March 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E361 no doubt she will exhibit the same dedication WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH made significant contributions to the American and character in all of her future accomplish- story: ments. HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Congresswoman Barbara Jordan of Texas OF TEXAS was the first African American woman elected f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to the House of Representatives; Kathryn ‘‘Kathy’’ Whitmire was the first HONORING THE LIFE OF BELOVED Wednesday, March 27, 2019 woman elected to serve in Houston City gov- CAPITAL REGION EDUCATOR ER- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise ernment; and NEST D. STECK to commemorate Women’s History Month. Mae Carol Jemison, the first African Amer- I want to offer a special mention for the U.S. ican woman astronaut. HON. PAUL TONKO House of Representatives women firsts: These many accomplishments does not Congresswoman Jeanette Rankin of Mon- mean there is not more that needs to be done. OF NEW YORK tana who was the first elected woman member There is still a long way for women to go IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the House of Representatives; according the Shriver Report. Wednesday, March 27, 2019 Congresswoman Patsy Mink of Hawaii was Women are more than 50 percent of the the first woman of color and the first Asian population and more than 50 percent of the Mr. TONKO. Madam Speaker, I rise today American woman elected to Congress; votes. to honor the legacy of beloved community Congresswoman Shirley Anita Chisholm of A woman working full time, all year at a leader, veteran and educator Ernest D. Steck New York who was the first African-American minimum-wage job, or a job close to the min- who passed away in February. Congresswoman member of the House of imum wage, will not be able to bring her family Mr. Steck was a symbol of virtue and dis- Representatives; and above the poverty line. cipline to many in our Capital Region Our Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen whom Families need an income closer to 200 per- community owes him a debt of gratitude for we have the honor of working with is the first cent of the federal poverty threshold to escape his commitment to educating and shaping the Hispanic woman elected to serve in Congress. the brink. minds of the young men under his tutelage, National Women’s History Month’s roots go In the Shriver Report’s survey: both in his history classroom and on the foot- back to March 8, 1857, when women from 73 percent of Americans said that in order ball field. New York City factories staged a protest over to raise the incomes of working women and Ernest was born in Rock Island, Illinois and working conditions. their families, they strongly favor the govern- grew up in Chicago and Brooklyn during the International Women’s Day was first ob- ment ensuring that women get equal pay for Great Depression He enlisted and served in served in 1909. equal work; the U.S. Army during World War II and fought In 1981, Congress passed a law authorizing 79 percent of Americans said the govern- in the Pacific Theater. After the war, he went the President to proclaim March 7, 1982 as ment should expand access to high-quality, af- back to school to earn his undergraduate and ‘‘Women’s History Week.’’ It was a modest be- fordable childcare for working families; advanced degrees in physical education at the ginning, but very significant to women be- Almost 60 percent of Americans said University of Iowa. cause it started a societal and cultural change women raising children on their own face tre- After brief stints teaching in Bridgeport, Con- in how women—and especially young girls mendous challenges and should be helped fi- necticut and Providence, Rhode Island, Ernest saw themselves within the American story. nancially by government, employers, and com- moved to Albany and brought his love of In 1987, Congress expanded the week to a munities; and teaching to the Albany Academy, where he month. Every year since, Congress has If we are going to win the war on poverty taught from 1953 to 1991. He also coached passed a resolution for Women’s History we must wage and win the war of discrimina- football, basketball, track, and tennis Each dis- Month, and the President has issued a procla- tion of women in the workforce. cipline provided a welcome opportunity for Er- mation. Pay inequality is not just a women’s issue— nest to share the principles that guided his life: This month we recognize Women’s History it is a family income equality issue. the importance of hard work, discipline, and Month by noting the fundamental role women In 2012, Texas’ ranked second among the integrity. These earned him the respect of his have played in shaping America’s history. But 50 states among with workers earning at or colleagues and students. Classrooms were I say to you that a month is not enough to below the federal minimum wage. known to fall silent before he arrived while stu- make known the significant contributions of According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Sta- dents waited eagerly for him to speak. women to the success of the United States of tistics of the 6.1 million workers are paid hour- America. ly rates in Texas in 2012, Ernest’s legacy of service earned him a pro- We taught our girls about Rose the Riveter In Texas 282,000 earned exactly the pre- motion to athletic director and a spot in the who represented the millions of American vailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per Capital Region Hall of Fame in August of women who went to work on assembly lines to hour, while 170,000 earned less. 2014. If not reminding his teams that ‘‘cool manufacture tanks, planes, and weapons for From 2011 to 2012, the number of Texas heads win games,’’ he could be found virtually the defense of this nation during World War II. workers who earned at or below the federal silent on the sidelines He believed in allowing We have many American Women heroes in minimum wage was 7.5 percent. The percent- the students to call their own plays, giving the STEM area like: Sally Kristen Ride, the age of workers earning less than the federal them a chance to develop team unity and first woman sent into space; Eileen Marie Col- minimum 2012 was 2.8 percent, while the trust. His creative approaches worked time lins, the first woman space shuttle pilot; and share earning exactly the minimum wage was and time again. In 1970, the Albany Academy Grace Murray Hopper an American computer 4.7 percent. football team won the State Championship for scientist and United States Navy rear admiral. Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to small high schools. He led a record-achieving Admiral Hopper developed the first compiler help celebrate Women’s History month by be- championship streak until 1982. Students he for a computer programming language, which coming cosponsors of H.R. 863. coached referred to themselves as ‘‘Ernie’s made it possible to program computers with- f Boys,’’ a moniker that denoted their respect out using punch cards. and appreciation Even to people who never The Shriver Report, ‘‘A Woman’s Nation RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF BILLY stepped foot on a court or entered an arena, Pushes Back from the Brink:’’ Some Rec- MARTIN Ernest was legendary. ommended Steps for Government Businesses, Above all, Ernest was a proud family man and Women reported on the economic health HON. TRENT KELLY His legacy lives on in his sons David and Phil- of the average American woman. OF MISSISSIPPI lip and grandchildren Kaylee, James, Alex- Today, women make up half the U.S. work- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES andra, and Aaron He was laid to rest in late force, but the average full time working February alongside his wife Roselyn. To those woman earns only 77 percent of what the av- Wednesday, March 27, 2019 who knew him, loved him, and were made erage full time working man makes. Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, better by his presence, I offer my sincere con- And that is why the House must pass H.R. I rise today to celebrate the life of Billy Martin, dolences. 7, the Paycheck Fairness Act, when it comes who passed away on Sunday, January 27th at May we all take inspiration from the incred- to the floor for debate and vote. the age of 52. ible service and courage of Ernest Steck and There are many women in the State of Billy, a native of Gulfport, Mississippi, grad- honor his legacy for years to come. Texas and in the city of Houston who have uated from Gulfport High School and attended VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:47 Mar 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K27MR8.010 E27MRPT1 E362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 27, 2019 Gulf Coast Community College. He went on to THOMAS MILLS vestments support jobs and provide an eco- be an ice cream delivery driver for Blue Bell nomic boost for both of our economies. In Ice Cream for over ten years. It was during HON. ED PERLMUTTER partnership with American companies, this time that he began investing in the lives OF COLORADO Kazakhstan launched the Astana International of young adults at Resurrection Life Worship IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Financial Center (AIFC) in 2018, which serves Center in Picayune, Mississippi.
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