Vol. 45, No. 11 March 2021 The St. Philip Be-News-Zi “Return to me with your whole heart; with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the LORD, your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, and relenting in punishment.” (Joel 2: 12-13) Calendar of Events St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church continues to celebrate public Masses March 2021 throughout the week (Sunday through Saturday). 3/5-6: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, strict protocols begins the First Friday of every month in the are still in place. Please read the document, church, after the 8:30AM Mass and concludes “Protocols and Procedures for Attending Mass”, with Benediction at 7:45AM Saturday morning. posted on our parish website: www.stphilipbenizi.org). This document is also 3/5: PRAISE & WORSHIP ADORATION–7PM included in SPB’s weekly Flocknote, This Service takes place during the monthly First which is sent to parishioners by e-mail. Friday, 24-hour Adoration and includes Contemporary Music, Gospel Reading, a Homily, Period of Silence, Our (temporary) Mass Schedule is as follows: Benediction, Sending Song, and Reposition. ALL are welcome! 4:00PM Saturday Vigil Mass (English) 7:30AM Sunday Mass (English) 3/7: 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT 10:00AM Sunday Mass (English) 3/14: 4th SUNDAY OF LENT 1:00PM Sunday Mass (Spanish) 4:00PM Sunday Mass (English) 3/14: DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS 7:00PM Sunday Mass (Spanish) (Set Clocks Ahead One Hour!) Weekday Masses 3/17: HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! Mon – Sat: 8:30AM/ Wed: 7:00PM (English) Tuesday & Thursday: 7:30PM (Spanish) 3/19: SOLEMNITY OF ST. JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Our parish will continue to live-stream Masses: https://www.facebook.com/stphilipbenizi.org/, 3/20: FIRST DAY OF SPRING or: https://www.stphilipbenizi.org/. 3/21: 5th SUNDAY OF LENT 3/28: PALM SUNDAY (Passion of the Lord) What did YOU “Give Up” for Lent? STATIONS OF THE CROSS During Lent, many Catholics search for something to Join us each week during Lent, in person or via “give up”, such as sweets, video games, bad habits, or livestream. There is no need to register to attend. numerous other things which, perhaps in their minds, are only temporary sacrifices anyway…made during the 40- Wednesdays—8:00AM (English) day Lenten season, and gladly revived as soon as Lent Fridays—6:00PM (English) is over. “Whew! I gave it up for 40 days…success!!” Fridays—7:30PM (Spanish) But if these temporary sacrifices are made with a con- LENTEN FISH FRY! scious connection to the hunger pangs experienced by Join us each Friday during Lent (Take-out Only!) the poor every day, or the tremendous willpower needed to fight bad habits or addictions, or the realization that 4/1: HOLY THURSDAY some of our “small pleasures” in life are really gifts that others never have, then these sacrifices can also be enlightening and, hopefully, life-changing. 4/2: GOOD FRIDAY In “giving up” for Lent, others choose to “take on” more 4/3: HOLY SATURDAY/EASTER VIGIL MASS intangible, significant practices, perhaps of a spiritual nature or “other-focused” that effect real change… 4/4: EASTER SUNDAY change of heart. These may include: spiritual reading, praying the Rosary daily, attending Mass more often, 4/11: 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER/ volunteering, helping an elderly neighbor with chores, DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY donating more to charities or our own St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry…and the list goes on. If you haven’t found that “one thing” that would help Please check upcoming Bulletins make your Lenten season “a success”, IT’S NOT TOO and Flocknote e-mails for LATE! The Season of Lent continues for the entire month of March! So, decide now and thank God for this Holy Week and Easter Mass times. wonderful opportunity to draw closer to Him while pray- ing, fasting, and giving alms. God bless you! ~Yone Daly March 2021 we state: “Through a commitment to lay leadership, we accept the responsibility of spreading the Good News and creating a welcoming parish, filled with the presence of Dear Parishioners, Christ.” St. Philip Benizi Parish is blessed to have many outstanding lay leaders on our staff, serving on our three WE HAVE A NEW DEACON! leadership Councils, as well as being members of many On Saturday, February 6, 2021, parishioner Dr. Henry ministries and committees. We are blessed! Ohaya was ordained a permanent deacon by Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer at the Cathedral of Christ the King in SUPPORTING OUR ARCHDIOCESE Atlanta. The following day, Deacon Ohaya served as Despite the Coronavirus pandemic, we came very close to deacon and homilist at the 