which she runs coming presidential election. Over here in private email server she used while serv- along with her husband, and former presi- Britain the obvious answer may seem like, ing as Secretary of State. She sent over dent, Bill. The charity claims to “convene “yes, of course! Look at the alternative!” 30,000 work related emails through her businesses, governments, NGOs, and To many of us on this side of the pond, a personal email which should have been individuals to improve global health and Trump administration seems unthinkable sent on a private email server to stop wellness, increase opportunity for girls and utterly appalling. And yet, despite the hackers from attacking and accessing top and women, reduce childhood obesity, undoubted disgust that many Americans secret fles. This has led many Americans create economic opportunity and growth, have for ‘The Donald’, Clinton’s approval to question whether she is ft for ofce. and help communities address the efects ratings remain abysmal. Why is this? of climate change.” Wall Street journal- Even though the FBI investigated, ist and fnancial expert, Charles Ortel has Part of the answer is likely to be Clinton was not charged although the claimed, “this is a charity fraud” and Don- that the British media has failed to cover Bureau’s director described her as “ex- ald Trump has called it, “the most corrupt a series of scandals involving Mrs Clinton. tremely careless “. This has led to Trump enterprise in political history.” Although Trump is controversial and many and former challenger for the Democratic of us do not agree with his views, he is nomination, Bernie Sanders asking why While Donald Trump continues to undoubtedly a story. Trump equals head- this hasn’t been treated more seriously be big news on both sides of the Atlantic, lines and, in turn, gets considerable expo- as others have been charged for similar these issues regarding Mrs Clinton have sure. This goes some way to explaining incidents. not been given the publicity here as they why so many disillusioned Americans have in the United States. have found a new champion, despite his This leaves us with the question, if outlandish and often outrageous behav- someone is so careless should they really Although the unpopularity of both iour. Clinton, on the other hand, is viewed be in charge of a country? candidates may not be as apparent on as part of the Establishment. Unlike these shores, the common perception of Trump, she doesn’t ‘shoot from the hip’. If that wasn’t enough, another con- each in their homeland leaves US voters She is polished. Perhaps too polished, troversy has been the Benghazi scandal with a huge decision of who they think and many Americans simply do not trust which involved the death of Ambassador can be trusted more, and who should be her. However, her political profle is not Chris Stevens and three other Americans their next president. the only reason for this. at a US diplomatic compound in Libya Meet OUR TEAM Dylan Ferguson Esme O’Donnell Lucy Kolle SHOULD WE HAVE BREX’D OFF? Georgia Mullen Esme O’Donnell offers a young person’s perspective on Britain’s big decision. “BREXIT means Brexit”. This sparked the begin- Brexit”, the current situation Three months on from the big- ning of the Conservative lead- would be laughable if it wasn’t gest call the British electorate ership race, which was less of so tragic. has made in 40 years and these a race and more of a fasco, words are ringing in our ears. with candidates dropping out left, right and centre. Even the May now faces the fate- FRIDAY, June 24 wasn’t prominent Leave campaigner, ful task of uniting the divided Darcie Izatt the best day for Scotland, or at and one time frontrunner, Bo- nation; voicing her backing to least for 62% of it. 62% have ris Johnston abandoned the 52% of Britain but sympathis- been told to bite their tongues cause; which was somewhat of ing with the remaining 48%, all stoically because, as a result of a silver lining to this shambolic the while hoping that initiating a UK wide vote, “Brexit means and ill-conceived cloud that Article 50 won’t be her political Brexit”. However, the repeti- hangs over us. epitaph. tion of this meaningless phrase does nothing for our under- This left little opposition However, it’s not just The- standing of what it will actually for former Secretary of State, resa May who is worrying entail. The Leave politicians’ Theresa May, who was an early about what burden Brexit will main campaign was about favourite since the frst-round bring. It’s the millennials. The ‘taking back control’ but un- ballot. There was controversy subpopulation of naïve, good- fortunately, yet not so surpris- over whether, because she had for-nothing, internet addicts ingly, they don’t actually have a backed Remain in the referen- who have everything laid out Jennifer Clark ready plan to do so. Whatever dum, she would be best for the for them on a silver platter. Yes, time there was for developing a job. Nevertheless, on the July it’s us! What we didn’t have laid cogent plan was instead spent 13, it was none other than The- out on a silver platter was the conjuring up lies and then stick- resa May – Britain’s so called right to vote when we needed it ing them on the side of ‘battle nanny – who was appointed most. We didn’t have the right buses’. Prime Minister. With John- to mould our future. Yes, you son’s political assassination at could argue that some of us What’s set in stone is Brit- the hands of fellow prominent are apathetic when it comes ain’s withdrawal from the EU Leave campaigner Michael to politics and that older gen- will involve triggering Article Gove, Gove’s subsequent fail- erations are much more knowl- 50 – an otherwise banal term ure to make his mark on the edgeable. Perhaps some of us with an increasingly ominous leadership contest, and the un- would make an impetuous de- ring to it. There is a catch even inspiring candidacy of Andrea cision but, quite frankly; it was Mairi Alexander to this though: no one can say Leadsom (another Brexiteer), our decision to make. unequivocally what Brexit will May was ultimately a shoe-in. involve as Article 50 has never It’s worth remembering that We are the generation who been used before. It doesn’t Cameron only left as a conse- are going to have to endure the add much clarity to the whole quence of ripping the lid from economic consequences. We situation. Another thing, which Pandora’s box when attempt- are also the generation who only added to post-Brexit hys- ing to deal with divisions within hope furiously that Britain’s di- teria, was David Cameron’s his own party. With the victo- vorce from the EU works out. decision to hastily resign as a rious Leave campaign lacking We have to. And if it doesn’t, result of the shock Leave result a clear plan, a Labour Party we are the generation who are overcoming the once thought tearing itself apart and a Prime going to sufer. to be insurmountable support Minister whose only message for Remain. seems to be “Brexit means Lauren Stevenson Festivals for Ghostbusters 2016 - A teens Mairi Alexander runs down Reboot Too Far? the top 3 music festivals for the teenage music fan 1. V Festival This popular music festival sponsored by Virgin is held in Chelmsford and South Staf- fordshire once a year. Held in the month of August the acts are focused on dance and pop music. Featuring artists such as Rihanna and Justin Bieber this is one of the best music festi- vals for attracting world famous artists. Who you gonna call? Lucy Kolle weighs in on the controversial new Ghostbusters f lm. 2016’s ‘newest’ blockbuster Ghost- cally woman can’t do anything. Instead the wom- 2. Reading Festival busters, directed by Paul Feig, is a hilarious com- an continue to save the city even though no one edy with an all star cast including comedy heavy- will ever learn about their deeds.
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