ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION PROCEEDINGS TWENTY-SECOND ORDINARY SESSION FIRST PART .June 1976 I Assembly Documents WEU PARIS ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION 43, avenue du Pr~sldent Wilson, 75ns Paris Cedex 16- Tel. 723.54.32 ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION PROCEEDINGS TWENTY-SECOND ORDINARY SESSION FIRST PART June 1976 I Assembly Documents WEU PARIS The Proceedings of the First Part of the Twenty-Second Ordinary Session of the Assembly of WEU comprise two volumes: Volume I : Assembly Documents. Volume II : Orders of the Day and Minutes of Prooeedings, Official Report of Debates, General Index. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Representatives and Substitutes . 8 Documents: 694. Agenda of the First Part of the Twenty-Second Ordinary Session, Paris, 14th-17th June 1976 . 10 695. Order ofBusiness ofthe First Part of the Twenty-Second Ordinary Session, Paris, 14th-17th June 1976 . ll 696. Symposium on a European armaments policy - Order 45 adopted by the Presidential Committee on 12th January 1976 . 14 697. Twenty-First Annual Report of the Council to the Assembly on the Council's activities for the period 1st January to 31st December 1975 . 17 698. European union and WEU- Report submitted on behalf of the General Affairs Committee by Mr. de Bruyne, Rapporteur . 44 699. European union and WEU- Resolution 59 adopted by the Presidential Committee on 1st March 1976 . 52 700. Application of the Brussels Treaty - Reply to the Twenty-First Annual Report of the Council - Report submitted on behalf of the Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments by Mr. Haase, Rapporteur . 53 2 Amendments . 63 701. Opinion on the budget of the ministerial organs of Western European Union for the financial year 1976 submitted on behalf of the Committee on Budgetary Affairs and Administration by Lord Selsdon, Rapporteur 65 702. Political activities of the Council - Reply to the Twenty-First Annual Report of the Council - Report submitted on behalf of the General Affairs Committee by Mr. Peridier, Rapporteur . 91 703. Detente and security in Europe - Report submitted on behalf of the General Affairs Committee by Sir Frederic Bennett, Rapporteur . 98 4 Amendments . 110 704. European aeronautical policy - Guidelines emerging from the Colloquy on 2nd and 3rd February 1976 - Report submitted on behalf of the Committee on Scientific, Technological and Aerospace Questions by MM. Richter, Valleix and Warren, Rapporteurs . ll5 TABLE OF OONTENTS Page 705. Scientific, technologica.l and aerospace questions- Reply to the Twenty­ First Annual Report of the Council- Report submitted on behalf of the Committee on Scientific, Technological and Aerospace Questions by Mr. Richter, Rapporteur . 130 706. Relations with Parliaments - Information Report submitted on behalf of the Committee for Relations with Parliaments by Mr. Delorme, Rappor- teur . 134 707. Reserve forces - Report submitted on behalf of the Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments by Mr. Delorme, Rapporteur . 147 708. Security in the Mediterranean - Report submitted on behalf of the Com­ mittee on Defence Questions and Armaments by Mr. Buck, Rapporteur 172 3 Amendments.................................................. 