Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 5-18-1999 The Guardian, May 18, 1999 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1999). The Guardian, May 18, 1999. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. More on parking J J Other things to do for entertainment Part named dean of WSU SOM instead of ,h By KIM FRICKE Medicine celebrates its 25 anni- Governors i watching the News Writer versary this year, it's important lo Award and is the author of new "Star remembcrthe instrumental role that Howard M. Pari is the new dean our community' s physicians played many publi- mm Wars" of the Wright Slate University in starling the medical school and cations and SprM; School of Medicine. shaping its curriculum." grants in both Pari has served as the medical Pari entered private practice in mcdical edu- p. 8 school's acting dean since April Dayionin 1986and supervised resi- cation and re- 1998, when he replaced Kim dents and WSU medical students search. Goldcnbcrg. who was selected as as an attending physician at A native president of WSU. Kettering Mcdical Center. of New York Midsummer As dean. Part plans lo build on Part describes his years of pri- City, Part re- the school's strengths in basic and vate practice as a "real-world fel- ceived his nights dream clinical research and continue ils lowship" that gave him a fresh per- M.D. from review, 4 stars commitment to diversity. spective on working with general- Ohio State Pan's affiliation with WSU ise and specialists. University. dates back to 1986. when he joined "My training gave me the tools where he also the mcdical school's voluntary fac- 1 needed to make the transition into completed ulty. The voluntary faculty is com- private practice. Private practice residency and prised of community physicians provided the experience lo sharpen was an in- S M who supervise medical students and these tools before coming back lo structor. resident-physicians ateight Miami academic medicine ai Wright Pari has Valley teaching hospitals as well Slate." said Part. held a succes- as in their own community clinics Part has received nine leaching sion of lead- TfZ^dPart and offices. awards since joining Wright Slate's crship posi- vice-chair for medical education Return of the tions including: chief of General He is the first dean of medicine faculty and was selected twice for and associate dean for faculty and Medicine Consult Service, direc- "Jedi"? ai WSU lo come from these ranks. the School of Medicine Teaching clinical affairs at the School of tor of internal medicine residency "I'm proud of my experience Excellence Award by medical stu- Medicine. program at Daylon Veterans Af- with Wright State's voluntary fac- dents. lnaddhion. Part was recently fairs Mcdical Center, department p.10 ulty," said Part. "As the School of the recipient of the Ohio Chapter's Reds Renovations to be made in Allyn Hall baseball: is it in the decision process, there are By CATHERINE L. what action to take," said cial media classrooms," said no design plans yet. It's not part of panic iime? GUTWEIN Thoroughman. Thoroughman. this project, but there arc plans to Assistant News Editor "We would like to start around While Allyn Hall is being re- July 1 and it should be about a year done, the proposal on what will renovate that as well," said Wrig! State University is pre- long construction process that will happen to the Allyn Hall Lounge is Thoroughman. paring lo implement plans that will go until July of next year. We will currently still in discussion stages. p.11 renovate Allyn Hall during the com- have 12 weeks for the installation "The Allyn Hall Lounge is still ing year. of telecommunications, media and "We will accept bids on June 1. moving furniture in before the fall. The bid date was extended to give The College of Education would A contractors adequate time to put like lo be running classes in the together their bid proposals," said building by Fall 2000." said EPISODE I THE PHANTOM MENACE. Tim Thoroughman, university en- Thoroughman. The renovation will provide "The original "Star Wars" cost NBA playoffs gineer. $10million/"77ie Phantom Menace" needed changes to the building and continue on According to Thoroughman. rings in at $115million. the building design is done and has will open it up for improved class- *Yoda was modeled after Albert without MJ been reviewed by the College of room space. Einstein. "This is a renovation, they're Education and Human Services, •Ewan McGregor's uncle, Dennis