7:30AM and 10:00AM Masses. meeting our 2020 goal for the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Deacon Ohaya and his wife, Ihuoma, joined St. Philip The goal is set by the Archdiocese, based on the previous Benizi Parish in 2005. They are proud parents of two year’s Offertory. St. Philip’s goal for 2020 was $125,500. daughters, Amarachi and Akunna, and a son, Arinze. We As of January 25, 2021, the amount collected was congratulate our first Nigerian deacon and wish him joy, $122,352. I am extremely grateful to all of our parishioners fulfillment, and success in his new ministry. Congratula- who contributed to this Appeal. Thank you for your gener- tions Deacon Henry! osity and the many sacrifices you have made to make the FAREWELL TO OUR BUSINESS MANAGER 2020 Appeal a success. The theme for this year’s Arch- bishop’s Annual Appeal is “Our Joyful Return to the Lord”. At the end of February, Helena Frazier completed her min- The goal for 2021, set by the Archdiocese, is $124,000. istry here at St. Philip Benizi Parish. After (almost) five Commitment Sunday took place the weekend of February very busy and productive years as our Business Manager, 13/14, 2021. If you have not yet returned your pledge card, Helena accepted a position as a Revenue Agent with the please place it in the collection basket or mail it to the Internal Revenue Service. During her time with us, Helena Parish Office. Thank you very much! was an invaluable member of our Parish Staff and served our parish generously, professionally, and joyfully. She is a OUR NEW KITCHEN IS READY (FINALLY!) gifted leader and an innovator. She directed our efforts to February also saw the completion of the new addition to advance our use of technology and social media. We are Founders’ Hall. A long time coming, the addition is a major sad to see her go, but are comforted by the fact that she accomplishment for our parish. The addition includes a and her daughter, Kenya will continue to be active state-of-the-art, commercial kitchen, offices for the Pastor parishioners of St. Philip Benizi Parish. and a Parochial Vicar, a Choir room, bathroom, and office LOOKING TO THE FUTURE for the Director of Music and Liturgy. We are eager to After much discussion with our Parish Finance Council and move into our new addition and excited to begin using our the Archdiocesan Finance Office, we decided to reduce the new kitchen! The Knights of Columbus will have the privi- Business Manager position to part-time. This was based on lege of being the first to use the kitchen for our “Lenten a number of factors. First, because of the Coronavirus Fish Fry” that takes place on the six Fridays of Lent. pandemic, our Offertory has decreased significantly. Re- ducing the position to part-time lessens the stress on our I want to thank all those who have supported this major undertaking. In particular, I am grateful to th finances. Second, we are now utilizing the Shared e members of Accounting Services (SAS) of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. the “Kitchen Committee” who used their expertise to plan SAS is responsible for the bookkeeping tasks of the parish and design the kitchen, and the members of the “Building and compiling monthly and yearly financial reports. Third, Oversight Committee” who met every two weeks through- some of the responsibilities of the full-time position have out the excavation and building phases to guide and over- been shifted over to our Communications Director, Melissa see the project. And, of course, I am grateful to all who Langlois. Melissa will direct the operations of the Parish donated toward the addition. Whether your donation was Office, recruit and train office volunteers, coordinate parish big or small, we appreciate your generosity. It is only mailings, and oversee the operation of parish computers because of you that we were able to initiate and success- and other office equipment and supplies. She will also fully complete our new addition. Unfortunately, the Coro- supervise and direct the maintenance of the parish mem- navirus pandemic does not allow us to gather to celebrate bership data base and recording of sacramental records. the blessing and opening of the building just yet. Once it is safe to do so, we will plan a grand opening, blessing and a Nicholas Dragone, our Liturgy/Music Director will serve as reception to celebrate this milestone in our parish history. our Business Manager, in addition to his regular duties. Nicholas is very familiar with our parish operations and “REPENT AND BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL!” already serves on the Finance Council. Last year, he re- When you read this column, we will be in the midst of the ceived a Master’s Degree in Business Administration season of Lent.
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