209 709. Strategic mobility - Preliminary Report submitted on behalf of the Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments by Mr. Duvieusa.rt, Rapporteur . 212 710. Replies of the Council to Recommendations 273 to 283 . 215 711. Role of the Atlantic Alliance in the world today- Report submitted on behalf of the General Affairs Committee by Mr. de Niet, Rapporteur 238 712. Security in the Mediterranean - Supplementary Report submitted on behalf of the Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments by Mr. Buck, Rapporteur . 250 IJST OF REPRESENTATIVES BY COUNTRY BELGIUM MM. JEAMBRUN Pierre Dem. Left LA OOMBE Rene UDR du LUART LadiBlaa Representatives RIAS MENARD JaCI]UilB Ind. Rep. MM. ADRIAENSENS Hugo Socialist PIGNION Lucien SocialiBt DEQUAE Andre Chr. Soc. SOUSTELLE Jacqu68 Non-party KEMPINAIRE Andre PLP V ADEPIED Raoul UODP LEYNEN Hubert Chr. Soc. WEBER Pierre Ind. Rep. (App.) SCHUGENS Willy Socialist de STEXHE Paul Chr. Soc. TANGHE Francis Chr. Soc. FEDERAL REPUBUC OF GERMANY Substitutes MM. BREYNE GustatJ6 SocialiBt de BRUYNE Hektor VolkBUnie Representatives DUVIEUSART Etienne FDF-RW M re. GODINAOHE-LAMBERT MM. AHRENS Karl SPD Marie-TMrue PLP ALBER Siegbert CDU/CSU MM. HULPIAU Raphael Ohr. Soc. AMREHN Franz CDUJCSU PLASMAN Marcel Ohr. Soc. DREGGER Alfred CDUJCSU V AN HOEYLANDT D. Bemard SocialiBt ENDERS Wendelin SPD GESSNER Manfred SPD KEMPFLER Friedrich CDU/CSU FRANCE LEMMRICH Karl Heinz CDUJCSU MARQUARDT Warner SPD MATTICK Kurt SPD Representatives MENDE Erich CDU/CSU MM. BOUCHENY Serge Communist MOLLER Giinther CDUJCSU BOULLOCHE Andre Socialist RICHTER Klaus SPD BRUGNON Maurice Socialist SCHMIDT Hansheinrich FDP BURCKEL Jean-Claude UDR SCHWENCKE Olaf SPD CERNEAU Marcel Centre Union SIEGLERSCHMIDT Hellmut SPD DELORME Claude Socialist VOHRER Manfred FDP GRANGIER Edouard Dem. Left Mrs. WOLF Erika CDUJCSU KAUFFMANN Michel UCDP de MONTESQUIOU Pierre Soc. Dem. Ref. NESSLER Edmond UDR President of the Assembly Substitutes PERIDIER Jean Socialist RADIUS Rene UDR Mra. von BOTHMER Lenelotte SPD RIVI.ERE Paul UDR MM. BtJOHNER Peter SPD ROGER Emile Communist SCHLEITER Fran9ois Ind. Rep. OARSTENS Karl ODUJOSU SCHMITT Robert UDR (App.) G()LTER Georg ODUfOSU V ALLEIX Jean UDR HAASE Horst SPD VITTER Pierre Ind. Rep. HOLTZ Uwe SPD KLEPSOH Egon ODUJOSU Substitutes KLIESIN G Georg ODUJOSU LAGERSHAUSEN Karl-Hane ODUfOSU MM. BEAUGUITTE Andr6 Ind. Rep. LENZER OhriBtian ODUJOSU BELIN Gilbert SocialiBt OPITZ Rudolf FDP BIZET Emile UDR (App.) PAWELOZYK Alfone SPD BOURGEOIS Georg68 UDR SOHAUBLE Wolfgang ODUfOSU OERMOLAOOE Paul OommuniBt SOHULTE Man/red SPD OROZE Pierre Ind. Rep. DAILLET Jean-Marie Soc. Dem. Ref. WALTHER Rudi SPD DEPIETRI Odsar OommuniBt WENDE Manfred SPD FORNI Raymond SocialiBt WORNER Man/red ODUJOSU GRUSSENMEYER Frant;ois UDR WURBS Richard FDP 8 LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES ITALY NETHERLANDS Representatives Representatives MM. AVERARDI Giuseppe Socialist MM. CORNELISSEN Pam Pop. Oath. BETTIOL Giuseppe Chr. Dem. DANKERT Pieter Labour de NIET Maarten Chr. Dem. Labour BOLOGNA Giaoomo PORTHEINE Frederik Liberal COPPOLA Mattia. Chr. Dem. REIJNEN J ohannes Pop. Oath. FlORET Mario Chr. Dem. SCHOLTEN Ja.n Nico Antirevolution. LAFORGIA