gulling the whole structure from the Physical Plant. Engineering and Lawson, was in the original "Star Wars":j Construction department, the ar- floor lo ceiling. There arc a lot of he played Wedge Antilles. chitect and project consultant. changes, some are subtle. There •Characters returning in the prequel: P-12 "The plans have been approved will be some new configurations, R2-D2, Yoda, Jabba the Hutt, C-3PO, by the slate and once bids are in a hallways will be slightly different Jawas recommendation can be made for and there will be four to five spe- 1 2 r»i aiMDiM wamesair. mr JS. J999 Campus Crime COBA to be reaccredited By CYNTHIA FITZGERALD ARSON/RELATED OF- May 16: A Fairborn resi- News Writer crcdlia FENSES dent reported a theft in the )BA at May 10: A Hamilton Hall Nutter Center. resident reported criminal LIQUOR OFFENSES damaging to a vehicle in Lot May 16: Two College Park 4. residents were issued criminal nents. ex- ASSAULT citations for having an open May 11: A Forest Lane container and underage posses- The A me r S,lll!Kic!N resident reported menacing. sion and consumption. Assembly oft is cur- LARCENY/THEFT OFFENSE OF THE PUB- vli. rently pro- May 11: A theft was re- LIC PEACE Business ducing the ported in the Mathematical May 10: A Fairborn resi- (AACSB) is the Th e accreditation simply means we document and Microbiology Building dent was found causing disor- highest level ac- have nigh standards and high and the May 11: A Beavercreek derly conduct. crediting institu- 1999-2000 resident reported theft from a May 15: A Delaware resi- tion for colleges requirements," school vehicle in Lot 11. dent was taken into custody for of business. De- year will May 11: A Fairborn resi- disorderly conduct. spite the rela- Paula Saunders, associate professor be the year dent reported a theft in Millctt THEFT OF PERSONAL tively small num- of Marketing of sclf- Hall. PROPERTY ber of business _______ . ____________ analysis. May 15: A Hamilton Hall May 14: A Dayton resident colleges accred- In the win- resident reported a theft in the reported theft of property from ited by the AACSB. the Wright staff, everyone, was involved ter of 2002. the AACSB re- building. a vehicle in Lot 11. State COBA has continued lo and participated in these strat- accrediting team will visit meet its high standards. egies," said Saunders. WSU. The COBA expects to Once a college is accred- According to Saunders, be successful in its goal of re- ited, it must be re-evaluated many parents and students con- accreditation. If you would like your every 10 years. Before this sidering business colleges If you have questions or con- organizations meetings or events evaluation takes place, the col- know the importance of an ac- cerns about the rcaccrcditation. placed in the Campus Calendar lege must produce a document credited program. They know please call Saunders at (937) call Heather at (937) 775-5538. reporting its policies and pro- that many businesses are aware 775-3193. cesses. and then engage in an of the accreditation and desire Campus Calendar Wednesday, May 19 p.m. in the extension of the Stu- ing at 5 p.m. in El54 Student 6:30 p.m. in E157 Student Union. p.m. in the extension of the Stu- • A talk on entrepreneurship dent Union Dining Room. Union. • Beta Theta Pi meeting at 7 dent Union Dining Room. with Ronita Hawes-Saundcrs, • Residential Community As- • Bible study, sponsored by p.m. in W025 Student Union. • Wright Outdoors meeting at sponsored by the Association of sociation general meeting at 3:30 Campus Bible Fellowship, from • Beta Phi Omega meeting at 6 7 p.m. in W025 Student Union. Black Business Students, at 4 p.m. p.m. in W025 Student Union. noon to 1 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to p.m. in E163AStudent Union. • "Tuesday Night Thing." in E163 A Student Union. Call Tif- • Campus Crusade for Christ 2 p.m. in 329 Millett. • Alpha Phi Alpha meeting at 7 sponsored by Baptist Collegiate fany at 754-4659 for more infor- Primetime meeting at 7:30p.m. in • Alpha Phi Alpha meeting at p.m. in W163B Student Union. Ministries, at 7 p.m. in 116Health mation. 001A Medical Sciences Building. 7:30 p.m. in W169B Student Monday, May 24 Sciences Building. • Muslim prayer at 2:15 p.m. in • Delta Sigma Theta meeting at Union. • Bible study, sponsored by- Wednesday, May 26 the Upper Hearth Lounge and at 7 6 p.m. in the E163 A Student Union Saturday, May 22 Campus Bible Fellowship, at 7 p.m.
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