Antonio Cbr. Dem. VOOGD Joop Labour LEGGIER! Vincenzo Chr. Dem. MAMMI Oscar Republican MINNOCCI Gia.ointo Socialist Substitutes Mrs. MIOTTI CARLI Amalia. Chr. Dem. MM. de KOSTER Hans Liberal MM. PECORARO Antonio Chr. Dem. van OOIJEN David Labour PICA Domenico Chr. Dem. PEIJNENBURG Marinua Pop. Oath. PRETI Luigi Socialist PIKET Frederik Ohr. Hiat. QUILLERI Fausto Samuele Liberal SOHLINGEMANN Johan Liberal TALAMONA Augusto Socialist STOFFELEN Pieter Labour TREU Renato Chr. Dem. WALTMANS Henk Radical VEDOVATO Giuseppe Cbr. Dem. ZAFFANELLA Renzo Socialist UNITED KINGDOM Substitutes MM. ARFE Gaetano Socialiat Representatives ARTALl Mario Socialiat MM. Ronald BROWN Labour BONALDI Umberto Liberal Paul CHANNON Conservative OASTELLUOOI Albertino Ohr. Dem. Julian CRITCHLEY Conservative Mrs. OATTANEO-PETRINI Giannina Ohr. Dem. Lord DARLING of HILLSBOROUGH Labour MM. OA VEZZALI Paolo Socialiat MM. John FARR Conservative FARABEGOLI Furio Ohr. Dem. Andrew FAULDS Labour LA ROSA Giuaeppe Ohr. Dem. W. Percy GRIEVE Conservative Peter HARDY MA GLIANO Terenzio Socialiat Labour John HUNT Conservative MANOINI Antonio Ohr. Dem. Arthur LEWIS Labour MONETI Al/redo Ohr. Dem. John MENDELSON Labour NEGRARI Andrea Ohr. Dem. John PAGE Conservative P ACINI Arturo Ohr. Dem. Lord PEDDlE Labour PREARO Roberto Ohr. Dem. Sir John RODGERS Conservative PUMILIA Oalogero Ohr. Dem. MM. John ROPER Labour REALE Giuaeppe Ohr. Dem. David STEEL Liberal Thomas URWIN Ohr. Dem. Labour SANTALOO Oarmelo Phillip WHITEHEAD Labour SPORA Ettore Ohr. Dem. Substitutes Mr. Gordon BAGIER Labour LUXEMB()URG Lord BEAUMONT OF WHITLEY Liberal Sir Frederic BENNETT Conservative MM. Antony BUCK Conservative John OORDLE Conservative Representatives Jim ORAIGEN Labour Lord DUNOAN-SANDYS Conservative MM. ABENS Victor Soc. Workers Sir Harwood HARRISON Conservative MARQUE Georges Chr. Soc. Mr. Paul HA WKINS Conservative MART Rene Dem. Lord HUGHES Labour MM. Toby JESSEL Conservative Kevin MeNAMARA Labour Dr. Oolin PHIPPS Labour Substitutes Lord SELSDON Conservative Mrs. Ann TAYLOR Labour MM. HENGEL Rene Soc. Workers Lord WALLAOE of OOSLANY Labour KONEN Rene Dem. MM. Kenneth WARREN Conservative SPAUTZ Jean Ohr. Soc. John WATKINSON Labour 9 1' - I Document 694 19th May 1976 AGENDA of the First Part of the Twenty-Second Ordinary Session Paris, 14th-17th June 1976 I. Report of the Council Twenty-First Annual Report of the Council to the Assembly 11. Political Questions I. Political activities of the Council - Reply Report tabled by Mr. Peridier on behalf of the to the Twenty-First Annual Report of General Affairs Committee the Council 2. Role of the Atlantic Alliance in the world Report tabled by Mr. de Niet on behalf of the General today Affairs Committee 3. Detente and security in Europe Report tabled by Sir Frederic Bennett on behalf of the General, Affairs Committee Ill. Defence Questions I. Application of the Brussels Treaty - Reply Report tabled by Mr. Haase on behalf of the Com­ to the Twenty-First Annual Report of the mittee on Defence Questions arul, Armaments Council 2. Security in the Mediterranean Report tabled by Mr. Buck on behalf of the Com­ mittee on Defence Questions arul Armaments 3. Reserve forces Report tabled by Mr.
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